Keep on Rockin' in the Free World

Happy May Day!
Commentary on Neil Young's new album Living With War on's Countdown with Keith Olbermann (see "Video: Artists hot for protest rock" clip). David Was of band Was Not Was is interviewed.
Have a safe and peaceful May Day.
More rockin' in the free world, some kids who rock in the free world and kids who can not rock in a free world.

"You can make a difference if you really try." - Be The Rain
ps - To all of my friends, thanks for all of your messages of support over the past few weeks. It has been totally overwhelming and my family is most grateful for the love and caring. I'm OK and will be trying to respond in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you know what needs to be done.
a Fan
Neil Young. Funny how a Canadian can critize us. He comes down here, makes is millions and then complains. He is not an American citizen. Get his butt back over
the border to Frog land. Like Graham Nash. Comes to America, makes millions, claims he became an American citizen because he loves this country then bashes it. Nash
came here because he would be paying 70% of his money in taxes in Britain and it's a socialist country. Nash and Young are out of the circuit because they are has beens and need the publicity to sell their music and make money. Young is not even that good...ever heard him try and play lead guitar?
Yes, we should be afraid of lslamic fundamentists.But we should also be afraid of christian fundamentalists.There sits one in the white house, he is even born again!
Let's impeach the president a.s.a.p.!!
What the fuck are you doing here? Go back to your kind at LGF.
1. How come Canadians can't complain about the way the most powerful country in the world is goverened?
2. Since when does making millions preclude one from being able or having the right to criticize. It would be one thing if Neil had made millionsin Halliburton and oil futures.
3. Citizenship is somehow a necessary condition for criticism of the American government? News to me and the rest of the world.
4. neil needs publicity to sell his music? That is jsut sheer ignorance. neil has never sought commerical sucess nor does he need any more money (as you pointed out previously before you contradicted yourself)
5. Young is not that good at lead guitar? He is the T. Monk of garage rock lead. Put on Down by teh River and humble yourself. He is one of the great geniuses of American music.
Ranman, if you weren't so obviously ignorant of politics and music, I might be disturbed by your comments. But I just pity you instead. Good luck to you and yours, You'll need it.
Hey thrasher -- I'm not sure what you're referring to in your p.s. above, but I hope all is well. This blog is a daily stop for me, so for my selfish sake I'll keep thinking happy thoughts for you.
Neil Young is his own man, sometimes you like what he says and does, sometimes not...but he's always his own man. More than can be said of the blind sheep shrub lovers who take their orders from Limbaugh and Faux News. If you don't like the guy or his record there is good news, you don't have to listen to it or him. This whole "I'm so outraged at Neil Young...the Dixie Chicks..blah, blah, blah" "Poor George Bush, everybody's picking on him blah, blah, blah" routine is not only pathetic, it's also old. You people aren't fooling anyone, anymore. Your hyper-ventilating is a reflection of you and what you are, not Neil Young or anyone else. He's got the truth and a spine and you have.....George Bush and Dick Cheney. Good work Neil, nicely done.
I have been watching the circus revolving around Neil Young's new album for a couple of weeks now. I am saddened in the way that he chose to express himself with his new album (Calling for impeachment) though he is a Canadian citizen. Just bad form. Nyoung has been known before for heading for the ditch when he got bored. The album LWW (Living with War) is generating alot of heat and light, but it will not enable the release of Time Fades Away, or any of the other items in the archives.
"Your just mad because Neil sees things our way-not your pathetic racist ways!"
You almost had me there, "Larry", but you've revealed yourself to be so far off-base that I presume you're using the "Liberal" to deliberately undermine true liberals.
"He was not as bad as everyone says and we attacked him!"
Now, if you had said "no 9/11 connection" and moved on, that would be one thing. If you had said "No WMDs, which was the only reason given in ADVANCE of the war for going to war", that would be another thing. But, "He wasn't that bad" smacks of deliberate ignorance.
"The US deserves what happened to us on 9/11...They are greedy and had the attacks coming."
I think the idiocy of those sentences speak for themselves.
"Wall Street takes money from the poor so let them die! Isreal is a scurge too, so let Iran and them fight it out and the US should stay out of it!"
Ah, the old anti-semite in you just couldn't stay silent, could it?
"The Muslims are peace loving people they mean the U.S. no harm, just stop protecting Isreal and everything will be fine."
We deserved it because of greed, but no one really means us harm, except for our alliance with Israel. Got it. Good night, troll.
Thrasher, I come here everyday as well.....hope all is well with you and your family........
remember, it's all one song......
everybody is seriously overreating:
right, Neil Young is a Canadian, but he is also an American citizen.
second: I don't know where this chilli guy has been, but my guess is he's only heard 'After the Goldrush' and then 'Let's Roll', because Neil Young has always shown these kind of ideas, Ohio, the freedom album etc etc etc.
Neil Young is not attacking America he is SUPPORTING AMERICA and the troops: LISTEN TO THE DAMN MUSIC. He is attacking what HE perceives to be an illegal war.
