New Neil Young Album: Dreamin' Man
UPDATE 12/8: Review: Neil Young's Dreamin' Man
UPDATE 12/7: EXCLUSIVE: Streamin' Dreamin' Man NOW!

From N Y Times:
DREAMIN' MAN, Neil Young Archives Performance Series #12, will be released on or about Nov. 2nd, 17 years after the original release of Harvest Moon.
A closer look at Harvest Moon songs, all performed solo acoustic before the release of Harvest Moon, DREAMIN' MAN contains intimate live performances recorded in concert halls during 1992.
(Thanks Patrick T. and Jacques in Paris!)
From Toronto Star:
Dreamin' Man will be the 14th CD he's put out this year alone. That total includes the studio album Fork in the Road (April), the eight CDs that comprised the audio-only version of his massive Archives, Vol. 1 project (June), and reissues of Neil Young, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, After the Goldrush and Harvest (July).
That Neil. Such a slacker.
Neil Young's 1992 "Harvest Moon" was the followup to his most commercially successful album "Harvest" - some 20 years later.
"Harvest Moon" was recorded with many of the same original musicians who appeared on "Harvest", such as Ben Keith, on pedal steel guitar, and Linda Rondstadt and James Taylor on backing vocals. The intentional sequel nature of "Harvest Moon" created high expectations which for the most part were fulfilled. The album was even accompanied with music videos and extensive interviews with the normally reticent Young himself.
But on a Canadian radio interview, Young denied that 'Harvest Moon' was a sequel to 'Harvest':
"The whole idea of following up the 'Harvest' album is something that's contrived more from the standpoint of record companies, and mostly questions.
You know, people see the correlation between the two, and it's kind of a plus to be able to refer back 20 years and see the same people and do that. But the thrust of the albums is different, even though the subject matter is similar, so I tend to shy away more from comparisons between them - they're reference points for one another.
I mean, people who have never heard of 'Harvest' may really like Harvest Moon and may end up referring back to 'Harvest' because of all this conversation about how the two of them go together..."
Naturally, there's much speculation over on rust about what all of this might mean? Afterall, NY PS#12?!? So what happened to everything in between?
Could this possibly mean that the next NYA volume will be #4 or #5??? That would be quite the Shakey move to not to followup Vol#1 with #2.
Also, see more reviews of Harvest Moon and Harvest Moon - Neil Young Albums In Order.

Back Cover of "Dreamin' Man"
The track listing for Dreamin' Man:
1. Dreamin' Man
2. Such a Woman
3. Old King Rap
4. Old King
5. One of These Days
6. Harvest Moon
7. You and Me
8. From Hank to Hendrix
9. Unknown Legend
10. Natural Beauty
11. War of Man
UPDATE 12/8: Review: Neil Young's Dreamin' Man
sounds good to me.....bring it on!!!
Looking forward to this release... November 2nd 2009?...he he!
Great, but what about Toast? And will Dreamin Man eventually be part of the Archives?
Awesome news! The Harvest Moon era shows had much more intensity than the album cuts did that's for sure!
If the CD release is scheduled Nov. 2 I guess we can expect the vinyl copy out sometime in 2010. (haha, it's ALWAYS delayed)
Good question Ian... will we being buying this again in ten years?
Looking forward to this release (Thank YOU Neil!) but keep the performance series thing separate!
With so many complaints about getting the PS in the Archives Box maybe it's just that select releases will follow rather then the PS from the next Volume?
Just a thought.
This *is* good news. It's always exciting to hear Neil's bringing out another one, especially an archival one.
Number 12? I wonder why this is being done so completely out of order, and what exactly will PS 4-11 be?
In truth, most of the songs on Harvest Moon aren't among my favorites of Neil's work. I haven't actually listened to it in a while but I might have to break it out at some point soon in preparation for this release, which itself will hopefully give me some new perspective on this material.
any and all of this stuff that comes tripping out the door of that archives barn is amazing. a wonder! so exciting. lovekaren
I'll just stand here in line, More music please!!
Your $@##$%$in' kidding me!
PS 12???? I love you Man! Never a dull moment following Neil.
How can one complain about live Neil - Harvest Moon live - solo. Yes, while there are many boots available, this is great news!
The only question many will have is will PS12 be released with Archives Volume 4 in 2050? At a price of ~ $20 how can one wait? Bring it on......see you Sept. 12 in West Van.
Brad from Vancouver
This is cool news as I am interested in any thing you put out Neil. But I want to know, will this be in a fucking archive box or not? Answers now!
