Jimmy Fallon Impression of Neil Young Goes Viral
UPDATE: 1/15/10 - Neil Young News: Another Jimmy Fallon Impression: "Pants On The Ground"
a slice of deeply satisfying strangeness."
Judy Berman on blog.limewire.com
The video of Jimmy Fallon impersonating Neil Young covering "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" appears to be going viral and is now a trending topic on Twitter.
What's even weirder about this is how many folks think this REALLY is Neil Young?!

Even the video service Hulu - Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Neil Young Sings Fresh Prince has it's upload mis-labeled.

From This Week In Viral: “Neil Young” Sings “Fresh Prince” | Online | Mediaite: "This one from earlier this week combines a great song, a funny and unique concept and perfect execution – all the makings of what separates Fallon from his competition in what works for the web."
Fallon's impression is an uncanny channeling, to say the least. And we were just saying how great these tribute cover bands are too.
From Consequence of Sound"Jimmy Fallon channels Neil Young via “Prince of Bel Air”":
"There are impressions and there are clones. Jimmy Fallon’s recent take on Neil Young falls somewhere between the two. Last night, the Late Night host donned on his Canadian best — complete with straggly hair and a worn out cowboy hat — to pull out a tone-perfect, Young-esque rendition of “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air”. You know, the theme song by Will Smith?
We know Fallon loves his pop culture, but this is completely left field nuts. It’s hilarious, though, and if you minimize the window and just listen, you’d be hard pressed to tell it was even him. Hell, he even looks like Mr. Young, too! All in all, an amazing carbon copy performance and side splitting, given the song’s choice.
Folks, this is stuff not even our Late Night Lobotomy could anticipate."

From Entertainment Weekly"Jimmy Fallon does Neil Young doing the 'Fresh Prince' theme song: If you enjoy any of those three things, you must watch this clip":
"So, Late Night personality Jimmy Fallon does an amazing Neil Young impression. I mean, really uncanny. Dude sounds exactly like north Ontario’s finest. This is a cool talent to have, if perhaps not a hugely useful one in most situations. Last night, though, Fallon entered transcendent comedic territory by going into character as Neil Young…and covering the theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
No, I don’t know why Neil Young would be covering the Fresh Prince theme song, either. But I am very glad that this completely random idea suggested itself to Fallon. Turns out the old “Innnnn West Philadelphia born and raised…” works pretty well as a haunting falsetto folk song!"
From ZME Music"Neil Young…errr Jimmy Fallon covers the Fresh Prince theme song":
"I’ve been a big fan of Jimmy Fallon since his SNL days, and him getting his own show this year, after he replaced Conan O’Brien as the host of the Late Night Show, did only to enforced my admiration. Last night, though, Jimmy delivered a moment of sheer and utter brilliance, when he strapped on a wig, a hat and a flannel and performed what can only be called the best Neil Young impression ever. Now, Jimmy has made some pretty hilarious bits and sketches in the past, but doing a Neil Young impression performing the Fresh Prince theme song, transforming it in the process from a silly middle class day time TV song to a heartwarming folk ballad is just gold in my book. I’ll say no more, check it out bellow and share a thought or two."

From NPR "Jimmy Fallon Does A Disturbingly, Freakishly Great Neil Young Impression - Monkey See Blog:":
"You know, you can hear all day that Jimmy Fallon did a really funny impression of Neil Young singing the theme song from The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, and you can keep thinking, 'I have to go watch that at some point.' But when you actually hear it and it sounds really weirdly like Neil Young, you suddenly understand why you've been hearing about it all day.
Jimmy Fallon, people. I'm telling you."
From Warming Glow:
"I’ll be honest: Fallon’s impression is so good that I didn’t even realize it wasn’t Neil Young until they cut to a close-up. It almost makes me kind of mad, because I feel like Fallon was holding out on us when he was on “Saturday Night Live.” He doesn’t even come close to breaking character, and — as reader Wade R. notes – this might be on par with John Belushi as Joe Cocker."
From Heartworn Highways: "Neil Young" goes to Bel-Air:
"This is the best thing I've seen all day, in fact, it's the best thing I've seen in a long long time. Not only is it really funny, but it's so damn good that it makes you wonder if it's the real Neil Young sitting there. Fallon looks just like the Harvest-era Young and he sounds just like him to. This is good comedy.
One more thing, never noticed how good that Will Smith song really is. Hah.."
Jimmy Fallon Impersonates Neil Young, Viewers Get Confused : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

