Pegi Young Concert Report

Harry O reports on Rust that Pegi gave a fine performance on Friday at her first solo show. Her husband Neil joined the band playing sitar and acoustic guitar (that's Neil on far right above).
(HT - The Painter)
From today's San Francisco Chronicle by Joel Selvin:
"'It's something that I probably always wanted to do,' she says. 'I've been writing a long time. I've been playing music in my own way for a long time. It's just been put over here, while I had other things that I needed to do. I guess it's just sort of an evolution. Playing and singing more with Neil and with my Mountainettes singing group just sort of led to it. It was Elliot's suggestion, actually (Elliot Roberts, Neil Young's longtime manager). I'd been thinking about making my own record, but I'd only been thinking about it. I hadn't sort of jumped in.'"

Sounds great! Wish I'd been able to be there.
Groan. The more Pegi comes forward, the worse Neil gets. I think he's pretty much washed up. While I'm sure she's a very nice person, there are plenty of more talented people who can't get a major label release or an interview the Joe Selvin or a blurb in Rolling Stone or a date with Conan or a crack band or a legend singing back-up.. I think her melodies are dull and her lyrics pathetic. Come on, she wouldn't have a chance without the Neil machine behind her. I think Pegi spends a fair amount of time in la-la land. In the Selvin interview, she says she "probably" always wanted to make an album but couldn't find the time. Yeah, that's the big excuse. Steps from a recording studio, all the hired help she wants, full-time attendants for son, but couldn't find the time in thirty years.And when she does get around to it, she has to dig up songs she wrote more than thirty years ago. It's all kind of cringe-inducing.
On the positive side, the band salvages the melodies she does come up with with fantastic enhancements. Unfortunately, the songs aren't up to the first-class treatment they get. Bleh. I have a feeling she's gonna be doing this for awhile. As Neil continues to wane. Another positive, she's much better a lead singer than backup. I couldn't believe that Bridge Comes a Time duet. But Neil is in a different phase of his life now and seems to need the psych and emotional support of having her onstage, to hell with the quality. But in my strong opinion, she has really ruined his last several records. Maybe getting her out on her own will get her off of his records.Doubt it. I don't know what happened to Neil. He doesn't seem to hear how bad she sounds on them. Which is why I firmly expect more mediocrity from him.I think he's just mentally weaker these days, less independent. Male menopause, maybe. Se la vie.
I don't know, something about her voice sounds strangled and annoying. Smug or superior or something.Flat. I don't know. Uninteresting. Couldn't listen to it for too long.
gee. don't you folks think you're being a little harsh? After all it's her first solo effort. Give her a break for at least trying. And don't be so nasty.
I find a little honesty refreshing in the morning. Pegi's getting all the breaks she could want. Her management will be the first to say she's been a singer, musician and writer all her adult life. After all that time, you're either good or you're not.
Neil washed up? hahahah. Yeah, you should've seen him playing the electric sitar lastnight, you could see ol' Neil's still got a lotta fight left in him, he really got into that thing. He only played on 3 songs at the very end, and only 1 with the electric sitar, the other 2 were with some strange unplugged acoustic where he was just kind of support sound, but wow, the electric sitar song was out of this world. You could see him messing with the knobs and trying to tune around with it between riffs, it was pretty cool. And not till he got on there with that thing did the band really get rockin, I mean it was actually a great song, Pegi was singing well, Ben was all over the pedal steel, and Rick Rosas and the new guy on guitar were really feeling the rhythm. If you're headed to the show at the Little Fox Theater, you're in for a treat when Neil comes on for that song.
The rest of the songs were fairly good, I will admit there were a few annoying ones, but I mean some of the ones she wrote were well done, and with the backing band she's got they sounded good overall. I'm talking about the show at the Attic in Santa Cruz by the way. They played a set of 7-9 songs, or something like that, and then "finished" and 30 seconds later they came back with Neil "look, we found our sitar player", and Neil, not speaking a word, sat down and picked up the sitar, he didn't even crack a smile till the second song when Pegi would look at him occasionally.
