Hyde Park, London, England Hard Rock Calling 2009 Festival: 6/27/06

Photo by Matt Crossick on Absolute Radio
Paul McCartney and Neil Young encore for "A Day in the Life".
Thanks BSM! (Also, avail in HD)
From Uncut.co.uk | Uncut Editor's Diary - Post details: Neil Young – Hard Rock Calling, London Hyde Park, Saturday June 27, 2009 by Allan Jones:
"What follows is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen Neil Young play, a full-on sonic rupture, two hours of unforgiving and unforgettable guitar distortion, seismic upheaval, deafening detonations, feedback rapture, wave after wave after crashing wave of noise, uplifting and triumphant, the kind of thing that tears vents in the atmosphere, disarranging the senses, wholly transcendent, an often savage aural maelstrom out of which emerges finally a charred beauty, that old ragged glory that is oft-mentioned in talk of Neil, his music and the way he plays it."

Photos by crris b on Photobucket
Great photo gallery by crris b on Photobucket.

- Twitter / Bex Heyes: "Paul fuckin McCartney just came an sung day in the life with with Neil fuckin Young!!! Unbelievable. Just un-fuckin-believable!"
- Twitter / Jamie Tidy: "Okay Neil Young and Paul McCartney on the same stage! Un-fricking-believable, I can die happy."
- Twitter / James Poole: "Genuinely can't believe that I just saw Paul McCartney singing A Day in The Life with Neil Young. It was jaw dropping."
- Twitter / Mark McCulloch: "Paul McCartney joined Neil young on stage for a day in the life at Hyde park and I cried like a baby!"
- Twitter / katherine wheatley: "But to see Neil Young sing a Day In The Life with backing vocals from Paul McCartney. Ridiculous. I'm still shaking"
- Twitter / Sam Kieldsen: "Neil Young proved yet again that he is a force of rock nature. Major guitar shredding and a cameo appearance from Sir Paul."
- Twitter / Johnny Minkley @percyblakeney63: "neil young exists on a different plane from the rest of us."
- Twitter / Eamonn Forde: "Neil Young just did a version of 'Down By The River' that crossed two time zones."
- Twitter / Johnny Minkley: "Neil Young is a god amongst men."
- Twitter / Rob Bowman: "When I grow up I want to be Neil Young."
UPDATE: Added Twitter feed to sidebar (2/3's down after Bridge '99 poster). Festival attendees now tweeting in reports.
Feed above is delayed. Real time feed is here.
Got Neil? Tweet us at ThrashersWheat (thrasherswheat) on Twitter. Hash tag #neilyoung.

Photo by Matt Crossick on Absolute Radio
Neil Young will be performing tonight at Hyde Park, London, England, Hard Rock Calling 2009 Festival.
Got a report? Drop a comment below. No registration required.
Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates. Also, see Grid Chart on Rust Radio.
Also, see Neil Young 2009 Europe Concert Tour & Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.
The Twitter feed is a great add to the site for these big festival situations Thrasher. Tip of the digital hat to ya...
The Loner says:
According to several tweeters????:
Neil introduced Sir Paul to join him on 'A Day in the Life" to close Hyde Park gig
I'm told Paul came out after about a minute and shared vocals with Neil. Went off stage for a moment near the end and came back on to help make noise with broken Old Black strings and then duet for a moment on xylophone.
"Macca on vocals too"
"Macca in awe"
"They were mega smiling"
Seeing Neil & Paul together would be about as close to seeing the Beatles as I'd ever get.
Lucky mates!
I was there!! This was such an incredible night... Neil really enjoyed the crowd, the crowd adored him, singing along to clearly the most mainstream songs for this festival crowd but Neil knew it ("here's another one for ya" - he said before playing Old Man, after Heart of Gold). The crowd were all NY maniacs. From my POV, seeing this was so wonderful, as being a young NY fan I rarely bump into other young fans but there were a whole variety of people loving Neil tonight.
