Accessing "The Cinnamon Girl Files" | Neil Young Archives
So you want to access "The Cinnamon Girl Files", eh? Who doesn't.
Here's a video that takes a little trip around Neil Young Archives in search of that oh so elusive "Cinnamon Girl".
You could be happy the rest of your life ...
This video takes a little trip around the archives
— Neil Young Archives (@NeilYoungNYA) April 13, 2020
focusing on Cinnamon girl.
Try it out.#NeilYoung #NeilYoungArchives #CinnamonGirl
So Who Exactly Was The "Cinnamon Girl"? Here's The Story Behind The Song from back in 2011. (NOTE: Since publication of this story, it has come to our attention that this tale -- while highly intriguing and very entertaining -- is somewhat suspect. So, proceed accordingly and -- as always -- please use disCERNment.)

Rare Neil Young "Cinnamon Girl" 45 RPM Picture Sleeve
Recorded Live at The Fillmore East, New York City, March 7, 1970
"I wanna live with a cinnamon girl
I could be happy the rest of my life
With a cinnamon girl"
So who was Neil Young's "Cinnamon Girl"?
And why did he want to live the rest of his life with a "Cinnamon Girl" anyways? (Then again, who wouldn't?)
Who was she? Or did she even really exist?
If we look at the Decade box album, Neil's hand written note about the song "Cinnamon Girl" says:
"Wrote this for a city girl on peeling pavement coming at me thru Phil Ochs eyes playing finger cymbals.
It was hard to explain to my wife."
The mystery of "Cinnamon Girl" only deepens.
Which city? What's peeling pavement? Who's Phil Ochs? Finger cymbals?
And why was it hard to explain to his wife, Susan?
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Neil Young's song "Cinnamon Girl" on The Story Behind The Song .
Neil Young News: Accessing "The Cinnamon Girl Files" | Neil Young Archives
— ThrashersWheat (@ThrashersWheat) April 13, 2020
☮️♥️@NeilYoungNYA @CrazyHorse4HoF #DontSpookTheHorse #MoreBarn #MayTheHorseBeWithYou
Labels: #CinnamonGirl, #NeilYoung, #NeilYoungArchives, neil young
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