The third song Neil assisted on had a few duet parts, and Neil's voice still sounds the same as it has for the past 3 years, a little battered, but still full of that trademark tenor and softness. As they finished up to uproarious applause (they do not stick around for bows or encores), they quickly went out the back and the building emptied out.
Most of what I heard around me was surprise, "wow, she was pretty good" and "didn't expect it to be that good". I tend to agree, while I did buy my tickets when they went on sale, before it was Pegi Young AND her band on a mini tour, I was of course elated to know Neil would be there. However, on her own, Pegi and the band could've held up the show to a fairly high standard, Neil's presence on the 3 "encore" songs were obviously a treat, but one which was not needed in order to get the show to review well.
I'd give the show 4 stars out of 5, if only because it was short (less than an hour of material, but she only does have one album). Pegi was a little stage shy, but she quickly warmed up to the extremely receptive audience, who whistled and cheered her on between every song amid a din of applauding hands.
It was Pegi's night, and I agree fully with Neil's appearance only at the end of the show, she pleased the audience with her own talent, Neil appeared only on the 3 songs where he could be clearly heard on the album.
Bravo Pegi.
The only way to fairly judge Pegi's talent is to imagine she's Joan Schmo off the street, a complete unknown. Not Neil Young's wife, Not a Bridge School founder. Not with Neil's band as backup and Neil waiting in the wings to make a guest appearance. But that ain't gonna happen. Would Joan Schmo a complete unknown have had an extremely receptive audience and uproarious applause? No way. Neil's happy to lend his mighty influence and presence and band and she's happy to accept. That's their choice, but don't call it fair or truly deserved.
You can be damn sure that Neil Young is gonna be damn sure that no wife of his fails. He thinks she's great and everyone else is gonna think so too, dammit. The man's got a dynasty to uphold and damn long coattails. Hop on Pegi. The more I think about it, the more I think ther is something to this Citizen Kane stuff. Rosebud, anyone?
That's great, how about you go back to your little hermit hole and listen to After the Gold Rush or Everybody Knows This is Nowhere again? You "new Neil" decryers are about the most annoying group of people in existence, it's music, enjoy it, or go away. Yeah the onyl reason she gets publicity is because she's Neil Young's wife, but when it comes down to it, if she sucks, she sucks. And she didn't. The best musicians in the world can't make Ashley Simpson sound good, and the worst guitar ever tuned couldn't bring down Dylan. Neil has tried to distance himself from this album as much as he can while still having his minor parts in it, and while it his name that generates to publicity, so what? Pegi acknowledges fully the influence both musically and philosophically Neil had on the album, it's not like she's trying to distance herself from him, nor trying to feed on his name. She gives due credit where credit is due. Who are you to say what is right and what is wrong? If his wife wants to make an album, let her go for it, the woman has done more for cerebral palsy awareness than anyone else and continues to be involved in the school even though her son is no longer in it.
She, if anyone, deserves a little self-indulging. It's not like Neil lined up an arena tour for her, EVERY place they booked, you know, all 3, are tiny, tiny little places that will host whoever is willing to pay. The Attic in Santa Cruz held no more than 100-120 people. Get over it, man, it's not like Neil is done, he's recording new material right now. Will Pegi have a part or two in it? I don't know, and I don't care.
The 70's are over, even the 90's resurgence of hard rocking power Neil went through is a bygone era. I don't know what you're trying to prove. Neil's career isn't over, but yeah, it is winding down, so let's take what we get from a man who's been the most notoriously reclusive figure in rock and roll of all time and not shun him for going a new direction.
I'm sure you'd love a Neil nostalgia tour, all the oldies and what not, not a new song on the setlist. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. So stop your whining and go find something else to heckle.
Yoko was an artist before she met John - and when they melded it sounded like a cat being skinned alive. However, on her own, Yoko had moments of not being half-bad, precisely because she was somewhat of a musical artist BEFORE she met John. Other husband-wife duets were obvious failures, Paul and Linda come to mind - where it's obvious that the wife developed the marginal talent in the post-honeymoon phase. Surely, in these cases it was because the husband knew he was being adored and wanted his wife to share in the experience... or maybe it was because she wanted something to do while on tour? What's it in this case, "honey, the kids are all grown up, guess it's time for me to be a folk star?"