And the Paul McCartney guest spot... Neil did a phenomenal version of "Rockin' in the Free World" that carried on and on and made the crowd go absolutely insane, then closed the show. Then they all returned for the encore, but Neil walked off to the other side of the stage, hidden in the right hanger, but we could see he was talking to someone and I had the feeling it was Paul - looked like his head shape (strange wording there) and the way he was flailing his arms around. Then "A Day in the Life" began... and I think it was into the second verse, that Paul came on stage and I swear, this whole rush ran across the audience, and every second was golden! Neil and Paul were goofing around on stage too, Paul gave Neil a great hug, they baby-ed around on the xylophone, Neil thrashed on Old Black with some assistance from Paul... but Paul always pointing to Neil, to message somehow that "this is the legend, this is the true legend." Crazy, crazy moment. Never forget! I recorded the whole thing so hopefully will upload it soon!
Im...Im just lost for words...what a gig!! Paul McCartney and Neil Young!!!
Its finally happened. I've reached the point where I'll never need to go to another gig ever again. Nothing will top this.Seeing McCartney bowing down to Young?!! Says it all really...
Down By the River was the other highlight of tonight and nearly had me in tears...it was perfect; a warm summers night, the smell of strong marijuana drifting through the air and being in the presence of the great man..jamming away.....
Despite getting my wallet stolen by some arse...(bye bye money, credit cards, an old johnny and train tickets)...then getting on the wrong train home and having to explain to the guy that not only should i not be on here, but I dont have any money to pay for a ticket...yes despite all this...it will probably remain the greatest gig I'll ever see. Thanks Neil!!
p.s. did anyone else see Jimmy Page standing at the side of the stage? Im sure it was him...white hair tied back in a pony tail..
Sure feels like the best concert I've ever seen for the power and completness of it all - finished off as has been said with Paul McCartney bowing down in front of Neil.
I've seen ten of this last two year tour from Massey Hall to Hammersmith & Berlin, Colmar, Werchter & the Hop Farm and this was a fitting finale.
No Cortez, Cowgirl, Pocahontas, Powderfinger or Hurricane but two hours of genius and while I thought Day in the Life was getting a bit tired at Nottingham playing it tonight of set up that perfect climax to the tonight's show.
Fucking Up and Keep on Rocking were awesome and Down by the River was possibly even better than Nottingham's incredible performance by virtue of being played under the open sky with the moon hanging low in the western sky and no 'no smoking' signs anywhere.
Wow, what a concert, what an absolutely amazing performer, 35 years since I first saw him at Wembley, I can't believe that he can ever top tonight but I hope I'll get the chance to see him again some day.
I can't believe I missed this!! Was Macca even scheduled to be there?
Does anyone have links to video footage of 'A Day in the Life'?
AB (Manchester UK)
Check it out!
Just so great.
Does any one know if Hard Rock calling will be on TV this year? I remember seeing it last year with clapton etc.
Wooooooow! Wonderful.
Here's a complete version:
The walrus was Paul?
I don't know, it looks like Lennon was looking in the future again...
Because Sound Matters
What a European Tour - so many highlights! Come back soon Neil...
What a fantastic show and having Sir Paul to Duet on A day in the life was something that I'll never forget. Being a fan of Neil and the Fab Four this was something special.
I was kinda hoping for a CSNY reunion but I'm more than happy to settle for this :-)
Lawless Greed:
Regarding your wallet.
Contact me ASAP
What a FANTASTIC show. Neil enjoyed himself from start to finish will more banter to the crowd than I've ever seen. AND what a finish! I hope Pegi wasn't too put out to lose her spot on the xylophone at the end to Macca.
Now Macca, time to get your a!*e into gear and persuade the GREAT man to Liverpool in Nov 2010 - When he's 64! - Comes A Time.
WOW, Sounds amazing.
Saturday closing act in Auditorium Stravinski is still TBA and there have been rumors.
Thrasher, any insight? Its Saturday July 18. Gives the Man 3 weeks to rest up.
