Neil Young Concert Review of the Moment: Auckland, New Zealand: 1/16/09

Photo by SHANE WENZLICK/Fairfax Media
The Neil Young Concert Review of the Moment of Auckland, New Zealand, 1/16/09 by Chris :
He might be the oldest person at Mt Smart Stadium, but the dude knows how to play guitar. Dude knows how to play a mean guitar.
Neil Young performed like the true legend he is. If you told me he was born with a guitar in his hand, plucking away at the chords for Rockin' in the Free World, I'd probably believe you.
I am pretty gullible though.
Despite his age, Young is still an entertaining character. I like the way he stomps his feet when he's deep in one of his lengthy guitar solos, like a kitten who hasn't quite learnt how to control all four of its paws.
He performed in front of one of the mellowest main stage crowds I've seen in years. Parents were rocking out with their kids, and there was no pushing or shoving like there was for Rage Against the Machine last year.
Best of all, there were no queues for the D barricade, so I got right up close to hear him sing those immortal lines, "Rock and roll will never die".
After all these years, you still believe Young when he sings them. Perhaps all these oldies can teach us young 'uns a few tricks after all.
More on Neil Young Concert in Auckland, New Zealand, 1/16/09.
4 Comments:,25197,24930350-5013404,00.html
It seems every single article recently just has to mention Neil's age like it's something bad. But this article from Australia has aged Neil FIVE whole years! Give the man a break already; he's one of MY generation, and I ain't old yet! Are you ever old as long as you can rock?!
"The 68-year-old singer and guitarist unleashed an enthralling 90-minute set of some of his best-known songs during his headline appearance at the first Australian BDO of 2009 at Parklands in Southport."
Carol in Michigan
Wasn't Neil born in 44 or 45?
Be the Rain.
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Neil is 63. Good factchecking, Australian!
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