I always loved those early 92 solo shows, so if this is a comp of the best cuts then it will be outstanding. Natural Beauty is one of my top 20 Neil songs. Can't wait. Not bothered about whether this is in the archives, as I still haven't bought them! I might finally buckle and pick up the CD version in the Xmas sales. DVD / Blu Ray is meaningless to me.
Neil can call it whatever number he likes as far as I`m concerned = anything new from him is good news. Good on ya Neil, just keep on chucking it out!
Jill (from Rustingon, UK) xx
Thanks, Thrasher
Harvest stuff is cool but I can't wait to hear Toast I'm jonesin' for the horse! Has anyone heard any of the toast record?
Hey cool but what about Toast ?
And what about the Holy Horse ? A new album and tour for the Horse, please Neil.
I'm looking forward to this release, i like the songs, and Neil obviously enjoyed singing them in concert. Will we get it in BluRay? Will Neil charge us again, or will this one be like Canterbury House and be a stand-alone?
I was thinking back, and wondering what the last great Neil album was (i'm speaking of NEW material)??
i give Fork in the Road and Chrome Dreams II passable, yet very low marks. The music, save for a couple of cuts, doesn't move me.
I'm a big fan of Living With War and Greendale....i also love Prairie Wind and Mirror Ball.
I put Are You Passionate in the same category as CDII and Fork....yuck.
For me, the last TRULY GREAT release is Ragged Glory, 1990. I guess you could also build a case for Sleeps With Angels, but that album, to me, is not cohesive, and a bit mixed up.
So....there you have it. Since Neil's golden decade - 1970s - and since his last undisputed 5-star release (Rust Never Sleeps)....Neil's recorded output has been, in my humble opinion, a mixed bag.
30 years of material, and plenty of rotten apples (Landing on Water, Life, Trans, Rockin').
Go Neil, Go!
Awesome love the songs from Harvest Moon. His best album........
Excellent news! Thanks for this, Thrasher.
Neil never sleeps
What a great wonderful cover!!!!!
For me, the last truly great release is Sleeps with Angels,wich is a masterpiece.
And the last truly great song is Going Home.
So I'd like to smell the Horse again.
Thunder and Lightning
So will this also be released in a cd/dvd edition like the other PS releases?
I'm hoping Neil has one last great NEW release in him. I'm not holding my breath - at least based on what we've seen from him of late.
If his creative juices are sapped, at least we still have the Archives to keep us satisfied.
God bless.
PSA Collection
0 Canterbury 1968
1 Riverboat 1969
2 Fillmore 1970
3 Massey Hall 1971
4 Time Fades Away II 1973
5 Rainbow 1973
6 Doom Tour 1974
7 Hammersmith/Budokan 1976
8 Boarding House 1978
9 Trans Tour 1982
10 Int Harv/Grey Riders 1985
11 Bluenotes 1988
12 Dreamin Man 1992
Thanks Stefano.
This looks pretty interesting.
Wonder if we'll see some more inserted into the sequence?
cant disagree with anything on stefanos list, would like to see all those released . I was just hoping there would be more than 13 live albums released by the time 1992 came around. I have read interviews with neil where he has specfically mentioned these as being archives bound(although they dont call him Shakey for nothing )
- Rainbow 73
-Odeon/Budokan 76
-ducks 77
-Crazy Horse at Catalyst '84
Would find it strange if there was not these as well:
Rusted out Garage 86
The really heavy shows with the Eldorado tracks in early 89 , shows in the States and/or Australia
Also hoping that some like Odeon/Budokan 76, Blue Note Cafe 88 and others that were recorded live and were going to be officially released at the time, but were canned , will turn up as "Special Edition " releases rather than performance series . The more the merrier, I'd like one from every tour !
Also hope he starts putting out a cd/Bluray combo set of these , as well as the cd/dvd sets.
Stefano -
where did this list come from? Is it fact...or speculation?
BTW - any idea when we'll see another BluRay Live release? i've been waiting....
neil has definitly got some new shit left in him... of course he does, hes neil fuckin young. you never know whats next with him. his best album could be next. he has a long tradition of having a coupla lesser liked albums in between the good ones. shit in 20 years fork in the road will prolly be hailed as a masterpiece. so what the fuck do any of us know
I'm really hoping the 1974 Bottom Line show will be officially released.
I think this site needs a forum, so as to contain all the different discussions - i mean it's turned into a "When was neil young's last classic album released?" thread.
