LincVolt Roadtrip to Washington, DC Approaches: Here's How To Support

While we are waiting for Neil Young's LincVolt powered historic trek on I-70 to Washington DC, some folks have asked if Thrasher's Wheat can help create an awareness about something very important to many personally and their children's future.
Neil Young's send a message to Washington to take leadership in encouraging development, research, and distribution of energy efficient vehicles.
By creating awareness, we mean for Neil Young fans to contact their local college & university radio stations to dedicate "cruising" music for LincVolt while it makes it's historic trek across the US on I-70. Please ask stations to dedicate a few songs throughout the day during the time frame when LincVolt might be driving through their area.
Ask stations to play music that will inspire, encourage, and transform it's listeners to be better stewards of our beautiful planet. Ask them to dedicate a few songs to LincVolt to keep it's battery charged.
Also, internet radio where you can. Besides Rust Radio, we particularly enjoy Radio Paradise who play a fair amount of Neil Young, Wilco, Lucinda Williams, among other faves.
Often times, environmental safeguarding like what Neil has been doing has gone ignored when it hits the newswire, but if we call or write, maybe LincVolt will get the truly deserved publicity it needs to make an even greater impact creating an awareness about choosing lifestyles without further harming the air, water, and soil.
Where else but to start at the colleges and university radio stations that are not locked into pre-programming and commercials? To begin, find a mapmaking search engine that will locate "colleges & universities" along I-70. Next, locate the radio station address and call letters. Begin there. Write a letter stating why this is an important historic event in our nation's history, a first step in attaining the kind leadership through setting a good example of environmental stewardship, and why the message needs to get out using their radio station.
Here's a sample for emailing and calling:
I am not affiliated with Neil, but I wanted to give you a friendly heads up that the Lincvolt team is just about ready to make their historic trek from Wichita to Washington DC which I hope will which I hope will send a message to Washington to take leadership in encouraging development, research, and distribution of energy efficient vehicles.
Neil Young's Lincvolt is a 1959 Lincoln Continental convertible that actually creates it's own energy as it drives. By visiting Neil's webpage or checking out the live streaming from Lincvolt USTREAM, you can learn more about Lincvolt and watch Neil and team prepare the car the for this historic trek.
The live chats are fun, too, and I hope you join in.
The reason why I'm sending you this letter is because radio has always been the most efficient way to get the word out and what better place to begin than where are future lies? The colleges.
Since I'm guessing that Neil & Lincvolt will be passing through your area within the next 2 weeks or so because it is the most direct route, I thought I'd give you the heads up to dedicate a few songs to Lincvolt and Neil to help them along the way.
The point is to fill the airwaves with the soundwaves creating an awareness about choosing lifestyles without further harming the air, water, and soil.
Love & Peace,
If you have a blog, Facebook, MySpace, etc page, here's some info. for posting from
Are you interested in Lincvolt but sometimes miss the webcasts? Would a digital smoke signal via email or notification to your phone via twitter be helpful?
- Follow Lincvolt on twitter via
- Or signup for email alerts by sending an email to lincvolt at (add the @) Please use the subject line "Subscribe Lincvolt".
No other communication is available at that email address. Visit for that.
We'll send a short alert when made aware of an important event or live broadcast, and as time and circumstances allow. We can't guarantee 100% availability or accuracy so please don't expect that. The Lincvolt team is aware of these accounts and reserves the right to grant control, and your email address, to the Lincvolt Team at any time.
Thanks Mother Nature on the Run, Karen and!

"Electric Cars Yes We Can"
Linc-Volt supporters greet U.S. President-elect Barack Obama on his whistle stop train trip to Washington DC. January 17, 2009
Follow LincVolt webcam and chat. Also, see upper right bar for videostream. If there is a play icon, then stream is live. You can also embed stream in your blog, FB, MS, etc.
More on LincVolt Adventures with Neil Young.
Let's Roll!!!
Labels: lincvolt, neil young
Thrasher wrote:
Neil Young's Lincvolt is a 1959 Cadillac Convertible that actually creates it's own energy as it drives.
Oh my, Thrasher. I hope you didn't write that the LINCvolt is a Cadillac.
The coolest thing in 2009 just happened inside LincVolt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neil was on the wheel, playing air guitar while singing the new song Johnny Magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess they were recording a new video for that song. It was awesome! Fantastic super cool and soooooooooo much fun! The snew song was on the "radio" inside LincVolt. Witchita! Witchita! BSM
Neil just returned to the garage and Johnathan heard the song that was written for him for the first time while watching to the stream like a lot of us! So much fun!
Thanks punkdavid ! Corrected. Yes, i was c&p'g from another source.
Anybody have road/car songs to suggest?
Human Highway, maybe?
Didn't it sound like they were changing course and heading in a southernly route to DC?
Sorry I messed you up on the Caddy again. For some strange reason, my mind knows Lincoln Continental but my heart is saying "Cadillac."
It's that song I've got locked up there *points to head* that I can't seem to shake.
The point is to get the word out no matter where you live...
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Famous car songs?
Dead Man's Curve
Hey Little Cobra
Rocket 88
Born to Run
Long May You Run
Little Deuce Coupe
Pink Cadillac
Hot Rod Lincoln
Coup de Ville
Mustang Sally
Little Red Corvette
Little Old Lady from Pasadena
Shut Down ...
Songs from 1959?
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
My Happiness
The All American Boy
16 Candles Crests
"Donna" by Ritchie Valens
Charlie Brown
It's Just a Matter of Time
Come Softly to Me
Pink Shoe Laces
A Fool Such As I (Elvis)
Kansas City
Battle of New Orleans
Dream Lover
Lonely Boy
A Big Hunk Of Love (Elvis)
There Goes My Baby
The Three Bells
Sea of Love
Lavender Blue
Sleep Walk
('Til) I Kissed You (Everlys)
Mack the Knife
Put Your Head on My Shoulder
Teen Beat
Mr. Blue
Don't You Know
Heartaches By The Number
The Big Hurt
MNOT.. I can feel an Archives album comin' on!
Hey Dip, I forgot "Car Wheels on a Gravel Road."
And did anyone catch Lucinda in the New York Times Magazine yesterday?
I'd also like to see Deborah Solomon do a "Questions For" Neil Young in the New York Time Sunday Magazine ...
Maybe if we have time today, we can write her and ask??????
Mother, I'm not always familiar with some of the names you mention in your blogs. Sometimes the 'americanisms' do go over my head for this little Aussie bleeder.
Nonetheless, I always read with interest and always know when you've hit someone's raw nerve.
BTW, great photos on your blog profile.
For all of you who missend Neil singing Johnny Magic in his LincVolt:
Watch here:
Enjoy, Neil seems to have a lot of fun....
Sorry for the typo, I wanted to write "missed"
and I didn't want to poste anonymous,
regards, Liza
More car songs:
Motor City
Let It Shine
Long May You Run
White Line
Too Far Gone
H. Ford
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