Pegi will always be the Motorcycle Mama, Diner Diva, who caught a recent divorcee's eye ("never saw a woman look finer...") - and who best supports Neil by climbing aboard the Harley, holding on for dear life and letting him drive.
'Nuff said.
Ooh, somebody touched a nerve. I really look forward to new Neil. I haven't heard one of his old albums in ages and don't care to. I'd be happy to never hear another old song out of him. I'm all about the next release. In would hardly shun Neil for going a new direction.
As far as Neil distancing himself from this album, get real. It's going out on his label, he plays on the whole thing and sings, his band plays on it, and he's performing at her shows. He could hardly be much more involed unless he wrote the songs, which wouldn't be a bad idea.
You're getting Neil's music and Pegi's all mixed up and that's the problem. And I think Pegi's more than a little deluded when she says in the Chronicle that "He doesn't hire me just because I'm his wife".
So we should welcome this because Pegi deserves a little self-indulging and has helped kids with cerebral palsy? Speak for yourself.I only listen to music that sounds good to me, not because the singer's supposedly owed something.
It'll be innaresting to see if Sugar Mountain includes these gigs with Pegi as Neil set lists...
Haha, I have a Dad who, with abundant love and guidance, raised a family that included a severely handicapped child while working nights along with a side job when we were in school. He just didn't sleep much for thirty years. He did it all, cooked, cleaned, renovated the house, took us on vacations. Truly a great man. What's that Neil line, meet the heroes in the dives where the people are the real stars. Dad loves to sing in church and to polka songs. He's pretty good, too. I don't think he should release an album.
I drove 380 miles to see Pegi last night at Attic, Santa Cruz, driving all the way from Los Angeles. Just to see her and his husband. Am I crazy? No, she was so good and I still can't believe this is her solo debut. Neil was just one of the band member last night and didn't say anything, but he is quite alright.
"It's something that I probably always wanted to do a long time ... It's just been put over here, while I had other things that I needed to do."
Why can't we just take what someone says and go with it, folks. And why can't a woman do what the f*ck she wants to do without the ad hominems.
Singing at coffee shops, book stores, and libraries isn't being delusional, by the way. It's being realistic.
Pegi, if you're reading this crap, hon, don't let these jackasses rob you of your accomplishments.
Some of us like your "sound" because you're not trying to be anybody else. Just you. And your back up ain't half bad, either.
When I saw a clip of you doing Ian Tyson's "baby" with your hubby, I thought you needed a better spotlight.
Best wishes on the rest of your tour ...
I think what people find annoying is that we like to think we're a meritocracy, not an aristocracy. When someone without special abilities gets all sorts of special treatment because of their connections, naturally it doesn't go over well with some.
NEVER just take what somebody says and go with it. Bad advice. And don't try to make this about being a woman.It could just as easily be a female singer's modestly talented husband.I don't think anyone said she was delusional for singing in small venues.
"NEVER just take what somebody says and go with it. Bad advice." If this was a political issue, I would agree. But some of us who stayed at home with our kids are hearing something else about her decision ...
"I don't think anyone said she was delusional for singing in small venues." What about "I think Pegi spends a fair amount of time in la-la land." What's wrong when somebody wants to pursue his or her desires or interests or dreams? Are they living in "la-la land" or being delusional?
It's about a wife and mother who decided to spread her wings a little. Nothing more. And what's wrong with a hubby or partner taking a supporting role? Isn't that what relationships are all about?
"When someone without special abilities gets all sorts of special treatment because of their connections, naturally it doesn't go over well with some."
You must be talking about the
President of the United States because if you were referring to Pegi Young, I would disagree.
To what special treatment are you referring? That any husband would want to support his wife is touching. It must be love.
I'm with Yoko, let it be.
Nothing wrong with pursuing your dreams, but it's always good to have an accurate assessment of your abilities. I'm guessing Pegi could have done with a little less unconditional approval and a little more honest criticism.
