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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Unboxing Neil Young Archives Vol. III (1976–1987)

Unboxing Neil Young Archives Vol. III (1976–1987) 
(Click photo to enlarge)


There is a new unboxing video of Neil Young opening up the latest Archives Vol. III (1976–1987) (thanks Danny W.!)

Located on  Times Contrarian | NYA Volumes page (#11)  the 22+ minute video shows Neil going through the box making all kinds of comments about the contents.  Here's Tomatron's take on the unboxing video:

It was a fun view. 

Pretty long for an unboxing. The barking dog was a nice touch. The Archives posters are always cool. He almost forgot Snapshot In Time. Then he did forget Touch The Night. He leafed through the book but didn’t show the last pages, so it does look like the tape record isn’t included this time. 

I’m excited for the material that will land on the NYA site next week and am Wonderin’ which unreleased films will be available first! 

Neil Young: Archives Vol. III - 17 CD BOX SET
(Click photo to enlarge)

More on Neil Young’s Archives Vol. III  @

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At 8/28/2024 08:53:00 AM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

Another Patron zoom meeting today at 1:00 pm pacific time / 4:00pm eastern time. I have to work so for those who participate, please share your thoughts. This will be the third one I’ve had to miss, but I look forward to hearing from my fellow rusties. Thanks in advance 🙏 Peace

At 8/28/2024 04:38:00 PM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

Right from the beginning he states third of five volumes, so at least two more volumes the Archives. I can imagine Neil living for quite awhile after seeing just how healthy and happy he looked in the unboxing video. So I’m really looking forward to the deep dive into Volume 3. And hoping for more while I’m still alive.

Peace 🙏

At 8/28/2024 09:48:00 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I agree with Dan. He looks and sounds GREAT. I am a bit relieved...have not heard details about the illness(es) that forced cancellation of the tour, and it's really none of our business...but I admit I was smiling from ear to ear watching Neil unbox the set with his usual Neilness, careful and wistful. I can't wait to get mine! I hope the other Crazy Horsers are just as healthy and happy...

At 8/28/2024 10:47:00 PM, Blogger tomatron said...

Saw a clip of today’s Zoom call and he talks about the illness. I don’t think he mentioned COVID explicitly but he did say he felt sick all of a sudden and knew he wouldn’t be able to play at his best that night. Other CH member got sick and are still working on getting back to 100%. He’s about to announce some theater shows with members of POTR.

At 8/29/2024 03:04:00 AM, Blogger Greying Rider said...

The call fell at an awkward time and, although I was able to join, unfortunately I could not give it my full attention and did not take my usual minutes. Agree Neil looked and sounded in good health. New tour announcement with POTR lite is excellent news. Though I'm not going to try and travel to the USA to see this tour having got my fingers (and heart) burnt with the cancellation of my dream ticket - I had Row 8 - to see Crazy Horse play in Hollywood. At least it saved me the irony of a long haul flight to see the 'Love Earth' tour, even with an offset. Long may you run, Neil.

At 8/29/2024 06:12:00 AM, Blogger Hambone said...

Morning all. Here's my pick of highlights from yesterday's zoom. No notes either so it's what I can remember after a nights sleep.
1. Frank Gironda mentioned that patron subscribers were at a high and I noted 396 on the call last night. When the zooms started a few years back it was nearer the 250 level, so that sounbds good for the health of NYA.
2. Tour cancellation - as tomatron said - the phrase Neil used was that a couple of the band "hit a wall" and then he felt sick at the idea of going onstage. He was clear that he couldn't just keep going and that what matters is "the art of playing, and the music".
Rolling Stone has some fuller quotes here:

