Trunk Show Boston Screening with Director Jonathan Demme and Robyn Hitchcock

Last week, a special screening of Trunk Show was held in Boston with Director Jonathan Demme and included a live musical performance Robyn Hitchcock. From The Boston Globe: Hitchcock is Demme’s leading man By Mark Shanahan & Meredith Goldstein:
"Why did Robyn Hitchcock perform at this week’s screening at the Coolidge of Jonathan Demme’s documentary about Neil Young? It’s not clear, even to Hitchcock (above right, with Demme), but what difference does it make? “To a halibut in the late 20th century, there’s no difference between me and Neil Young - or Jim Morrison, for that matter,’’ said Hitchcock. (In fact, the British singer is a buddy of Demme’s, and has been in three of his movies, including the documentary “Storefront Hitchcock.’’) The screening was part of a two-day celebration of Demme, who’s the recipient of this year’s Coolidge Award. The audience was enthusiastic about the film, but some people griped that lights inside the cinema were not turned off, which spoiled the experience."
From a review comment by Keith B.:
Last night I saw Jonathan Demme's new movie on Neil -- Neil Young Trunk Show. I went from Hartford to Boston to see it. I cannot wait for everyone to see it. It will knock your socks off. Absolutely amazing. A bookend to Prairie Wind, but an opposite, not a matching one. It is raw and visceral and full of the power (I don't know what other word to use) of N.Y.'s music.
Power and soulfulness.
His voice is in great shape. His "reading," his inflections and changes in phrasing are masterful. His guitar playing is unworldly. He's totally at home and in the groove and at the peak of his powers. And the concert shows the range of his emotion and vision. There is so much there that most people just grab bits of it. I'm a huge fan and I came away thinking, "Is it possible I have underestimated this man?"
The genius of Demme is that he puts you right in Young's world. If someone says, "why do you love Neil Young?" you can just hand them this DVD. They will either watch with mouth agape and join us or be totally befuddled.
Last but not least: The SOUND quality is 4 stars. You hear the best versions of those songs you will ever hear, unless you were at the concert. I heard substantially the same concert in Boston a few days later in 2007 and I felt I was taken back to that place .
Magic, magic music making. This film is a gift from above.
--Keith C. Burris
From another review on The Reelife Blog: My Cinematic Heros at the Coolidge Corner Theater, a video summarizing a remarkable night at the Coolidge Corner Theater (Brookline, MA, USA) that include Jonathon Demme, Robyn Hitchcock, & Declan Quinn.
Check out the YouTube video on The Reelife Blog. Thanks Tom!

From interview with Director Demme in The Phoenix - Outside The Frame by Peter Keough:
PK: What's the deal with Neil Young now? You are making a trilogy?
JD: I would obviously love to do a third film with him and Neil likes the idea. We just need to figure out what that would be. I just found out that 'Neil Young: Heart of Gold' has done very well, at the box office. It has done very well, financially, around the world since it was released. It has made me kind of hopeful that our new film, 'Neil Young: Trunk Show,' may attract a similar audience.
PK: That's coming out here on March 1. They are going to show it during your gala.
JD: Yes, and this will be the first showing ever of the final color corrected, tweaked sound track version so it ought to be quite a show.
PK: Can you sum up in a couple of sentences what it is about Neil Young that makes you want to make 3 movies about him?
JD: Neil Young's music became a big part of my soul when I first started hearing it as an extremely young man back in the 60's. I think he is a great artist, a great great great great great artist. I just adore his music and it's been so exciting to work with him these times, to get to know him and see how he conducts himself and listen to the way he thinks. Neil is of course, musically, a giant, and Neil is also an exceptionally cinematic guy. I like the films he has made very much. I particularly love 'Greendale.' He is an exciting person to collaborate with."
Trunk Show Film Screening Dates
Also, see Jonathan Demme Interview on Neil Young Trunk Show Film.
Also, see Trailer for Neil Young Trunk Show Movie.
More on the Trunk Show concerts in Philadelphia.

