Roger Waters Selects Neil Young's "Helpless" As A Song He Couldn’t Live Without | Far Out Magazine
From From Leonard Cohen to Neil Young: Roger Waters picks 8 songs he couldn’t live without | Far Out Magazine:
Roger Waters: “Neil Young singing ‘Helpless’.
There is an honesty and a truth in everything that he’s done. You feel the man’s integrity and passion. I can feel the hairs standing up on the back of my neck now remembering the purity with which he hits the first notes of this song.
It’s extraordinarily moving and eloquent.”
A Photo of the Moment back in 2017 was Roger Waters and Neil Young at the 2016 Bridge School Benefit Concerts: October 22 & 23 .
Waters and Young covered Bob Dylan's "Forever Young" along with Jim James.
From Jammin' with Neil Young: Influences and Musical Collaborations Other Artists -- Roger Waters and Neil Young:
From Rockline Interview by Bob Cockburn (Feb 8, 1993 - Transcript:
BC: As we roll "It's A Miracle" underneath us (It's a Miracle played in the background) by Roger Waters from Amused To Death I'll pose this question. When you write songs and create an album, are responses like Dan's that you justgot, what you hoped for? That you can take a microcosm of a situation, and someone like Dan can hear it and expand on it, expound upon it and take it to another interpretation? Is that what you hope people will do with your music?From Q special edition October 2004 on Pink Floyd:
RW: I just a... you know, if I move people and they listen to something and they get a shiver down their spines then I've fulfilled my function. If I make them think about something, above their own lives, and about the way they relate to other human beings, than that's an added bonus. I've been listening to Neil Young's new album recently. When we cook dinner in the evenings we put it on and listen to it, you know? "I'm a Dreaming Man" (sings the title verse) maybe that's my problem. I can relate to that.
Q) Did you feel any sense of of common cause with the Punks, or understand why they were doing what they did?From October 2005 interview on
Roger Waters: Do you know, I`ve never been very interested in modern music.
I might find some of it enjoyable, but it`s never really been interesting.
I never really heard the Clash, and certainly not the Sex Pistols, so I can`t really answer that question.
As I still am now, I was listening to Neil Young when all that happened. It passed me by.
I`ll always listen to a new Dylan album.
But it takes an awful lot of something for anyone else to break in to what I listen to.
Q: Is there any artist that you would love to perform with? Or one artist in particular that you really love to jam it out with?From Transcript: Interview with Roger Waters | CLOSE UP | TV ONE |
Roger Waters: I always enjoy working with Eric [Clapton] who was in my band in 1985. I also worked with Don Henley, but these are friends of mine, and I'm trying to think of somebody. I'm a big fan of singer-songwriters like Neil Young who are loners and sometimes hard to imagine working with. I find it hard to answer that question, I don't really jam with people so it doesn't enter my mind when it comes to
fun. Fishing, sex, but jamming, no.
"What modern-day music do you think might last the test of time?More on Jammin' with Neil Young: Influences and Musical Collaborations Other Artists.
Roger Waters: Do you know to be perfectly honest with you I don't really listen to very much music and certainly not much contemporary pop music anyway. It's not to say that I don't think it's any good. It's just my interest lies in other areas. I still listen to music and I listen to a lot of classical music and I have my few favourite sort of song writers who, when they produce new work, I'll sort of listen to it. So I always buy the new Dylan album and the new Neil Young album and the new John Prine album and I'll sniff around one or two other things if I catch something on the radio. But by in large I'm not really interested in it."

Bob Dylan, Neil Young & Eric Clapton,
Madison Square Garden, New York City - 1992
Not that we really needed any proof, but here are 50 reasons why Neil Young is the second most influential singer-songwriter of the 21st century still performing today.
Labels: neil young, roger waters
Glad this is getting picked up again. Roger did this episode of BBC's Desert Island Discs back in 2011 and his quote about Neil as he introduces 'Helpless' is wonderful. I dearly want to hear Neil give his Desert Islands Discs and so I wrote a Letter to the Editor in NYA a few weeks ago, which Neil responded to showing some interest. I've forwarded that to BBC, so maybe, just maybe, we'll one day hear the 8 songs that Neil couldn't live without. Thanks for all you do Thrasher. I love this site.
Thanks GC!
Actually, did not realize this was old news from 2011?! Thanks for clrfying that. Yeah, that would be cool if Neil could submit his DIDs.
And thanks for the kind words.
"It means so much to us to mean so much to you."
All those years out on the road, out in the boonies of Ontario, HELPLESS was my soundtrack.
Hi Thrasher and Lloyd,
Lloyd, I just finished your book, "Chasing the Muse: CANADA", that was a gift from a really big Neil Young fan. It was a great read. My favourite comment was from a Mishomis - "The earth will not allow itself destroyed by fools". Pretty fitting words for our world today.
Music is such a huge part of my life that the idea of choosing only eight songs I couldn’t live without is a truly daunting proposition. I’m not convinced I could actually do it as I would struggle to just name eight Neil Young songs I couldn’t live without. Then there’s the other hundred or so artists that I love so dearly.
It is rather comforting to know just how much Roger Waters appreciates Neil’s music. A kindred spirit, since I have such regard for his work. Now I could come up with eight Roger Waters solo songs I couldn’t live without, but even that would be difficult. Let alone Pink Floyd material. Number one would definitely be It’s a Miracle, from Amused To Death, but I would need time for the other seven.
Anyway, a interesting concept and a huge challenge for sure.
Peace 🙏
WOW what he says about Neil and Helpless can't really add to that Helpless
Thank you Neil, for everything you've done. It may be a lot to ask, but please give us another 50 years of great music. We love you.
Amen to that! ~Union Train
Man I tell ya!
@ Lloyd - nice to hear from you. perfect soundtrack for towns in north Ontario.
@ The FarmAidians - yes, a wonderful book by Lloyd, "Chasing the Muse: CANADA". Nice Mishomis quote and quite fitting.
always nice to see comments here on TW by real folks that we've met and shook hands with and a had a beer or 2 with @ Neil concert.
See ya @ FA 2020!
@ Dan - picking favorite songs is always a tough task.
One can only wonder if Roger and Neil caught up at the big Desert Trip concert a few years ago?
Glad they got to play together @ Bridge.
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