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Friday, April 02, 2021

Boulder, Colorado 1976: "Timeline Concert of the Week" | Neil Young Archives

Balch Fieldhouse, Boulder, Colorado - Nov 6, 1976


With the recent announcement of Neil Young Archives Membership Tiers: Rust & Patron, more details have been forthcoming on  the "Timeline Concert of the Week" feature.

The "Timeline Concert of the Week" feature is now available to members at the Rust tier level with streams of live concerts from Neil Young's entire career. "Rust" subscribers can also exchange memories and stories with other subscribers. Some concerts are already accessible via the timeline, more will be added over time. Subscribers can send inquiries and express requests.

"Timeline Concert of the Week" | NYA


The most recent "Timeline Concert of the Week" | NYA is Neil Young w/ Crazy Horse at Balch Fieldhouse in Boulder, Colorado on Nov 6, 1976.

Which brings us to our Comment of the Moment (actually a good old fashioned Rust list posting)  by Mike "Expecting To Fly":

Here's a post I made to the Rust list about the Boulder show. The Rust email list is just about perfect for me. Low-key, rarely off topic, friendly, generous sharing of links and goodies, lotta good people.

My first Neil Young show I ever saw was just added to the Timeline on NYA at my request! I cannot hardly believe it.

This show changed my life. 

I had been what I thought was a pretty hard core Neil Young fan up to that time. I was 20 years old, had all the albums, a few bootlegs (Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, BBC) and thought I knew my Neil. But this show just completely upended my concept of what Neil was all about because he was so fantastically wonderful on stage.

The familiar songs were very good. But the unreleased (at the time) songs just blew me away. He played 18 songs that night. Nine of them (half!) were at the time unreleased that I had never heard before. I left that show a changed person! Do listen to this show and try to imagine the joy I felt. BTW, it's presented in full resolution, not mp3. Too Far Gone (the song, not the intro) on Songs For Judy is from this show.

1976-11-06 Balch Field House, Boulder, Colorado


Campaigner (unreleased!)
Human Highway (unreleased!)
After The Gold Rush
Pocahontas (unreleased!)
Too Far Gone (unreleased!)
Old Man
A Man Needs A Maid
Sugar Mountain
Country Home (unreleased!)
Don't Cry No Tears
Down By The River
Bite The Bullet (unreleased!)
Lotta Love (unreleased!)
Like A Hurricane (unreleased!)
Drive Back
Cinnamon Girl
Homegrown (unreleased!)
Cortez The Killer

Expecting To Fly


Thanks so much E2F (Patron Mike!)! We've been enjoying Boulder 76, also. And so have many other rusties, as well. As you mention, it is pretty stunning how many unreleased songs you heard that night that would soon become essential Neil classics. What a night to remember. What a great 1st Neil concert.

And very cool on the NYA shoutout Patron Michael!

We're really very happy that you're able to re-live your very 1st Neil concert experience.  As an aside, many may know that we've known "Patron Mike" aka "Expecting To Fly" for decades and have attended many a Neil concert together.



And there we are with E2F and Road RasCal Lilly in Telluride back in 2016 at Neil Young + Promise Of The Real. We should also mention that in 2004, this longtime Rustie posted a series of articles on his experience listening to all of Neil Young's albums in chronological order. This was his journey, his self-appointed task.  See Reviews of Neil Young Albums In Order.

More on "Timeline Concert of the Week" on the recent announcement on Neil Young Archives.

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At 4/03/2021 07:03:00 PM, Blogger zuma11 said...

I am thrilled that two seemingly overlooked and extra items are my favorite parts of the entire NYA website experience. Barefoot Floors - as good as anything on Vol II and this 1976 Boulder show - as good as any of the previous live Archival releases for me. The electric guitar playing on Boulder is out of this world. To use NYA archivist terminology - I am over the moon about each of these. Thanks to Mike.

At 4/04/2021 12:00:00 AM, Blogger Alan said...

It has been fun listening to the ‘76 Boulder CO show. Paying $40 per year for Rust level tier is well worth it so far! I requested a show recording release from my first Neil show: San Diego 1988 at Golden Hall.

Anyway, the ‘76 show is a very fine performance. Human Highway on Banjo is a standout for me. The slew of new & unreleased songs is impressive. Country Home 14 years before its initial release date! And 13 years ahead for Too Far Gone’s release. Personally, I think Neil polished both songs a lot over the years and perfected them later. Country Home got better in its structure and more powerful in its eventual delivery on Ragged Glory. The Rust Bucket version takes the cake. Too Far Gone suffered in ‘76 from the redundant lines “favorite bar” and “favorite car.” It seems more amateurish, poetically speaking. I am glad he changed it up. I cut my teeth on ‘88/‘89 Neil, so of course I love the Freedom version, which is epic. I could relate to the song at the time as well.

I am partial to Bite The Bullet and I always appreciate it in a set. A great Like A Hurricane. Throughout the show we hear different alternate approaches by Neil on the guitar work. It’s fascinating, but then I am often fascinated by Neil’s Art. I think Scotsman may be 100% correct in saying Neil’s guitar powers peaked for Weld. But I still prefer Rust Bucket as a favorite moment in time in the life of NY & CH. However, we get to have it all! I get to enjoy Fillmore East, Weld, Alchemy timeline gig, and a vast array of recorded live shows (upcoming) played by our steady, shakey, yet reliable musician of choice, Neil Young! Alan in Seattle

At 8/29/2021 05:25:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This was my first Neil concert, still my all time favorite show. Genius!!

At 12/22/2024 08:08:00 PM, Blogger scampez said...

My older sister had the Heart of Gold and Harvest albums and I thought of Neil Young as a kind of a folky/acoustic performer. In 1976 I was a freshman at CSU up the road in Fort Collins and my roommate in the dorms turned me on to a side of Neil that I wasn't fully aware of... Time Fades Away, Tonight's the Night et al. I knew a few songs from On the Beach and Zuma that got radio airplay but 'Time' and 'Tonight' were unknown to me. My roommate was from Boulder and convinced me to hitchike with him to the show... I think the tickets were like $6 or $7. We had a very mild fall that year and it was almost warm outside. We got down to Boulder in like two rides and were dropped off at Broadway and Pearl in plenty of time to get a bite to eat and walk the rest of the way to campus. I remember standing for the show, no chairs on the floor. They wouldn't let you sit on the mezzanine/track but I saw some people up there, they had a better view than us on the floor. VERY LOUD, a couple of songs I recognized but not many. They ended with Cortez the Killer. We were going to stay at my roommate's house - he lived way out on South Boulder Rd. But we met some folks going to back to Fort Collins and rode back with them. I remember buying Zuma that week (at the Finest Record Store in Campus West) and played the hell out of Drive Back, Don't Cry, Danger Bird and of course Cortez the rest of fall semester. I still have that album plus the others. I've seen Neil many times since then, including a couple of "solo acoustic evenings with Neil Young" but I still believe it isn't a Neil Young show without the Horse.


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