I think the lala land comment was probably referring to this. I mean, really, if she doesn't think she's being hired because she's Neil's wife, you gotta question her judgment. Have you actually heard her sing with him in recent years? Ten years of singing lessons for THAT? There are plenty of far more talented back-up singers he could have been employing, but it's clearly not about talent. People like you don't help, making her think she's really good when she's not. And I suppose Amber was hired to do the cover art for LWW because she's an exceptionally talented artist. Come on, Neil's all about nepotism. And if you can't see the special treatment here, no one's going to make you see it. Stardust will make you deaf and blind.
To 6/26/2007 11:25:00 AM post:
So Neil supports his family supporting him? I don't think that's nepotism when you help your spouse for no compensation. It's like you're saying Neil is anti-family. Which is absurd.
Take your narrow minded, neanderthal arguments elsewhere.
"Neil's all about nepotism. And if you can't see the special treatment here, no one's going to make you see it. Stardust will make you deaf and blind."
Imagine that, Neil is home grown afterall. Wow. I'll pass this one onto my visually and hearing impaired family and friends. Although they won't buy this stardust crap ...
Je ne peux pas voir. Je ne peux pas entendre. Je sens un troll
Thank you rdr 11:29 a.m. for your comment. There was an unusual build up of stardust in the sky that made seeing and hearing the concert almost impossible so we appreciate even more your "play by play."
Sounded like a good time.
YOKO kills on "If you had the luck of the Irish!!!!" Linda McC with "Band on the Run" rocked!
You people would rather have cardboard instead of the living breathing people John was and Paul is!!!
Anytime an artist reaches out to to do something out of the genre you whine. When they want to include family. You whine. WTF. These people are not 2 dimensional. They might be part of a bigger whole called a FAMILY. WOULD anyone care if Dolly Parton's hubby came out to sing a duet. No, they would say, oh how cute. We didnt know he could sing.
So Pegi yOUNG comes out and sings to crowd of about 150 people and we hear gripes because it doesnt sit right with a few. Well sit this one out then.
NEGATIVE People are like the annoying people who talk while the movie is rolling.
Shut up already.
nepotism: favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship
Webster's Collegiate 10th edition
Starstruck, illiterate and not given to rational argument. Great combination. California, it's people like you who give us Reagan for president, and perhaps Schwarzie some day. Thanks so much.
Wow, what a collection of pissy, snippy, sniveling, whining "oh poor me, no one ever game me a break" babies. I challenge any of you who are so brave out here in 'blog land' to spend 10 minutes with Pegi, and still come away spewing the same crap you have put out here. This woman has stood by her husband for 30 years (that's like 100 years in the rock 'n roll world), started a school that forged the direction for augmentive, alternative communication for children with severe speech and physical disablities, raised her and Neil's two kids and had more than a casual hand in raising Neil's son, and has provided more support than the majority of us to the communities she lives in and grew up in. Who are we to begrudge her the pursuit of a dream that sat on the back burner for most of her life? If you had the resources available to chase your dream, I'm betting you wouldn't hesitate for a nano-second.
Didn't your mother ever tell you that if you don't have anything nice to say, just shut your trap?
I just heard a rumour about NY & Crazy Horse coming to toronto sometime this summer... Anyone else hear about this?
" People like you don't help, making her think she's really good when she's not."
Are we talking about Blanche DuBois or Pegi Young?
I don't think a woman who starts a school because there was none around at the time her child was school age ready is a woman who would allow others decide for her if or when she should sing, dance, or shake the tamborine. I'm sure she cares even less about what we think of her writing ability.
What I hear, see and feel is a woman artist emerging. It's a pity some of you can't see it or hear it. Ironically, maybe the guy was right about the stardust afterall.
I hear alot of talk about what a great person Pegi is. That is exactly what this is NOT about. This is about singing and songwriting ability. I thought we were talking about the MUSIC. I don't hear much talk about what a great singer/songwriter Pegi is. Because she isn't. But I desist. Why try to talk rationally here?
If you can't say anything nice, just shut your trap? You mean like Neil does? You mean like you just did with the "pissy, snippy, sniveling, whining babies" thing? Seems to me most of the namecalling is coming from Pegi's supporters. Nice.
