"Battle of Two Songs: Anti-Trump Neil Young vs. Black Pro-Trump Lloyd Marcus" | RenewAmerica.com
We are becoming increasingly concerned that various artists and musicians are being very slowly drawn into the ongoing Civil War/Living With War v2.0 drama.
We will explain further in greater detail the basis for this observation, but 1st -- the latest salvo in the Young v Trump skirmishes: "Battle of Two Songs: Anti-Trump Neil Young vs. Black Pro-Trump Lloyd Marcus" on RenewAmerica.com.
Last week, Young criticized Trump‘s leadership of the U.S. in a lyrical rewrite of his 2006 track “Lookin’ for a Leader” during his Porch Session earlier this month.
In response, Lloyd Marcus has challenged both Neil Young and President Trump with his song "Trump Train 2020".
Trump Train 2020 by Lloyd Marcus
Lloyd Marcus writes the following on RenewAmerica.com:
Dear Patriots.Here are Neil Young's updated lyrics for “Lookin’ for a Leader”.
It is time to step up and push back. Neil Young unleashed a song ripping Trump, “Lookin' for a Leader 2020.” (See also: "Neil Young Just Offered Trump a New Recording of One of His Songs to Play at His Rallies, and It's Savage")
We who love America must fight back with my song, “Trump Train 2020.”
The same way I fired up audiences by performing my “American Tea Party Anthem” at over 500 tea party rallies and events, my high-energy “Trump Train 2020” will do the same. It will inspire Americans to jump onboard the Trump Train.
Please help alert the Trump campaign about the, “Trump Train 2020” song. Ask that I perform it at his rallies. Also, spread the music video far and wide.
Marxists declared war against America. They are pulling out all the stops to defeat Trump in November. If they are successful, we all know our beloved America as founded will be gone forever.
All of us must use our God-given, gifts, talents and intellect to push back to save our country. Help me use my gift for the good of our country by promoting the “Trump Train 2020” song.
Thanks and God bless.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd Spread the Truth
God instructed Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”
God instructs us,“Let my people know.” Spread truth.
© Lloyd Marcus
“Lookin’ for a Leader” - new lyrics
“We had Barack Obama and we really need him now.
The man who stood behind him now has to take his place somehow
America has a leader building walls around our house
Don’t know Black Lives Matter and we gotta vote him out.
We got our election but corruption has a chance
We got to have a big win to regain confidence
America is beautiful/But she has an ugly side
We’re looking for a leader for this country far and wide
Just like his big new fence
This president’s going down
America is moving forward
You can feel it in every town
Scared of his own shadow
building walls around our house
He’s hiding in his bunker
Something else to lie about.”
In response to this challenge, Donald Trump Used 3 Neil Young Songs At Mount Rushmore Event.
On July 3, 2020, Donald Trump used 3 Neil Young songs at the Mount Rushmore Event: “Rockin In The Free World” (2X, before and after), “Like a Hurricane”and “Cowgirl in the Sand”.
And -- again -- Neil Young has expressed his strong opposition to Donald Trump's use of his music, tweeting: “This is NOT ok with me…” (More details, footage and commentary here.)
Here is the original music video for Neil Young's “Lookin’ for a Leader” from the 2006 album "Living With War".
"Lookin' for a Leader" (2006)
We bring this all up because we know that Neil Young has practically built a career on going after Republican Presidents -- from President Richard Nixon in 1970 with the CSNY song "Ohio" to President Ronald Reagan in 1980 with the album "Hawks & Doves" to President George Bush #1 with the iconic song "Rockin' In The Free World" and on to President George Bush #2 with the album "Living With War" and the oh-so inflammatory song and subtle as a flamethrower song "Let's Impeach The President".
So back to our original conCERN above regarding the ongoing Civil War/Living With War v2.0 drama. To be blunt, FWIW, we have all been here before, so deja vu all over again and again, our friends.
