"Living with War" Cover Art
NOTE: This post has generated the most comments ever on this site (over 200).

The Living With War blog.
Stream Neil Young's "Living With War"

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YouTube - Living With War - Neil Young Interview
More background on the New Neil Young Album and flame wars over the album "Living with War" on Amazon discussions.
Some of the best things in life come in a brown paper wrapper....
NY doesn't speak for me. He's not even from this country. Just because you're in the public eye, that doesn't make your opinion any greater than the common person. Clinton could have dealt with these problems but was to busy taking care of his personal agenda. Bush is the unlucky one that has had to clean up his mess...we're lucky GW has the balls to put his neck out there.
jim in a very red state
Thank you neil. I'm with you and your message.
A wounded but proud Vet
The US are the most powerful state in the world, the last "super power" as some people say, maybe. The president of the US could be called the most powerful person in the world. ok?!
What the US-president is doing (or not) has at least some impact to anyone on this planet.
So everyone on this planet, may it be an US-citizen in the US, or a canadian in the US or a german, like me, living and working for 25 years in the Netherlands, can have and should have an opinion about what the US(-president) is doing or not.
If you, the US-citizen, think that this is not alright: please call your troops back to home, close your borders and live your own life and don't bother the rest of the world.......
I hope you will not do that as what you have to offer the world, in the past, now and for sure in the future was, is and will be great.
I don't think that Neil Young whants to speak for everybody, only the ones whos voices are not over-represented in the media and elsewere. He speaks what he thinks is right and does not try to tell you what to think og how to think like the media or the politicians does. I think it is about time we get some critical political music like the music that Bob Dylan did in the 1960'. Way to go Neil.
Roll another number for the road!!
I agree with my danish brother
As Neil knows well, and many of us assume to be the case, fame and wealth--be it as an multi-national industralist, corporate CEO, or entertainer, allows access to the 'bully pulpit'.
Fortunately, Neil is using his access for those of us without the ability to capture an audience--short of the proverbial 'letter to the editor'.
Rock on Neil and thanks for using you talent and fame for the good of all.
Neil Young, can't sing and can only get attention by being a total idiot. We are in a conflict that will most likely last longer than any of the great military conflicts of the last century-a conflict conducted by an enemy that cannot be tamed by "tolerance" and "accomodation" but is actually spurred on by such gestures, which have proven to be, and will always be taken by the Islamists for signs of weakness. Only two recent American Presidents: Regan and Bush
Neil Young....Love it or get the hell out
Southern Man
I dont Know If you Postd this on Purpose but the date is 4-20 and the time is 11-11 humm Spiritual and Stoned ? only in Neil Young Land
That a boy, Neil! Isn't it refreshing to hear someone talk about their views in such an articulate and open manner? No mention of "evil doers".
If some of you are so offended by Neil's actions, why don't you just ignore them? It's not like Neil's going to pull his album because some hillbilly said to.
Let Neil do what he wants. It's not anyone's right to interfere with his artistic vision, but his own.
Go listen to Toby Keith, you morons.
It's really frustrating to me to hear and read all this stuff about Neil being pro-Bush before. He has never been pro-Bush and he has made his feelings on the President very well known through comments on Greendale as well as taking part in the vote for change tour. The only basis for this "pro-Bush" stuff is apparently his early support for the Patrit Act, which he quickly changed his mind on.
War is indecent even if justified, and this war has, now even according to Bush had ZERO to do with 9/11 or WMDs. Being reasonable and speaking one's opinion is patriotic.
Stop the War! Speak out against 'The Ministry of War'
Way to go revisionist-redstatejim! You should apply for the White House press secretary job. Five short years after there were 4 dead in Ohio, AQ Khan stole the recipe for uranium enrichment from Urenco. When Reagan was Prez, Iran bought the recipe from Khan and began the centrifuge process. So redstatejim, are you suggesting that Clinton should have gone after the Axis of Evil while you were claiming he was wagging the dog for going after bin Laden?
Revisionist-red-state-jim: Did I mention that Khan was arrested by the Danes in 1975, but was pressured to release him by the CIA in 1976 "to see where he went"? CIA decision was made by by some guy, I forget his name, but he was the immediate past Chairman of the RNC and he was from Texas.
Remember the good ole' days when rock n' roll songs were just about drinking beer and girls.... ?
I loved this interview. I really can't wait to hear this album... If it's as good as I hope it is, gonna buy copies for my friends and family as well..King Harvest, Alf, Danish dude.... like your posts! And wounded but proud vet, Thank You for your service and sacrifice.
Now to the point, revisionist red state jim: Can you name the time in history when you could have joined the US military for 4 years and NOT had the opportunity to earn a combat medal? That is, when in our history have we not been "Living with War"?
Over at the Unofficial Martin Guitar site the threads on Neil's album have been closed. Seems it is not okay over there for Martin guitar users to have political views or to discuss a new
Neil Young album if it is at all controversial. I guess discussion of Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, Joan Baez, Pete Seeger et. al. should be banned too. Just because their protests songs we recorded in the 60's it is okay to talk about them. But don't dare criticize King George the almighty who is unanswerable to no one it seems.
At 4/20/2006 04:33:25 PM, Anonymous said...
"Remember the good ole' days when rock n' roll songs were just about drinking beer and girls.... ?"
How boring. I like lyrics that are thought provoking and clever. I like to think.
You seem to be confusing the Saudi born terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 with the country of Iraq. "This" is about the invasion of Iraq based on a steady stream of lies proffered by the Bush administration.
Everyone is for getting the terrorists. The issue is, what the hell are we doing spending hundreds of billions of dollars invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, and getting thousands of innocent Americans killed and tens of thousands innocent Iraqis killed, and maiming tens of thousand more Americans?
What Neil and the rest of us resent is that the Bush administration lied to the public on many occasions to justify invading Iraq by suggesting that Iraq was cooperating with Al Qaeda and that Iraq had WMDs they were going to share with Al Qaeda. We now know it wasn't just incompetence that led to the "failure in inteeligence", it was purposeful misinformation that was dissemenated to the public while the Bush administration had knowledge to the contrary.
More innocent Amercian lives have been lost and changed forever due to this war than were lost in 9/11 already.
And if you did care about protecting the US, look what Bush's bogus war has done to our international credibility. Now that Iran has become an obvious treat to the West, we are SOL in terms of siging on allies to deal with Iran with any force. Bush has squandered our standing in the international community. Now nobody will sign on to deal with real threats, after Bush was revealed to be a liar.
That being said, Neil is the man, isn't he? We can agree on that! Thank goodness this world has him. Love ya Neil!