"This is about singing and songwriting ability. I thought we were talking about the MUSIC. I don't hear much talk about what a great singer/songwriter Pegi is."
How exactly does one go about measuring someone's ability to write music or paint or sculpt? Do we use the standards set by the judges of American Idol, the Royal Academy, or United Sculptors of America?
When looking at one of the less "popular" artists, Kazimer Malevich and his Black Square, for example, some people see exactly what it is, a boring black square and some see a new beginning. Other's see a yearning to radicalize the art world.
It's the same way with music. There are the popular artists and then there are others who are not. Some people have a message and others do not. And some people want to use a tool to measure ability here, too.
I don't. I just like to listen to her singing in the same way I get a kick out looking at Malevich's art.
Sometimes, I catch myself humming one of her songs when I go about my day.
Good day.
When is she gonna be on Conan? I hope I can stay up that late to watch her.
Well, I just watched the YouTube Love Like Water clip from the other day. I have to say... Pegi is not a natural-born singer. But she was very enthusiastic. And Neil's sitar was pretty neat...
I think she's got a better chance making a living at singing than hubby Neil Frank Noir had with acting. He literally went out on the ledge on that one. Peggy's not going out on limb here. She's had a lot of experience as back up regardless who she married. I say strike while the spotlight is still hot!
With Neil, it's not just all about the music. It's more that that with Farm Aid and Bridge School being just 2 examples. Sure Neil could fill concert halls on just his musical talents. But for many, Neil represents a community with common cares and concerns.
Music matters but so does the underlying driving force.
I'm sure many who attended Pegi's concerts were there for more than just the music - camaraderie and support.
I think Pegi's album isn't bad. I'm not going to buy it, but it could be worse. She has moments where her voice sounds really good. She doesn't seem to have much to say, but Neil and the band make up for alot of that. I think she sounds better on this record than what I've heard live, where she tends to be off-key
The whining here is just a big case of sour grapes. The subtext of most of those posts are either "I'm a MUCH better singer than she is!" or "my favorite singer Jane Doe is a MUCH better singer than she is, but SHE can't get a record deal".
Pegi isn't the greatest singer around and would be the first to admit. She HAS admitted it. Pegi knows she wouldn't have a record deal without her Neil connection. She's not "smug" or "superior" about any of that. She's just taking a shot at it.
Guess what people: there are PLENTY of released singers in the same boat. They aren't the best. Maybe they're only so-so. But for whatever reason they got a shot. This time it's Pegi's turn. Get over it.
Here's the way I see it. Pegi Young is the wife of one of the biggest rock stars to ever walk the face of the earth . . . There's no way around that, for her or him or us or whomever else might be her potential audience. There's no denying that she is, well, Mrs. Neil Young. Of COURSE he is going to help her whatever way he can (I mean, wtf, if I were married to Neil ~ pause for momentary reverie, ok, slap, I'm good now ~ I would expect him to help me if I wanted to produce an album, I mean JAYZUS, who else would you want to help you but one of the greatest songwriters of all time, and he's sleeping right next to you! (Personally, though, I don't think I could ever write a song if I were married to Neil, I mean, really, how depressing, you'd just want to kill yourself the second he said, oh yeah, that's good but how about this, and you realized it was like 10 thousand zillion times better than anything you could have ever come up with on your own, heh). Anyway. I digress. So. Of course she's Mrs. Neil Young, of course he's gonna help her. So fucking what. After that, folks either like her music or they don't, either she has "it" and develops an audience or she doesn't. And as I am sure Neil would tell us all ... If you don't like the music DON'T BUY THE FUCKING RECORD. And don't go to the shows, either, 'cuz if you're going to just see Neil, well ...that probably ain't gonna last much longer. I mean, come on folks, we all know Neil well enough after all these years to know that he's not gonna be anybody's side man for too long .. even Pegi's. Neil's a rock star, always was, always will be, and he'll be on to the next thing that starts with NEIL YOUNG (not Pegi Young) by .. well, probably by the time I hit send ..
as for Yoko, Cat skinned alive - give Live Peace toronto a listen, Cold Turkey...
