Concert Reports - Detroit, MI - November 10, 2007

Photos by Bryan Mitchell
From Detroit Free Press - "Whether rattling the rafters or going quiet, Neil Young wows crowd" BY MARTIN BANDYKE:
"It was immediately apparent that Young was not in Detroit for just a sentimental, easy-going evening of hits and other familiar tunes. This was a show geared toward aficionados, although even the most casual fans were easily taken in by both Young’s devotion to his craft and his iconoclastic stage design. The Fox’s stage was costumed in a retro and at times surreal style featuring what looked like illuminated letters and numerals from old movie theater marquees, back-in-the-day lighting fixtures and even a red-suited artist cranking out canvases during part of the show."
From Detroit News - "Young is still, amazingly, on top of his game" by Adam Graham:
"With a career of memorable performances behind him, Young is still, amazingly, on top of his game. While there may not have been a harvest moon in the sky above the Fox Saturday, it sure felt like one was."

Neil Young will be performing tonight at the Fox Theater, Detroit, Michigan.
Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates.
Got a report? Drop a comment below.
The acoustic set was riveting, but the electric set lagged. Well, the Chrome Dreams II stuff lagged - the 70s material was tight and enjoyable. Maybe the material really isn't that good - the band acted like they were having fun, but it was harsh and rigid, without the play or the breathing room that good "ragged glory" Neil has.
A great show anyway, but you get the feeling that this should be a tour for Chrome Dreams I. Maybe I'm just bitter 'cos he didn't do Hurricane.
I agree that the acoustic set was excellent. He truly nailed "Mellow My Mind" - hit the high notes extremely well. His voice was stong throughout, and the acoustics at the Fox were terrific. Unfortunately, some complete a#&hole a few rows behind us felt he had to yell out at the top of his lungs before, during, and after each acoustic number (I was in section F2, row 'W'). I fully expect and respect that some people feel the need to let out some appreciative noise here and there, but this was way out of hand. He was ejected at the intermission, to the applause of all those sitting around him.
I thought the electric set was fantastic, especially the mellower stuff like "Oh, Lonesome Me",which was the highlight for me in the 2nd, and "Bad Fog...".
All in all, I thought it was a great show. (The organ came down at the end for "Hurricane" [I assume], but after "TNTN", Neil paced around a bit and then it looked like he might have decided against doing "Hurricane".)
If I never see him live again, I'll be glad to have seen this show.
Both sets, the acoustic and electric were great.
Ambulance Blues was worth the hefty price of admission as was, surprisingly, Dirty Old Man.
To not see Hurricane again and in its place end of with Tonight's the Night was, in my opinion was just fine.
The guy is 61 so I excuse the fact that he plays with some conclusion and time frame in mind. After the show, the buses were already streaking out of the parking lot just as we hit the outside air.Clearly, a guy with an agenda...
The show was excellent, my musical highlight was probably the opening "From Hank to Hendrix" but I'd also like to say I thought the Devil from Greendale pacing around the set painting a bull for "The Believer" was a nice added touch and it was cool to see the song paintings go up on and down between songs.
This makes 5 times that I've seen Neil live and he always hits the mark for me. Ambulance Blues was the best acoustic song for my money
(all were very well done!)and in the electric set Spirit Road and
The Loner are big winners. I love Neil and the Fox Theater is FABULOUS!
I agree that the acoustic set was phenomenal, but the electric set was definitely lacking. How could he call the tour Chrome Dreams II, and NOT do Ordinary People, easily the best song on the album? I don't ever look at setlists before I see his shows because I like the old-fashioned surprise element of a live concert. I knew it wasn't going to be a "greatest hits" show, and I actually thought that part was kind of cool (and very Neil). I guess I had high expectations about seeing him play Ordinary People live. Also, I've seen Neil 6 times, and I truly missed his usual banter with the audience. I drove three hours to get to Detroit for this show, and it was a DEAD audience. I suppose Neil felt that way too. Only Neil show I ever felt incredibly disappointed with.
A dead audience??? Were we at the same concert???? The guy walks on stage and gets an ovation. Who had time to talk with all the stuff going on?
Pegi & Band were fantastic even though the sound system was a little muffled almost too powerful for the acoustics ... The folks sitting next to me asked "who is she??" They really liked her set too but were upset about all the people coming in late walking up and down the aisle looking for their seats ...
Even with people still walking up and down the aisles looking for their seats, Neil walks out on stage and gets a standing ovation BEFORE he even begins ... that's how the rest of the night went ... EVEN after The Loner was sung people are still coming in the theater? What was up there???
It was a very rowdy audience. While people were shouting requests & birthway wishes, Neil said, "don't forget to tell the folks on the West Coast..." and later he adds "You guys are a great audience... and every got up and cheered ..."