Neil, Neil, Neil
How the hell are we going to keep the oil companies & the corporate America that we all love happy; if "W" doesn't keep making idiotic decisions --at least if that Vincenti Foxx kiss ass would close the borders with Mexico I could begin to think about supporting him again in some capacity - I am a pot smoking conservative -who loves Neil and recently has begun to hate President Bush --how did I vote for this guy twice!!! He
(George Bush Jr.) is a total loser as viewed from the left and from the far right and an embarrasment to our nation --"Fool me nce ...we don't get fooled again!"
George "Pete Townshend" Bush
The only track I'm not really looking forward to is the last one, but I guess it rounds out the whole concept...
Doesn't help that I'm a Canadian, I suppose.
Chili, you clearly are the one who is in need of some history lessons. It's embarrassing. I can also advise you to stop trying to "edjumacate these know it alls", we are not going to change our minds just because a rightwinged dude is shouting his head off.
That was almost like..confusing.
1. Your replies never have anything to do with what you are replying on.
2. Don't try to make fun of my name, at least I use my real name instead of hiding behind a Neil lyric.
3. I don't have democratic hero's, I can actually think for myself, like most people you have been calling libs.
4. Buy a chill pill on the way home.
5. I love the album cover :)
I think most people are liars. It's fun.
Calm the heck down man, I wasn't serious.
Where Neil was when Clinton was lying?
I guess he was making music? It's not like it is Neils duty to jump up when a president is lying, tho he sure did throw some flames at Clinton.
You have to keep in mind Bush is dragging loads of people into this without a proper reason. There was no connection between Saddam and 9/11, and "he was a dictator" is no valid reason as well. Here in the "free west" we think dictators are bad, but it's totally natural there. There is no universal "normal". They are doing things that were totally normal in the west 500 years ago.
That aside, you hardly have to look around for situations that are worse than it was/is in Iraq, but they just don't have oil.
And you know NOTHING about Neils foundation, don't even go there.
Oh yeah and chili just discovered what a search engine is, congratulations retard. Good luck with this guy Hayo, he's chucking out so many bad vibes in every direction we're all choking on his second hand smoke.
Why are you talking to the Danish Neil fan all of a sudden?
And for the trivia, I have only been following Neils work for 12 years (as I am only 22), but that question is really not that hard. I even believe it's in Shakey. Besides I don't see what trivia has to do with anything, when I said foundation I was referring to your "To admit that, undermines your (And Neil's) entire foundation", not to basic knowledge about his life, which we should leave alone really, or at least not play games with.
Neil is changing the world one album at a time...
May the FORCE be with you my son.
Long may you run Neil.
Again, we don't wanna play your games, your questions are irrelevant and stupid. Nobody questioned your knowledge of Neilism at all. Call me chickenshit, but I would feel really bad answerring those questions, which could easily be answerred by whipping out my JTTP vcd.
For the first, not neil-related question, why answer is yes.
This is really ridiculous. How could someone who's been following Neil for 30 years not come to expect this kind of thing from him?
Chili, thanks for your reply.
Talking about history:
I will make it worse:
Although the US (with some canadians!) liberated the world from the nazi's, the retorical skills of herr Goebbels seemed to have past to you, somehow.
So it was not a complete victory I am afraid: indeed we all still suffer.
And this:
I live in Rotterdam within a 15 minute walk of Delfshaven were in 1620 the schooner Speedwell left with 30 people to Plymouth (England) were the people embarked on the Mayflower and left for what is now Massachusetts.......
These people were heavily oppresed
in Europe.......
As freedom for people like you only means that one must agree with the politics of your governement, I am sure there will be a lot of Speedwells and Mayflowers leaving the US. Well, maybe the people will take planes or the car to Canada or Mexico.
(Happy you! ;-) )
History repeats itself in this case: The US now are as intolerant as Europe was then.
Well Chili,
I just over estimated you.
Excuse me for that!
I suppose you fancy those black Waffen-SS uniforms above the ordinary Wehrmacht uniforms?
They really look much sharper!!
I wouldn't call this a debate.
It's something stupid, i don't know how to call it.
This is not a debate indeed. It's a rightwinged guy shouting at all the other people. He loves history but makes historical mistakes I didn't even make when I was in highschool, and starts WRITING IN ALL CAPS when he doesn't know what to say. It's really interesting tho, I wasn't aware of the fact there are still people like him on this planet untill now.
Neil Young never supported George W. Bush. That rumor got started because Young was honored with the Spirit Of Liberty Award by People for the American Way back in 2002, and he spoke on the Patriot Act -- saying "To protect our freedoms it seems we're going to have to relinquish some of our freedoms for a short period of time." I didn't get the impression that he approved of this, rather that he saw it (or feared it) as inevitable, at least temporarily; "These are our rights and we can get them back."
I have to laugh every time some misinformed media outlet refers to PFAW as a "right-wing" organization. Despite the name, PFAW (pfaw.org) is dedicated to the "American Way" as pluralism, democracy, freedom of speech and press. They were some of the principal lobbyists oppposing the appointment of Ashcroft.
Young's feelings about W can probably best be expressed in the famous 2004 interview with Toronto Now.
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Chili is clearly unbalanced and lonely and uses blogs to obtain recognition from other human beings that he clearly does not receive in real life. That he is happy and willing to receive scorn should be telling to you all, that this guy needs your empathy and pity, not your scorn. Everyone needs to ignore the guy for his sake, or else he is simply going to continue to resort to flaming on the internet to get recognition from others, rather than try to build relationships in real life. For his sake and ours, just ignore the guy - we are all just making his sickness worse. In the end we want this blog to return to normal, where right wing flamers no longer troll.
Chili good luck to you brother. Love will find a way and come to you. You've got to have faith and not be scared.
"I was using CPAS to emulate shouting. the shouting LIBS do."
Yes, thats what caps is usually used for, and shouting offends me. It's pretty low IQ, you should try to convince people with the words, not the size of them. We keep missing the point because you don't have one.
On the Neil-supporting-Bush thing, I remember he once said "This song is for George W Bush" and launched into "piece of crap" That was before 9/11.
One of the good things to be a german is to be able to read german:
Kriegserklärung an den Präsidenten
Rockstar Neil Young kehrt zurück zum politischen Protestsong leben
Rock-Altmeister Neil Young ("Heart of Gold", "Rockin' in The Free World") kehrt zurück zum politischen Protestsong: In den letzten Tagen kursierten Gerüchte über Aufnahmen für ein neues Album auf diversen Blog-Seiten im Internet, die nun von Young auf seiner Website bestätigt wurden. Dort bezeichnet er seine neue Musik als "Metal Folk Protest"; die eingeschworene Fan-Gemeinde reagierte überwiegend euphorisch auf Youngs Rückkehr zum Rock.