This reviewer was more then generous. Some thoughtful comments follow the review. Perhaps, the Youngs need to rethink this situation. Please.
Andrew Says:
July 4th, 2007 at 8:33 am
No, Pegi hasn’t “earned it”, Miron Her husband, a legend, bought it for her like a wealthy old eccentric buying his demanding wife a poodle or another vacation
home. Pegi has been a generous philanthropist and loyal spouse, but she is not a singer. The time and money wasted on this little indulgence could have paid
for who knows how many after school programs for the handicapped kids she normally understands have been
overlooked and neglected.
Pegi had no right to stand on that stage at The Ryman next to Neil Young and Emmylou Harris. None at all. Perhaps this is just a selfish moment for her or part
of a midlife crisis, but it is a sad delusional footnote in Neil’s career to allow himself to used and
abused in this manner.
Neil Young? “My way or the highway”, Neil Young? The
man who otherwise is known for his perfectionism and almost maniacal control of all Crazy Horse and CSNY
Respect the music.
Jay Says:
July 4th, 2007 at 9:24 pm
Whoa, what Andrew said. Tell it, Andrew.
John Says:
July 4th, 2007 at 10:28 pm
Neil wants this at least as much as Pegi, a la Kane.I’m not sure he’s being used so much as nudging
her into this. Some strange need to make people think she’s exceptional. As with so many long-married men, the cajones have shriveled and now he’s handing over
his last key. So used to getting his way. He thinks he can shove this one down our throats and we won’t notice she can’t write or sing or play. Both so far
out of touch after a lifetime of privilege. They’re going for a Johnny and June Cash kind of thing, but Pegi ain’t no June.
As for Pegi having earned some self-indulgence, yeah I can see where you’re coming from. The old gal just spent ,what, five grueling months on a beachfront in
Hawaii. Give her a little indulging after all that, for goodness sake. Dare anyone say that even the Bridge School was enlightened self-interest? How many
parents haven’t gone to extraordinary lengths to
better their own childrens’ lives? I’m sick of hearing what a tough row they’ve hoed. Like the Pink song says, let me tell ya bout hard work.
The former link did not work. Try the tinyurl for complete comments on the review. FWIW, I cried to see Neil participating in such a delusion.
To the person who cried over Neil on 7/5/ 4:48 p.m. Oh the infamy!
This infatuation you have with singers and songwriters is not healthy. Regardless of what you think, these are only people about whom you are whining.
Putting people on pedestals or saying one is not worthy of the other proves you are either egotistical or a writer for Rolling Stone.
And attacking people, their families, and their motives based on what you think you know shows your ignorance.
"Dare anyone say that even the Bridge School was enlightened self-interest? How many
parents haven’t gone to extraordinary lengths to
better their own childrens’ lives? I’m sick of hearing what a tough row they’ve hoed"
It's not about the destination, dude. It's about the journey.
I don't expect you to understand this unless you've been walking side by side all the while with these two wonderful human beings,
Alright now, that's enough. Everybody tiptoe around these "two wonderful human beings" but don't put them up on "pedestals" they're just like everybody else? It just doesn't work like that. Can't have it both ways, swanie.
Neil is a legend. He towers up there with CSN, Hendrix, Joplin, and so many more. You can't tear all that down and make everybody equal cause Pegi wants to play singer/songwriter. If she had any respect for the musicians she's trying to stand onstage with she would be there only as a backup singer for Neil.
Sorry Anonymouse .. I just don't agree. We are human from beginning to end.
Being a legend or having money does not define one's humanity unless it is used to improve the quality of life for other humans. Tearing down another human being is counterproductive and our humanity would be better off without it.
The other day, I took my family out to eat to our favorite restaurant because I didn't feel like cooking. In fact, I hate to cook but I love to eat.
After we got our food, we realised the food tasted a little different. It wasn't bad, it was just different.
Upon making an inquiry to the waiter the wife of the proprieter chef came out explaining that her husband's been taking time off and she's been cooking the last few months. She also explained that she used fresh coriander and lemon grass rather than the stuff that comes out of the plastic shakers.