I don't get it. Why did Neil have Pegi fake playing the piano this tour? And why did she agree to do it? I'd be embarrassed for them if I wasn't p.o.ed. Hasn't he been railing against cheating on this tour? I've always though of Neil as Mr. Authentic. Or aren't posts like this allowed here?
..fake it?
Neil and Paul...What a thrill!...I am so psyched for all those lucky enough to have been there. So much emotion wells up when watching greats like these two get along. Having Paul show up is just mad respect for Neil...OUTSTANDING!
I am also wanting to know the story with Lawlesses wallet...Inquiring minds...
I love the hint of Jarvis Cocker in Macca's appearance, alongside Neil's Jacko...
Just back home after a weekend in London. Really enjoyed the gig, but from where I was standing, to the right side of the field you could hardly hear any crowd response. I'm pretty sure Neil even said at one point 'you're really quiet' or something like that.
Anyway, was a beautiful performance, with personal highlights being Fucking Up and an even better than Notts version of Down By The River
Not a big Macca/Beatles fan myself but am happy for those that enjoyed his brief cameo. I made my exit and got to the pub just in time for last orders :-)
Neil said : "You`re really quiet, I hope you`re not thinking" and repeated it several times almost like a spoken lyric. That`s how I remember it anyway. Wonderful, amazing, concert - I was on the raised viewing platform ( I`m a wheelchair user)and had a pretty good view. First time I`ve seen Neil and was totally blown away - the power of Neil playing Ol`Black live is thrilling! Highlights for me were - DBTR, RITFW (the light show just exploded for the choruses!), and of course the encore ADITL and when Macca suddently ran out- well what more can I say?! I was just so lucky to be there. When I woke up this morning my head was still resounding with the awesome music of Neil and the band!
What is there after Neil ? I'm sitting at home watching RED ROCKS LIVE, and of course have been trying to view the little clips and photos taken yesterday.Was there for the music but these things efforts to hold these precious moments. Camera has a lot of limitations, but got some stuff. Could not resist filming when Paul MC came on. I'll to share what I can, when I can.
Neil had gone over to hug someone in the wings just pre A DAY IN THE LIFE.Wondering "who's that?" Guess that must have been Paul McCartney.
Neil looked so happy, and was it was a fantastic evening.So great to be surrounded by everyone really digging it all.
Neil is technically a subject of Her Majesty The Queen, being Canadian.
Thrasher, please open a pressure group to make our Neil ...
Sir Neil Young of Ye Olde Broken Arrow.
I'll be a serf or a villein.
Mr Fudge from England (who knows about these things?)
I've heard Neil tell audiences that they're very quiet several times over the years - usually, I think because they've just been blown away by the noise he's blasted at them but last night he said into a mike with some kind of echo or reverb on it:
"You're very quiet - I hope you're not thinking. . ."
Then played a chord on the guitar and as that faded away repeated the phrase - and again two or three times before pausing and starting the next song.
A Day in the Life
"Rust Never Sleeps" as we drive into London.
"Fork in the Road" as we thread our way through Kensington and up Park Lane.
A little chemical something or other to enhance the moment.
One mother****er of a concert - with added real Beatle.
An intimate midnight hour with my girl in the damp grass under an oak tree.
"Live Rust" to accompany the journey home - The gentle Sugar Mountain as we negociate the hecticness of bright lights and sirens of London and then the loud electric tunes as we hammer back down the motorway.
Thanks Neil.
Apologies - I should have said BEFORE Nov as of course Neil will be 65 on 12th.
Liverpool 2010 Please.
What's all this about Pegi faking playing the piano? When I saw NY in Dublin, Pegi didn't go anywhere near the piano... She sang backing vocals and played the xylophone for A Day in the Life but no piano...
"What follows is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen Neil Young play, a full-on sonic rupture, two hours of unforgiving and unforgettable guitar distortion, seismic upheaval, deafening detonations, feedback rapture, wave after wave after crashing wave of noise, uplifting and triumphant, the kind of thing that tears vents in the atmosphere, disarranging the senses, wholly transcendent, an often savage aural maelstrom out of which emerges finally a charred beauty, that old ragged glory that is oft-mentioned in talk of Neil, his music and the way he plays it."