Erst letzten September hatte Young, mittlerweile 60 Jahre alt, mit "Prairie Wind" ein eher ruhiges Songwriter-Album vorgelegt, das an seine großen Erfolge in den siebziger Jahren anknüpfen sollte. Doch eine Pause wollte er sich nicht gönnen. Young ist berühmt dafür, seine Musik roh und nahezu unbearbeitet aufzunehmen, wenn er neues Material geschrieben hat. Und so wurden die Aufnahmen für "Living With War" dem Vernehmen nach in nur drei Tagen in kalifornischen Studios abgeschlossen.
Einer der neuen Songs wird "Impeach the President" heißen. Young knüpft damit an sein "Greendale"-Album von 2003 an, in dessen Songs er den Abbau der Bürgerrechte nach dem 11. September beklagte und die ländliche Idylle eines anderen Amerika beschwor.
Es ist nicht das erste Mal, das Young einen US-Präsidenten direkt attackiert. 1970 schrieb er die Hippie-Protest-Hymne "Ohio". Darin macht er Präsident Nixon direkt verantwortlich für das Klima der Einschüchterung und Gewalt, das im Sommer 1970 dazu führte, daß die Nationalgarde an der Kent State University in Ohio vier protestierende Studenten erschoß. Seitdem äußert sich Young, der stets betont, froh darüber zu sein, daß er kanadischer Staatsbürger ist, immer wieder politisch - allerdings von unterschiedlichen Standpunkten aus. In den achtziger Jahren unterstützte er Ronald Reagans geistig-moralische Wende, und nach dem September-Terror 2001 sorgte sein patriotisches "Let's roll", frei nach den überlieferten letzten Wortes eines Passagiers der vierten Maschine, die in Pennsylvania zum Absturz gebracht wurde, für Kritik von liberaler Seite.
Jetzt kehrt er zurück zum wütenden Protest von links und belebt damit die totgesagte Protestsong-Tradition wieder. Das neue Album soll in vier bis sechs Wochen erscheinen. Wenn sich George Bushs Umfragewerte weiter nach unten entwickeln und aus dem Irak-Desaster kein Ausweg gefunden werden kann, hat Neil Young damit die einmalige Chance, den Kundgebungen und Protesten des Sommers den Soundtrack zu liefern.
Klaus Birnstiel
Süddeutsche Zeitung Nr. 90 vom 19.4.2006, Seite 13
Neil said it all too well. I vividly recall listening to Ohio when it was first released. The song resonated then, and it still delivers a power message, as it pointed out the stupidity of a war that really accomplished nothing.
The current war in Iraq has done nothing but further infuriate the Arab world and has thrown us deeper into the vortex of hatred. We were misled, and I strongly suspect that history will verify that. I feel incredibly sorry for anyone who has been wounded, or for the families of those killed. I truly hope that history validates that this current war was more useful and purposeful than our failed campaign in Indochina.
Your wrote:
"I care deeply about our country, and the last thing either one of us wants is our people being blown up on the streets or the malls as they are in Israel. If it not for Bush and his proactive approach, trust me my friend, it would already be happening. I just don't agree this time."
Now I strongly disagree that we would have suicide bombers on our streets if it wasn't for the Bush administration's "proactive" efforts. Anyway you slice it, Iraq is far less of a threat than Syria Iran, Pakistan and private money from Saudi Arabia in terms of supporting and funding suicide bombers (Note I do recognize that Saddam's regime was giveing money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers).
But that isn't the point I want to make. The point I want to make is that even if we were subject to the ocassional suicide bomber as Israel is, your chances of dying from heart disease or in a car accident would still be exponentially larger than it would if suicide bombers were actually blowing themselves up in our malls.
One of the best classes I ever had in lawschool was a class called "law, regulation and behavior," which was essentially a class in behavioral law and economics. One of the best things I learned in that class is that human beings tend to use heuristics, shortcuts in reasoning, all the time that often result in bad decisions and poor planning.
One of these heuristics we studied was the tendency of people to think events have a far higher probability of actually happeneing if people have readily accessible poerful or scary images of the potential results of these events in their heads. That is, if they are able to conjure a mental picture of the possible results of a low probablility event, say an airplane crashing, they tend to think the probability of that event actually happened is much much higher than it actually is.
The result is that people spend a lot of time worrying about plane crahes, some even refuse to fly, yet the same people often forget to buckle their seatbelts when they get in their car, despite the fact that the liklihood of dying in a car wreck is factors of ten larger than it is to die in a plane crash.
Point of all this is, even if there were suicide bombings here, which would be awful, you should still be *far* more concerned about car crahes, the effects of smoking, heart disease, and poverty.
What a war-like debate you just had. But try to remember peace:-)
I think that is the message that Neil is trying to come acros with here so why shouldnt we be the first to try and live it out. A meaningfull and constructive debate is only created when mutual reconition is the foundation for the debate. So lets try to keep that in mind and toghether try to remember how peace can be an option for the future.
Tyler Drumheller, the CIA's former top man in Europe, tells CBS News that the White House ignored intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war. Drumheller says former CIA Director George Tenet told the president and the vice president that Iraq's foreign minister, with whom U.S. spies had struck a deal, was saying that Saddam Hussein had no active WMD program.
The news fell on deaf ears, Drumheller says.
"The [White House] group that was dealing with preparation for the Iraq war came back and said they were no longer interested," he tells "60 Minutes." "And we said, 'Well, what about the intel?' And they said, 'Well, this isn't about intel anymore. This is about regime change.'"
Matt. 26:52 "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."
Maybe you should not buy this album.
Maybe you should not buy this album.
(I forgot my coat)
Rock on Neil! Rock on!
I'm hesitant to respond to you given the warnings about you on this board.
But the difference between Bush and the Dems you quote is easy to point out. Bush knew at the time he made certain statements that they were false, while the quotes you give were not made with knowledge they were false.
That is an easy difference to understand, isn't it? It is the difference between being wrong, and being a liar. President Bush is a proven liar who said certain things knowing they were not true.
Yo chili boy! Dems lie. Repubs lie. Everybody lies. And we all live with war.
Please take your RNC talking points to another board where people might care what you have to say.
chili boy -
yup, freedom of speech. Great thing, eh? That's why all those fine people are dyin in Iraq and Afghanistan, right? Jes so you can spout your vitriol here?
Pleeze, pretend this is Morrison and take yourself elsewhere . . .
Ahh. You should become a soldier and get shot and all :)
Anything against vegetarians btw?
