Counting Down the Days for the Neil Young Archives

Remember those Charlie Brown cartoons where whenever Charlie went to kick the football, Lucy pulled it away at the last second?
Does that remind you of anything? Like Neil = Lucy, Football = Archives, Charlie = you & me.
So, only 25 days, 6 hours, 47 minutes, and 12 seconds until the football errr.... Neil Young Archives is released.
At this point, it seems like things are right on track for hell to freeze over on June 2.
We're counting down the days in the right sidebar.
So will that poll we took earlier this year be right or wrong? Time will tell....
Or as Prefix Mag calls it: Sledding Party Scheduled in Hell as First Finished Copies of Neil Young's Archive Arrive".
Or from LA Weekly - West Coast Sound "23 Years in the Making -- and Worth the Wait" by Randall Roberts:
After about ten years, it had become a sort Ark of the Covenant or King Arthur's Sword -- this mythical thing that we're pretty sure existed, but heretofore unproven. By the early '00s, the project had expanded to include outtakes, photos, lyric sheets and 'every possible kind of thing we could find that we could put together and he could form,' recalled archivist Joel Bernstein. It was a running joke among Neil Young fans: 'Will this thing ever come out -- and if so, could it ever live up to what exists in our imagination?' Over the years the project grew bigger, thicker, as though Neil Young and his longtime documentarians had secured a Philosopher's Stone and were teaching themselves alchemy.
More on The Neil Young Archives Roundup
From | Neil Young: Archives Volume One, 1963-1972 by John Mulvey:
"There’s a telling clip buried somewhere in “Archives Volume One”, where Neil Young is poring over a tableful of photographs and clippings with Joel Bernstein. Here, it seems, everything is ready for this release. Young talks enthusiastically about the recording of the Massey Hall show he’s been listening to – and then you notice the date of the footage. It is 1997. Not only has Young been talking up this project for decades, he also seems to have had most of the material sorted and to hand for most of that time.
Spending yesterday in the company of “Archives”, a couple of things crossed my mind. One, it may be churlish to complain about the endless prevarication surrounding it, now “Archives” has finally arrived, but the epic build-up to this release now seems critical to its legend – as Young himself clearly understands by including such clips."
well folks,
i got my "preview" blueray disk today....the archives will be everything everone is waiting for...for sure...the sound is mind blowing, the file cabinet, too cool....some of the family photos are fantastic....the detail in the whole concept is unbelievable...very expensive but i can't wait till june to really get the chance to delve in deep
I'm betting this its for real.
Sorry, meant to say this time the Archives are for real.
Been a Neil fan since Gold Rush. I've got about half his albums and 3 concerts on DVD. Seen him 4-5 times, maybe more. Love Chrome Dreams 2, hate Fork.
But I'm going to pass on the Archives. I've read the articles and looked at his site and it seems like overkill.
Wow the sound is amazing! Only thing is I can't really read anything, and I have a pretty big TV. I can't even read the timline.
Great old photos too.
please, can you confirm that region is free???
thanks a lot
I love what I can navigate through. but unfortunately when using the file cabinet, after I play the first selection, I am not able to navigate to the next song without turning off the player and restarting. I have no problems though when opting for play all
Yes, region free per archives guy.
To 9:12,
What player? PS3?
I found out yesterday due to budget cuts that I'm getting a 5% pay cut starting in July. I went ahead and ordered the Archives last night anyway (DVD instead of BluRay, I just can't afford the extra expense). The hours of enjoyment I get from Neil will make it a worthwhile investment, especially if he comes through with the mp3 downloads so I can burn a disc to listen to everything in my car.
I think Neil and his team have been listening to the fan community and have done all possible tweaking to give options to everyone. Thanks to Neil, Joel, the sound engineers and Elliot. And to Reprise for what surely can't be a huge moneymaker for them.
After months of agonizing over this, i've made the painful decision to NOT purchase the archives. I was interested in the archives solely for the alleged vast amounts of unreleased material that Neil was hoarding.
if you read the Uncut Blog, the author states that there is only one notable unreleased song worth listening to - Everybody's Alone. Neil Young has committed the greatest fraud in the history of music. He led us all to believe that there were dozens of unreleased songs ready to be unleashed on the public in the Archives!
Ha! Not soooo fast....
There's a lot of material but a good 90% people have bought before....(how many times can Neil possibly sell me Cinnamon Girl or Down by the River?)
