Neil Young Timeline Concert of the Week: United Palace - New York City, New York, Dec 16, 2007 | NYA
We interrupt our "unplanned/forced sabbatical" here at Thrasher's Wheat, with an update on a new concert stream of Neil Young.
Another full concert has been uploaded to the Concert Performance Timeline on Neil Young Archives @ United Palace - New York City, New York, Dec 16, 2007.

Note only the 1st set from the 2007 Chrome Dreams Continental Tour has been made available this far. Per John O via NYA | T-C: "Stay tuned for the electric set coming soon to a moment near you!"

Neil Young - December 13, 2007
From Media Matters by Eric Alterman:
In many ways, I gotta say, except for the drunks, it was a near-perfect concert.
Just a handful of musicians have a catalogue as strong as Neil's and fewer still play with power and intensity he does once the band gets going. The newer stuff lends itself to long, measured riffing, and the older stuff -- the highlight being a bulldozer version of "Like a Hurricane" as the final encore -- can reach a kind of transcendence that can make you forget who and where you are without any drugs or sex involved.
In case it's been a while since you've reminded yourself why so many people think of Neil as a national treasure, well, the answer, my friend, is playing at the United Palace Church in Washington Heights.

The Concert Review of the Moment is from New York City Concert Reviews: 12/12, 13, 15, 16, 18, & 19/07 by Anonymous:
After last night's (Tues) concert my first reaction is how fortunate we are to have Neil Young. He is truly in a class by himself. Like all the shows I've seen going back to the 80s he was exceptional and I walked out completely blown away. For starters, the acoustics were superb and the hall magnificently ornate and it seemed like there was scarcely a bad seat in the house. Credit goes to Neil for handpicking this hall and his enthusiasm for it was apparent when he commented on its beauty on a few occasions. The intimacy of the show enhanced the experience ten fold. I'd pay $200 any day to see him in a small setting and hopefully he'll consider doing another tour in small theatres in the near future.
I was struck by how authentic his old songs sounded in every aspect from the sounds made by the instrument(s), to his guitar riffs to his voice - it all seemed so reminiscent of its time. If you closed your eyes during Ambulance Blues it could have been 1974 as easily as it was 2007 ... there are many musicians for example Dylan (and this is not a knock on Dylan because I love Dylan) who have classic studio versions of songs but the live version falls short and is not similar at all to the classic.
continued @ Concert Review of the Moment: New York City 12/18/07.
For more, see New York City Concert Reviews: 12/12, 13, 15, 16, 18, & 19/07.
BTW, here is episode #7 of Thrasher's Wheat Radio 2.0 Vodcast/Podcast, hosted by our good friends in Burlington, Vermont. This episode features our very first special guest Rustie extraordinaire Lone
Red Rider who discusses the new Concert Performance of the Week series.
Thrasher's Wheat Radio 2.0 Vodcast/Podcast - Episode #7 | Hosted by
Labels: #KeepCalm, #NoFear, concert, neil young, solo
ahhh yes...Neil's last truly great tour...
IMO,the last truly great tour was the last one w Poncho...
“That is just, like, your opinion, man.”
I loved that tour. The band was having so much fun. I love the album, Psychedelic Pill. Ramada Inn, Walk Like a Giant. Fantastic live shows. Alan in Seattle
I also loved Twisted Road and Born in Ontario. And then I also loved Americana, the warmup to PP.
Dec 16, 2007 was a great show, from what we have heard in the first half. some loud locals interfere during an otherwise is a great show, although Neil confronts the audience about their loud talk, in a friendly way. He gives up on playing one song shortly after starting. He seemed thrown off by the loud-mouths a bit. “ When Neil Young is playing, you shut the F*{k up! “ 😁 Alan in Seattle
Agreed , Psychedelic Pill is a great album , and the tour was special. Saw the band at Lake Tahoe. Memorable.
Can’t wait for the Alchemy live album to finally emerge from that final poncho NYCH
The two timeline concerts from the Australian shows on that tour are pretty freakin special!!!
2007-11-30, Shea's Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, New York, USA
w/ Ben Keith, Rick Rosas, Ralph Molina, Anthony Crawford and Pegi Young
