Photo of the Moment: Neil Young, Jack Harper, & Scott Young: Graduation Robes | Broken Arrow
Last week, we published a link to a 1971 article by Neil Young's brother Bob Young, titled "NEIL YOUNG: MY BROTHER THE FOLK SINGER | Maclean's".
While conducting the research for the post, we came across a bunch of references to Neil Young's father Scott Young, the Toronto, Canadian author and sportswriter, including the above Photo of the Moment of Jack Harper, Neil Young & Scott Young from the back cover of Broken Arrow, Issue Number 049, November, 1992.
Jack Harper was a member of Neil Young's first band The Squires. How this image came about and the full story has yet to be told but certainly someone out there might have more details to share.
UPDATE via Sharry Wilson:
The photo was taken in 1992 when Neil was conferred with an honorary degree — Doctor of Music — from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Jack Harper attended the ceremony and so did Scott Young. Scott is wearing his robes from Tent University in Peterborough, Ontario, where he received an honorary degree — Doctor of Letters — in 1990. Jack Harper is wearing his graduation robes from the University of Manitoba, Physical Education and Recreation Studies.Thanks Sharry for research and keepin' jive alive in T.O.!!!

Scott Young and Rassy Young, with son Neil Young
via A Deeply Personal Message from Neil Young | NYA
Labels: neil young, scott young
Scott Young was a Canadian icon.
When I was a paperboy delivering the Sault Daily Star, a customer, Mrs. Leishman, gave me a book for Christmas.
I remember her name to this day because it was such an important book in my life. At the time, I didn’t read much but this book, Scrubs on Skates by Scott Young opened up Canadian literature to me. I didn’t know reading could be so much fun. Scott young was also the colour commentator on the Hockey Night in Canada radio broadcasts. He hosted the Hot Stove Lounge in between periods. I actually believed that he was huddled around an old wood stove in a rink shack talking, smoking, and spitting away with my hockey heroes.
Over the years I would meet fellow Canadians who were also inspired by Scrubs on Skates. It had its place in time. Like me, they also still kept their treasured copy and read it to their children. I even met someone two weeks ago who treasured his copy of Scrubs on Skates. Scott Young’s columns in the morning Globe and Mail, A Loafer’s Diary, soothed this subway rider on morning commutes. I still treasure his other books about hockey in Canada. The last time I saw Scott was backstage that a CSNY concert at the Air Canada Centre. He was holding court to hockey and baseball stars basking in his lifetime of sports stories. He inspired me to eventually become a storyteller. Thanks again Scott and thank you, Mrs. Leishman.
Lloyd Walton
Thank you Lloyd for the great story and sharing your memories. Important stuff, memories.
Peace 🙏
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