Monsanto Suffers Another Legal Defeat

Prof. Gilles-Eric Séralini
"If our world ever gets the will to rid the 21st Century Black Death plague masquerading under the name of Genetic Manipulation of Organisms or GMO, it will owe a huge debt of gratitude to the courageous work of Prof. Gilles-Eric Séralini and his extraordinary team of dedicated scientists at CRIIGEN, the Committee for Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering, in France."
It what is being hailed as a major victory by anti-GMO activists, Monsanto has suffered another legal defeat , this time in France.
From NEO by F. William Engdahl:
In a world where industry’s corruption of scientists has almost become ordinary, the existence of a non-industry-funded team of scientists dedicated to producing research and independent information on genetic engineering and its impacts in biology, environment, agriculture, food, medicine, and public health, including the short, medium and long-term effects on human health and on the health of the entire living ecosystem, is, so far as I am aware, unique. Few are aware of their tireless and largely thankless work.More on The Monsanto Years and Neil Young + Promise of the Real .
For this reason it’s doubly good news that the Paris High Court has just announced a verdict in favor of Seralini in a libel trial. On 6 November 2015, the High Court of Paris indicted Professor Marc Fellous, former chairman of the French Biomolecular Engineering Commission, for “forgery” and “the use of forgery,” in a libel trial he lost to Prof Séralini. The penalty will be decided sometime in 2016.
Labels: monsanto, neil young
Fuck Monsanto. No more needs to be said.
Monsanto y la Fundación Gates Presión a Kenia para levantar la prohibición sobre los Transgénicos. Planes para África en el NWO
Inconveniently for Monsanto, every word Neil Young has said about their GMO poison practices is true. One day, we will look back and ask whose fault it is that we let them do their own safety testing. Why does the FDA trade employees back and forth with them? Tumors in mice show up just after the 90 day window they used. Duh! Why would they do a 100 day trial if it would be bad for their agricultural Monopoly? GMO is not what they say it is. They designed seeds which would not re-seed. They gave themselves control over something which should be free. They edged out nature. If it weren't for the enormous amount of carcinogenic poison (Roundup) they have the hapless farmers spraying on the crops, it wouldn't be nearly as bad for people. The poison is in all the meat, all the milk, eggs, sugar. Hershey's is going non GMO! That... is HUGE! I met a guy who works for the FDA recently and he told me that he thinks the risk of trading genes between species is also going to become a dangerous health problem. Imagine having a serious peanut allergy reaction while eating something other than a peanut!
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