The Thrasher Rumpswabs of the world will label me a traitor for having such opinions - no one can criticize their man Neil! But even they, if they were really forced to admit it, are disappointed with the lack of actual UNRELEASED material in the Archives.
admit it Thrasher - you expected more unreleased material...
as for all the video clips, every one that was mentioned in the Uncut Blog i have seen before - they were all on youtube about 9 months ago, before getting pulled....'s what i'm gonna do: Neil has given his middle finger to his fans, so i'm gonna give my middle finger to Neil - i'm gonna download the Archives off the web when they become available. Or, i will burn a copy of MP3's from my friend, who is foolish enough to buy this POC!
Johnny Rocket!
PS - ironically, on June 2 CSN will be releasing a single disc of Demo tracks. There's more actual unreleased stuff on that single disc then on all 10 Archives disc.
Suck it Neil!
here's no depression's preview:
I dont care much about the music looking forward to the book and cool things you can click around on...what i really want to know is whats going on with linc volt these days?
hey johnny, you realize that this is VOLUME ONE, right? we're only getting up to 1971 in this set...most of neil's unreleased stuff was after the period represented in VOLUME ONE.
but hey, don't let that stop you from being a total jackass.
ps word verification: fulatio
I guess I don't understand the people who are complaining about the Archives not having unreleased tracks. Volume 1 has 42 previously unreleased tracks, plus 9 more that have been long out of print. That's quite a bit more than any CSN demo disc will have.
A lot of what we know was recorded but not released over the course of NY's career (e.g. the Human Highway sessions, Homegrown, Chrome Dreams, extra tracks recorded for Tonight's the Night and Zuma) dates from '73 to '77 or so. In other words, it'll be on the next volume of the Archives. If Volume 2 comes and that stuff isn't on it, I could understand the complaining. What makes people so sure there's a ton of unreleased stuff not included on Volume 1 from '63 to '72, especially after the BS box set and Performance Series releases?
Makes me think some people just want an excuse to complain, and to pretend that stealing the music for free is some kind of noble gesture.
The Archives is definitely a multimedia experience. the memory of yesterday's first listen/view is different from when I first listen to a cd.
The unseen words and images were as exciting to discover as the music.
And the detail in the sound was intoxicating in itself. Now I can't wait to hear 'Down By The River' again and all the other released songs in their new sound.
On those acoustic tunes it's like the guitar strings are on one track and Neil's guitar pic is on another. Awesome shit!
if I pre-order the archives with will I also get the preview blu-ray + single ??
There is very little actual UNHEARD material on Archives closed, end of discussion.
But since you won't listen to me, listen to the blogger from Uncut - "...Disc 04 includes maybe the one really essential unheard song on the whole set, a merrily wracked Crazy Horse track called “Everybody’s Alone”..."
10 CDs, only one really essential unheard track. Absurd!
To Neil Young Suck-ups, enjoy this POC...i will enjoy it after i pirate it!
i got bills to pay, ya know!
Johnny Rocket
Hey, Dave, when you get a clue let me know!
"...Volume 1 has 42 previously unreleased tracks, plus 9 more that have been long out of print..."
Show me the 42 songs that have NEVER been released before (and i'm not talking bootleg format). C'mon, i'm waiting, show me these so-called 42 unreleased tracks...
i'm waiting.
Neil has taken liberty with the numbers. There are NOT 42 actual unreleased, never-before-heard songs on this stuffed, bloated pig of an Archive.
but like i said, i'm waiting...
Johnny Rocket
Oh, I'm listening to you all right. What I hear is, "The Archives is a total piece of crap that's the greatest fraud in history but I'm still going to pirate it and enjoy it anyway." The logic there is ironclad.
Look, if you're going to steal it, then steal it--but don't try to pretend that you're doing something righteous.
Hey Dave - i'm still waiting for you to show me these mysterious 43 unreleased tracks.
Me thinks Neil is guilty of some very FUZZY math!
if he wants to flip me the bird, i'll give it to him right back!
Napster Rules!
Anon. Have you even READ the track listing? It's out there and not hard to find. Do your OWN homework. You'll see Dave is right. End of Discussion.