Sir Chili,
You ask:
"what changed in a the time Bush took over the oval office? Are you saying that the Democrats had all this intellegence, then Bush takes office, and they say- "George, we're wrong about the WMD's" and George say's "SHHHH-don't tell anyone, we'll use this as an excuse to go to war!"
Are you joking or are you serious? Maybe you are unstable.
What changed? Bush became persident and conducted three years of intensive intelligence gathering leading up to the war. Three years of information was gathered by his administration and the only information given to Congress and the public was selected to bloster his assertion that Iraq had WMD and his call for war, even going so far as to claim Iraq had a nuke program when he found out while in office it did not.
Isn't it obvious to you what changed? Three years of knowledge. He found out that WMDs did not exist while he was in office, as is supported by the former CIA official noted above, and still told everyone they did to justify his war.
I'm afraid now I'm going to have to join the boycott against you. I guess feeding trolls is a bad idea. I'm sorry everyone.
Trolls...rhymes with assholes...
I have heard many of my classmates recently talking about a possibility that our military had captured Osama bin Ladin in the early days of the war in Afghanistan, but has kept it a secret. He (the president) is presumably waiting until just before the presidential elections to unvail this fact, in order to secure enough votes.
I already asked you not to make fun of my name, it's pretty childish. Also your reply again didn't make sense.
Meh, don't listen cold bowl, his comments are like misaimed cumshots. Kind of sticky but they don't get the job done. Just ignore him.
You are a wasted cumshot boy, you are the load your mother should have swallowed.
I don't always find myself on the same side of political issues with Neil Young, but he preseneted a clarity of thought that hase me in complete agreement with him. There should be no question about his patriotism. He is as much a patriot as George Bush; probably more because he believes in free speach.
Neil is just another voice - no more, no less - than other voices. I don't care if it's from Bhutan, every vooice matters! And that is what Neil is saying. I agree with that and the message about our current administration. It's about time this message goes out big.
Chili - You are so damn amusing! Don't get me wrong - I don't agree with one iota, but boy, you make me laugh. Thanks, we need some good entertainment these days.
Let's see, the original post is about the cover art, right? Hey, I like it.....and I really liked the interview, I thought Neil was articulate and I agree with king Harvest, it seemed like he did change the tone of the inquiry... a classic, I hope it gets bitorrented, burned and listed,eh?
which brings me to a question......anyone know where all the traders from the hempsall site got off to? I been lookin' for some vines and I haven't found 'em yet...... Isn't there a NY tradelist somewhere?
Yeah, thanks for that bullshit Chili.
I won't even react on your barely readable stuff, all I can say is that my first name is Hayo. That might look stupid to you because you are a yank who doesn't know there is something outside of the USA, and you would not even be able to pronounce my name. So no, my names not "Ray".
I am using my real name to voice my opinions instead of hiding behind lyrics like you, or posting anonymous like that penis guy. That sure makes me an easy target for people like you, but I don't care, your opinion is still unstable and your arguments are still crap, that's why nobody takes you serious.
Also I never said I wanted you to be shot, I just suggested it because that would be a very patriotic thing. You could show pictures of it and be really proud.
You guys are way too stuck in this lib-dem thing. It's not like people are divided in 2 groups, we are all individuals.
Another reason for not answering Chilibowls question is the fact he is is just shouting like a retarded 5 year old, nobody is interested in his question, most people just wanna say something about the album cover. (I did answer his question tho, as I don't totally dislike Chili ).
T.ogle..... Lazer Lou and a couple others have answered that question at least a half dozen times on other comment lines, Coldbowl just keeps posting the same thing, and doesn't pay attention to what anyone else says anyway.... then, when you point out the inconstency of his rantings, he deletes everything that he posted... I am done with him, he is a buffoon.
And Hayo, you are right, the whole con/lib and republican/democrat thing is bullshit. The only way Democrats get elected is by sounding like Republicans, and Republicans spend big and expand government when they get elected. There really isn't much difference between the 2 parties anymore...........imho
and I guess I'll try one more time .....
Is there a NY list that does vines and weeds? There haven't been any trees at hempsall in a long time, just wonderin'
who cares dems repub, libs straights, gays, heavies foreigners, native born 'mericans,who cares. this war was based on false statements if not lies- a reason for impeachment. there are nunerous other executive office ineptitides: spending dough w friends(body & humvee armour that is sub standard) the list is long. But the cover art is effective.
If one takes exception the artist Neil and /or his politics, don't buy the alblum.
I cannot believe that Neil's new album has created such hostility! I have followed N's career since 1973 and have read and researched him for years. Neil represents, in my opnion and yes I am still entitled to it, what is truly unique about being Canadian. He is gentle, articulate, passionate, committed and has a great sense of humour. I have to laugh at people who say Neil is doing "this" for publicity -- geez, it's not like he needs the MONEY... I think that his brush with death last year, and losing his Dad has changed him. He is way out in public these days, more so than ever before. He has gone through some kind of catharsis and some people would rather slam him than remember all the the great music he's produced over the past 40 years. Leave the guy alone -- he is just one person on the planet that has as much right to say how he feels about this INSANITY as idiot-boy George Bush and his henchmen have to go in and blow people up to secure oil and bully the world. I just love it when Neil reminds people that he pays TAXES in the US and if my memory serves me correctly I have never heard a peep about Neil participating in shady deals, evading his responsibilities to pay HUGE amounts of money in tax. Again, leave the poor guy alone. One day he won't be here...! Maybe the U.S. is just one big ball of anger (because of that horrible day on 9/11) and with anger comes over-reaction, violence, and in Bush's case outright murder of innocent people. Canadian soldiers have been killed today in Afghanistan so it's not ALL about you Americans -- grow up and put your energy into giving back -- like go help a homeless person with a meal or a cigarette; visit a veteran's hospital, take a moment to honour the people you love and quit picking on Neil!
hey t.ogle - I agree with some of what you said (last post) -- I was around when OHIO was released along with other musician's songs of protest. A lot of people protested the AUDACITY of musician's actually writing about REALITY. It's time we N. Americans woke up and start to get REAL... 9/11 was a horrible tragedy that changed us forever -- think about the innocents in Iraqi who have to endure, day after day, death and destruction, maiming and murder. What makes it OK over there? I wish I could find a way to understand. You don't have to RESPECT a president just because he holds the position. Respect is earned and frankly, George just keeps driving home that he doesn't deserve much.
You are a crass indignant narrow-minded sycophant.
If Neil were to suddenly stop you would have your head so far up his ass you would need surgery to have it removed. Do you have a life outside Neil's ass?