Uncut's Alan Jones just posted a great review on the Neil in the Park show:
Have watchd the clips several times
Neil with Paul doing Day in the Life, with such fervor and joy --- it's amazing, and moving, and makes you feel glad to be alive
"You're very quiet... Surely you're not thinking...!"
Words was a highlight for me, just incredible!
The crowd went crazy when Paul came on & was shown on the screens.
Not as good as Aberdeen, of course, as I wasn't as close, but still a fantastic show from Neil, I wonder where he gets all the energy from.
I said it before, and I'll say it again, we hope to see you back here in Europe again someday Neil!
Davie from Scotland
Hey Thrasher,
Did you get my email?
Neil IS and ALWAYS will be the Messiah of all things music....I think we should petition to have him crowned; Sir Lord Neil Percival Young I. After the show in Dublin I would definately bow to the great man should I see him in person.....
What a few weeks of heaven....Neil ripping up every stage East of Shannon and leaving us all in tatters!!! Heaven, pure heaven.
Christine Lucignano
Just want to say a HUGE thank you to Thrasher,Adrian and Fiona who have reunited me with my wallet. Saviours!
Thrashers Wheat...re-uniting drunks with their wallets since 2009.
Neil , thanks for the two geeat shows I saw this tour Dublin & Hyde park.
Fully add my voice to PepeNeils plea...Neil, Mr Young Sir, next tour we'd love to hear you play "Down by the River" Mersey.
Its all there , New Arena waiting for you.
Macca lad, tell the man to get up here asap...he'd love it here!
...but whatever Thanks !
To Anonymouse 6/29/09 8:32 ... I read or heard somewhere that Pegi started playing piano and then the guitar long before she met Neil.
(Maybe it was on the Fresh Air interview w/Terri Gross or somewhere ...)
Nice encore, too.
We've seen Neil three times on this Tour (IOW, Nottingham and London) and although the band were stupendous throughout, Hyde Park seemed to be taken to an even higher level. Perhaps it was because it was the last show of the tour, the warm weather, it followed wonderful sets by the Pretenders and Fleet Foxes but it was truly wonderful. Thirty three years on from Hammersmith 76 and 2 miles from my birthplace, with my lady, Penny, by my side, it all came together for me at the age of 50.
The Ragged Glory songs were awesome but it was all wonderful.
Paul actually joined Neil for the 'Woke up, got out of bed ' refrain which he sang on the original song 42 years ago- what was going through their minds? Lovely stuff. Thanks Neil and team- how does one get their hands on a recording of that show?
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If anyone is interested: here are a few stills from the video I shot of Neil & Paul McCartney:
Here also are a few photos but noise reduction on my camera is far too aggresive.I've still more to add to this latter album. May even try to compensate for that NR a bit and put on again:
The video is incredible! Can you imagine performing that song with Paul himself? And it looked like both of them were having terrific fun. So great to see two of the most influential musicians of a generation -- okay, of several generations -- getting so into it. Yay! Bravo!
Am I the only person who hates Paul McCartney?
Neil is a million times the better musician than Paul... I mean, Paul WAS amazing, during the Beatles-era stuff, but some on, now?
His last album was awful, and during A Day In The Life, Neil looked kind of uncomfortable, what with all Paul's idiot dancing and hugging... (Cliff Richard, much?) And the fact that Paul didn't really seem to know the words... am I the only one who noticed this?
But Neil still rocked :]
I still get a chill down my spine when I think of Sir Paul joining Neil onstage, and watching the clip on you tube always gets nice cheeky grin on my face, I just think to myself I WAS THERE.......I SAW IT!
Anyhow could anyone point me in the right direction to get a audio copy of this gig or even maybe a DVD?
Hyde park gig on sky 3 this saturday 7.30 don't miss it. Let's hope they show more of neil than itv did.Neil was amazing.
Harvest moon
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