Complete Lyrics for Fork In The Road CD

The complete lyrics for Neil Young's new CD Fork In The Road are now posted on Shakey's Garage.
Some are handwritten and some are typed. The handwritten one are interesting to see the changes scratched out with revisions.
More on reaction to Fork In The Road.
Who's Joe?
i believe he is an unlicensed rock star whose name isn't even Joe
Joe Yankee "The Rock Star" Returns with his whole album!
A songwriter of Neil's calibre should be ashamed of those lyrics. Anybody with a few spare minutes could have written some of those lines. Honestly. Somebody needs to check what's under Neil's hood - the spark's missing.
Thus, one can point the finger at 'Joe Yankee'...
Hey Anonymous....NOBODY wants to hear your negativity! Get over your little fantasy that Neil is gonna write another timeless classic...there's no reason that FITR won't be in my opinion....and just accept Neil's current way of expressing himself. Who cares if he does it in a simpler way than in the past?! Not me...
Somebody should check what's under your hood...the spark is missing in your lame comment.
Jim V.
Get a grip; folks are permitted to voice a reasonable criticism. For me, that is what is great about being a Neil fan: one doesn't have to be a slave-ish to get it.
Even Neil critiques his own songs and performances. In time, who knows about the latest batch?
"To kill a mockingbird is a sin. They were sent here to sing us songs and give us joy." - Atticus
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