Have you accomplished anything beyond a BLOG and Neil’s ass? Sports, Family, started a company, gone fishing with your Dad? Taken your Mommy to a nice lunch? Sports???? WELL HAVE YOU!
I bet you are one big fat blob with no life outside the confines of your lover's grip....um I mean your keyboard and with your head up Neil's ass.
TYPICAL 5 Min in LazerLosers life:
Toke, type, eat chips, eat doughnuts...."yummy doughnuts". Type, toke, drink diet beverage, type, be a complete ASS. Toke, "Man I am funny"...Type, toke, eat chips, type.
Very sad LazerLoser I would hate to be you.
There is a process called critical thinking and this not the act of being insulting too others who do not ascribe to your wussy French Canadian philosophy of life. Now that I have insulted you it is only fair that I offer to meet you any place, in the US, to continue this discourse in a more…um traditional fashion. Yeeeesss let’s call it traditional values vs. wuss. Now, It has been a while since I have had the pleasure of being in the ring for a one-on-one debate, but you know what they say….It’s like ridin a bike.
In short, you are low-breed, common, fat assed liberal who believes in the bigotry of mediocrity.
Mr. Man
*In short, you are low-breed, common, fat assed liberal who believes in the bigotry of mediocrity.*
Wow, you're a complete and utter prick.
stfu already mr man, you are just another frustrated retard who can only think in left and right. We don't need your crap opinions.
"Wow, you're a complete and utter prick."
Why thank you. But, if it weren't for LazerLoser being the original "complete and utter Prick" on these many Blogs re: Neil; I would not have had anything to aspire to be like.
I read all your post across the threads and frankly you just did not measure a response. Nonetheless, you try to sound important, clever and far left of center, but never really deliver the goods on any issue. Let’s use your last post attacking me as an example:
“.stfu already mr man (my first post, but you put me in my place. Very Clever!), you are just another frustrated retard (how many frustrated retards do you know? Generalizing make you seem dull and unable to form complex ideas. Be more specific. Why am I a retard? Make analogs that will point out how my ideas are similar to these other FT’s you know so well. Explore my possible motivations for my post) who can only think in left and right. (sophomoric, boring and AGAIN be more specific) We (you have a mouse in your pocket whilst writing this. Who is we?) don't need your crap opinions. (Why is it a crap opinion? Can be more specific; based on what evidence?)”
I could go on and on and on, but you are one rather boring person. I hope this helps. Maybe you should have finished that critical thinking class at University. And, if you haven’t may I suggest you seriously consider taking it this Fall.
Mr. Man
Dear "mr Man"
You sure are a step up from mr Chili. I will reply once, I don’t feel like hanging around here much longer as I never expected to be having conversations like this with Neil Young fans.
Yeah, very clever, I didn’t hear that one before...
"Maybe you should have finished that critical thinking class at University. And, if you haven’t may I suggest you seriously consider taking it this Fall."
I am a history teacher and I am in the art academy now, so I don’t think I will have time for a critical thinking class, sorry, maybe when I am older.
“I read all your post across the threads and frankly you just did not measure a response. Nonetheless, you try to sound important, clever and far left of center, but never really deliver the goods on any issue.”
Important and clever? I wasn’t trying to sound like that, sorry if it looked like that to you, but it looks more like an excuse to insult me. Far left of center? Yeah, I probably am, as I am a Dutch leftist, and I can’t say I am ashamed of that. And about the issue, I only said I like the album cover and the message of the album, and I bashed you and Chili just because you both do act like pricks. You were insulting someone who didn’t do anything wrong in my eyes, so I insulted you, and I never measure my insults.
“Be more specific.”
I don't really feel the need to be more specific about the left-right thing, it's pretty obvious but you will probably never get out of that way of thinking, and I am not even gonna try to get you out of it, you are free to think what you want after all.
“I could go on and on and on, but you are one rather boring person.”
First of all you don’t even know me. I don't feel the need to be entertaining here , I would not even be able to because English is not my first language. If you want to see what parts of me are interesting just visit my website. I hope you won't be as childish as to use it to attack me as making fun of my name is getting pretty old now. Speaking of boredom, do you have any cool hobbies?
Anything else you want to know? Just ask me, you can even use my email address for it.
Without pride,
My response to this quote
“I read all your post across the threads and frankly you just did not measure a response. Nonetheless, you try to sound important, clever and far left of center, but never really deliver the goods on any issue.”
This is a typical analogy that someone would use to deconstruct anyones point of view. Just by saying that, it doesn't make it true. Often enough the technique of summarising someones point of view with false statements is used by those who are evading the real topic at hand and are using a cheap yet deceptive technique to try and render someones strong point useless. You aren't fooling me or anyone else.
If you have a valid point then make it, and the same command can be turned upon yourself. Be more specific.
Re your comments: Thank you and fair enough.
Respectfully, my post to LazerLoser had nothing to do with you. I my humble opinion; LazerLoser is a mean spirited bully to anyone who does not share his worldview. And, I did discount the barbs between he and Chili. Normally, I would not have responded in such a fashion, but he hides behind a keyboard not thinking about how his comments will incite others and further debase the discourse to school yard thuggery.
We can never know enough History and there can never be enough Art in the world. Good luck at the Academy.
Kind regards,
Mr. Man
PS Hobbies - Comics, family, friends, MMA and reading
Fav author - Tom Robins
“The unexamined life is not worth living”
You call that "I'll type real slow so I don't fuck up"? You sure are very talented at making yourself look stupid on the internet.
Ok, I will reply in your language, mr dumb steelworker:
[chili mode]
[/chili mode]
I do believe thats quite enough, you are a racist moron and I can't talk with you. I have been working with some real dumb children as a teacher, but they would beat you all in any discussion. I wish you all the best, and be sure to reply on this, I won't read it, I am going to listen to some Neil music now and I don't want nasty people like you to spoil my fun.
Much love,
Hayo, you do realize you are partly to blame for these two idiots still hanging around, right? You keep feeding the trolls with inflammatory posts that are almost as bad as theirs. Why don't you give it a rest already? If both Mr. Man and Cold Bowl have no one giving them any attention, they'll leave and take their inane and incitive comments with them.
Sigh... Frankly, I wish you'd all leave Thrasher's Wheat, period. No one wants you here, and you're obviously not Rusties, since true fans of Neil wouldn't be picking petty fights with other fans. Furthermore, if you (and I'm directing this at Cold Bowl primarily) really were a fan, you wouldn't be attacking Neil for his new album. Instead you would realize he has a right to his political views (just like we all do), and you would stop complaining. Fat chance of that, though.