A forum would help unite neil young fans, and make for interesting discussion. There are a couple of NY forums, but are relatively obscure and deserted. Bob Dylan fans have a few, including Expectingrain, the Never Ending Pool, and Along the Watchtower. Don't Neil fans deserve the same? A forum from thrasher's wheat, which i'm assuming is the most popular NY site would ensure the forum has a user base, and would enhance the site. Just a thought.
Hammersmith 1976 is there?! That was an amazing show - the best concert I've ever been to, maybe. After he finished we spent 45 minutes demanding an encore. No exaggeration.
Uncle Neil for a live visit.
Neil screwed me up twice along the way, both times in Saratoga Springs, NY. First time was during this set of shows from 92, before Harvest Moon was put out. My buddy and I got to the show there figuring we were gonna get blasted by some Ragged Glory and the Horse, seeing we were in horsetown USA. Anyhow old Neil comes out all by his lonseome with the pump organ and the surround of guitars which I had not seen before and proceeds to solo us into nirvanna (not THAT nirvana)with alot of Harvest Moon and a bunch of other gems from the mine. Some guy behind me about wets his pants during the pump organ Hurricane that he played.
Anyhow, PS12 will bring all that back into focus, and none to soon (17yrs!)
Oh yeah, the other trip in 2000 I was waiting for old solo Neil (Silver & Gold just released) and he shows up with his friends and relatives to rock us out.
Expectations never met,
but always exceeded!
Happy to see that this is coming out.Dreamin' Man is one of my favorite songs.Question for Archives Guy.If he's reading?Will this be available not only on CD/DVD but Blu-ray as well?
Rancho Relaxo
Stefano could you shed more light on your list??? is it a wishlist or where did you get it?
If it's a wishlist it could have been mine, except for Bottom Line 1974 and Stills - Young band (Neil if you're listening: you could call it 'Eat a Peach') although that probably is not inside Neils catalogue…
Peter Dees (Holland)
Really looking forward to this. I went to the 2 acoustic solo shows he did at the Greek Theater in September 1992 on the tour where he debuted much of the Harvest Moon material. Though I love the album, I much prefered the solo acoutic arrangements on the bootleg of the shows I recorded for myself - including the 15 minute intro into Old King where he tells of losing "Elvis" his hound dog en-route to a gig in Eureka, CA - incuding Neil responding to the guy in the audience who told him to hurry up and get to the point! Priceless. I really hope that bit is on this release. Keep them coming Neil!
This is how I see things going.
Not part of the series:
Time Fades Away- already released
csny doom tour- to quote Bernstein "there is nothing usable"
Trans- video already available
What will we see first - Dreamin Man release, or a new BluRay Live release?
As someone else pointed out, this has become something of a "what was Neil's last classic album?" discussion, so I thought, having already summarized my feelings about THIS upcoming release, I'd pitch in...
FIrst of all, I should I say that I like it when Neil branches out and explores a bit. An album's worth of Crazy Horse-style rock ever now and again hurts no one but I honestly I need more that would get tiresome if it was all Neil ever did.
Personally, forget Ragged Glory--Sleeps with Angels was the great Crazy Horse triumph of the '90s and nothing Neil has done since has surpassed it. Albums like Greendale, Living with War, Chrome Dreams II, and of course the archival releases have all been great in their own ways and bear repeated visitations. While Ragged Glory is great grungy rock album with a outstanding numbers, Sleeps with Angles is a deep album, with compelling lyrics and music that retains the classic Crazy Horse sound while at the same time being experimental completely unique within Neil's catalogue.
Just how is the album that contains My Heart, Driveby, Change Your Mind, Safeway Cart, and A Dream that Can Last *not* classic? Sleeps with Angels seems to be often completely forgotten today but I will always hold that it is a stronger and more cohesive piece of work than Ragged Glory. But then my taste is odd-- Trans, Life, and Road Rock Vol. 1 are all favorites of mine and also uncommon choices.
I like Everybody Knows This is Nowhere, After the Goldrush, On the Beach, Harvest, and Rust Never Sleeps as much as any Neil fan, but when you get past the basics, my tastes tend to diverge from the majority.
The track listing for Dreamin' Man:
1. Dreamin' Man
2. Such a Woman
3. Old King Rap
4. Old King
5. One of These Days
6. Harvest Moon
7. You and Me
8. From Hank to Hendrix
9. Unknown Legend
10. Natural Beauty
11. War of Man
Since everyone here is speculating anyway, here was my list posted to rust a few days ago. Look...see, I don't even belive Dreamin Man is #12. I have it listed as 13! HA!