I do believe that Young has gone too liberal with this album, a bit too simplistic with his views, but that is my view. Why the hell do people get so worked up about what one man thinks?
As for 'He was not as bad as everyone says and we attacked him!
The US deserves what happened to us on 9/11. '
That is a pretty stupid view as well IMO, and just as offensive
No Larry is Chili, yet again. That guy has problems.
Dear Cold Bowl of Chili/ aka "Troll",
Several observations:
1) Learn to spell. If you can't, there should a function that does it for you on you computer... if you can figure that out.
2) These posts are being read. We're not talking, or, in your case, shreiking. If you use caps, it doesn't read any louder. It just makes you seem very hysterical, and so you lose debate points.
3)Try to restrain the swearing as it only adds to the loutishness of your manner.
4) Please try to stay on all of your medication.
Love, Tom
ps- Did you see Stephen Colbert at the White House Press Association dinner. He was excellent, and Bush was a good sport about the ribbing. You should see it yourself. Here, go this site,
scroll down to The Video, and watch 1,2,3, in order. But, as I said, make sure you take your meds, as you may pop a gasket. Then you can go troll at, and leave us alone.
CB of C,
I didn't see the Billy Bob teeth. Sorry. Are you from Red State Update? Too much irony. I think it's mis applied in this setting, but go ahead, whatever works for you.
ps: I don't know what's up with Thrasher, but thanks for everything.
Sorry, Larry, but I have to disagree with you again (and again). I'm a fairly liberal guy in most respects, and I really LOVE the new Neil album (LOUD, baby)!
You want the U.S. to share its wealth to the point of "making all of us truly equal"? You follow that by asking, "Is not Wall Street Evil?"
Things aren't that simple, Larry. Is their greed on Wall St.? Absolutely. But, does Wall St. provide the investment capital that creates jobs and allows for innovation? Absolutely. There are good and bad in everything, my friend. By and large, I'd say capitalism tends to work better than other alternatives.
"Is not George Bush an Evil dictator too?"
Well, I'll grant you that "evil" is, to some degree at least, in the eye of the beholder. So, go ahead with calling him "evil" if it makes you feel better. But, "dictator"? No. Many would argue that he was elected President. Others would claim he stole the election. Either way, he is certainly not a dictator. If Congress is failing to play its proper role as a check and balance, guess what? We have a little thing called "mid-term elections" coming up. Let the Democrats win enough seats to re-take the majority. Hell, maybe they could even make a case for impeachment, possibly even conviction and removal from office. Still, it would all happen within the bounds of representative democracy.
Regardless of which party is in power, though, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a complete redistribution of U.S. wealth.
To Ranman:
You obviously have no clue. Thanks for making it abundantly clear. You obviously must listen to that shred-metal crap guitar playing. Big deal. If you knew anything about Neil, you'd know he's not out to impress nickel n' dimers like you who probably doesn't even know what a pick-up is. Neil may not play fast and may not hit every perfect note in a scale...but it's the FEELING he excels at. One strum of an E minor on Old Black is equal of a story to a thousand page novel. Get a clue next time you expose your superficiality.
You are a fucking Moron! Water shed in the since that it is the end of NY's career.
Feed this you buffoon! Insert visual.
BTW - If you want to live with war hows about you and I meeting for talk?
Well, coming from the state which is the butt of many jokes, my only words can be summed up by the BBC (which comments on another New Jerseyite who criticizes the politicians).... (May 2, 2006):
Bruce Springsteen has criticised politicians for "criminal ineptitude" in their response to Hurricane Katrina in the southern United States.
The singer was performing at the Jazz and Heritage Festival in New Orleans, parts of which he had visited after they were devastated in the disaster.
"I saw sights I never thought I'd see in an American city," he said. "The criminal ineptitude makes you furious."
Soon, the neo-cons will reenact the Civil War...
Love that 1st Amendment! Let's roll!
Many thanks to Neil for speaking up. At least it sparks the kind of talk we should have had before anyone was sent to fight. So those who are upset with Neil for speaking out may have new empathy for American Indians, considering they were here before any immigrants came, took the land, and called it 'their' country. It seems they would be the only ones with any right to complain. Aahh the joys of a melting pot!
So who's worse, Neil or an immigrant from Australia (with a Chinese wife) who becomes an American citizen in order to buy up numerous media outlets in the U.S.? One of the said media outlets is the mouthpiece of the corrupt administration in power, spewing biased adgendas and filtered news to the masses. This TV outlet in particular has railed against Neil for his latest album/views and citizenship status. One immigrant ragging on another? Who do you think is a more frightening voice - shaping policy, fueling fears, and influencing votes?
Thanks Neil, for saying what too many of us are afraid to say. So, of course people would not find it funny either when Colbert reeled off painful truths. Tell me he wasn't hired to gain press in order to divert from real issues plaguing us. It really does hurt to think of the list of items this administration has screwed up. And considering Bush has been issuing signing statements like crazy (750 of them), I'm sure freedom of speech will be falling by the wayside in some form or another. Maybe people that can't handle dissent won't have to - there's still time left in this administration, and with fixed voting machines, there's plenty more to come unless we speak out now while we can!