Neil was very articulate in the interview.Reading some of the right wingers views you would think he was a raving leftie.
Many musicians are beginning to speak out now and rightly so.
Rock and roll has always been left field.
For christs sake,bush would need an autocue to reply to questions.
How can you support a President as insane as this one ?????
I'm sure all of you across the Atlantic would love a Neil Young tour. Here is what the bill would look like; Neil young with special guest the Dixie Chicks. The Hundred Voices Choir Directed by Harry Belefonte. Special intermission guest Speaker; Ward Churchill. And if your lucky maybe Michael Moore will tag along and offer a few words of wisdom.
cool, I'd buy tickets for that one.....heheh
"Stay with me here this is you...."if stupid Chili would just relize Neil hads a right to free speech...etc etc....)
You just don't get it, do you? No one cares that are you politically conservative (me least of all, since I swing that way myself), and no one cares if you disagree with Neil over the politics of his new album. What people, myself included, object to is your juvenile manner of getting your point of view across. You seem to have NO respect for the other posters on this site. You call them names, you provoke them, you condescend to them ("you liberals never learn," that sort of thing), and you seem incapable of expressing yourself toward them in a way that isn't combative. You are a textbook troll.
Thing is, I doubt anyone here minds that you think Neil's new album is politically misguided. Rusties tend to be pretty open-minded when it comes to Neil's body of work. What they mind is your dismissive manner in regard to THEIR opinions. Every comment you've made on Thrasher's has been vitriolic and immature. For example, here's one of your first:
"Neil is misinformed like the rest of you pacifists that have no idea how our plantet works. War has been her, it will always be here-get used to it.
and another thing....it is Aiding the enemy. You peace nicks out there that think your really making a difference make me puke. You just help our enemy, now more than ever-"
So people who disagree with you make you "puke," are enemies of the country, and "have no idea how our plantet [sic] works?" How respectful you are toward the political views of others! Since then, your comments have gotten steadily worse until now they consist of nothing but insults like "fucking hypocrit" [sic], "little prick," etc.
Something else I object to is your posts are no longer even about Neil! They're just about liberal Democrats in general and the left-leaning posters on this comments page. You seem to have forgotten the reason you started posting here in the first place: to criticize Neil over his politics. Instead you're just going on and on and on about how foolish and idiotic everyone who disagrees with you is. If the differing view points of others perturb you, why not go to a conservative forum? Why stick around here, a Neil Young site, trolling?
Another thing, I mentioned that Rusties are open-minded about Neil's albums. We are. None of us see eye to eye on his works. Some say his 80s albums all suck, others say they have their good points. Some love his acoustic work and nothing else; others are Horse fanatics who get bored by his folk "dalliances." And some of us agree with the politics of his albums, while others don't. I have no doubt there are a few Bush Sr. supporters among Neil's fanbase who thought his criticism in "Rockin' in the Free World" was erroneous. Likewise, more than a few Rusties were riled by his seeming support of Reagan. We all have our preferences in regard to his albums, and the same goes for the politics of said albums.
I am 100% sure not all of Neil's fans are thrilled by Living With War. I'm sure a few are Republicans who support the President (like myself), and think the whole "impeach Bush" message is misguided. But you know what? Most of us are still going to listen to the album. And we don't go and criticize Neil over it when we haven't even heard it yet. And say we do listen to the album and think it sucks. Well, we criticize the music (and the politics) in a CIVIL manner with other fans. We don't condemn those who liked it and Neil for making it, something you seem so fond of doing.
NY just "thinks" he is living with war...somehow I think that he wasn't around when 9/11 happened...why haven't we had more incidents? Have you forgotten 3000 people in the World Trade centers? Where are the terrorists now?? It's easy to criticize Bush when you're not the one making the decisions. Don't even get me started on Michael Moore, he is sooo out of touch, trying to blame a store for selling bullets....and preying on children who were shot and wounded at Columbine to make a buck. I just want to know how people in this country have become such cowardly sort of Americans? My father fought for NY's right of free speech in WWII...People no longer have any pride, ethics or morals in America. People have to watch reality tv to have a real life....and listen to celebrities so they can have an opinion...I don't think anyone wanted to make the tough decisions that George Bush has had to make. Celebrities aren't any smarter than anyone else and this is not the "free love" days anymore and the "make love not war days" are over! Wake up NY! 20 million Mexicans are here illegally, do you think there aren't any terrorists lurking in the crowd?? Just push for your Liberals to get into office and wait for the terrorists to bring war in your backyard! Then NY can sing about the bad guys in the White House and Michael Moore can whine about bullets, etc....NY is very disrespectful to the President! I wonder how in the world we have so many American Citizens who want to see America fail? Helloooo! You live here! If America does fall all you liberals will not get to eat out or watch tv anymore and no one will have any money to buy NY albums or Michael Moore films. I really don't want a President that has such bad judgement to prey on young women and has illicit sex flings in the White house. I think I know why NY's album comes in a brown paper wrapper, isn't that the way porn magazines come in the mail? Maybe NY knows he should be ashamed!
Ok, that was pretty funny..
This looks like the thread for in which to vent. I feel pretty good. Wheres the place for that?
testing 1-2-3
I'm not so sure about this one....
it's released so quickly right after the last Album AND movie?
Neil is going through some changes very rapidly and there appears to be some odd behavior-for example:
*releases a "pop" CD-with tunes that will make a large portion of the audiance happy.
*Releases a "pop" movie, playing all his "hits"-again. pleaseing the entire public.
* Selling off acreage on the ranch? over the years, he has always aquired property!
* Considering "out sourcing" labor to China to compete in the Model Train business, since he hires UAW help now that are busting his balls.
* now releasing a controversial CD and doing CNN interviews....???
I don't know, but it sounds like he may short of little cash right now?
"Hayo, you do realize you are partly to blame for these two idiots still hanging around, right? You keep feeding the trolls with inflammatory posts that are almost as bad as theirs. Why don't you give it a rest already?"
I do realise, but I feed whoever I want to feed. I ask you to read all comments above, as I just pointed out Chilis knowledge of history is pretty shuffled, and the fact he can't make other people change their minds. Then he started to make fun of my name. I just took the chance to do some tests with a patriot dude like him as I need it for something I am working on at the moment. Also I don't think mr Man is an "Idiot".
And yes, I did try to give it a rest now, which was pretty obvious from my last post. Thanks for bringing me back once more, whoever you are, and I can assure you I am a real Neil fan, from "everybody's rockin'" to "are you passionate?". I don't see how being a Neil fan has anything to do with being kind to retarded racists.
For any other comments I make here I won't use my real name, and I will just give my opinion about the subject instead of defending opinions. And I do that for you, anonymous.