Do we:
a) throw the food in her face?
b) ask for our money back?
c) vow we'll never return and try to close the place down by spreading rumors?
d) tell her we noticed the food tasted different and ask what's on the menu for dessert?
e. Get Neil to buy you another restaurant.
Or better yet, might I suggest that if you don't like fresh coriander and lemon grass that maybe you should try a different restaurant until the chef proprieter returns if you like the way he cooks better?
That metaphor doesn't stand as most restaurants are a shoestring operation NOT internationally recognized operation.
I respctfully suggest the better metaphor is this:
The majority of voters elect a mornic ass-clown hell bent on starting WWIII.
What do you do?
Work for change including protesting, writing letters to editiors and government officials?
Join and underground society?
Sit and complain for 4-8 years?
(ding, ding, ding)
You have your winner!
"internationally recognized operations?" (So you don't eat food, huh? Or go to restaurants?)
I happen to like the restaurant; what's your excuse for being here?
And I don't think it requires a majority to determine:
a) who lives in the White House, or;
b) who plays a few gig for people who will not complain about sitting in folding chairs.
some see a mole hill; and some see a mountain and some can't see the forest from the trees...
Maybe they had a major tiff and Pegi says, I'll show him whose boss. Neil Schmeil Young, my ass.
So she forces him buy a record contract (that would be punishment enough for him, don't you think?) but only after he agreed to play the sitar at a gig (which meant he would have to face a different firing squad.)
So the sitar thing backfires because actually he's not that bad on it so she's still steamed. But he says, is that enough, hon? I'm tired, let's go home.
Being that she's a good sport afterall, she kisses him and they make up.
Because this is a nice restaurant. Regina Skeptor, listen!
This is the first time I've been to this site--was given it by a friend. Looking at the comments as someone who doesn't normally do this kind of reading: WOW. If someone wants to have some fun, do something she's always thought about--if not wanted--to do, and has the opportunity to try it, good for her. It must be scary to sing in public when your husband is so famous and admired for his music (not necessarily his vocal range and purity, :) but for the complete song). She's been around plenty long enough to know that the anonymous opinionators will attack...or "discuss" her right to give a performance. Isn't that nice of anonymous (he's everywhere online!!), and always so helpful. If she wants to spend her/ their hard-earned money on week-long monkeyfoot massages, it's none of our business! People give what they do because they WANT to, not because they HAVE to give their earnings away. Sounds like these two go above and beyond in their generosity and commitment to a better world. Go, Pegi! Keep having fun with your time--with YOUR life. Not that you need anyone's opinion or permission, of course. I'll go away now...thanks for reading this, from Cat!
I think you people might be crazy
Neil is on a last-ditch bender trying to get everything out of his system before the big-guy-in-the-sky comes calling again & this time doesn't take "no" for an answer
Is Pegi the most deserving talent in the land to receive an album? course not...not even close...but Neil wanted it out there so there it is
The more criticism this album receives, the more it's gonna make Neil release another one just like it...
I for one; hope this is out of his system & he can go back to being IN the spotlight & not off to the side of it
Geez, people..... It's just music. If ya don't like it, don't buy it, if ya do, do..... how hard is that?
I agree with Jimmy, the more people criticize Pegi, the harder the Neil machine is going to work to emerge triumphant. If everybody just shuts up, maybe this whole Pegi thing will die a quiet death. On second thought, Nah, ain't going to happen. Pegi will have her own set at Farm Aid and at Bridge. Grrrr. And she's got another album ready. This whole thing has an air of the kind of hypersupport that mentally challenged kids get for the least little effort, which is appropriate for that kind of situation, but not this one. The band actually applauded her after the Conan performance. What?
Now people are starting to say that her album "stands on its own". Not by a long shot. It stands on Neil, Neil's band, Neil's label and Neil's management. But you can bet that Neil's not going to let her fail. His management will be working the press. You can bet that every aspect will be closely tended. This vanity project must be costing him a pretty penny. Or did he get the record label to spring for the costs? and that restaurant analogy is lame. It's more like the very tasty menu has been replaced by canned tomato soup and stale crackers.