On a less aggressive note. Archives are in July for me. That's when the BD player I'm looking at will be released. I cancelled my Amazon order (sorry Thrasher) and went for DVD Planet for about $35 less....and with the free/slow shipping it'll still arrive before the Sony BDP-560 I'm considering. The wi-fi(n/g/b/a) feature is quite appealing for the BD-Live downloads and I can't bring myself to buy a game box.
Hey, did anyone notice that on the UNCUT Archives blog, someone mentioned that there is video of CSNY playing DBTR live on Archives? It's surely the "Music Scene" show, but it's a great clip and exciting that we will get an upgrade of it. I had been hoping for more live electric CSNY and we're getting it. It's so funny that this great stuff isn't being officially detailed. So many of the nay sayers who think it's all released songs and turntables may change their tunes. LRR
There are not 42 or 43 unreleased tracks on the Archives. Neil is guilty of FUZZY math.
a bunch of these so-called tracks were already released on the legit Westwood One Hard to Find Neil release....
sorry, dem are the facts!
To Johnny Rocket,
I agree with quite a bit of what you are saying - yes, many of us have 90% of this stuff, but not with this sound quality or format. (Note: you do need a fairly good system to achieve the sound quality). Regardless, you don't have to be an ass about it. I agree - its a disappointing track list (who needs the same albums and PS Series!!!). I'm still not sure, but will likely give in.
With respect to the CSN Demo disk, the track list is nothing too crazy:
Track Listing
1. "Marrakesh Express"
2. "Almost Cut My Hair"
3. "You Don't Have To Cry"
4. "Déjà Vu"
5. "Sleep Song"
6. "My Love Is A Gentle Thing"
7. "Be Yourself"
8. "Music Is Love"
9. "Singing Call"
10. "Long Time Gone"
11. "Chicago"
12. "Love The One You're With"
notable points.
regarding csn demos....most of those tracks have never been hear before....much difft than the archives.
Three of the tracks on the Archives Vol. 1 were on the Westwood One compilation: the B-side versions of "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere" and "Birds," and the non-album single "War Song." Nobody has ever claimed that those tracks were unreleased. They were all released on 45 RPM singles, but are all now long out of print. I believe they are referred to as "limited release" in the Archives tracklisting.
Napster's file sharing service was shut down in 2001.
If we're discussing "versions" Never heard before by insane collectors (not even counting alt mixes)", here we have:
I'll love you forever-squires
I'm A Man-squires
Hello Lonely Woman-comrie
CAsting Me Away -comrie
there goes my babe-comrie
slowly burning-ny
birds-solo neil
7/11 songs from Riverboat
Everybody's Alone - CH
Dancex3-Solo and with CH.
Bad Fog - GAtors
I assume all of the other live takes are out on tapes.
So that's 18 for the die-hards. That's not even counting extras you get on the Blu-Ray (Live springfield, 2 unheard versions of "wondering")
In this day and age, getting that many "never heards" is actually pretty good. Maybe not for the price, if that's all you want though.
I'm going to pass on the Archives. I've read the articles and it seems like overkill
and I agree with:
The Thrasher Rumpswabs of the world will label me a traitor for having such opinions - no one can criticize their man Neil! But even they, if they were really forced to admit it, are disappointed with the lack of actual UNRELEASED material in the Archives.
CT Fan
Naysayers always seem to forget that BD-Live will bring more tracks to us in the future.
Already the preview disc has a download of a never heard before version of I Wonder by the Squires.
Ya might wan to start getting your heads around the fact that we are getting a new , groundbreaking multimedia format here. The possibilities are endless.
As a Neil Young Obsessive I am a bit taken by the negative vibes...MAAANnnnnn. Was this all just a hippie dream.
This journey through the past no better than a wooden ship?
Deja Vu?
I thought Neil himself would knock on my door and be playing a few tunes in my front room....
This chatter has bummed me out.
What a downer.
I'm off to look at some Dylan sites.
"Naysayers always seem to forget that BD-Live will bring more tracks to us in the future."And what a joke that whole 'selling point' is. How long have Neil & Joel and whoever else been compiling this thing? Close enough to 30 years? If more tracks surface "in the future" and are only available for the downloaders, that's pathetic and nothing more than an attempt to flog off the more expensive set. How methodical has the compilation of the Archives been if there are provisions already in place for future additions to it? Sounds like some stuff is being held back on purpose to me. So much for the Archives being an 'all inclusive, warts and all' overview of Neil's career.
$300 = rip off!
bottom line!