Libs (Hate America First crowd) just don't get it. This is only the beginning of the war.
Don’t take anyone’s word about what Islam is about, find out for yourself. Please study the Koran and the teachings of Islam. It will scare you; remember the Satanic Versus? The idea that there is a moderate Islam is a Myth!
The tenants of Islam are clear: Deception, conquest, subjugation and conversation to Islam or death. There is no middle ground, no tolerance in the Islamic worldview.
Gays, Women, Christian, Jews, Buddhist, Atheist et al; Wake-up before it is too late.
I will not be posting here in the future. (collective sigh of relief)
My I suggest that you moderate your own and not only those with differing opinions.
It seems odd that you will allow and not be critical of Lazerlou, who is obviously a poltical hack for the DNC/Moveon.org, but will trash serious persons questioning Neil's motivations and timing behind the release of this album.
These are serious times and require serious persons. Not entertainers and demagogy.
Mr. Man
PS Hayo is a good sport and gentleman. Maybe Lazerlouse could learn a thing or two from Hayo on this thread.
Mr. Man,
You are insane and angry and violent. I think you are the same person as Chili, because anyone who actually reads Chili's posts knows he has serious psychological problems. I don't think anyone but Chili himself could come to his defense after reading these posts.
I am not Chili and my issues are valid. You just attacked me personally with no provocation. This is either Linda or LazerLouse. Thanks for helping to further define my earlier point.
All the best,
Mr. Man
Ms. Woman,
Don't be stupid. We know cold Bowl of Chili is Mr. Man. The idea is to avoid responding to him, not to provoke him further.
Wow. You're right! They are the same guy. Who else is so psychotic they would announce to a thread they are stopping posting. That is fucking creepy.
T.ogle = Chili (toggle - get it?)
Don't respond! He is sick. Stop feeding the troll and he goes away.
Chili/T.Ogle/Mr. Man, your act is up. Sorry. You have to do a better job at disguising yourself. Now go away. PLEASE. You are pathetic.
I’m a big European fan of Neil Young’s music but I can’t follow everything you Americans are ‘discussing’. I think some of you may need to lie down in a darkened room for a while (mind you some of it is damn funny!). America is not a perfect society but what society is? It’s goals are generally admirable and a lot of the world look to America for leadership. The few Americans I have met seem to me genuine people who are very Patriotic, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Certainly in world affairs that old US Presidential saying should apply – ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick!’.
We’re living in uncertain times and I can’t work out why. I’m no historian but I know the Islamic culture has been around for centuries and there have been skirmishes with the Christian world throughout history. It is real bad at the moment and shows no signs of improving. I can’t quite get my head around it, are they trying to dominate us or are we trying to dominate them? The Islamic way of life is so completely alien to us in the West that it is difficult to comprehend. The Muslims pray to their God Allah constantly throughout the day and have some (to us) very strange practices. It is not the type of life I would want to live but it is their culture and who are we to say how they should live there lives. I can only assume that the Muslims are content with their lifestyle and don’t wish to change it. I can’t immediately see a way out this problem. We want to avoid all out war with these people and maybe we need to negotiate with the Islamic fundamentalists (if they will) so that we can all live in this world as we want to live in it.
Oh by the way, I’m sure the new Neil Young album will be great!
Mr. Man suggested Mrs. Woman might be me. Just here to say, No, that wasn't me. I wouldn't write like that. I'm not interested in making accusations and fighting in here.
"you're just pissin in the wind"
Neil Young said that
try to keep things in perspective.
Chili, stop trying to pretend T.Ogle is someone other than you. Or do you both just like to puke when you read something you don't agree with? Freak.
Dear Linda,
My sincere apologies for my earlier post accusing you of being Ms.Woman. Obviously you are too much of a Lady to have made such a statement..
All the best,
Mr. Man :)
Chili and Lazerlou are one and the same.
Think about it....Chili and LazerLou have the same viciousness, decorum and weird since of humor.
I have been looking over these post for 6 days now and I beleive that Wheattrasher and LazerChilli are in cahoots to stir up controversy on this tread. IOW - It's all about traffic hence cash.
Yes. It saddens me also. But, if you pay attention to the three (buffoons) It is plain as day. Visit their websites, read how they interact. We have all been set upon each other like dogs...And, some took it hook line and sinker.
Do not post here or they win.
Think about it....Chili and LazerLou have the same viciousness, decorum and weird since of humor.
I have been looking over these post for 6 days now and I beleive that Wheattrasher and LazerChilli are in cahoots to stir up controversy on this tread. IOW - It's all about traffic hence cash.
Yes. It saddens me also. But, if you pay attention to the three (buffoons) It is plain as day. Visit their websites, read how they interact. We have all been set upon each other like dogs...And, some took it hook line and sinker.
Do not post here or they win.
Yes, we should be afraid of lslamic fundamentists.
But we should also be afraid of christian fundamentalists.
There sits one in the white house, he is even born again!
Let's impeach the president a.s.a.p.!!
I'm so glad Neil Young is putting an album out that gives voice and expression to the way a lot of people feel here in America and even in the rest of the world. The cover art is pure Neil, eye-catching and thought provoking. Way to go Neil!
Let’s impeach the president for lying
And leading our country into war
Abusing all the power that we gave him
And shipping all our money out the door
He’s the man who hired all the criminals
The White House shadows who hide behind closed doors
And bend the facts to fit with their new stories
Of why we have to send our men to war
Let’s impeach the president for spying
On citizens inside their own homes
Breaking every law in the country
By tapping our computers and telephones
What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees
Would New Orleans have been safer that way
Sheltered by our government’s protection
Or was someone just not home that day?
Let’s impeach the president
For hijacking our religion and using it to get elected
Dividing our country into colors
And still leaving black people neglected
Thank god he’s racking down on steroids
Since he sold his old baseball team
There’s lot of people looking at big trouble
But of course the president is clean
Thank God
God bless Neil Young!
I'll put money down this will be his best album since "Rust Never Sleeps" -- who knows, maybe better.
Anwyay, you Cons are hil-freaking-larious!
C'mon, this is Neil Young, this is rock'n'roll. You think those two things are friendly to conservative agendas, to establishment politics? Ridiculous. Neil Young is an old hippie, he's The Old Hippie, the guy who hot-wired a pick-up to get Jimi to the stage at Woodstock, the guy who wrote about "four dead in Ohio," and the artist who made a rock-play about killing a cop ("Greendale"). Sure, he's changed his mind now and again, voicing support for Reagan in '80 and getting behind the Afghanistan invasion in 2001 (hell, who didn't support that -- very few). But overall, Neil is decidedly an old hippie, not in love with war, not enamored of the war machine, and most definitely not for attacking Iraq, a country which had nothing to do with 9-11. You Cons are an ignorant bunch, from not knowing exactly who we're fighting and why (it always seems to come down to, "Kill towelheads -- towelheads bad!"), to not even understanding who Neil is. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.