Here's a comment we made earlier this year: (Note, edited for clarity)
This is simply more of the same old divide and conquer rhetoric spiffed up to ride along with the latest hate vehicle of the day. The false illusion dialect of the left-right duality is just another trap you've fallen into yet again.So we're at about Step #5, which actually was where this all started but failing that, the Plan moved ahead anyways. (Here's an expanded comment on the subject of the ages old "divide & conquer" control technique -- which has been highly perfected and augmented by our clever and cunning little smart phones, whipping everyone into a frenzy with every ping notification. Playing the two sides off of one another against the middle is an age old strategy that everyone needs to recognize. Case in point.
As we commented on another thread awhile ago, anyone with eyes wide open can see, everything seems to be going according to The Plan. Civil War 2.0
Trust us, the Powers That Be want this so bad. The desperation is so palpable that they even dragged out the same 60's script.
- Have a white man murder a black man in broad daylight.
CHECK- Rev up a fake controlled opposition.
CHECK- Flood the inner cities with cheap drugs, then destroy neighborhoods by burning at night w/riots and looting.
CHECK CHECK- And then top it off w/ launching a manned rocket into space as a distraction to the war on the invisible enemy.
CHECK- Bring in the National Guard.
CHECK- Impeach The President.
CHECK (Almost)
[1960's / 2020:
- MLK-James Earl Ray/Floyd George-Police Officer Chauvin
- Black Panthers/ Black Lives Matter
- Heroin, Newark, Watts, etc/Opiods, Mpls, Portland, etc
- Apollo 11-Vietnam-Communism/SpaceX-Afghanistan, etc-Germs-CV19
- Kent State, OH/Lafayette Square,DC
- Nixon/Trump
Wash, Rinse, Repeat]
Don't fall for it again. Everyone should've learned a lot from the 60's, hope so, but guess not?
Don't believe us? Same as it ever was ...
Well, we knew it was going to a long, hot summer. It usually always is, right? You know, there's a reason why Lookout Mama always says: "It's all illusion anyway."
So, just Keep Calm, No Fear, Shut It Down, and Keep on Rockin'! #BeTheRain
So, thrasher, how exactly do you stay calm, we are often asked?

Drink Thrasher's
Photo by HtH (not a photoshop, just another one of those TW synchronicities)
"Normal never was and NOT "Looking for a Leader" because "We're The Ones We've Been Waiting For".

"We're The Ones
We've Been Waiting For"
143 | 107
(Numbers add up to nothin'!)

More on Neil Young: Humanitarian Rebel With Causes and When Neil Young Sings Truth To Power, The World Listens.
Labels: @NeilYoungNYA, #BeTheRain, #BigShift, #CrazyHorse4HOF, #disCERNment, #DontSpookTheHorse #MoreBarn, #MayTheHorseBeWithYou, #NeilYoung, #NoFear, #willie4Nobel, #WT1sWBW4, neil young, politics, songs
Tiny typo in this sentence:
"President George Bush #1 with the album "Living With War" and the oh-so inflammatory song and subtle as a flamethrower song "Let's Impeach The President'."
The song is about George W. Bush (aka Bush #2)
No biggie.
Thanks NYBD11-12. corrected.
what do think of this whole thing overall? On track? In the ditch?
thrasher needs a vacation until 2021?
My thoughts on the current president of the United State are as follows:
"It's hard to say where a man goes wrong;
it might be here and it be might be there.
What starts out weak might get too strong
if you can't tell foul from fair.
But it's hard to judge from an angry throng
of hands stretched up in the air."
~Through the keyhole in an open door.
When will Neil stop calling his band Crazy Horse? The Washington R######s have to change their name because it's racist (unless they've always meant the potatoes - could they just change their mascot to a potato?). The Cleveland I######s, too, unless Gandhi was a co-founder of the team. You can't be woke and call your band Crazy Horse, Neil! How about Neil Young & the PC's?
Neil & the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism? I don't know the answer, just that there's gotta be a change, oh the humanity!
