FINAL UPDATE #2: Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary T-Shirts

Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary: 1996 - 2016
Design by Silver Moon Art & Design
(Click photo to enlarge)
As noted earlier, we're very pleased to report that the Thrasher's Wheat Anniversary T-Shirts have been shipped and started to hit folks mailboxes.
But we've had a few mis-deliveries, unfortunately already. Normally we would just re-send except that we're no longer have any shirts left over in the size needed to replace -- XXXL.
So maybe we mixed up an order and someone has received an XXXL size shirt by mistake? If so, please let us know so we get can straightened out.
Be sure and wear the shirt to a Europe 2016 Tour Concert of Neil Young & Promise Of The Real this summer, send us a photo. We love to see folks letting their freak flags fly.
I love the shirt. Thank you. It is a great tribute to a great website… all Neil, all the time. I appreciate your efforts, creativity, thoughtfulness, and excellent representation / celebration to our favorite shape-shifting troubadour, the one who wields Old Black or Old Hank's old guitar. The Voice in the wind. The Real One. Shit-talker extraordinaire against the bad stuff in the world: greed, Roundup, corruption, Global Warming, man's thoughtless destruction of planet Earth. Such a gifted and creative musician we have had the pleasure of following closely for so many years. My life has been enriched immeasurably by the man's work, and you have helped me enjoy it and know it more. Keep on Rockin' in the Free World (wherever that is!). Go Bernie!
Should I have received mine in the UK already?
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