The new tour with Micah, Anthony Logerfo and Corey McCormick is due to follow Farm Aid, at outdoor and theatre venues, many which he has played before. He implied it would be East Coast and then an arc across the country back home - Michigan and Ohio were mention, so sounds like a road trip of sorts.
Content will be a classic Neil/ band set of solo acoustic then the band joins in - and at a less breakneck pace than the Horse.
Neil looked keen to go out, was very animated and sharp on answering questions & was pacing up and down out of camera shot. At one point I wondered if the mail had arrived as he disappeared for a minute or so.
Volume 4 - this will cover 1988 - 2002. There was some talk about where Live Mirror Ball fits in as I think someone asked about it as a separate release.
The other thing was that Neil said a majority of the studio recordings from Vol 4 would be the first band take of songs, which would be "interesting".
Also the implication that Vol 5 will be 2003- the present, whatever that will mean.
Lyrics book - this is in progress. Neil says it has 600 odd songs and will include scans of the original handwritten lyrics where they exist. Sheets are still being found and it may include a few songs where only the lyrics where written, but never found a tune.
Canary novel - this is at the line by line editing stage. There is no publishing deal for it yet, but Neil appears confident they will find one when the book is ready. As he's said before it's a Science Fiction novel.
Now as a very long term SF fan of 50 years - I just got back from the World SF Convention in Glasgow UK - I get a bit wary when celebrities start trying to write in the genre. Often their original idea has already been explored by the numerous fantastic less-known writers out there who live and breathe the genre. But hey it's Neil so I'll be giving a look in.
Coastal soundtrack - OK I hope I heard this right. This is Daryl's film of the 2023 Coastal Tour and the soundtrack will have different songs/versions from what has already appeared on Before and After. The film is almost ready, but I didn't catch a release date.
There was also some technical discussion about playing NYA via ATMOS and SONOS devices/apps but since I don't use them, sorry can't remember the details.

I'm sure others can fill in the gaps of what's been missed.

Hope the new tour is sedate and complete. I'll keep everything crossed for something in Europe eventually but it's great to hear Tales of the Rail from the US from everyone here.

Tony Hambone in the UK

At 8/29/2024 08:34:00 AM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

Thanks to everyone for the zoom update. Much appreciated.

At 8/29/2024 09:12:00 AM, Blogger herbsworld said...

That unboxing video, to me, was glorious! I agree. Neil is in fine form and I felt relief over not only a familiar face, but a personality that remains. I have so many older friends that just “change” with age (Or, maybe it’s me?). Neil seems as enthusiastically excited as ever. Optimistic, even. Glad to see and hear indeed! The box itself, meh.
Not to be a Debbie Downer but there were maybe 5 or 6 audio cd’s that I’m innarested in (tho not in low-fi, cd quality) and maybe 2 of the bluray titles. I would most likely spend more on cherry picking individual titles, if they become available, which I hope they do, (Along with the book). Anyway. Like I said before, I’m happy for the output and everyone who is excited about Christmas in September :)
Here’s to a Happy Neil Year!

At 8/29/2024 01:12:00 PM, Blogger Hayo said...

Other cool things Neil mentioned in the Zoom call:
- CSNY 69 is pretty much done and all analog.
- Roxy album (and maybe video?) is incomplete but in the works.

At 8/29/2024 03:43:00 PM, Blogger Ruven said...

hello everybody,

this is my first comment on here, though i've been visiting this site DAILY since many years. now that i'm eagerly awaiting the volume 3 box set, i couldn't help it to take a quick glimpse at neil's unboxing video, but only in the beginning to find out what i was looking for. and that is: i was really happy to see that the 'garypak' is actually back in this set and it looks huge.

when the volume 2 set came out, i was really disappointed that there was NO 'garypak'. and to this day, it doesn't make any sense to me that they didn't release that set just like they did with volume 1. now knowing that volume 3 will have the 'garypak' again, it makes even LESS sense to me that it wasn't included in volume 2.

my point being.. 'garypak', 'garypak', 'garypak'..


sorry for the 'garypak-rant', but i'm really hoping for an answer!

my best wishes and blessings to all of you for providing me with the amount of daily neil information that i need.


At 8/30/2024 08:30:00 AM, Blogger tomatron said...

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At 8/30/2024 09:03:00 AM, Blogger tomatron said...

For those of us who don’t have Vol. III Takes yet, there is an exclusive track posted on the Neil Young YouTube Vol. III playlist. Razor Love! There’s also a mislabeled video of Thrasher from Rust Never Sleeps. But the Takes version (audio only) of Thrasher is phenomenal, and is now streaming widely.

At 8/30/2024 11:43:00 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Ruven...what is a "Garypak"? Out of the loop here! Thanks!

At 8/30/2024 01:02:00 PM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

Excited to see what shakes out of new tour. Love those guys from The Real. They understand his vibe well and the songs. Old style tour, wood followed by Old Black. These youngins give him a McCoy style shot 💉 in the arm. Bring it. Love to Billy and Ralph.