#4 TFA tour coverage (TFA2?). 1973
#5 TTN at the Rainbow 1973
#6 Bottom Line Solo 1974
#7 Crazy Horse in Budokan or Odeon. 1976
#8 Ducks in Santa Cruz 1977
#9 Boarding House Solo 1978
#10 CH Live at the catayst 1984
#11 International Harvesters 1985
#12 Blue Note Cafe 1988
#13 Pre Harvest Moon Solo Tour.
I remember the solo Harvest Moon tour well. I saw him in NYC and he played for about 75 minutes and everyone couldnt believe the show was over when it was .Outside the theater , everyone was pissed. People didnt mind the new songs so much, as we've come to expect that with Neil, but everyone felt they got screwed and only got half a Neil YOung show. The mood after the show was realy bad. I remember it well. Personaly , that was an eye opener for me.That's when my attitude about Neil started to change. I have some friends who went to those shows in NY that never went to another Neil show ever again becasue they were so pissed.
There loss I guess.
I'll take 75min of pure acoustic Neil any day.
Somewhere in Archives vol.1.There's a video of Neil talking to Joel B. about this tour.They said the audience at a show in Philly (I think) were terrible.Hopefully none of the songs on Dreamin' Man are from that show.Neil said when he played Such a Woman at Philly show he compared it to a sacrifice.Also.Someone earlier had a good suggestion.I think.And that was to not only offer cd/dvd version of this and future releases.But cd/Blu-ray as well.Yes Neil and team has created a monster with this Blu-ray.
Rancho Relaxo
Y'all should just stop pulling yer pud hoping for the Bottom Line show to see official release. There is NO WAY that Neil has a better sounding recording of this performance than we already do from bootlegs.
Neil was not even on the bill of this show. He just showed up, and they let him play an hour set of his new material. He had to borrow a harmonica from Leon Redbone. He certainly didn't bring his recording equipment and/or recording engineer to get a soundboard tape. His performance, while gorgeously authentic, is pretty rough around the edges.
It is a MIRACLE, if there ever was one, that a recording of this show exists AT ALL.
Neil Young at the Bottom Line in May 1974 is the greatest bootleg ever recorded, but part of that is the fact that it was SO UNLIKELY that a recording would exist at all of this extraordinary performance. I almost feel that it would detract from the power of this show if a soundboard official recording were to be released. But that's not just my wish. It's logic.
Anyhoo, while the rest of the thrasher's wheat community dicusses Neil Young's oeuvre and contemplates what he may have had for breakfast this morning, one relatively important tidbit of news went unreported. I popped into my local music store today to find Neil's FIRST THREE ALBUMS available in NEWLY remastered HDCD versions tied into the archives releases. Hmm, didn't see this reported here...
While Trans is being intermittently mentioned here, I thought I'd share this silliness I posted over at - I figured you'd all get a kick out of it:
"Trans is awesome. Really. You just have to grow into it. It takes like 20 years and 500+ listens, but eventually something clicks and your like, "Oooooh, yeah. I see. Okay, this is absolute genius." It hit me about 3 months ago. Up until that point (for 20 years) I'd been unable to decipher just what the hell he was trying to do, and just couldn't get behind it musically. But then it happened. The magic moment when I threw on Trans and was like, "Woah! Wait a minute! Hang on!" I'd realized that it's much deeper than it sounds. It's a philosophical masterpiece. It's the merger of organic communication with technology, and an exploration of this... intense alienation. Wow."
I wouldn't put it past Neil to put out an audience recording, especially an amazing one. It's been done before alla Max'x Kansas City.
Plus I've noticed that when Neil does really cool things, he tends to record them.
Ever noticed that?
That being said, the Bottom Line is, I think, one of the more iffy inclusion on my list.
Archives Guy
can you step up and comment on BluRay Live releases? What should a reasonable expectation be for these?
1 per month?
6 times per year?
right now, i'm completely underwhelmed, considering this technology was THE major reason why i bought the Archives BluRay version.
Please talk me off the ledge....i'm actually considering selling my copy on EBay. To me, it's just not worth it.
to 'HELP"
I suggest you sell you bluray set now !!...... there is no way archives guy or Neils camp are going to commit to a specific number of bd live downloads per year/per month etc. Its been out 3 months,and there have been two downloads so far I believe(I have bluray, but not internet connectivity for it yet). It will be adhoc as Neil wants it.
" I'll take 75min of pure acoustic Neil any day." ....