He didn't have to say anything because the audience responded with love and appreciation for the music he played that night.
And did he play. Even the casual Young fan, like the Canadian couple next to me, who started asking me about the "unfamiliar" songs were completely blown away by The Believer, Winterlong, and Mellow My Mind.
Most of the people were on their feet by the electric set and only sat down for Spirit Road ... then up again for No Hidden Path and on their seats and dancing to Cinnamon Girl ...
As always, it's about the music with Neil and how this man can still play it. Get a crowd jamming together.
I will never forget this night. My brothers ended up sitting right next to Ben Young during the acoustic set who was jamming along with everyone else!
Dead concert my arse ...
That concert was absolutely impossible to describe in words. It was a rowdy night for sure with half of the fan base partying in Hockeytown beforehand ... everyone was tanked and ready for Neil and what a night it was ... I'm still struck by the magnitute of muse present Nov. 10.
I enjoyed turning on my new friends to Pegi's music. Her set list was fantastic ... The people sitting around me had no idea (can you fricken imagine????) who she was but fell in love with her sound ... the lyrics, the melody, and thought her band was outstanding.
Got two of the brown thermal long sleeves embroidered with Pegi's name and scrolly heart for my girls. My husband who thinks no one will ever top Pete Townsend said No Hidden Path puts Neil pretty damn close. Now, if that ain't a religious conversion, I don't know what is ..
Awesome show. We drove 3.5 hours & were not disappointed. Ambulance Blues was a highlight, as was No Hidden Path. Loved the banjo in Mellow my Mind. Sorry he didn't play "old man", "hurricane" or "journey through the past" but he's got so much stuff that it didn't really matter. His acoustic set was perfect; his voice hit all the notes, and his guitar playing was beautiful. We were close (5th row, but off to the right of stage) but couldn't see his hands on the guitar. Wished we had! The 2nd half rocked the house, especially Spirit Road & No Hidden Path, which lasted about 20 minutes (longer than the album version). I wish we could've gotten tickets for Massey Hall, but the Fox Theatre show was awesome. I still feel that this is all a warmup to Toronto, his home town, where he's really going to cut loose.
donna/ain't dead yet, the one-woman Peggy cheering squad. You been doin this for months now donna. Hope she's payin ya well.
Truly amazing how you know how all the people around you were so enthralled with Peggy and all. Psychic too. Amazing.
Does anyone know what guitar he played during The Loner? I know I've seen it before in pictures, but I always thought it was old black dis-coloured due to yellow stage lighting and a cheap camera phone...
This is the 4th time I've seen Neil in concert. Although it wasn't the best I've seen, it was a VERY good show. The Fox is an absolutely fabulous venue. I also thought it was cool to have the song paintings going up before each song; it was a unique touch. I can't wait to see my 5th Neil Young show!
"Does anyone know what guitar he played during The Loner? I know I've seen it before in pictures, but I always thought it was old black dis-coloured due to yellow stage lighting and a cheap camera phone..."
That guitar is the '53 gold top that Larry Cragg found for him just prior to the recording of Ragged Glory. Larry had it fitted with a firebird pickup in the bridge, put on the Bigsby, and put on the nickel hardware, including the all-important nickel pickguard (feedback, you know). It was designed to be a back up to Old Black, so Larry did those mods. Neil really likes it (especially the sound of the P-90 in the bridge, which is in large part what you hear on Ragged Glory). He often uses this when he is playing live in drop-D tuning. That way, Larry can keep Old Black in open modal tuning. I noted in Minneapolis that Neil used Old Black for Cinnimon Girl (also drop D) and Larry had to go over to the Conn strobotuner and quickly retune for Hurricane. So, that's the story.
By the way, sorry you Detroit folks missed Hurricane, 'cause he absolutely ripped it in Minneapolis.
Hey Anonymouse 11/11 11:07 ... Psychic?
Ohhh... I see what you mean ... both my comments are listed ...
Ooops .. I thought my first comment didn't go through ...
But thanks for the compliment about being a Pegi fan... I was totally surprised when she played ... was it Engine 141??? And Wrestle Awhile was a nice surprise... not even disappointed she didn't play "Sometimes" because I think that's her best song. Typically, opening acts are what they are. Lucky was I to catch both Pegi and Neil the same night ...
Ya see, it happened again. I just posted a response to Anonymouse 11/11 at 11:07 and it looks like it posted but it doesn't show up ...
