Neil Young Speaks On Amazon Music HD
Neil Young speaks about the new streaming audio service Amazon Music HD in a promo.
It's been a long, lonely battle on quality sound over the decades, but redemption for Young's quest is near at hand with HD streaming.
Earlier this year, a book on the subject titled "To Feel the Music" by Neil Young and Phil Baker was released on Neil’s quixotically quirky quest to deliver high-quality audio.

"To Feel the Music"
by Neil Young and Phil Baker
Release Date: September 9, 2019 (Pre-order it here. Please shop locally & independently. But if you can't, we appreciate your supporting Thrasher's Wheat by clicking this link. Thank you!!!)
More on book "To Feel the Music" by Neil Young and Phil Baker.
Labels: audio, neil young, quality
I'm a huge Neil fan and totally behind getting to HD as the standard for streaming music, but it still feels weird to see him promoting Amazon given their track record for workers rights and the environment.
Wish there was a better venue for him to get the better sound quality out there.
Agreed, and for Amazon - the ultimate modern expression of the system - to use him singing "gotta shut the whole system down" as he does.
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@ Michael - it is weird isn't it?
but neil shows he's not holding a grudge against the tech oligarchs for their obstinacy in his quest to bring us quality.
In terms of a better venue, there's NYA, of course.
@ David - yeah, the irony is rich here using song “Shut It Down”. maybe neil sort of snuck this by AMZ in a not so subtle move?!
"What about the bookshelves?
What about the history?
(Have to shut the whole system down)
Now I look to the future
I see hope for you and me
(Have to shut the whole system down)
Working for eternity
(Have to shut the whole system down)"
I agree that it is just weird to see Neil doing this, and YES!!!! the song choice is beyond ironic. Typical Neil to sneak that in, knowing that Amazon probably didn’t even listen to what the song was saying.
Strange days indeed.
It is strange to see Neil promoting any product or service, but I don't see how a retail site that most people love to use is "the system."
"What about the bookshelves?" Hasn't amazon made books more widely available than any service ever? Also, all the best, rare music I have I've either bought on amazon (physical copies) or I've bought in record stores after reading the reviews on amazon.
Maybe I'm just not sure what Neil wants to shut down...
Neil has always railed against corporations and big businesses, so it's nice to see him schlepping for a small, barely getting along company like Amazon. Good for you, Neil. I'm sure all of those small businesses that are slowly being destroyed by Amazon are grateful.
Ugh, I'm really starting to wonder if Neil is even making his own decisions anymore.
Aint doing it for Amazon.
Neil has been fighting so many years for bringing back sound quality to all. The big players would rather not do it, because its costly, and customers are happy with the bad sound. Of course he must do this. Amazon HD is a tiny seed to bring HD music as a standard to the people. It is very uncertsin. If not enough subscribers it will be shut down.So it is understandable and I have no problems with it. Its good. Something is happening. And Yes, Apple should been doing this instead of Amazon.
Big think your all reading too much into it.he did it for the he admits,he likes money.why not?
I don’t believe for a second that Neil did this for the money. He is passionate about getting high resolution streaming out to the masses. He’s showing his support to the first company that’s actually offering it to their customers. I too am a loyal customer of Amazon as they offer great prices and free shipping and I’m fully aware of the fact they are a huge global business. I’m just not interested in streaming so none of this affects me, but I am in the minority.
Where I live right now, I have no local record stores. It’s a two hour drive one way to access one, so Amazon is my best option. In nine days we will be moving to Boise and there is a great record store there, and I plan to buy all my music from there. My wife and I are big supporters of RSD and now we can support the independent record store every time we buy. For those who prefer streaming I think Neil is pushing for you so you can feel the music. If you’re a fan of streaming you should be grateful he’s working so hard on your behalf.
@ Dan - great to hear your support independent record stores.
yeah, the "Amazon Dilemma" is quite troubling. we've been on the fence for sometime on the AMZ monster. given all of the high tech harassment we've had here on TW with ad bans, de-platforms, shadow bans, etc. it's really the only revenue option we have @ TW.
But is the deal w/ Bezos worth it anymore?
if we do pull the plug on AMZ commissions, likely we'll have to do more fundraising appeals. We really disdain the begathons and find it beneath us frankly. if it weren't for a few long term sponsors, we're not sure what the future of TW will be?
we see Neil going to possibly another payment tier to make his Archives vision viable.
we struggle, but we continue. while we can't how or when, wee know that we'll prevail and run these bastards out of town, we do know that for sure. FB days are numbered, mark our words.
If you are gonna dig NEil get on board!
He did it to get his point across and is using amazon to promote the message. If he needed money he would have ink the deal with live nation and did a harvest tour that they laid out on the table.
what happened to pony & trap (pono) ?
Neil's still a rbel as he's always has been and does things his way.Hats off!Cees Mostert,the Netherlands.Same reasons apply to the fact he's promoting his Archives on Facebook,but it's a great opportunity this platform to get people to hear the music and history of his life,He admits it kind of paradoxial that he's against Facebook,but he promotes his own cause on that site.Why not use the possibility as it's there,whether you agree with it or not?I canceled my account on Facebook,but watch it every now and on my girl account...addicted as I still am...apparently.
Should be ashamed and I don't know if I'll ever can be cured of my curiosity...Help!Just kidding.
did Neil get paid by amazon?
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