Johnny Rocket
To those of you who feel that Neil is not giving you what you feel he owes you and that you deserve, let us just remind you that this blog is not for you.
If you truly believed all of your own negativity you wouldn't be so interested in stealing the material ... so ... pick one ... either you don't have the cash but you want to hear the archives so bad you're willing to stoop down to the level of stealing ... or you really believe there's nothing worthwhile in the set in which case you'll just walk on.
alot of people w/ a negative vibe..
the preview disk was amazing...
and it was a tease...again....
it's all about the sound...
it's truly mind blowing...
the photos, documents, news clippings...real time tape decks, reel to reel machines, record players, notebooks w/lyrics...
as a purist...i wish that everything would be included in this format....
as in the original albums....
the archives will supply
big chuncks of it
(sorry bad vibe dude)...
but not all of it...
so I expect that after the archives,
will come the complete albums...
in this magnificent format...
for those of us interested...
for those who don't want to spend the money...
it's cool,
but why not keep it to yourself?....
i'm broke and can't wait to give Neil more of my money....
might be foolish to you
but that is my business,
not yours....
so keep it to yourself...
the teaser bluray disk was
a one hour amusement park ride....
i've taken it 5 times in 2 days....
i cant wait for volume one.....
go bum someone else out...
for everyone else...
peace & popsicles
Thomas Violagis
Hi there.
Just got the preview disc i cant wait for the whole thing its a lot of money,i ve seen neil 10 times at a cost of about £250 a time including travel from the remote place where i live so the archives represent pretty good value for me.The disc played on my playstation but when i tried it in my sony vaio laptop with blu ray drive all i got was the blu ray instruction at beginning and the loading icon.Anyone else had this problem?
To Quote Van Morrison. "a cd is the best entertainment value for your money period." Blue Ray just upped the anty.
Dolbero said: "The disc played on my playstation but when i tried it in my sony vaio laptop with blu ray drive all i got was the blu ray instruction at beginning and the loading icon.Anyone else had this problem?"
Well, I don't own a playstation, bought me a real fine Xxodd notebook w/br couple of months ago. Received the disc yesterday, it runs but gets stuck every now and then, with no exception. Can run 'play all', but timeline, file cabinet, etc. does not run smoothly, stops all the time, have to restart the disc over and over. Too bad. It all looks great, sounds even better, but on my notebook it doesn't work the way it supposed to do. More people with experiences on pc/notebook?
I don't have to prove my Neil bona fides to anybody, especially the 96% Club of Thrasher Rumpswabs!
I have personally spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on all-things Neil. I have every CD release, every album release, more than 3 dozen bootlegs on CD/Album format....i have seen the man 25 different times, I've seen Farm Aid, the Bridge, I've seen him in 6 diff't states, and in 2 weeks i will be travelling to Europe and will see him perform in Spain. I've also written donation checks to the Bridge...
I love the man, i love his music.
But i think the Archives are an absolute rip-off. $300 bucks for very little unreleased material. Neil is guilty of FUZZY math, and we all know it...
God forbid someone speaks the truth.
Happy Mother's Day!
Johnny Rocket!
Hi Johnny Rocket!
Dude, throw your hatred down, man.
I'm curious on your bona fides. I'm sure in all of your travels you must've met, talked to and read 100's or 1,000's of comments about Neil and his music.
We've got similar bona fides and know literally 100's of other Neil fans on a pretty personal basis.
But in our nearly 40 year history of being a Neil fan, we have never met a single one with your attitude.
I've never heard a real fan say he'll rip-off Neil's music. Or say "Neil suck it".
You're not just a 4%'er, you're a ..., well, I just don't know what to make of someone who call's a fellow Neil fan who's been running a site for Neil fans since 1996 a "Rumpswab"?!
You feel Neil owes you something because of your bona fides? With that statement, there is no truer indication of your lack of credibility.
Happy Mother's Day to you too.
Hey Johnny Rocket,
You're getting boring now.
You've wasted all that money on Neil and $300 bucks is a rip off?
You're an idiot.
Thanks for your comment to Johnny, Thrash.
Everyone is free to buy or not buy anything, so as the neil archive box.
And everyone is free to like it or not.
But lets not give eachother names... When it's on the blog it's overestimated all the Neil Young contense.