Anyway, I can't wait until the new album! Screw Dubya -- Let's Impeach the President!
No reason to knock 'Last Trip to Tulsa'....
Boy Ole' Neil sure knows how to stir a controversy, 170+ comments.
Exactly....."Last Trip To Tulsa" is a freakin' masterpiece....especially the electric version on "Rarities"
The CSNY tour should be innarestin'. 2 album's worth of new material from Neil and the Crosby-Nash double album, lots of new material, and live! Can't wait to hear it...
Most of us (60 plus percent) agree with Neil about where the country is headed. But we don't have Neil's talent with words and music. Maybe, just maybe the Bush administration will listen to Neil, God knows they aren't listening to us common folk......
Is Thrasher dead or something??
This is one of the greatest site. I got into neil at 12"After The Goldrush" was my first. I can say pretty much I am obsessed with Neil. He has the courage to stand for himself. He is so into enviroment because he has 2 sons and a daughter. i have a 15 year old. i cannot believe people say "it's all publicity"?? in all his time in front of the audience evven with Epilepsy, he wanted to make a show a good one. he will speak his mind whether u like it or not. and the "go back to your own country" is such a racist remark. me being Asian/French i was teased so much. i wish i had a strong mind like Neil. I have to see you, and no scattering ashes for another 40 years. I love you and Long may u run and speak your mind!! peace,Tia
How can anyone say mean things about Neil when he has done so much for us. Just knowing he's no racist pig make him more sexy. his ultimate love and devotion to his 2 boys, 1 severe with Celebral Palsey that he took 5 year off to care for them. how many rock & roller do u hear about say that.Transformer man is written with the 2 boys in mind. All I can say is puleez let me meet a man like Neil. he is a unique individual that makes his stand out no matter where he goes. I cant wait for the Album. long may you run Neil. My sis remembers when i was 12, writing "I love you Neil" on the cover/. and still do that. isn't that a shame. Peace and let us speak our mind, that is why we are in America, the land of the free to express yourself.
Chili, we know that Mr. Man and Ogle are you. But do you understand that or do you suffer from split personalities? Nobody likes you Chili. Maybe you should step up to conversing with real people, not charaters you make up in your head or create in April 2006 on blogger. You are one sorry human being to pretend like there are other people who are interesetd in exchanging ideas with you.
I'm not going to get into the political debate and I'm not even going to talk about the cover art! I just listened to "Living With War" online and I'm here to say it's GREAT to hear Neil picking up Old Black and playing ROCK'N'ROLL again.
Don't get me wrong. I thought both "Prairie Wind" and the new movie were awesome. But I was afraid that Neil had forsaken loud, raunchy, electric music in favor of his folkie side. I'm glad to see I was totally wrong and that he can indeed still kick out the jams. As someone said over on the Telecaster Discussion Forum, "Neil's at his best when he's noisy."
I've heard the new CD... it's okay Neil can do better
You can't really claim to be a true Neil Young fan if you get angry with him because he uses his talents as his forum to communicate his feelings. His feelings generally match ours, which is why we identify with and like him, but not always. Which is also why we should like him and respect him. The fact that you so blindly follow your leaders, even when it's obvious they are wrong, lends credence that you too are "flip-floppers" by saying you USED to love Neil Young and now you don't. Whether you believe the man speaks the truth or not, he speaks (sings) knowing that not all will agree. If this were some lame-ass attempt to make money, which I've never heard anyone that supposedly loves and knows Neil say, then they really don't know Neil. I imagine he makes the music that comes to his head and doesn't really give a rats ass if you think it's crap or not. In fact, sometimes after awhile he thinks it's crap too I imagine.
I imagine most people wanted to support their country and president and struggled with the decision to go to war. Felt forced into by the actions of fanatical muslims, but when does it stop? When do we go to far? We rightly go after the terrorists in Afganistan and yet we don't stop there. Now we're in a mess in Iraq with no seemingly way out and Iran scared we are going after them next and threatening the world. Do we have to go through this for another 10 years, waiting for enough people to die and students to protest and presidents to change to end this thing? Even today most conservatives I know, don't say Vietnam was a mistake, they say it was a mistake that we didn't fight to win. That mentality still exists with this war and after enough of our soldiers are brought back in body bags finally somebody will take notice and try and stop it. Then we'll fight each other. Who's right, who's wrong?
I'd rather be happy than right.
I absolutely agree with you MarkLav. It's still the same old song and dance after all these years. Those who run this government today never did learn the definiton of insanity--doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We have to live with them just like we have to live with this war and those out in the world salivating and waiting for us to to make a typographical error so they can storm us. But who's actually the cause of that scenario. On many levels, isn't it not we ourselves? "Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love." Some people never got that when they were growing up. Me included.
So when will this insanity end?
I've always been a fan of Neil Young. Like him, we were looking around, and perhaps hoping that someone in this current generation would have the conscience to speak out just as he did in his younger days. But this is not a condemnation here. Not at all. I think we're all just as culpable as we have been misled. As you say Martinlav, sooner or later it just gets down to us fighting more and more among ourselves as we see the world go up in flames.
Will we then be able to sing, "We had a chance to change our minds?"
I'm seeing a lot of movement with the release of LWW. Yesterday I heard the entire album on our local radio station. Neil's given us the gift of a voice and a conscience. Now we can raise hell.
I used to like Neil Young when I was 12.....some people grow up and some don't. Neil is stuck in "Peter Pan Syndrome".
Here is the main reason that transplant Canadian American Neil should not be giving comfort to our enemy by bad-mouthing our President (perhaps the libs or Michael Moore might learn something as well):
How old are you now, 13? Need a pacifier? We can help you. We know what it's like when things don't go our way. We've all been there.
I think Living With War is a very powerful Album. I Have seen how he is concerned with the world and how our kids will grow up in still very Seperated Violent world. I fear that too. One push of a button and can wipe us all out and for what. Greed and Power. I whole heartedly agree with Neil Young and his words to the people. Lets make this a more peaceful place. Not since Lennon did anyone stood up for what War is really doing, Nothing!! And we will end up with an "Empty Garden" Thanks for speaking up!! I am with you 100%!! Tia
I think neil young hit this one on the head..........bruce springsteen and neil young have both spoken out against this administation and its policies..............
were is bob dylan?
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