From Wifes Home Movies: Neil Young Covers the Fresh Prince Theme Song:
"Jimmy Fallon reaches into his parents music assemblage to dust off his Neil Young and verify a stab at the “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” and knocks it discover of the park.
The notion is great but it’s the material that’s brilliant. We think Neil Young would appreciate this counterbalance of the theme song to the Will Smith series. OK, maybe not. For those of you too teen to advert who Neil Young was, he was the founding member of Pearl Jam."
Say what?!
More Tweets on Jimmy Fallon and Neil Young on Twitter feed.
And, if you don't get that, you won't get this either (Adam Sandler's Neil impression). Or this @ 3:20 (Dana Carvey's Neil impression).
This is hilarious
this is SERIOUSLY good!!!
(btw, Jimmy MUST be a fan...no other way to do this so good!)
yeah he did an alright job, but wtf is up with people who actually thought is was neil? lotta stupid people out there...neil is old and bald, folks.
Yeah, I feel sad for the stupid people in the world...
Tributes are lame! LOL Just kidding...I believe I heard Fallon
is a huge Neil Fan, even carrying one of Neil's Guitar Picks with him? The Look is awesome...and I want that Lighting!
As for some People thinking it really was Neil, I can tell ya about a Gig I did the same Night of the Vancouver Show with Sarah McLachlan. I was hired by Randy Bachman's Manager to Perform as "Neil" for the 50th Birthday of a rather well known Vancouver Lawyers Wife. They actually wanted Neil but you can imagine how difficult that could be. I got the call and was asked to appear with a Smoke and Mirrors feel. The Younger folk at the Party, not knowing any better (just as this is most likely the People who are thinking Fallon is "Really" Young) not really knowing who Neil truly is thought I was the real thing. Those in the know understood but had a blast! Nothing like standing out on a Vancouver Street in full Dress, Guitar/Harp and yes, even wig in place...with People walking by. It was a lot of fun and what a great way to meet some fun People. The Stories Randy's Manager shared of his trip to Neil's Ranch were Priceless!
Great story Roger!
Like to hear some of Randy's ranch stories someday too.
That has to be the funniest video I've seen all year! LMAO! I'm sure Neil Young has a great sense of humor and LHAO too! I don't know about Neil, but I actually used to watch the Fresh Prince and was a big fan of the show and Will Smith. I just wish I had thought of it first.
That has to be the funniest video I've seen all year! LMAO! I'm sure Neil Young has a great sense of humor and LHAO too! I don;t know about Neil, but I actually used to watch the Fresh Prince and was a big fan of the show and Will Smith. I just wish I had thought of it first.
Roger: You should post a photo of you at the b-day party :)
Jeff, your Neil is better than Jimmy's!
Sing a song in shakey voice....
I'm sure Jimmy is a fan. He was standing next to me as we waited outside to get in when Neil played the first night at the United Palace in NY.
Helluva an impression that one
-Not Rotten Johnny
Hey Rog, Jeff
"I wanna live with ANY cinnamon girl,
I could be happy the rest of my life
Under any "covers" of my cinnamon girl!
Up in the bleachers
I rock with delight
To hear yous together
Playin old Neil
Would just make my night!!!
I'll send ya money now,
If ya can make Oz somehow
If ya can give us just half a chance!!
You see, I just luv to dance
yeah, yeah yeah..... whoa!!!
C'mon down boys!!.. and bring all ya Neil toys with ya
Luv Doc
That was great! The only thing missing from the impression is the constant foot tapping of Neil..he never sits perfectly still like that....but none the less, an awesome impression !
I had a feelin' Neil might have had
other children out there somewhere.
This proves it.
Probably the best thing Fallon's ever done...
I'm just surprised he didn't break a straight face throughout the whole thing.
WAY back in '75 or so, the National Lampoon group did an album called GOODBYE POP...there's a HARVEST-like Neil parody (with a CRAZY HORSE "middle eight")called SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BRINGS ME DOWN on it...I think Christopher Guest was "Neil"...just a thought...
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