What really bothers me is that she's such an inferior talent. Wipe the sleepies from my eyes? wipe the SLEEPIES from my eyes? What self-respecting 20-year-old would write that? And what kind of 55 year old would sing it? Pegaroo Music? I think what we've got here is a five year old in a 55 year old body. The thing with Neil and Pegi is they've spent 30 years in an artificial world full of derriere kissers and their critical faculties have atrophied. They think everything they do is special. No one dares tell them, since Briggs died, that they suck. And now Neil is becoming a pathetic old insecure rich fool with a really pathetic comb-over who's trying to make up in a very public way to his bored wifey for her support. It's tragic. Why not buy her a painting studio, for God's sake. If music is her best creative outlet, well... And yes, Neil does owe us something. We've bought his estates and Hummers. He owes us his best. I'm sure Pegi's giving us her best and that's also tragic.
And one other thing. All you
Ne(il)ocons trying to muzzle the critics, muzzle yourselves. Or better yet, muzzle Pegi. No, seriously, why does Pegi have the right to freely spout drivel but I don't have the right to call it drivel? But I do have the right to call drivel drivel and so I shall.
And one other thing. To the person who's going to go into raptures about what a wonderful thing it is to be able to be childlike when you're 55, no this is something else. This is stunted development. Like the royal couple in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Remember them? Or Michael Jackson and Neverland.
And why do I bother with such a long post? Because it's not "just music". Music can change a life, save a life and Neil's music has been so and it's sad to see him come to this. Okay, I'm done now.
"Music can change a life, save a life and Neil's music has been so and it's sad to see him come to this. Okay, I'm done now."
Good ... I'm glad you're done ... because guess what, Junior, not everyone is changed and saved through music the same way as you. And musicians are not vodoo dolls that we manipulate. Or fantasize about in your case.
To see him come to this makes you sad?
It's not about him. It's about her and she looks pretty happy to me. If her songs don't appeal to you, that's okay. They appeal to me.
You have the right to criticize the music, but not the person. And yes, you have the right to not buy anything else made by the Young family.
"We've bought his estates and Hummers. He owes us his best. I'm sure Pegi's giving us her best and that's also tragic."
His best? He OWES US his best? He owes us nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yet his music new and old continues to reach across generations, gender, race, religion, politics, etc.
What kind of head trip are you on anyway? Are you the same guy from the other blogs who is stuck in the 2 dimensional Citizen Kane movie?
Get out for god's sake. We live in a world full of color, not just black and white.
You're no better than men who hide under pointy hats lynching and burning stereotypes you've created in your own head of people you know nothing about or understand.
Rusting In Peace ...
"And one other thing. All you
Ne(il)ocons trying to muzzle the critics..."
Don't flatter yourself by referring to what anyone has written here as some sort of criticism. But you can use my hanky for wiping the drivel oozing from your own mouth.
Drivel on, buddy, drivel on.
Neil's attack dogs. Can't refute the substance? Smear the speaker. You don't get that rich being nice.
This Pegi thing reeks of entitlement, greed and ego. $150 concert tickets aren't enough. $25 mugs and visors aren't enough. The Youngs don't have enough. Now we're going to sell the wifey too. $40 tickets to see Pegi? No, that was $40 to maybe see Neil. Set that floor though, ya never know.
Rusting in Peace, that handle fits you so well. Thing is, I'm not hiding any more than you are. Happy to do an interview. See, your assumption is false. Thing is, "buddy", I DO know a thing or two about Neil.
"You have the right to criticize the music, but not the person." Rusting in Peace, thank you for so ably demonstrating that sentiment. Positively inspiring.
No that was a different anonymous poster posting about Kane. More than one, hmmmm. Let's refresh our counting skills: 1,2,3,7...Not to confuse you further, but we're not the ones in the movie, we're watching it play from our decidedly 3-D world.
"we're watching it play from our decidedly 3-D world."
Ya'll need to hook up with 7/23/07 3:31 p.m. and 7/21/07 6:22 p.m. so you don't have to strain your necks so much; they're apparently sitting ring-side.
"Rusting in Peace, thank you for so ably demonstrating that sentiment. Positively inspiring."
Oh ... having snicker bars for lunch are we?
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