Another Fork in the Road: Neil Pulls Plug on X-Prize

From Lincvolt Gazette Blog:
We have withdrawn Lincvolt from the X-Prize because of the conflict between providing the energy and resources required to develop a viable business plan for the Lincvolt technology, a requirement for X-Prize contestants, versus providing the resources and time required to focus on our main goal.
The development of Lincvolt technology is ongoing. We have always been in a race against Time, not a race against other contestants to win a cash prize.
The Goodwin Young team thanks the X-Prize for the valuable support they provided during the last year. Good luck to all of the contestants!
-- The Goodwin-Young Lincvolt Team."
Thanks Karen!
Our take on this is that we have not seen the last of Lincvolt. The key phrase is this is "a race against Time". And we know all know how that race turns out...
Also, see latest LincVolt music video.
Maybe Neil has just delayed LincVolt so he can release it on Blu-Ray?
Nah. LV is silent. Like a ghoooost! ; )
WOW, that sounded a lot like SARAH PALIN'S goodbye speech!
It's the whole package deal they couldn't get together for bringing "Lincvolt" to the Masses from what I get out of the statement.
X-Prize requires you have a complete Business Plan together ready to roll out I believe...and The Team seem rather more interested in getting the Car to the Point they need rather then spread resources to thin for the rest.
Just my opinion...and we all have those hehe.
Yeah, we all know that "Rust Never Sleeps". LincVolt is not forgotten, nor has it,I bet gone to the archives stage just I guess we will all have to be very patient and stay tuned to this space.
WE ARE living in the modern age where advancments take place every day. I am looking forward to watching Neil and the Goodwin Team succeeding in their goal but hey "Rome" was not built in a day and LV "Long May You Run".
i for one hope neil stops playing with cars and starts playing with crazy horse.
Once again, Neil promises something for the masses; something they've been clamoring for; something classic, yet modern; only to pull back at the last minute leaving only the tantalizing offer that it will be there "someday" - and yes "smog might turn to stars".... like Archives, volume 2
Hey Anon, I don't think it means that he's not continuing to build his car and planning to take it to Washington. It just means he's not entering it into this contest, because they don't have the time and resources to develop a business plan right now, which is what you need to win the contest.
So why enter a contest if you can't win it?
Pulling the plug on the contest does not mean pulling the plug on the project.
It's the heavy metal continental!
The LincVolt webcam is back in place, here. You can watch the car getting work done in the garage when the lights are on in there! Yay LincVolt!
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