Thrasher - I really hope all is well with you. I've really appreciated your site for a long time. Take care man.
Peace, Scrappy
A Canadian perspective;
Mr. Man/ Chili you are a violent coward. Go get an education and come back when you have more to contribute than poorly veiled threats. Loser.
uhhhhh yeah....listen to Neil Young's interview, he has no problem with the country, he says he loves it and his freedom of speach which he uses solely against the President. So you are completely missing his point. Also, he is a citizen. Also, one of our country's biggest ideals is diversity and acceptance. Also, even though many look down upon immigrants, they don't look down on the ones from Canada... Also, why do so many people who hate Neil Young keep up with his latest news on a fairly underground fan site?
my only regret about this album are the idiot trolls who have come out to this site to flame Neil for being Neil. It sucks.
Chili, you are a homophobe and are obviously psychotic. You need professional help. Look at how much you post here. You even create other blogger identities to make it seem there are others who agree with you and you do a poor job at masking the fact that it is just you thinking you are clever. You need real relationships in real life and need to stop flaming on internet boards to seek attention - if you were a real Neil fan you would understand that love is the finest thing in life and you should spend your ime creating it, not destroying it. Turn your computer off and try seeking mutual recognition from live human beings. I know it is difficult and scary and there are real emotional risks, but you'll be a happier man for it. I promise. Good luck to you, as you will surely need it.
bravo, do we really have to listen to this shit?
I'm certainly not wrong about yo ubeing pathetic, cowardly and psychotic, or that you quite obviously are compensating for your lack of freinds or romance in the real world by seeeking attention of any kind on a Neil Young fanboard, even just scorn. And I know I speak for most of the Neil fans who visit this site re4gularly (except maybe the two you made up) that we all would wish you would stick to your word and stop posting here. Nobody thinks you are funny or wise, nobody reads you posts and everyone would rather you just crawl back into your hole of cowardice and loneliness and work on seeking recognition from other real humans. The scorn you so wilingly seek here only reveals how sad a person you must be. I pity you but would ratehr you just go away so I can read posts of real fans who have something to say about my favorite artist. So I beg of you, please just go away for good.
Not gonna happen Lou-
Your what keeps me going! it's you and your know it all arrogant tone that give the rest of the Libs a bad name. Some day, you and I shall meet my friend!
the Answer that once again, none of you "edjumacated" Liberals couldn't come up with is:
Who, by the way, did not give the order to shoot anybody at Kent State as you Libs who LOVE to change history, so commonly believe.
One day, you will figure out how badly YOU have been mislead by dildos like LazyLou.
Chili is here to stay, in one form or another-get used to it LOU!
to the conseratives of the world: Everyone is entititled to make a mistake, the blind harm is when you keep making them!
You know it takes a friend to tell you when you'e peeing in the wind.
This is ridiculous. My poor mother who has worked all of her life, and is now ill, is having her medications reduced by medicare and medicaide. There is not enough money to help the poor and homeless, gas prices are soaring, and Bush wont do anything about it, except give the fuckin rich more tax breaks. War with Iraq, has never been the solution to catching Osama Bin Laden, and it never will be. Where the fuck is his promise to catch that SOB. Its been five long fuckin years and that stupid mother fucker, is a still sittin around with his thumb up his ass. Bush's approval rating (32%) proves that he is in the WRONG, and you war loving, racsist bastards are now finding it a hard pill to swollow. GO start your own blog, you cheap bastards. As a listener to Neil Young for more than 30 years, from his hits to his most obscure tunage, I know that no matter what Neil sings about, he always has had the interests of the common man in his heart and mind. I too was singin' "Let's Roll" when I thought about catching Osama and blowin his ass to smithereens. I however felt that the attack on Iraq was unwarranted from the beginning. I am no one, but a common man. The common man has so few real hero's these days. Neil has spoke in volume about real injustices for years, so why should this injustice be any different. I am glad to say that Neil is a real modern day hero. KEEP ON ROCKIN IN THE FREE WORLD
Obviously, not everyone has burned their credit cards for fuel, gee selling living with war tshirts on the website. I get an email advertising the tshirts with LWW! ..... I liked it better when not singing for coke...etc.
"Well, I hear that Laurel Canyon
is full of famous stars,
But I hate them worse than lepers
and I'll kill them
in their cars."....
Here is the real reason to sing LWW, I can sing about revolution, then take your money while you scourge each other over support for GWBush. The real villian in all of this is us!
We're silly enough to believe all the hype and lies.
To whom am I cruel? You are the unhinged one threatening me and others. I am hardly cruel to anyone. I simply am defending Neil from warrantless attacks on a fan site that is for his fans, not those who would do Neil Young harm or criticize his politics or music. You are the one who spends time making ad hominem attacks and threats to "expose" me, as if I have somthing to hide. Just go away. That is all we want.
Are you gettin bombed? Lets try another way - eh!
Look at the last it will be the last and then d6.
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