Nils Sings Neil

Nils Lofgren has a new album out called The Loner: Nils Sings Neil where he covers all Neil Young songs.
From a post on by Mike "Expecting To Fly":
I just got the Nils Sings Neil disc. It's just Nils solo on piano and acoustic guitar and his beautiful voice. It's incredibly good. I am not always a big fan of others covering Neil's songs but Nils has credibility and love to burn in huge quantities. He plays each song with affection and feeling and his connection to this music comes through with an astounding force. It's a very moving experience for me to hear this interpretation of these songs.
From the liner notes:
"1970 was a very magical year in my life. During the making of the 'After The Gold Rush' album in Topanga Canyon, California with Neil Young and our producer and brother in arms David Briggs, I did my first real acoustic guitar and piano session work. Neil lent me his cool Martin D-18 (which appears on the inside photo of the 'Gold Rush' album leaning against the wall next to him) to play on the record. Near the end of the sessions, Neil gave me this now historic guitar as a gift for my contribution and commitment to this landmark recording. It remains a treasured guitar, which I continue to play and cherish to this day. I knew that the soul and history of the D-18 would give me my best chance of doing Neil's songs justice. Also, David Briggs, my dear friend, producer and mentor, although no longer with us, perched his spirit on my shoulder and kept the music real..."
Also notable: on the liner note to this tribute album, Nils put "Produced by David Briggs and Nils Lofgren" as the production credit. It's like it's as much a tribute to Briggs as it is to Neil. It's very touching that he did that.
It's a wonderful and beautiful recording. I highly recommend it to all of you. Buy it here: or
Expecting To Fly
Thanks e2f! Sounds good.

More on Nils Lofgren and Neil Young.
I'm awaiting my copy from Amazon. It's on it's way ! really looking forward to this.
For anyone that might be intersted, Nils sells guitar lessons via his site. (I've not actually bought any packages, but considering what one can play for a music book, they seem resonably priced. There's a couple of example videos of these on YOUTUBE e.g.
Here's a link to Nils with Neil on backup vocal & harmonica:
Another ever so short video of Nils speaking of Neil:
Anyway, so far heard nothing but praise about THE LONER-NILS SING NEIL. Now just wanting to finally hear it for myself.
I heard Don't be Denied the other night on XM Satellite Radio (as I predicted, "The Loft" Channel 50 is playing lots of cuts from this album), and it was incredibly moving - just Nils on piano, plugging away respectfully, with nice dramatic pauses, almost dirge-like (but in the best sense of that term) - yes, Nils is from DC, so the Winnepeg thing doesn't make sense - but, it is a cover - consider it a biography, rather than an autobiography... Beautiful, haunting and enchanting...
hi...I heard I am A Chind today on XM 40..deep tracks inspired me to put a few NY songs on my blog...excellent tuneage
Put the cowhorns back on the...
...oops, that's another guy. sorry.
I guess it's not in stores? Went looking for it today, but not in the racks (no, I didn't ask the attendant). So, I clicked the link to the Nils site and listened to the clips. Sounds great! Sold, ordered, shipping, can't wait...
I can't wait to get this album.
Does it come in vinyl?
I'm not a big fan of ordering things on line, but if I have to I will. I like to support my local "mom and pop" record stores, so I'm hoping they carry it!
Album review on my blog here. Check out the MP3 of Mr. Soul and buy this album!
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