Some of you Neil fans are so full of crap.Anything he does wrong towards his paying fans, you automaticly excuse Neil for whatever he does.
Pay his high prices for a good seat and watch him play half of a show and walk off. The truth is you'll be pissed just like everyone else......
this is a great site, but that's the down side of it...all the ass kissers who think Neil can do no wrong.Some of you folks need to get real, get a life ..... or see a doctor.
I'm still waiting for 'Separate Ways' to be released.
What's with these lists? Why wish for official releases of shows that are already out there in good quality? I'd rather Neil release stuff that's not already available if he's going to release anything.
This would actually be great, if he would have included 4-5 classics(old man, Heart Of Gold, maybe acoustic Powderfinger, etc.) mixed in....but we no he has to go against the grain. I mean Harvest Moon was a good release, but come on- give the fans what they want
To "S" at 3:22, who said: Anyhoo, while the rest of the thrasher's wheat community dicusses Neil Young's oeuvre and contemplates what he may have had for breakfast this morning, one relatively important tidbit of news went unreported. I popped into my local music store today to find Neil's FIRST THREE ALBUMS available in NEWLY remastered HDCD versions tied into the archives releases. Hmm, didn't see this reported here...
Hmmm, probably because it happened months ago and was discussed to death then? And it was actually the FIRST FOUR ALBUMS (!) to coincide with a little something called the Archives vol 1?
@ anonymous 5:09 am:
I'm underwhelmed by a release of a live album featuring only the 10 Harvest Moon songs. Does that make me cool? Please?
As someone who bought the Archives, i believe i have every right to complain about the lack of BluRay Live downloads.
Neil extolled the virtues of BLR in interviews leading up the Archives, and our very own Archives Guy kept pumping up the feature....
Let's hope the floodgates open soon...because thus far i've only seen a drip and a drab.
Why do people give Neil a free pass about this? It's OK to criticize 'your God' once in awhile.
Seriously, it is...
This might be how Harvest Moon was meant to be heard.Or could be to Harvest Moon what Massey Hall concert is to Harvest.I prefer Massey Hall show over Harvest any day.Either way I for one am looking forward to Dreamin' Man.
Rancho Relaxo
Everybody has a right to an opinion regarding the frequency of bluray bd live update, it doesn't mean I have to agree with it . While BD live was advertised as a big feature ,there was never a promise that you'd be getting an album or month or whatever. The reality is that it is unlikely to be any floodgates of material. It will be a slow drip over time. I noticed the last song was a 170 mb donwload,and the size of the downloads was one of the reasons AG from memory ruled out the possibility of whole albums of songs being done in one hit.
If it was the main reason some people bought the archives, than perhaps those people should have waited to see what the actual reality was before buying. You knew you were getting 128 tracks , plus 12 hidden or whatever,as this was advertised clearyl.However, there was no commitment to provide 5 songs a month to download or whatever. I'd love there to be a download every week though !!.
In the end if your not happy with it, and you dont think the rest of the package is worth it than go sell it on ebay. However, I don't agree with that opionion as well. There is nothing I have seen in audio/video box sets etc that comes close to Archives vol 1 set, even without the bd live feature.
In regards to Dreamin' Man, I think Harvest Moon was a a bit overproduced and clean. The expect the raw solo acoustic versions to be much better.
BluRayLive, thus far, is a big DUD. Let's hope Neil steps it up.
as for the Archives, they are an incredible piece of work...but my guess is the User Interface - a challenge to many - will lag in the years ahead. This format is not user friendly, and Neil will need to "Shake(y)" things up moving forward.
By the time Vol 2 is released, my guess is Volume 1 will look like the Model T Ford.
Agree - like any new technology there will be bumps along the way. So I too expect future volumes to improve the user interface greatly.
One thing I would like is once you find and than play a hidden track/video etc, it is than added to a new menu on each disk. This requires the user to have spend time looking around to find it initially, but than you dont need to remember where it is in the future, it just another option on the menu like the timeline.
I think this keeps Neils vision of how he wants it to work in tact, but also makes it a better long term experience for the users.
I couldnt be happier with the Archives...really! And I only have DVD...dont need no BD live etc. I think its great, sounds awesome. A lot of time and hard work went into it and it shows. Also I think once all the boxes are out, then the unsure people will realize what this is....a true, modern day masterpiece !
Does anyone know what shows are the source for the Dreamin' Man album?
so is this happening this week? have we heard anything?
And again, will it be available as a CD/DVD release?
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