Farm Aid 2010 - Milwaukee, WI, 10/2/10

Photos by Jens Theo
From 25th Farm Aid intertwined music, food and family - By Piet Levy:
Learning from Neil Young: Nearly all of the acts paid lip service to supporting family farms, but Young spent nearly half his time on stage talking up the cause. Ultimately, it was the lecturing that earned him a standing ovation. 'Maybe you don't realize what's really going on with factory farms in this country, how they are displacing family farms at an alarming rate,' Young said. 'Factory farms are the reason why we have food alerts. They are the reason why we have dying people and disease. Try to buy something from a family farm, something that's sustainably grown. You deserve the best. Your children deserve the best.'

Photo by Tammi Ruth Anderson Kral :: Paste

Photo by Darren Hauck/Getty Images North America) - Zimbio

Photo Gallery by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Thanks Jens Severin & Purple Words on a Grey Background!
Farm Aid 25: Growing Hope for America will be held today in Milwaukee, WI.
Farm Aid 25 will be broadcast live in HD on YouTube and DIRECTV starting at 6pm Eastern on Saturday, October 2.
In the meantime, Farm Aid board members Dave Matthews, John Mellencamp and Willie Nelson talk about Farm Aid and its 25 years of inspired music, taking action and total commitment to making a difference.
Announced Lineup:
Willie Nelson
Neil Young
John Mellencamp
Dave Matthews with Tim Reynolds
Kenny Chesney
Norah Jones
Jason Mraz
Jeff Tweedy
Jamey Johnson
Band of Horses
The BoDeans
Amos Lee
Robert Francis
Lukas Nelson and The Promise of the Real
The Blackwood Quartet
Randy Rogers Band
Got a report? Drop a comment below.
Also, see set lists on Sugar Mountain.
Got tweet? Got Neil? Tweet us at ThrashersWheat (thrasherswheat) on Twitter. Hash tag #neilyoung.
Also, use #farmaid hashtag for concert tweets for feed capture.
Details on Farm Aid official site and Farm Aid Blog.
Also, see Linc-Volt at Farm Aid:
- Live from the Lincvolt garage on USTREAM: lincvolt.
Also, see Farm Aid Memories: 25 Years of Harvesting by Kevin "Union Man" Woodward.
More on last year's Farm Aid 2009 Concert.

Watched Neil's set on YouTube- What a performance! Neil is definitely more comfortable with the Le Noise Material compared to when I saw him at the Oakdale. The pedals he uses are interesting- I saw him hit one to kick up the bass during The Hitchhiker.
I think at one point, during Mother Earth, the background singers- Peggy, Anthony Crawford and another woman, didn't come in when they should have- and Neil leaned over from the organ and shot them THE LOOK- which was funny because he was playing the harp at the same time- and they came right
Anyone else notice that, or did I imagine it?
I might be in the minority here, but I thought Neil was kinda off at Farm Aid. Maybe it was jut the sound mix on DirectTV, maybe he was tired or under the weather, or maybe he should just stay off of Willie Nelson's bus on a work night.
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I thought he seemed pretty on top of it and very relaxed, took it in his stride. Rockin` version of Homegrown - it`s always great to watch Neil playing off other musicians.
Is the other female vocalist Diana DeWitt does anyone know?
Didn't care much for the dumbed-down versions of DBTR and Ohio. Would it have killed Neil to actually play the solos in the songs? All rhythm and no beef.....meh.
Jill i thought the same thing on the Diana Dewitt. Though i have not seen her till now with Neil since Prarie Wind . She did well on that with Peggy and Anthony Crawford and another male singer. I remember the great job she did on harmony with Peggy doing background on HOG.
The Searcher
SH you got it right. What a freaking riot Neil is, he's killing it, giving it all he's got and nailing these songs. Neil is spontaneous in the performance and for me in the listening and watching these videos from farmaid. They are great compliments to the 'album' videos. It may be all one song, but like your favorite dinner at mom's house, worth licking the platter.
I still need ya at 64 Neil. You're still rocking my (free) world. I was almost thinking my head did explode. THANK YOU NEIL YOUNG - YOU CRAZY HORSEMAN
Just watched some YouTube Homegrown was friggin classic! Neil totally on, really cool to see him on stage with Willie, John, and Dave ... I know I'm biased but Neil's got an unfair advantage -- he's got such a huge canon he can pull out a great tune in any circumstance and its a perfect fit ... way cool
Neil's complete set is now on YouTube, downloaded it and will have a look tonite.
I think David hit the nail on the head...and getting it back out will be next to impossible...
Yes, Shadow, weren`t they fantastic in HOG?! I think the other guy was Tony Pigg or Gary Pigg? I`ll check it out later…..Did you notice the appreciative look Pegi gave to Diana DeWitt when she did that nice little `flourish` at the end of Mother Earth? She sings so well with Pegi and of course Anthony Crawford too - interesting that she should appear again with Neil`s team after all this time............
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