Time Fades Away To Finally Be Re-released

In a stunning decision, Neil Young has announced that he will be re-releasing "Time Fades Away" on June 2. This decision pushes back the release on The Neil Young Archives Volume 1 which had been scheduled for this release date.
The announcement comes after a 4 year campaign by fans to have "Time Fades Away" re-released after being out of print since the mid-1980's. The online petition campaign began in February 2005 and has received over 15,000 signatures thus far.
In a statement, Neil Young said:
"My fans have spoken. They want to hear "Time Fades Away" after being out of print for so long. And in order to satisfy my fans, I'm going to re-release the album in it's original format only -- vinyl.
As far as the Archives go, well they've waited this long, so they can wait a little while later. It was a tough decision because I never really cared that much for the album. But after hearing all the complaints about the Archives Box set and trying to address them, I feel that re-releasing "Time Fades Away" is my only option to placate my fan base."
The statement goes on to say that the vinyl album will also be available as a deluxe version with new music videos for each song. The videos will be included on a VHS tape in the deluxe version along with the original lyrics sheet that the 1973 release contained.
Probably no one is more surprised with this announcement than ourselves given that we have long maintained that the Archives most likely will be released before TFA.
Given these developments, Thrasher's Wheat plans to suspend the online petition campaign. But we will not do so until we have the re-release in our hands. Or The Archives.
Happy ARC Day!
Very Funny!
Happy April Fools
do you want NY fans to get heart attack? ;)
The archives are finally coming out.Nothing can stop them now.
Neil can stop them.
I can't believe that Neil would put out TFA on vinyl and ignore his many fans who have been screaming for this release on 8-Track Tape! Come On, Neil, release TFA on 8-Track!!! :)
Time Fades Away rereleased on vinyl?
And VHS?
If true, this is pure absolute artistic genius on Neil's part.
Can you imagine buying an album again? And a VHS tape, to boot? What a beautiful way to punctuate that title. Holding both items in your hands like that.
Echos the lyrics of the Fork in the Road song about the radio and Twist and Shout and whatnot.
april is the cruellest month - what's today's date again?
That's the right word T.!
PLEASE tell me that this is your idea of an adorable April Fool's Day present for all of us!
I almost passed out at first until I looked at my calendar!
The quote "placate my fan base" was a little suspicious, though.
I've already ordered my copies of the Archives Volume I (DVD and CD);
now I'm counting the days (63).
Marian M.
How can NEIL ignore his fans with victrolas with this vinyl TFA release ?
I love the smell of shellac in the morning,the thud,snap,crackle & pop as the knitting needle hit's the surface.Just like old ways.Old trumps new!
Why wait for a 78? I want to crank up that handle & hear Neil through that ole horn,NOW!! I've been waiting since 1923 !!
Neil,please hear out your very oldest fans &"Cough Up The 78s !"
Laughin. my ass off in New Mexico, Thrasher!
Good one.....
as always, peace, y'sll
Best april fool I have ever seen in my whole life!
I was really convinced that it was true until I read about the deluxe package with vhs video.
Truly amazing!
Stop playing with my feelings.
Great! Is it true that the deluxe vinyl version will also include a trampled rose and a glue-on hippie beard? Can hardly wait!
Know what would be better? Reissuing it on used vinyl. Crackles, scuffs and all.
A very good one, Thrasher! It's sounds so natural when the part of the delay of the Archives comes in.
there's is some delay for the ARCHIVES vol.2
ARCHIVES vol. 3 will be RELEASED ON 2 DECEMBER 2009!!!
So, it's true that Volume 3 will appear before Volume 2!!!! Neil mentioned this in an interview not so long ago.
I think it's BAD NEWS because personally I was looking forward to Vol. 2.
Now, Neil, about "Journey Through the Past"...
hahaha thrasher! hysterical! thanks for the laugh this morning. lovekaren
You really had me going. I actually believed this until I saw the other comments and realized it was an April fool’s joke. I feel really stupid right now. I hope I am not the only one.
You re not the only one ! Unfortunately ...
Man T, I just spewed my bowl of wheaties all over the place.
You had up to the VHS business. Although it sound pretty cool.
So awesome!!! Thanks for making me laugh. I wanted to see the bonus features on VHS!
Very funny, you bastard!
Haha, best April Fool's I've ever seen!
I have no idea why, but I waited until the image loaded at the top of the page - to see if the "reissue" cover had changed. The second it loaded, my eye flicked to the date, and I started laughing!
Very well written though Thrasher. Had I not noticed the date, you would definately have had me! When I saw the headline I shouted "Yesss!!!!"
Davie from Scotland
Aww man! I STILL BELIEVE IT! I want so much to believe it! ON VINYL :( :( This was so good! Although I had a horrible (i.e. excellent) April Fool's Joke earlier... I can't type if here but it was like waking up to a nightmare..
oh man, i just about had a heart attack!
then i remembered that i'm not a fucking moron.
The Time Fades Away record will probably be released in 2012 which will be in NYA II
You should have said that the videos would be on beta.
Old trumps new! ha
And quality, whether you want it or not!
it must be spring with the smell of vintage vinyl in the air..
Thrash, your such a troll!
"Top marks for trying to be the funny man round here..but ya just not funny..Someone had to tell ya!"
p.s. Read the "Comments Policy"
I'm sick and tired of reading "try hard comedians!" If you just can't give serious, anal, constructive information and comments.. I just might have to get the Boss to edit you!!
Luv Drip
Oh and by the way Thrash, Just wondering....
"My fans have spoken..They want to here time fades away"..
Is that his 'Optimal Fans'...or his 'Optional Fans'?
Thrasher, that was a good one! I really believed it until I saw the comments! I was so mad Archives were being pushed back and there wasn't gonna be a CD/DVD of TFA lmfao!
Hey Thrash, so you really HAVE got a sense of humour!!
And what ever gave you the impression I didn't?
Doc -
I can hardly ever tell when your operating on Thrasher and dropping him in the bedpan, or not.
Ha! The workings of Neil's mind are so mysterious that it truly never occurred to me this was a joke until I started reading everyone else's comments. I wouldn't have put this sort of thing past Neil -- would you?
Sony, Never ,ever show your ace card!
I think Thrash and I have got a good rapport these days!
Yonder stands the sinner!
Hey Thrash, I just bought a new "Blue Ray" stylus.. so bring on the vinyl!!!
Man, I'm not gonna lie, I was actually excited because I'll be able to afford a single album on vinyl long before the Blue Ray Space Invaders collection. Good one though, you had me for a second.
At first glance of your TFA posting all I could think of was that the $160 cd copy of it I got out of England last year ( you know the one I told you I thought was $40 with the dollar/pound exchange rate) was now worth about $13.99, the re-release price.
My heart my heart, I gotta keep my heart.
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