And when you cant leave it, just take a pill, as Neil did in 1968
Greatings from Holland
And Trash, go on! I love your site.
uh, johnny rocket, you are a bit dull, aren't you? you say you will steal the archives, well, i guess you're talking about the audio files. the cd version of the archives can be had for 100 dollars, NOT 300 dollars. so is it worth 100?
you've spent all this money on neil over the years, thousands actually, but this is where you draw the line? ok, rocket scientist, if you say so.
Yes - Johnny Rocket is a little bit tiresome and boring.
Some of you have obviously heard most of the stuff before. I, myself, is a really big fan, and have been for 35 years. I have all available CD's and LP's (officially released), and all VHS videos and DVD's. I have been to at least 10-12 concerts. Still - for me - there will be about 42 new songs. With good sound quality. So, for most of us, this will be great.
I do find lot of the negative comments coming from the fanatics a bit strange - I have read "Shakey" and lots of stuff on the web over the years and am not sure whether there is a lot unreleased material in the 63-71 period, that isn't included on this set anyway. The other isssue is, are any of the master tapes etc of a quality that is useable, or up to Neils standards. The so called "43 unreleased " songs from memory dates back to an old add on the reprise site before Massey Hall release, and as the Archives release slipped and Massey was released , that has reduced the number of "unreleased " tracks . I dont recall Neil or his management promoting the number as 43 in recent times , but Im sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Either way I don't care, but expect vol 2 to have much more.
Nor do I understand being "ripped off" - if you dont buy anything, you haven't been ripped off. If you want crap MP3 versions illegally downloaded off the net , Neil doesnt care about that either. However, I for one want another version of DBTR , and this time in high fidelity and in fact I'd like a live video version of this with CSNY from 69 and video of solo loner/cinnamon girl from some small cafe from about the same time, all in high fidelity. The fact that a year ago you could find a crap versions of these on youtube is also irrelevant to me. I want quality versions of these that I can listen/watch , and the best format for this currently is bluray for mine.
Not only that if you dont want the video, you can buy a cd set for $99 , throw in Journey Through the Past for another $28, pretty good deal. The ability to mix and match parts of the box set including individual cds, dvds, bluray , book and posters from my memory is unprecedented. You cant expect a boxset to satisfy every fans wants , but this is so flexible it comes very close.
Mick, that to me, are good comments that you make.
I for one, never try to get involved with these debates and threads (unless its just to throw in some smart arse comment to quell the retorts if they're startin to get a bit too serious or personal).At the end of the day, like nearly everyone else that visits this site.I do so, coz I am a Neil Young fan and I love to share and read every other fan's thoughts and reason's of what they love about neil and his music.Ok, I mighten be as fanatical a fan as Johnny Rocket in that I don't own every album and had the opportunity to go to every available concert Neil has ever done and I don't profess to be a Neil young archival expert.Alls I do know is that
Neil is puttin' out this collection, this package...These archives with blue ray tech(whatever that is). Sure, there is going to be a lot of duplication of previous releases that a lot of the fanatical fan's would already have in some format, be it bootleg, youtube, live concert recordings etc,but Neil has decided to put it out there in all its raw and naked glory. The options there to buy it if you want it or just be satisfied with your existing library of Neil's obligation whatsoever.
I'm not gunna be "demanding", as a fan, from Neil, of certain criteria or expectations that I might have of him to be put on these archives and I might not think that everything that goes on the ARCHIVES is apt or appropriate or satisfactory..but its finally comin' sit back and savour or ignore it...just don't whinge!
Hey all,
I can't believe more of ya aren't commenting about the preview disc.I just can't wait for Archives vol.1 to come out because to me the preview disc alone is way cool.My personal favs are The Squires stuff.And I'll Love You Forever just became one of my favorite Neil tunes of all time.It just kills me.Is it me or can ya hear the origins of Flying On The Groung Is Wrong there?I just wish my sound system supported 24/192khz.Unfortunatly it only goes up to 24/48khz.I know.THAT SUCKS!!
The Mugwump
Here's a question--does the DVD (not the Blu-Ray) edition have any video content (outside of Journey Thru The Past)? Neil has a habit of releasing DVD-audio. I'm interested in the DVDs vs. the CDs only if they come with video content only available with the Archives. Can anyone help?
I have the preview disc but looking for the hardware to watch it on. Thrasher can we ask the fans what equipment they recommend. thanks Zejt up in T.O.
Can I suggest something like this?