At 8/30/2024 01:57:00 PM, Blogger herbsworld said...

@Chris @Ruven re: “Garypak” I was wonder’n the same? Box design by Gary Burden, maybe? Looks to be same type artwork?
Also, maybe just me (I only have vol 1 to go by) but the dimensions of that vol 3 box look a lil’ bigger? I mean, judging by the unboxing video, I know there are more discs, but basically the same box….

At 8/30/2024 10:04:00 PM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

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At 8/31/2024 02:39:00 AM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

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At 8/31/2024 11:31:00 AM, Blogger Old Black said...

@Ruven, @Chris, @herbsworld, - I think the "garypak", and I may be wrong (Mrs Old black tells me that I am, regularly, on all issues!) is the box that actually houses the discs, the box that folds in half to open it. When sold separately, the cd box of vol 1 was in this format, and it looks as if vol 3 cd only will be the same from the marketing photos. In the vol 3 unboxing video, the box within the box, so to speak, appears to be what I believe Ruven is referring to. The vol 2 cd only box was different, more square, as if a pile of cd's had been stood next to each other. To try to answer Ruven's original question, and welcome to the forum Ruven by the way, I think there is no answer to this, as this is Neil we're trying to figure out, and if it were possible to second guess him on the reasons for his decisions.....well, he wouldn't be Neil would he? Best wishes to all from across the pond!

At 8/31/2024 11:37:00 AM, Blogger Dionys said...

Maybe it's too early for this type of speculation, but I wonder which of the various NYA Vol. III CD's will see a stand-alone vinyl release first. Probably those with a higher percentage of material which has already been published within the ORS catalog can be excluded. A little speculation now for comparison with the speculations once the box will have reached the top of the stairs might have some itch to it.

At 8/31/2024 11:41:00 AM, Blogger Dionys said...

The "garypak" obviously is the extra packaging for the CD's that breaks the CD's stowed in it in two compartments. Vol.I de luxe had this box in the box, while Vol.II did not.

At 8/31/2024 04:33:00 PM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

I was excited to hear the possibility of live Mirror Ball. Tour sounds intriguing.

At 9/01/2024 11:36:00 AM, Blogger Jim said...

Do hope that the NYA team fixes the "Thrasher" video that is supposed to be from the Boarding House but is clearly from the Cow Palace. Tiny club with 300 seats couldn't have fit the Rust Never Sleeps set on the stage there. It came out a couple of days ago but with the holiday still hasn't been fixed. Here is the video and the location is being discussed in the comments:

At 9/01/2024 01:30:00 PM, Blogger tomatron said...

The real Boarding House Thrasher video is on Apple Music and Spotify, so they just uploaded the wrong one (RNS movie version) to YouTube. Man I love this take and it sounds so good.

At 9/02/2024 12:27:00 PM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

On a tangential note, I viewed Human Highway (director’s cut) about a week ago. I really cannot agree with those who find it torturous or devoid of interest. It has imperfections, rough edges aplenty (Neil isn’t an actor!), but there are genuinely funny and smart moments, arresting visuals, and a healthy dose of Devo. What’s more, I can’t speak for the original release, but in this form, you can follow a story from beginning to end.

My favorite moments came from the “Booji Boy”, played by Mark Mothersbaugh. Reminds me of a character from a Charlie Kaufman screenplay (Being John Malkovich or the more recent Anomalisa…) His final speech parodies Blowing in the Wind in a way that’s preposterous, humane, and(to me) clearly not mean-spirited.

The dream scene, after Lionel the mechanic (played by Neil Young) accidentally gets knocked unconscious, I could watch repeatedly and write a different response each time. Suffice it to say I’d forgotten “Goin’ Back” is a great song.

At 9/05/2024 03:09:00 PM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

@Meta : I agree that Human Highway has many wonderful moments, and especially during the dream sequence. The original cut of the film had a much longer version of the Booji Boy scene, but the directors cut removed two thirds of it (unfortunately). But I’m anxious to see if the scene has been restored to its original length on the BluRay in Volume III, although I doubt it.

I have yet to receive any shipping information on Volume III , and it gets released tomorrow, so unfortunately it looks like we won’t receive our limited edition sets until next week sometime. Kind of sad they couldn’t get those limited editions in the mail a few days earlier.

Oh well; life goes on, so we wait just a little longer. Clearly a first world problem.

Peace to all 🙏


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