A Small Miracle in Hyde Park, London
Things have been so hectic around here lately that we're just now getting around to sharing with you another amazing Europe concert tour story. By now, you probably recall some of the other truly emotionally heart warming stories that we've had over the past few months from Liza in Germany and Gavin in Dublin, Ireland.
Liza and Gavin's stories brought out the best in what we think epitomizes Neil Young fans: the ability to relate and share.
So here's one more for you.
After the Hyde Park concert in London that featured the surprise appearance of Paul McCartney, comments were pouring in here. And then this comment by Kevin S.:
Im...Im just lost for words...what a gig!! Paul McCartney and Neil Young!!!
Its finally happened. I've reached the point where I'll never need to go to another gig ever again. Nothing will top this.Seeing McCartney bowing down to Young?!! Says it all really...
Down By the River was the other highlight of tonight and nearly had me in tears...it was perfect; a warm summers night, the smell of strong marijuana drifting through the air and being in the presence of the great man..jamming away.....
Despite getting my wallet stolen by some arse...(bye bye money, credit cards, an old johnny and train tickets)...then getting on the wrong train home and having to explain to the guy that not only should i not be on here, but I dont have any money to pay for a ticket...yes despite all this...it will probably remain the greatest gig I'll ever see. Thanks Neil!!
One would think that would be the end of the story. 50,000 people at a Neil Young concert and one fan loses his wallet and posts on some blog about his tale of both exhilaration and woe.
We mean what are the odds?
So the next day we get an email from Adrian regarding a wallet he found in Hyde Park the night before:
Its as above - awash with rail tickets the “whole lot“ as described….its an old condom as in unused…not literally !!!!
No business card so no tel number but i reckon it's Kevin's sometimes of leeds university and of nationwide bank and "campaign for real ale"
Can you validate Kevin's ID or at least get a private message to him to contact me as below
Your best advice is appreciated and you can use this information as you see fit and give Kevin my details as below
Im at Brice springsteen tonight @ Hyde and have crackberry with me
If not Kevin, then we tried, and thank you for your time and understanding and all on TW…..

So now we have the finder's contact info but no contact info for the loser of the wallet Kevin. What to do now?
So we paste a one line announcement at the top of the Hyde Park review page for Kevin to get in touch with us regarding his lost wallet. Again, what are the odds that someone might return to our blog and see that?
We kinda just shrugged and moved on. We mean how many little miracles can come through this blog in 6 months? Three is more than enough for a lifetime.
Well sure enough Kevin sees the note and gets in contact with us after which we provide him with Adrian's contact info so that they can coordinate the re-unification.
After, the wallet was returned, Kevin wrote us back with the backstory:
Having spent most of the afternoon in the historic Victoria Pub in Bayswater knocking back pints of Fullers beers (Real Ale fans: Neil was seen drinking Fullers London Pride later on stage!) me and my mate staggered round the corner to Hyde Park just in time to catch the end of Ben Harper. Fleet Foxes were fantastic and we all know how great Neil was....so anyway, after a mind blowing show I thought I'd get myself a t shirt. I noticed a merch stand right next to our exit for Marble arch so I took my money out and joined the queue. Once i got my shirt i headed over to a food stall to meet my mate. It was then I realized my wallet was gone. Oh shit...
After frantically looking for it in almost total darkness, I came to the conclusion someone must have taken it out my pocket. Fast forward to sunday afternoon...I go on to Thrashers Wheat to read some reviews and come across a post instructing me to get in touch regarding my wallet. What are the odds...out of the tens of thousands of people that attended the show, a fellow Thrasher's Wheat member would find my wallet. Remarkable!!
So again a big thank you to Thrasher,Adrian and Fiona who have reunited me with my wallet.
Kevin aka LawlessGreed
Thrashers Wheat...re-uniting drunks with their wallets since 2009.
Adrian and Kevin we're proud to be associated with such fine Neil Young fans!
Keep on rockin' and we'll keep re-uniting drunks with their wallets!!!
Wonderful story!
So is that your new motto? Reuniting drunks? How about bringing joy to Neil fans around the world.
amazing! now t, can you please find the idiot who stole my jacket from the back of my chair at the flaming lips and wilco concert on new year's eve in nyc a few years ago?
so much work, so little time...
what color was the jacket?
LOL! it was black (of course). but i know it was stolen, the girl behind me kept admiring it (to my face, yo), and then joked about stealing it (i am kinda naive) and then, um, she did. wtf? happy new year! whatevz. ! x
hehe... GREAT story!! ;-)
Did Karen say whether it was, 'My Morning Jacket' that was stolen? Sorry to hear about that K.
Seriously though folks, what a great,heartwarming story at Hyde Park.Neil has a nicer sort of fan!
Hmm... Things are a little slow lately, eh Thrash?
j/k, it's a cute story, and just serves to illuminate the fact that Neil Youngness is more than merely about music. It's about community! Comraderie! Helping each other out!
All the good things about being human. So nice job reconnecting people with their long, lost wallets!
Haha, very good. I was still recovering from the awe of being at the front row for Neil Young at the pyramid stage. Some of my friends who didn't attend Glastonbury, were watching Neil the next night in Hyde Park.
Well done on the wallet find!
no eldo, of course it was my evening jacket. ; )
this is a great story, t ... it's a small world afterall! you make it so, thanks for connecting us all, x
Great story...what are the chances???....I got a quick one for you....I used to leave at the beach with two good friends of mine (high school/college days). My one friend, who can be a bit of a scatter brain, always has to be the first to paddle out. Me and my other buddy are on our way back out from a few waves when he steps on "something"...Low and behold its our scatterbrain friends wallet. We cath a few more waves and tell him we are done...see you later. We treat ourselves to lunch on the boardwalk and a few arcade games on his dime. He gets home later that evening, totally bumming his wallet is gone. We tell him come with us and drown your sorrows.."But I don't have any cash" he says...awe...don't worry ...we got ya covered...Well after we spend all he's got we let him in on it...He was so happy to have his wallet back he didn't care about the money....good times!
ps...Neil Rules!
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