Test Driving Linc-Volt with Neil Young

Last week, we posted LINC VOLT and The Archives: What Matters? The post was prompted by the comment "Linc Volt is more important to planet earth then the Archives are and ever will be."
Well, judging by the reaction, as far as Thrasher's Wheat readers are concerned, The Archives matters.
But there is some fascinating stuff going on here on the Neil front, as well as, something that is potentially revolutionary.
Take a look at this video of Neil's visit to Wichita, Kansas last week to test drive the Linc-Volt.
(Also, see this link which plays higher quality.)
And there's a great story from the Wichita Eagle from Kansas.com where Neil discusses the project.
He loves cars, "big roomy, American cars." He has collected classics all his adult life.
"But I decided that it was stupid to own cars that just sit around and then pollute when I drive them."
Eight months ago, he decided to convert his beige 1959 Lincoln Continental convertible to something eco-friendly.
At first, all he wanted was a biodiesel conversion.
Young searched the Internet, looking for some "out-of-the-way revolutionary who did not have anything to do with corporations and pre-conceived notions."
He found interviews and an MTV show, "Pimp My Ride," that featured a skinny, articulate Wichita mechanic: Goodwin, who has a national reputation for re-engineering the power units of big cars to get more horsepower for less fuel. Goodwin was working on a Hummer for California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Young called Goodwin.
Goodwin said what he and the others are creating is nothing new.
"The technology to make a practical and affordable electric car has been around for a long time," he said. "There are all sorts of ways of doing it and all sorts of ways to work out how to make it work on a national scale. But what Neil has done is provide the backing to do it -- he's put up about $120,000 so far to change his car -- and he's provided a focus. Neil has been incredible, interested and helpful, and if I asked him tomorrow to let me make the car fly and put a flux capacitor in, he'd just shrug and say 'Sure, let's do it.' "
Young nodded.
"He's the brains," he said, nodding at Goodwin. "I'm just the cattle prod."
He walked to his car, put a hand on her hood.
"You know, I thought long ago you could change the world by writing songs.
"But you can't change the world by writing songs.
"Oh, you can inspire a few people, get some of them to change their thinking about something. But you can't change the world by writing songs.
"But we could change it with this car."
An interesting progression in Neil's thinking on his "Music Can't Change World" comment tha generated so much reaction.
And Neil himself narrates a new, brief video on LINC VOLT - Repowering The American Dream (upper left).
So back to our original question: Is Linc Volt more important to planet earth then the Archives are and ever will be? Discuss.
I'm glad Neil's doing Linc-Volt. It's extremely important that we start looking for solutions that will benefit the environment and Neil's not being complacent. Well done Neil.
"Over 100 MPG." Awesome!!
"I think the world today is a different place, and that it's time for science and physics and spirituality to make a difference in this world and to try to save the planet."- NY Berlin 2008
Yes, Yes, Yes!!! "Linc Volt is more important to planet earth then the Archives are and ever will be"
It did surprise me in the beginning that there was no attention for Linc Volt on this website. That’s why I posted the "LincVolt is more important to planet earth then the Archives are and ever will be" quote. By now I am even more surprised that there’s almost no reaction from Neil Young fans on this amazing project.
Did all you Thrasherswheat visitors read the mission statement on LincVolt.com?
Or are you all to busy visiting websites with Blu-Ray player information?
Mr. Young uses a classic car to make a modern statement on energy efficiency.
A 1959 Lincoln Continental that generates electricity while driving.
He is even planning to drive it to Washington…
Although Mr.Young thinks music can’t change the world he always has been very inspiring for most of his fans and changed their way of thinking in many ways.
Right now Mr. Young is planning to change the world. And it looks like he’s very serious about it.
So, Thrasherswheat visitors and Neil Young fans all over the world. Isn’t it time to give something back after all he has given us for so many years?
As a reaction on the “Music can’t change the World” statement from Mr. Young I would like to post a new statement: “Neil Young can’t change the world. Not alone.”
Let’s support the Linc Volt project.
We urgently need to save planet earth.
Time for action!
Let’s discuss how we can support Mr. Young and his Linc Volt project.
We do have a “Release Times fades Away petition” on this website but we can do much better.
Thrasher, can you make a special “Linc Volt support” section in the right menu bar?
There’s a new “newspaper” that just came out; The Linc Volt Gazette
There's also a link fro NY Times to The Linc Volt Gazette.
If we screw up the planet,there won't be anyone to read the archives
I hate to be a skeptic but all this talk about 'saving the planet' is a bit overdone. I tip my hat to Neil for his work on this project ... he is a true innovator and he's using his celebrity and energy to bring attention to a big problem, which in his words is, "energy independance". The issue is that our oil addiction makes us dependant on rogue states, and that's what Neil was highlighting in the video posted above. In terms of saving 'planet earth' that's a seperate cause and my view is 1) science has not proven definitively that global warming is caused by carbon emmisions 2)Let's be honest, if fans were in an uproar about he cost of a Blue ray DVD wait until they see their electric bill and gas bill once the US starts regulating carbon emmisions. Prices will be up 50% easy. I may be cynical but very few people are really willing to make the true sacrifice to cut their emmisions down significantly. Neil's idea to commercialize a fuel-less auto technology is a brilliant move because if it were economical it wouldn't require sacrifice. But are people willing to stop driving, stop using so much electricity, stop flying, stop consuming products ... sorry, I'm skeptical. That said, Neil has my support on this project just as he has my support on the archives. As soon as either comes out -- I wonder which will be first -- I'll be waiting in line to buy them.
Thanks for the notes. Yes, the "energy independence" is the other main issue.
I should have mentioned it in the post. But isn’t "energy independence" a bigger issue than the “save the planet” thing? It sounds really, really big. I do understand they go together but hardly can’t imagine how economical change caused by energy independence will work out in the near future. It for sure will go with a natural flow. But what about the time schedule? How many years will it take to change the economy from oil addiction to energy independence? At least I am happy Linc Volt isn’t finished yet, otherwise Neil would have been driving to Washington right now to meet the current “leader”. B.S.M.
"Over 100 MPG." Awesome!!
Awesome? What about this one:
230 MPG!
230 ain't bad either. :) Not a good car for those of us who like to be left alone from time to time, though. Haha.
I am sure Glad for living with War, and I think It is a Healing Album for the People !
Thank's for Helping Veteran's !
Sp/4 Roger Heiret, retired U.S.Army...
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