Trenchant observation. These are some of the names of Neil's bands:
* The Squires
* The Mynah Birds
* Stray Gators
* Santa Monica Flyers
* Young and the Restless
* Neil and the Shocking Pinks
* The Ducks
*Neil Young and the Lost Dogs
* The Trans Band
* The Stills-Young Band
* Neil Young and the Blue Notes
* Buffalo Springfield
* Neil Young and Promise of the Real
and some group that's disbanded: Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young
Did I leave any out? Surely Neil could adopt/revise one of these titles
Here's the deal we need a fucking leader! We need harmony.
It aint like Obama, It aint like Trump, it aint like Biden.
It aint like Bill, It aint like George, It aint like Hillary
it aint like Pelosi, it aint like Cuomo.....
We need non-partisan leadership from a real human being.
The others were/are fucking puppets.
We need NEIL!
The political shit is outta hand.
I got the A Apolitical Blues...
@NYBD, With due respect, I don't find this "trenchant" so much as it is reminiscent of schoolyard-level one-upmanship that makes people feel clever in thinking they've spotted someone in a lie or other form of hypocritical discrepancy. Political correctness, in the sense most people mean it, is largely a red herring hauled out reliably when people, for whatever reasons, don't want to address the more complex issues at hand. Sorry, but calling something or someone PC is not a "get out of jail free" card to offhandedly sanction topics that make you squeamish, and it's downright cowardly when people use the label as a catch-all dismissive rather than owning up to their own opinions on certain topics that they think will make them unpopular.
Cortez the Killer, one of NY's best-known songs with Crazy Horse, is clearly conscious of the European colonialist violence committed against First Nations peoples. More than just about any other white rocker I can think of, NY is a sympathizer and advocate for native rights. The song Pocahontas is one of the most incisive pieces of cultural criticism on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FhW3zyG9tY. More recently, there's Goin' Home, Peaceful Valley Boulevard, Indian Givers, and probably others that I'm forgetting.
Surely Neil has romanticized Native American cultures and spirituality to some degree, and I suppose there's an argument to be made that he's been guilty of a bit of cultural appropriation, but my counterpoint is thus: have any of the folks trying to gain political points here done near as much as NY to celebrate First Nations cultures and wisdom, promote ecological preservation, equal rights, etc.? I think the greater act of cultural appropriation is using/abusing the topic of First Nations persecution to make some oh-so-clever point re: political correctness.
On the other hand, all the sports teams and groups changing their names or removing culturally insensitive iconography are not actually making concrete, material change by doing this. It's purely a symbolic gesture, fairly empty if not followed by genuine changes in attitude and actions. Can symbolic gestures, if sufficiently repeated and amplified, filter through the noise of life in our hectic civilization clearly enough to alter our collective consciousness and, eventually, promote change in material conditions? Optimistically, I'd love to think so. But I suppose only time can tell.
~Through the keyhole in an open door.
@Ian Kertis: I could not have said it better. Well done and thank you for putting it out there with such clarity.
Peace 🙏
@ PD - Induct Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
@Dan Swan, thank you! Should add here that I'm a white American man of mixed European ancestry, and my intention is definitely not to speak on behalf of, or even worse, replacement of First Nations people. I'm just speaking as a human being, and I'd love to hear from First Nations people with their views on this issue opinions on the subject. "Color blindness" isn't the answer going forward in a society where we're already so aware of racial and ethnic status, and nor does it pay adequate attention to our plural ideas, feelings, rituals, and lifestyles as one large, diverse earth family.
Also, funny how a politically charged post brings all types out of the wood work, eh? Ah, well--best to let thrasher be content to enjoy the increased web traffic than fret about "all those people with funny names".
~Through they keyhole in an open door.
@ NYBD11-12 - very trenchant observation indeed!
Ya know, there are enough teams there for Neil to form a franchise in and of itself.
Out of curiosity, has there ever been any other musician in history who has formed so many bands?
We know that session players have played w/ 1000s of bands, etc.
But as the front man with so many backup bands w/ names for tours/albums?
Bob Dylan just keeps his backup band w/ same name and rotates musicians, but Neil goes for wholesale re-branding almost every year -- and even multiple bands in a year.
just curious. we know someone out there has given this a lot of thought.
@ SONY - know that feeling, for sure, those Apolitical Blues...