You will then be able to enjoy that glorious hi-fi sound! I am buying this and a whole new 2 channel stereo setup, just for this release! So far I have bought a Full HD 50" Plasma and a PS3. So add on the new stereo's price tag plus the archives…becoming quite expensive but I feel worth it! I don't know what you other guys a whining about!
@5:29: There are supposedly about 20 video clips in addition to the JTTP film. The ones that have been mentioned so far include several TV appearances, the orchestra and barn sessions for Harvest, the Dutch documentary footage of NY on his ranch in 1971, and a few of NY and Joel Bernstein looking through Archive material.
I feel like its almost wrong to focus on anything other than Archives 1, but I saw this quote from producer Larry Johnson on a web article and had to post it:
At least four more volumes of Archives will arrive in the coming years, Johnson promises, all sharing the design aesthetic of this first volume. They’ll come at a regular clip over the next five years, following a timeline started in Vol. 1 and continuing to the present. “When we’re done, the timeline will be a mile and a half long, and since we can update it all the time, it will continue to grow — and that’s the design.
I was thinking about Vol 2. And I always thought it might be 73-78. But there are tonnes of songs. It might only be 73-76. I've come up with about 10 discs worth of stuff for the period 73-76. Any thoughts?
Thanx for the info Sigma.Does it have optical outlets/inserts on each end?One for the video player and one for the audio system I mean.I prefer optical.And is something like that available at Best Buy or a store like that?
The Mugwump
Got my Archives Preview Blu-ray Disc 0 yesterday. It's incredible. The sound quality of recordings made 40+ year ago is astounding. The BD-Live kicked in and I downloaded an alternate version of I Wonder recorded in 1968. It sounds like it was recorded yesterday. Neil's voice sounds superb. Roll on June 2. I'm taking a few days off work and I've told the wife not to arrange ANYTHING.
Ya, I was away for a day and went into archives withdrawl. I missed it. I still discovered stuff after my 3rd full pass thru it. It has definitely matched my expectations. (except for a few missing tunes)
Hi Mugwump,
You will have the optical coming from your player, and then the analogue signal (VIA the RCA outlets) going to your receiver/amp. That way you bypass the DAC on your receiver/amp that can't decode the 24/192 PCM audio.
I don't know if you can get this particular product from Best Buy, however there are a lot of other manufactures out there who do make DAC's, however a lot more expensive! (FYI they can't all receive the 24/192 signal, however can only up sample the signal, which is not what you want!)
As a huge fan of Neil's MUSIC (videos and pics are cool, but don't really bear repeated viewings) for many years, I have to agree with Johnny Rocket. This Archives set that we've been waiting for such a long time now is a total disappointment. There's just not enough music on it that I don't already own to justify the ridiculous price tag.
Maybe when Volume 2 comes out in 2027 I'll be interested, but for now I'll just check out my friend's copy (he'll buy this POC).
I'm with the naysayers...after 2 decades of blindly following Neil without question, loving every minute of it, he began to lose me 2tours ago with his ticket prices. This feels like the last nail in the coffin. I may spring for the CD set, as it's not right to steal someone's art...but it's a totally watered down version of what we've been told was coming all these years.
if Volume 2 has the goods I'm praying it will, I'll get the blue ray for that set...this one can suck it. glad the book is available on it's own.
I don't give a crap about candid photos and lyric sheets...I wanted songs I hadn't heard. not "unreleased versions" of songs...
I love Neil...but I found his personal letter about reasong for buying the BlueRay set sickening. Let's all address how much "extra" content comes over your internet connections during the next year and let me know if it's worth another hundred bucks.
oh, and I'm still not over having bought 2 of the 9 discs long before I could order the archives.
I love how being a fan, a true Rustie, means never questioning what someone does. I'd bever question NY's music...but I def. quuestion how he has been milking his audience. He has more money than any person could ever why not try to figure out a way to reward your fans for real? it wouldn't have taken much...oh, that's right I get an mp3 card to download music I just bought...
I'm going to go listen to my Cowboy boxset...which opened up Neil's world to me 10 years ago the way I was always thinking the archives would.
I picked up the cd version and was disappointed.
Throw out the 3 live discs that are official releases in themselves, get rid of all the "best of" tracks, and you're left with 2 cds of non-album tracks, many of which seemed fairly mediocre to me.
Hopefully the next installment won't be 75% crap.
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