Archives: Winding Down Open Threads

To say these past weeks here at Thrasher's Wheat have been extraordinary would be one of our more understated statements in awhile. We've seen all-time record high server traffic which has caused the TW Platform to become shakey. But more importantly, thanks to everyone for coming by to visit and share.
To paraphrase from post on Neil Young News: Archives Open Thread Friday, 6/12/09 by LIVE RUST:
A standing ovation for Archives Guy for all the info, one on one, time, effort and general "putting up with us all" attitude.
Thanks so much for what has been unprecedented access to an Artist and the Crew involved in this, the first of it's kind!
Amen Live Rust and thanks so much AG!
With that said we'll begin to wind down the Archives open threads as we unpack our PS3 and wallow in NYA bliss for awhile.
So here's the plan.
We're setting up 3 perma open threads that will be sticky linked on right. Archives Guy will check in on occasion as time permits. But if you know the answer to folks' questions, please try and help out, to free up AG to focus on newer issues.
Here are the 3 Neil Young Archives topics:
- Archives Commentary Open Thread
- Archives Technical Questions Open Thread
- Archives Ordering Questions Open Thread
Please follow each thread's topic guidance to keep this resource useful.
Also, see The Neil Young Archives for FAQ's and tutorials.
Again, feel free to post here your concerns and questions. But also try and resolve through your distributor. If you ordered from WB site, call 866-430-6230.
Another source of good answers to questions is good old fashioned search. There is a search box on right about midway down. If you include "Archives Guy" (with qoute marks) and your question, it might just come up.
And -- as always -- see Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About The Neil Young Archives But Were Afraid To Ask.

ps - As we mentioned recently, we're dealing with some heavy traffic here @ TW so apologies for slow loads. With the Europe tour and Archives, we have record levels of traffic from around the globe. Quite exciting if you're a data geek, you can watch TW traffic in real time (and always in right bottom sidebar.)
pss - We've just established reciprocal agreements with Amazon Canada and Amazon UK. If you're still looking to order NYA (or anything by Neil, Blu-Ray, etc.) via Amazon, please consider using links on right. Thanks! You'll be helping to support Thrasher's Wheat and keep the servers cool now that hell has frozen over.)
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