Win a Copy of Broken Arrow Magazine - May 2009 (#114)

Cologne, Germany - March 20, 1976
Photo by Friedrich Klaas
The latest issue of Broken Arrow Magazine, published by the Neil Young Appreciation Society arrived last month amidst the flurry of Archives and Europe tour news so we're just now getting a chance to take a look. As always a nice read -- especially as we try and unwind from all of the recent excitement.
And -- thanks to the generous support of NYAS and editor Scott Sandie -- we're pleased to be able to offer a copy of the latest issue of Broken Arrow Magazine to a Thrasher's Wheat reader. Details follow below.
Issue #114 (May 2009) of Broken Arrow Magazine - as usual - has some fine articles, commentary and nice photos.
Also in the issue:
- A Conversation with Comrie Smith (Neil's Toronto friend) by John Einarson
- Fork in the Road reviews
- Road Reports from 2009 Canada & N. American tour
- New Millennium Vinyl by Johnny Marr, NYAS #5285
- An unreleased songs survey by Editor Scott Sandie
- CSNY '74 Tour retrospective by Gene Beckman, NYAS #5504
- A listing of many of Neil's acquantiences over the years who didn't last long enough to see the release of the Archives
Also included in the issue are nifty collages of Neil young magazine covers by Dieter Ostrowski.
Check out the Neil Young Appreciation Society page for more info on how to join.
Don't be denied!
Thanks Scott and everyone who is supporting the NYAS & BA!
Thrasher - NYAS#2476

More on back issues of Broken Arrow magazine.
One lucky Thrasher's Wheat supporter will win a free copy of the latest Broken Arrow Magazine. We truly appreciate being able to what we do here at TW, and we love being able to give something back in return.
All Thrasher's Wheat supporters between now and the end of July will be automatically entered into the Broken Arrow Magazine drawing. (If you donated in the last 30 days you are automatically eligible and no further action is necessary).
Click below to send support now via Visa or Mastercard — or send support via Paypal.

If you're unable to send any support at this time, we understand. You can also enter the drawing by emailing with SUBJECT line: Broken Arrow Magazine - May 2009 (#114). Click here for other support options and why we need your support to continue operating Thrasher's Wheat.
Thanks and Good Luck to everyone!
Hi folks,
Slightly off topic but somehow Neil's first 4 albums seem to have been released in remastered form without me noticing! They're listed on as In Stock (but not on the UK version sadly). Anyone have any more info on this or did I just miss the announcement? Are others being released soon? Pretty exciting either way!
Both BA and TW are A* class. Should be making my donation on a more regluar basis ! (Don't need BA entry as already get it :) )
Cool pic from '76 there.Just CAN'T WAIT to hear and see stuff from the '76 Crazy Horse tours.
Rancho Relaxo
There's plenty of audio and video from 1976 available in trading cicles Rancho. Relax...
Thanks, Trasher, for the BA links. I think to reunite again, after many years.#member 1643
No offense but...F trading circles!!The quality sucks.I think I'll wait for Archives vol.2.
Rancho Relaxo
No offense but...F trading circles!!The quality sucks.
You don't trade with the right people then. Methinks you'll have a long wait for the next volume of the Archives. With no guarantee that everything that gets traded will be included anyway.
Hey Thrasher - donation made - should have made another one by now and feel bad a competition prompted me!
Thanks for everything - had a great last 18 months following Neil in Europe - long may it continue.
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