Comment of the Moment: Neil Young Cover Bands

It really can all get quite ridiculous sometimes.
We thought we might go after something fun. And safe & controversy free. You know, avoid topics like that insane $.99 MP3 ripoff of NYA "Cinnamon Girl"?!
So we do a little post on Bands Covering Neil Young songs around the world. So how could anyone have a problem with that one might ask oneself?
It seems that some feel -- like Marc C. -- who think cover bands are "lame". To which Roger of Live RUST takes issue with by responding:
Funny how you assume it's all we do?
As a Musician, correction, working Musician you learn quickly how to adapt and where your passion lies. A working Musician takes all these things into consideration and adapts to fit either a market or their some lucky cases, we get to do all of the above, which is where I sit. The very definition of a Tribute Band has nothing to do with people who don't want to see it but rather people who do. You go to see a Tribute Band to see and hear a show paying 'Tribute' to the Artist they cover. We never have the luxury of seeing the actual Artist near as often as we'd like.
It is a niche market so to say it is Killing Rock and Roll is simply ridiculous. I don't play Shows when Neil is in town because, yup you guest it...I am at the Neil Concert. These dates are often the single most profitable evenings for a Tribute Band as People leave the Show wanting more, but I take advantage of it as I am actually seeing the Man himself just as you would.
To assume the things you have regarding mine, or anyone else's Tribute is simply narrowed minded. As a matter of fact, to cover some things said...if you know about Venues that have Cover Artists, there is a Fee paid for the fact they have Cover/Tribute in Canada it's SOCAN which get a Fee to pay Royalties.
The other point...Neil and Crew know we are here and have been kind enough to say to these Bands, or at least some of them (I can't speak for all of them here), Blessings. And as for myself, again I won't say it for others where I don't know the answer...I am doing this, many other Covers and my own thing.
Eat a Peach.
Thanks Roger. Agree. excellent smackdown.
More on Bands Covering Neil Young songs.
Thrasher, I really dig your blog and I thank you for that, but sometimes your vision is too simplistic, good / bad. I'm sorry but those who do not think as you are not necessarily wrong.
...and just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they deserve to be smackedown...
Thrasher, did you really expect this this topic would be free of controversy??!! It does make for amusing reading though....
I for one am really enjoying listening to the cover/tribute versions - especially when the artist/bands bring something of their own to the song, as Eddie Vedder always does, rather than trying to recreate the original. To me that is the difference between a "cover" and a "tribute". That said, surely there is room in the world for both - if there wasn`t a receptive audience then a band wouldn`t last long.
Thanks Thrasher
Jill (keep on blogging!)
I’m with the majority on the earlier post and agree with the ‘tribute bands are lame’ viewpoint. If you are a cover singer I expect you to bring a new interpretation to the song and hope you would aspire to breaking new songs written for you. Tribute acts that try to sound/look like the original artist belong in a ‘Legends’ casino show. It is one thing if you are in it just for fun; making money on the back of someone else’s work doesn’t seem fair.
All have forgotten "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". Beatles have a bunch too 1964. Rain etc . We have a Beatles one coming to town in spring . Bar bands are basially cover bands playing someone elses music . Basically it is all about fun having a good time .When Neil not around going to hear the songs done by someone giving the feeling of a good Neil show . Bottom line Neil concert , tribute band your local bar band it about music you enjoy songs you care about and a good time . The Searcher
Look at this cover of Powderfinger. We cover rock and country and when we play this song, everyone just stops and watches - it's that powerful!
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