From Hank To Hendrix / Ambulance Blues / Sad Movies / A Man Needs A Maid / No One Seems To Know / Harvest / Mellow My Mind / After The Gold Rush / Love/Art Blues / Cowgirl In The Sand / Old Man // The Loner / Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere / Dirty Old Man / Spirit Road / Bad Fog Of Loneliness / Winterlong / Oh, Lonesome Me / The Believer / No Hidden Path // Cinnamon Girl / Like A Hurricane
A couple weeks earlier, my 46th birthday. a great night and an awesome show! I'm just a believer baby!
I'd say 2013 with Crazy Horse was the last truly great Neil tour, though I must give a shout out to the 2015 and 2016 tours with POTR. I saw the Berkeley show in 2015, and that's in my Top 5 Neil concerts in the 30 or so that I've seen. Also, the 2016 shows, especially the later ones in October, were real monsters. That Pomona show in October 2016 is unreal.
What exactly makes a tour or a single concert great? When I saw the 1982 show from a seat half a mile away from the stage that was not great. Watching from above the crowd in front of the stage back then I had the impression that the fans were totally immersed in the Trans Band sound and had a great time. Since then I try to get as close to the stage as possible. So the 2008 show was great and also the 1987 resurrection of Crazy Horse (see Muddy Track). The 2013 and 2014 shows with Crazy Horse and Crazy Dogs/Lost Horse were short and mediocre as compared to Greendale solo in 2003 or the 2009 Electric Band's extraordinary concert in Munich. The extent of the (illusionary) individual interaction between the musicians on stage and the audience certainly is a parameter for greatness. And a different kind of greatness is the intensity of a small scale solo concert. Sometimes greatness is not a size matters question. And it definitely is not depending on whether it's Crazy Horse or another line-up. While CH might be a class in itself, so is Booker T & the MGs or the Friends & Relatives line-ups in their various incarnations. Some of the talk reminds me of school yard games, when we used to trade cards or sticker cards of soccer stars (Americans, please insert: Baseball, Football, Basketball figures).
Reposted: I had a fantastic time at the PP show, less #’s of songs but epic long songs. I too have tried to get as close as possible at shows, which has always helped me to enjoy the shows. I had a magical and wonderful experience seeing him play with PotR more recently.
I see no point in trying to decide when exactly was the latest great tour or the last set of great shows. This is partly due to NY’s shape-shifting tendencies, and the diverse array of criteria we use to decide whether we love a NY album / tour or not. None of the proclamations give us joy or happiness. It comes off like an autopsy or post Mortem evaluation.
The Artist lives on. Neil is still creating Art which many of us find quite compelling. Life in society has changed a lot in the times of Covid. Rather than trying to define Neil on a timeline of good vs bad, I suggest we refrain from judgement and express some gratitude for our Artist Hero. Neil Young is not immortal, tho he may live on in Valhalla with his axe even after physical death. Let us offer some compliments out of respect and gratitude at the astonishing Musical Legacy he has given, and will give, his fans.
Thank you Neil Young for the sonic accomplishments which have given us so much pleasure thru the years. The timeline continues onward. We have many things to look forward to, new and old. Let us withhold modern prejudices and look for the things we appreciate.
The trick of disaster can wait. Alan in Seattle
@ Jonathan - thanks for sparking the discussion.
We recall Leo after seeing his 100th Neil concert. Hey, Leo what was your favorite Neil concert?
Always, the last one.
we always liked Leo's attitude...
for us, yes, Europe 2013 w/ Crazy Horse and Poncho's last ride. That was a great tour with epic Ramada Inn and Walk Like A Giant.
I was in Luca Italy in 2013 and recall seeing Neil Young and Crazy Horse posters all over the place. I had no idea what was happening, which is par for the course.
I suppose my front row seat in DC had something to do with my opinion.
Or maybe it was the acoustic half followed by the electric half (Neil had obviously been doing that for many years)
Or maybe it was Ralph on the drums without the rest of Crazy Horse (I think Chad Cromwell stepped in in 2008)
Or maybe it was 'No Hidden Path' burning the place down
Or maybe it was 'Ambulance Blues'
alrighty then...
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