ATTENTION TW COMMENTERS: Thanks and A Suggestion
Hello & Happy Neil Year everyone!
As everyone knows, we highly value the comments and input from the Neil / RUST & TW grain communities.
As we continue to lurch back to some sort of level of normalcy in 2022 (after our "2021 unplanned/forced sabbatical" here at Thrasher's Wheat), we'll be trying to re-engage more with the Grain community here.
Over the years, there have been various problems and challenges with the commenting system used here. There have been various theories on what the problem and solution might be, but never anything definitive.
In the spirit of trying to get 2022 off in the right direction, here's a recent comment by Tomatron on First Impressions: Summer Songs by Neil Young | Old Grey Cat + Rick Rubin Interview w/ Neil Young:
One other item - I noticed some of us have been having issues posting using our mobile devices.
These problems have plagued me repeatedly here and I have lost writing because of it. But I wanted to share a solution I’ve discovered. If I click the View Web Version link at the bottom of the thread, I get an alternate version of this page that allows me to type and post with no issues. It only shows the one thread, but it’s enough to overcome the block of losing the comment I had composed. This may work for you as well.
Have a great night, guys.
Thanks for feedback Tomatron! Much appreciate the efforts to keep the conversations going. Along with all of our valued commenters as well.
Maintaining a robust, healthy, engaged community that allows open, honest and free speech is paramount for us here in Neil / RUST & TW grain communities. There is simply nothing whatsoever which is more important to us and what we do and stand for.
Thanks and again: Happy Neil Year everyone!

Labels: csny, neil young
This is a Test. Alan’s phone in Seattle
This is a Test
Happy Neil Year! Thanks for the Tech Support! Rain on the Grain is how we are doing the new year here.
Thanks- this solution worked!!
Absolutely loving the Barn deluxe box - the blu- ray film is so worth the extra cash - so beautiful seeing the Horse ride again with such great results - Colorado was a bit of a let down for me but Barn for me is Neil’s best since Psychedelic Pill
New show up: Booker and MGs!!! 7/11/93. Dock of the Bay!!! Happy new year everyone,
Oh and I forgot to add that I have had the same problems posting but your suggestion worked perfectly on my last post (and hopefully this one). Thanks for the work around,
I saw Neil play with Booker T & the MGs in LA in 1993. They created with Neil a whole different form of Neil Young’s Rock and Roll. This band backed all of the Muscle Shoals Soul Stars and had a fairly big band career. Duck Dunn on Bass, and Booker T is killing it.
Seeing them live, they played Southern Man and the chill hit my spine. It was blood chilling the effect it had upon me. Booker T is driving the tension of the song. Neil’s classic Anti Racist Anthem was a a spectacular accomplishment for this Canerican to call out the Moral Obligation that demands we fight against Racism in every form. F Trump. His song referenced immeasurable suffering and of black people in America and the world over. Anyone who missed Booker ST’s album, Potato Hole, featuring Neil Young on lead electric, blowing things up! He is a force of nature on Like a Hurricane. For me, the other highlight of the La show was when Neil tipped the hat to Otis Redding and Booker T & the MG’s on Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay. Alan in Seattle
Happy New Year.
This is the 3rd Timeline show I attended after Glasgow 2016, Antwerp 2019, Finsbury Park 1993.
Andrew, UK
We were road-tripping over New Years, so my access to TW was especially spotty... however, I'm just happy that my previous comments have resonated with and inspired a handful of people, especially insofar as folks have actually gone back and listened with fresh perspective to some of the albums or songs we've been talking about.
Nothing's quite as rewarding as knowing someone is actually "hearing" you, even if they are light years away in cyber space.
Per my responses to my recent comments, yes, CDII and other such albums are colored deeply by contributions from Ben Keith, Rick "the bass player" Rosas, Pegi Young... a roll call of absent friends. Of the older songs on CDII, I find Bluebird the most sublime fit with the "new" ones. It sets up a nature/spirituality theme that culminates with No Hidden Path.
Ralph M, of course, contributed drums and backing vox to much of that aalbum. The somewhat unusual combo of Ralph and Rick is, to say the least, effective: have you heard the drum fills on No Hidden Path or the bass on Boxcar? The reason I keep returning to CDII is probably because Barn carries such strong echoes of it. Human Race (a real grower for me) turns the raw angst of Spirit Road up to 11. Don't Forget Love definitely comes from the same family of songs as The Way--ymmv on the absence of any children's choir. And the first time I heard Tumbling Through the Years, I was struck immediately by the arrangement: an almost perfect mirror of The Believer.
For me, the piano songs (Tumbling, Shape of You, Don't Forget) are some of the most pleasant surprises, and an important counterpoint to the heavier, more urgent moments of Barn. This kind of balance marks many of Neil's best (or should I say, many of my favorite?) albums. Song of the Seasons and Welcome Back, among others, will command repeated listening. It seems NY likes to start an album strong and, if possible, end even stronger.
"If heaven had a window where the sun came shining through, like a beautiful bluebird I'd come flying back to you."
@ Ian : I completely agree that this new album has a remarkable balance to it. I think this is what separates the good records from the great records. Each song elevates the next as if it were a preamble of sorts. The whole becomes greater than the parts in a real intentional manner, which in turn allows each part to become more than it appears. I hope that makes sense.
Peace 🙏
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