Thrasher can read my IP address so I'm sure if there was a problem, I'd hear it about by now. Sorry for the duplication ... I can fix the sticky keys but not the numb pads
Maybe Neil would have more banter with the audience if they stopped yelling things at him. Hey everybody it's Neils Birthday. Not. Edmund Fitzgerald! What? Oh! Canada. We love you Neil! Hey stalker guy, I don't know if you know (not that there's anything wrong with it)Neils taken. You people are Bozos. You can see Neil is sick of it. Try yelling out the song title presented on the canvas. Then you can pat yourself on the back because you got it right. Can't you "fans" just appreciate that he is still writing new music and touring. It won't last forever. At least you all got to yell that "you felt like getting high". What a bunch of sheep. I actually heard a woman (who constantly blabbed through the entire acoustic set)say to the joker she was with, that "Neil use to stand for something". This said because he didn't play Rockin' in the Free World. What a night. What freaks.
More banter? Less sheep? So you wanted the night to be like what?
Maybe if you quit worrying what Neil is thinking maybe you would have enjoyed the night better.
"Can't you "fans" just appreciate that he is still writing new music and touring. It won't last forever."
Anyone notice how he slashed and chopped through heart of gold? think hes sick of that one---the rest was fantastic
His comedic side really showed in Detroit, acting like a robot when Larry was plugging him in. Or when he was choosing which guitar to use, he counted them, scratching his head as if asking, did one of you rascals take one?
No, I don't think Neil is tired of the audience yelling and acting crazy. He reciprocated many times with little comments.
I think a live participatory audience feeds his motivation. Awakens his soul. He played. We responded. That's what he's all about. As for the banter, Neil doesn't banter. He rocks!!!
Thanks for the show! Hope to see ya'll on the tail end!
What a great show- Neil's voice and music were both right on- impecable. I have never been a fan of Tonights The Night and I saw it live before back in 2000 at Pine Knob and still wasn't a fan- After Neil played TNTN, tonight, I have a new found repect and enjoy this song- I was disappointed when I saw the piano during the second set as I knew our closer was going to be TNTN in place of Like A Hurricane and it didn't seem like a fair trade- boy was I wrong- Tonights the Night rocked and I'm glad I got to see it as I can now appreciate listening to it for the first time. Other highlights included Abulance Blues- never thought I'd see it live, Sad Movies- great song wish it were released, Love is a Rose, Loner, Winterlong, Bad Fog of Lonelines- these songs always go well together, Dirty Old Man- can't believe how well this song sounded live- I thought it sucked when I heard it on CD- again a new found appreciation after seeing Neil master the song live.
The only thing that would have made the concert better is if Neil would have played one more closing song as the show got out early and there was definitely time for one more even a 15 min song for that matter- those on stage including Neil acted as if they knew the show ended early about 10:30 or so, but took a bow and left anyway- Oh well Great show and got the same number of songs as most other shows- but if you got the time why not play especially when you've got such a large catalog to choose from- Neil will be Neil and us fans will continue to pay and attend Neil's shows no matter what he chooses to do- Keep up the good work Neil.
It was great to see Neil again in Detroit and to hear him open the show with a dedication to the Detroit Red Wing organization was awesome. The show was great and did not leave disappointed although I was hopping for Like a hurricane at the end. These last few days after the concert I have heard people say I wish I knew he was in town....... Well I don't know what to say on that one. I did look at the tour schedule and wondered why Detroit and other city's only have one show where other city's have several shows. I think Detroit could have had two more nights with Neil.
For the first time at a concert good thing that happened in the audience. Seeing The theater management kick a few Yahoos out. I saw the Harvest moon tour at the Fox and the people behind us just would not shut up and made it very difficult to enjoy the show. This time it was great to see a few Yahoos spoil the show for themselves. I know they paid good Money as well as I did but that does not give them the right to spoil it for everyone else.
"By the way, sorry you Detroit folks missed Hurricane, 'cause he absolutely ripped it in Minneapolis."
I could go the rest of my life without hearing "Hurricane" again. I was so bummed to see that organ being lowered and really happy when they played TTN instead.
Thank you Neil for sparing us!
Man, I saw Hurricane for the fisrt time in my life in Minneapolis and I am glad I did...Neil left orbit on that one! Maybee someday I'll get to see Tonight's the Night
this was my 1st neil young concert, I actually got to attend this one, dating back to 1983, i missed 4 of his shows that i had purchased tickets for, I was waiting to get hit by a car as i before i entered the fox, I took my seat and sat next to a woman who made my 1st neil young concert enjoyable as I went solo, i wish she would have stuck around for the electric set, she was dancing in the aisles, what a truly remarkable night, I will never forget it, thank you neil for a terrific show, thank you layla for being a good friend to me during the show
I was ushering this show and I had not seen Neil since Rust Never Sleeps.
Peegy's set was amazing...glad to see.
Neil's acoustic set was will always be an honour to see him.
I especially enjoyed "oh Lonesome Me" with that slow plodding drive...exceptional.
loved Neil
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