Comment of the Moment: "When I Watch You Sleeping"
The Comment of the Moment is on the Neil Young song "When I Watch You Sleeping" by Kimball:
Thrasher - needed to say - EVERY time I've listened to "When I Watch You Sleeping (Solo)", I've cried, hard.Thanks Kimball for the comment. The version we posted above is the full orchestra version. It was handy and we liked the song image.
Its such a pure heartfelt song from Neil, none closer to the heart, from the heart. Love, and all that has been enjoyed and regretted, in one beautiful potent song. To me, this is what its like to have Neil's music in my life, to get it and resonate deeply, to the point of giving me more life than I could possibly have experienced without his soundtracks to make life even more beautiful and real than it would have otherwise been. His music gets to me; and none deeper than "When I Watch You Sleeping (Solo)".
Best wishes to you and all the rusted masses
If there's a better version to embed, let us know below in comments.
Speaking of smiling thru our tears, here's this weekend's Thrasher's Wheat Radio podcast. News only, Tony is not feeling well. A friend told us we hit a bad chord. Maybe so...When we blog about love and war, We don't really know what we're saying...

Tune in on, Saturdays @ 9P EST
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Nov 21, 2015 - News only, Tony is not feeling well. A friend told us we hit a bad chord. Maybe so...When we blog about love and war, We don't really know what we're saying... Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - 11/21/15 - Episode #158 (News only)
peace & love. stay calm. no fear. believe. think for yourself. use discernment. recognize the illusion. ask questions. be the wheat. seed justice. prepare for the big shift and keep on rockin' in the free world.
Labels: neil young, youtube
Ok, I'd like to ask a question as you encourage. Please provide a specific piece of evidence that the Paris attacks are a media creation and not "as they seem". I'm not speaking of the reactions but the AK47 bullets. You speak of no security camera footage but I've seen some on mass media. While most media is corporate owned, I don't feel it is all controlled by some Invisible Hand and that there are many valid sources of reporting that we can turn to. I have found TW to be a strong voice on environmental, peace and other issues. I'd hate to see you leverage this for the sake of broad unspecified ("sorry to be vague" ) conspiracy theories. You have my ear my friend but the latest podcast sounded like something sent from Lyndon LaRouche in prison.
Thanks for the question sincerely, our friend.
As we stated, we seem to have hit a bad chord here.
This is difficult and we have learned something from this. One of the things we learned is that we took our audience to a place they couldn't or wouldn't go. Yes, it can all come across as "Lyndon LaRouche in prison", no doubt.
That's why we encourage folks to do their own research. Ask some tough questions.
Afterall, if we had said to you 5 years ago, "Hey this stuff they're spraying all over our food will give us cancer", lots of folks would "Yeah, right." Now a days, many are questioning food safety. And so on.
We've tried to steer folks into the wilderness of illusion before, but clearly unsuccessfully and counter-productively. Apparently, we were a bit indiscriminate in some of our linking which went way too deep down the rabbit hole. We just seem to see and hear differently. That's ok too.
Lastly, yes this is a blog about Neil's music and we have veered far afield from time to time. But after nearly 20 years, we allow ourselves to go outside the box.
Thanks for listening and thanks for the support. We figure that folks who write, care about what we do. Thanks for caring. We are listening and hearing.
Everyday we learn. Every day we try.
When we blog about love and war,
We don't really know what we're saying...
Thanks brother! I've gained new perspectives from you before on both Neil's music and the political world and I'm certain I will again. For instance, you have me thinking more about those drones and the collateral impact. I enjoy the research activities and having to employ critical faculties to the news we are provided. We have to struggle to ensure that our understandings are fact- based, and differentiate between conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact. Seeing and hearing differently from inside - and outside- the box is valuable and we need you to keep blogging in the free world.
Now about that version of Crime in the City on the Bluenotes collection...!
I know I'm different but over time I have become increasingly suspicious of the mainstream media because I believe its become an extension of big money. I certainly didn't click on every link but I clicked on several and found them interesting to say the least. I do believe that regardless who we claim to be fighting its still the east vs the west with the US & their allies funding the enemies of the east while Russia & their allies fund the enemies of the west. I had no problem with Thrasher posting the links here.
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