Rolling Stone Interviews with Neil Young

Neil Young: The Last American Hero
Rolling Stone Magazine Cover - February 8, 1979
Rolling Stone Magazine has just posted the full text online of two of the best 1970's interviews with Neil Young.
The interviews are by the legendary prodigy Cameron Crowe and were conducted -- incredibly -- when he was about 16 and 20 years old. The first interview is titled "So Hard to Make Arrangements for Yourself" from August 14, 1975. This issue has Thrasher's all-time favorite Rolling Stone cover.
The second interview is "Neil Young: The Last American Hero" from February 8, 1979.
Definitely some good reading.
Good to see RS digging into their Archives...
I actually have this awesome Rolling Stone cover framed on our bedroom wall....but also wondered why he's called an "American hero" when he's Canadian? Just a blatant error by RS?
I too have this issue with Neil on the cover. Got it in a plastic cover now. The paper used back then almost has that original Harvest vinyl album cover feel to it. I showed it to my daughter. She checked out the date on it and said to me," You bought this new? Boy, you ARE old!" I said, "Naw, I just got history!" She digs Neil too!
"....but also wondered why he's called an "American hero" when he's Canadian? Just a blatant error by RS? "
Well, Canada IS a part of north-AMERICA, isn't it?
He's as American as the founding fathers were. Now that he's come to the aid of the republic, this is almost prophetic.
hey now,now, im from the philippines, plays punkrock music w/my band the philippine violators thats been around for 22 yrs.AND IVE BEEN A FAN OF THE GUY SINCE I WAS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ( IM 37YRS OLD NOW) now, I JUST WANNA STRECTCH OUT THAT WHEN SPEAKING ABOUT NEILYOUNG & HIS MUSIC, THE MAN IS NEITHER AMERICAN OR CANADIAN, HE'S UNIVERSAL!!!!..OK
When people say "the man is" it makes the hair on the back of my knuckles stand up,can we please bury that quiche? what!? I think the proper term is "Canamerican Americanadian" five times real fast.
I get a 404 error when I click on the link. Anyone been able to get to it at RS?
That's because Rolling Stone now charges for all back content and has a convoluted subscriber system of sorts...fork over some $ and I assume you can read the articles
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