So, if you go apolitical, then where to next? For us going apolitical (don't laugh) meant, seeing through the whole false divide & conquer left vs right paradigm matrix trap.
Once one transcends the politics, then -- for us at least -- it means going to that higher spiritual plane to operate.
Yes, it really came to us that bright, beautiful September morning in the of 2001.
Like the anvil to truth, it just whacked us upside the head. What's going on here will never be solved w/ mere political bickering.
The issues humanity/EARTH confronts must be dealt with at the most basic level.
i.e., truth, morality, ethics, logos
iow, as we oh so often chant the mantra here @ #WT1sWBW4
thanks SONY, good to see you.
@ Meta Rocker - as Dan said... we could not have said it better.
regarding increased web traffic & "all those people with funny names"...
we truly do believe #'s add up to nothing. Not that #'s don't matter, but its just another fake game of keeping score in a losing game.
Likewise, this site has never tried to cater to the hard left & hard right factions. go back to LWW and you'll see that TW tried its best to hew the moderate, middle path.
Sure we veer into ditches on occasion. its a rougher ride, but you do have to get on with the journey. It is very clear that the deep ditches on either side of the road are filled with the most undesirables. but when we come to a fork in the road, we take it!
It's the Non-Vegas approach to life. You can never beat The House, so don't play b/c you always lose.
There is only ONE game to play in life and we know what game that is ...
The game of love where both sides win-win.
Neil has had this figured from Day #1
~Through they keyhole in an open door.
I feel that it is imperative that not only should we recognize our differences, but those differences should be celebrated, not feared. All the unique things that separates us from each other contain valuable qualities that we can all benefit from if we would just take the time to embrace them. I too am a white man with mixed European ancestry, and I have always had a genuine desire to embrace those differences that make each one of us so special. I don’t understand the fear of “different”. We all share similar needs and desires in this life. We all want a safe place to live and food on the table. We all want to be loved and feel that we have a purpose. Yet the fear of different has been ingrained into our minds from the moment we’re born. We’re not born prejudice, we’re taught it. The solution requires a willingness of each individual to change one’s own mind. It’s free will. The world is at a dangerous crossroads right now, and our individual willingness to unify will determine our future.
Peace 🙏
Ian's arguments are transparently true, from the premises to the conclusions. I would add, and with evidence so weighty it cannot be weighed, that Trump and his "base" have been and currently are sinking United States Culture into inconceivable disgrace, shame, and hate. No more "listen to the other side" as this "other side" wants to deny every bit of history. Just for example, please Trump supporter take a look at "redlining" in Chicago or Atlanta in the 1930's (when it started) and follow its trajectory and legacy up to the current day. The United States so clearly owes reparations to Blacks and Native People that arguing on the other side is itself racist. We have to recognize this as a unified people and deal with the incredible harms done over hundreds of years. But then, as Scotsman pointed out on this site, people just read crap they find on the internet or blogs, while the hard work of study, thinking, and so forth is simply ignored. I see this pretty much everyday in my community with the stupid behavior and ideas about COVID. Meanwhile people die. Meanwhile Trump denies, obfuscates, lies, attacks, belittles, and drools.
Nearly every major building built in the 19th century, including the White House and US Capital, was built with slave (or nearly) labor. The growth of the US economy in that century was partly do to free or poorly compensated labor.
@thrasher, "People with funny names" was a(n attempted) dark joke that may not have landed. I was partly making fun of/checking my own anxiety about strangers in our cyber-neighborhood. I'm assuming we all recognize the lyrics from Terrorist Suicide Hang-gliders, btw.
That being said, while some of these accounts are definitely honest folk saying their peace, I have to wonder about the provenance of others. NYBD's latest reply, for instance, is oddly disconnected from the rest of the conversation and reads not entirely unlike some sort of algorithm taking a shot in the dark at what will provoke responses.
@Dan, Agreed on all counts. The idea of absolute free will is, to me, a thorny philosophical question, but certainly we have some power to change our minds.
absolute free will is, without question, a myth and one that has served United States individualism.
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