Jonathan Demme and Neil Young
More on Jonathan Demme and Neil Young:
- Young and Demme Discuss Trunk Show Movie
- Unscripted Interview: Demme & Young
- Director Jonathan Demme on "Prairie Wind"/Heart of Gold film
- "Heart of Gold" Premieres at Sundance Film Festival
- The Complex Sessions: Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Directed by Jonathan Demme

Photo by Larry Cragg
UPDATE: Neil Young News: Trunk Show Film Screening Dates
I always thought that Robyn Hitchcock would be a fine addition to any BSB line-up.
Moe the Sleaze
i was there too. life altering... go see the movie !
here's my "vlog" about my night :
thanks for adding it above, thrasher/
Too bad the concert in Vienna wasn't filmed. It would have shown exactly the power of Neil Yong and his music. The first part of the show was acoustic with a very special Ambulance Blues. The crowd was in their seats, sitting quietly, absorbing music.
Then came electric segment... wow!
During Hey Hey My My one guy got up from his seat and ran in front of the stage saluting Neil. The security handled him. But it triggered the rest of the hall! People were up off their seats, conquering the front of the stage, jumping up and down like at some outdoor festival. The stage was shaking, the band seemed in panic; Ben Keith holding the electric piano not to fall apart, Peggy grabbing the mike stands, the drummer looking for Neil to stop the song. But Neil just kept playing like nothing's happening, gazing the crowd like some experienced sea captain on a stormy sea, ripping stings off his Old Black.
I still remember every single detail about that night probably beacuse it was the most intense concert experience in my life. The second was Bruce Springsteen also in Vienna but that of course is another story...
When this comes out I'll have my Continental 2007 tour trilogy, Buffalo 11/30 in person, Boston 12/07 boot, Phily 12/09 theatre.
Life is gooder than before.
-Not Johnny
Whoa, I can't wait for its release in Auzz!
'Trunk' me now!(I don't mind if my pants are on the grond!)
What a brilliant picture at the top. Never seen Neil so alive and happy!
Peter Dees, Holland
I absolutely can't wait to see this. If I lived in one of the cities it was screened I would have been front row. Although I do live in Vancouver and saw the Neil Young Experience and the Closing ceremonies so can't really complain.... Anybody know if this is coming out in Blu Ray? Here's crossing my fingers.
When can we expect a blu ray? There's no way I'm gonna get to see this, as I live in Newfoundland, Canada.
Blueray would be sweet. I got a player last year an d the only thing I have is the Archives. Not complaining.
HoG on BR would be nice too.
Trunckshows of memories still to come!
Just what is it Thrash?
Ya don't like me having a bit of conversation with the other wheaties?
My inane comments are offensive?
for the life of me, I cannot work out how your 'delete meter' works sometimes.
I'm sure ya just do it sometimes just to s*^t me.
99.9% of the time, I go, yep, fair enough, but that other .1% ? ya certainly got ME baffled
C'mon, its a few lighthearted words between 'serious blogging to another wheatie who never get to adjudicate or read them anyway...
At least ya always know its me, hey!
boring, unfunny little me! lol
'not anonymous' doc
Thrash, please don't delete DOC! He's a part of here, I can't immagine him saying such inapropiate things as to delete them! He's original, funny, deep, what else? Let us have the fun!
Thrash, I assure you I did not write this last comment under the cloak of 'Anonymous' (thank you for your support anyway Anonymous)
As I said, I only wannna be part of the wheat..nothing more ,nothing less.
Please, I don't wanna be a "deregistered doc" lol
p.s.I am really trying hard to conform (on my knees now and, pleading with a little tear running down my face)
luv doc
Freedom of Speech!Let us have the fun with Doc!
Ps. It was me, just to make clear it was not you!Keep on Rocking!
Trunk Show opens March 19th.
Locations listed at:
Josip- you can find some video clips from that Vienna show on YouTube.
A couple of them capture the shaking stage and floor.
Looks like dangerous fun!
-Archives Guy
Let it be known that this is really a beautiful film. I was fortunate to attend the Coolidge showing and was blown away by the power and artistry. Neil and Jonathan Demme together...when Bach spoke of the harmonic third voice, he probably never envisioned quite such a pair.
Lately I've been fixing up some fences, removing lots of crud and mildew by painting a heavy bleach solution on the pickets. Once you see the beauty of the wood exposed, it makes the whole yard look much better. That's what it's like with the songs in this film...feels like Neil is trying to "burn off all the fog" and get to the pure center of his art. Thanks to everyone who captured this for all to see.
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