Neil Young Catalog in Syracuse, New York on 11/27

When we plugged the Neil Young tribute band Live RUST earlier this week, we were somewhat taken aback by those who fail to appreciate what these tribute bands are all about.
Of course everyone is always entitled to their opinion but it struck has being in poor form to attack those who cover Neil songs for kicks and fun.
Like some other topics recently like NYA, FITR, or subject du jour, there are those who we just think they don't get it and never will.
So moving along, here's another evening in tribute to Neil.
Selections from the catalog of Neil Young will be performed at The Westcott Theater in Syracuse, New York on November 27.
Guitarist and singer Marty Spagnola will be joined by Mike Vincitore on lead guitar, Joe Henson on bass and vocals, Tim Herron on keyboards and pedal steel guitar, Mike Mawhinney on mandolin and banjo and Donny Howcroft on drums.
And here are some more bands covering Neil Young songs.
They'll be SOSNY on the 27th!
(That's Speakin'OutinSyracuseNY)
I'll be there!
"attack" I did not...I like a LOT of Neil's Music,mostly his influence on me has been philosophical, and I would never EVER list myself among his biggest fans--*I* have not seen him 20 times;for me it's about the MUSIC--the "look" matters not at all...I have no beef with Roger,and I AM a bit jealous that he gets to play LOTS of Neil; in my neighborhood, all I get to hear local musicians play is CINAMON GIRL and RITFW...remember *I* said COVER bands are NOT lame...and TRIBUTE bands are not lame either...I'm just having a little bit of trouble understanding it from an artistic standpoint...Roger implied that he does other things...*I* think those other things are just as important...and I wasn't trying to be condescending (still not)...
peace, asg
Thanks asg for clarification.
Just trying to undersatnd where you're coming from on this.
Personally, I think bands doing covers is just about the coolest thing going on.
Especially those that are reinterpretations. And in particular, those that are somewhat obscure.
Lucas Nelson's cover of L.A. @ Farm Aid to cite one example. That was cool.
I'm in a NY tribute band in Ireland named Harvest
I set this band up because I LOVE Neil Young's music and I love to play the songs and I want other people to hear the songs that I love.
What's wrong with that?
(sigh) I think I would love to be in a band that plays nothing but Neil's SONGS--provided 1) I could do other Musical things, and 2) I wouldn't have to look like anybody but me...I like to say I cover the SONG, not the RECORDING...THAT'S an important distinction to make...AGAIN I say, well, never mind...
(more) Peace, asg
I dont mind cover bands at all..i just find it creepy to see someone dressed like neil and trying to be him...thats weird.just be yourself and sing any song you like,if its all neil songs great.
Let us not forget one of New England's finest NY tribute bands: YOUNG RUST!
The lead singer Mike G's original band is pretty kick ass too...
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