Comment of the Moment: Richie Furay's "Do I Have To Come Right Out And Say It?" -

Buffalo Springfield at Santa Barbara Bowl - June 7, 2011
Photo Gallery by Scott Dudelson/
The Comment of the Moment is from "Do I Have To Come Right Out And Say It?" - Buffalo Springfield, 6/2/11 by BIGCHIEF:
"Do I Have To Come Right Out And Say It?", well, I suppose ... I have to come out & say, in my humble opinion, that the big story of the Buffalo Springfield reunion is the Richie Furay story.
As one who shares the same faith as Richie, it's no surprise to me that at this point in his career and life for that matter, this 'Rock-N-Roll' thing has come full circle for him. He seems to have that 'pinch me, I'm dreaming' feeling about him. While he never lost the desire to be a Rock-N-Roll Star and to perform in front of audiences, at some point in a career that had already tasted a large degree of fame and fortune, he made a sincere, conscious decision to dedicate his life to perform in front of another kind of audience.
We're not talking about a washed-up has been here, but rather an established, well known artist who, with some creative management and a little luck could have possibly forged ahead with his career and enjoyed the same success on a level that many of his peers enjoyed. We speak praise upon another artist with admiration and awe of his integrity and rightfully so. Yet here is a man who traded an audience of tens of thousands for one of a hundred or so on a good day. And rather than seeking glory for himself, chose rather to promote the one who truly holds the keys to award fame and fortune on whomever He will.
There is a verse in the Bible that say's "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you". At this stage in his life, Richies hearts desire sought him out. Listen to his interviews. The guy is a class act and is in a position now to reach more souls with his genuine spirit of love and kindness than he could possibly ever reach from his pulpit.
This is 'The Gospel According To Richie'!
More on the Buffalo Springfield Reunion Tour and Reviews.
Amen, BigChief!
Hey Big Chief - your comment is spot on and very accurate. I couldn't help notice in the various interviews with Richie at Bonnaroo, for example, that he just seems to be beaming and on fire with the spirit and fun that he was having being back in the spotlight. And I've touched on this before - Neil has written several songs since Prairie Wind that speak to his realization that there is a God who is overseeing all matters of humanity. It's just a matter of where along the path (not hidden) that individuals wake up and realize that they have been chosen to be a part of this grand design.
I didn't choose to be chose me.
'When God Made Me'
'The Way'
Any comments on the fact that Richie just announced that the fall tour has been cancelled?
Richie Furay. Is that solid enough for ya??
"Who cares what you believe,"
Said the captain, amazed
"If you stood in my shoes
Your eyes would be glazed"
The Captain.
BIGCHIEF, as someone who shares your faith and Richie's, thank you so much for these beautiful words.
Jonathan, thank you for sharing your thoughts, too. I feel very much the same way about a lot of Neil's latter-day songs.
As for the fall Buffalo Springfield tour, it is not cancelled, but postponed, according to Richie. In his own words, from his latest Facebook status update:
Richie Furay
For those of you getting excited about the Buffalo Springfield fall tour - word has just come to me that it has been moved to the first of next year. I'm not going to spend a lot time here with details as you speculate among yourselves - there's nothing to speculate about, the tour has simply been moved.
8 hours ago · Unlike ·
(Richie, if you see this, hope you don't mind me sharing your post!)
I think that's Richie's obvious enthusiasm and enjoyment rubs off on the other band members. It's important to remember that their tour is just being postponed until early in the new year, not cancelled.
Richie is still the pastor at Calvary Chapel in Broomfield, CO. See
Regarding the postponement of the Fall Tour for the Buffalo, I believe one of the factors was Neil's annual Bridge School concert that's usually held in October. Maybe they'll make another appearance there?
BTW, as Neil has been notorious about "looking ahead" into the future, do you hard core fans find it intereseting that lately he has gone back into the past with the new 'Treasures' material as well as having the Buffalo roam again? That Neil maybe going back to clean up unfinished business? I'm personally glad that he is. Myself, I'm a Buffalo Springfield fan first, and a Neil fan a very close second.
What a soulful perspective on something that most people don't ever think about or take for granted, Big Chief.
I'm just getting around to reading the comments here and I love what you said about Richie. I also love what Jonathan said about how life chooses us.
Survival is a gift, afterall.
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