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Monday, May 25, 2015

STEALTH GIG REPORT: Neil Young with The Nelson Brothers - Charley's Restaurant And Saloon, Paia, Maui, Hawaii, May 23, 2015

Neil Young with The Nelson Brothers - May 23, 2015
Charley's Restaurant And Saloon, Paia, Maui, Hawaii
Photo via Maui Guide

Neil Young played a stealth gig with The Nelson Brothers at Charley's Restaurant And Saloon in Maui, Hawaii this past Saturday night.

Here's the setlist from Sugar Mountain (thanks Tom!):

Charley's Restaurant And Saloon, Paia, Maui, Hawaii, USA
w/ Promise Of The Real

01. Country Home
02. People Want To Hear About Love
03. A New Day For Love
04. Down By The River
05. Big Box
06. Rock Starbucks
07. Goin' Back
08. White Line
09. Working Man
10. The Monsanto Years
11. The Loner
12. Wolf Moon
13. Rules Of Change
14. Walk On
15. If I Don't Know
16. Love And Only Love

From Neil Young’s Secret Show in Paia | Maui Guide by Brita Corradini:
Charley’s Saloon in Paia kept a pretty tight lid on a very good secret for about a month. But once the news got leaked that Neil Young would be performing with Lukas Nelson & The Promise of The Real at this local hotspot, this island showed its skills in quick gossip.

The line wrapped itself around the block by early evening, and unless your name was on the list, your chances of getting near this rock legend were slim. There was a $25 cover charge for all who entered, but even money couldn’t help some poor folks cross the threshold. Charley’s is no stranger to bigger names, as images of Leon Russell, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson and Steven Tyler grace the interior walls. Many who were left outside ended up watching from windows or listening through the back alley stage door, happy to take it in however they could.

There couldn’t have been a better venue to host Neil Young, or a happier audience to receive him. As owner Jonathan Herman said, “Neil Young wanted to play to a crowd that has the motivation and insight to make a difference in this world.” And once Neil Young stepped onto that stage, it was easy to understand what difference he was referring to.

Mr. Young was out in full promotion of his upcoming album “The Monsanto Years,” with every song reveling in the wishful downfall of the GMO Giant. A man unapologetic in sight and in song, “real-as-they-come,” who has never been known to sugarcoat his beliefs, at 69 years of age obviously felt there was no reason to start now. And from the crowd’s response, he was preaching to the choir.

Neil and the band spent a lengthy intermission at Willie Nelson’s home literally down the street, resting their feet and having some dinner. It helps to have friends in high places!

Once back on stage (and in a fresh shirt), the show kept it’s high-energy rock and roll vibe! The audience was packed like tight sardines, there was little room for actual dancing, but that didn’t keep the entire room from swaying in unison to the beat. Charley’s has a capacity of 220, and they easily met their quota.

Once the show was done, it was done. No amount of cheering or boot-stomping could bring the band back out for an encore. And there was something cool about that. This band had played their songs and said their piece. We all left with priceless memories of the night we caught such an iconic talent at such a legendary haunt.

Also, earlier in the day Neil played the song "The Monsanto Years" with The Nelson Brothers at Simpli Fresh Farm, in Lahaini, on Maui, Hawaii at the "OutGrow Monsanto" GMO Free Maui's Event.

We have marched against Monsanto. We have petitioned, we have testified, we have VOTED, and we have WON an election against Monsanto. Saturday, while the world marches against Monsanto, on Maui we go a step further: we actively work toward a Maui future without Monsanto. We plant the solution. Join GMO Free Maui, Alika Atay, and Simpli Fresh Farms as we spend this world-wide day of action against Monsanto with our hands in the soil, planting food that will bring Maui one step closer to food sovereignty, and a future that doesn't depend on predatory, toxic agriculture. GMO Free Maui is also announcing new leadership this week, new goals for the coming year, and a new website and community involvement plan. Please come and be a part of this incredible day!

solmagik - 2 days ago
Hi God - Goddess,
Yesterday, Neil Young and Daryl Hanah came to support Maui. Neil sang from his new album, " The Monsanto Years" and planted a ulu tree. The beginning of a healthy organic breadfruit tree.The ulu is the God Ku's body form and embraces the ancient Hawaiian culture.

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At 5/25/2015 05:53:00 PM, Blogger CARSON said...

This song is beautiful

At 5/26/2015 02:10:00 PM, Blogger Old Black said...

I wish Neil would clarify what he is against w/r to GMOs. Is he against Monsanto as a corporation? If so, what are the issues? Is he against GMO's in general or are there some GMOs he is in favor of? Is he against bt and if so, why? Is he against genetically modifying organisms through selective breeding? Many of these issues have merit. Some, not so much. It's like I'm supposed to be in on the story but I need some background.

BTW, I am not fond of Monsanto but not necessarily for their agricultural products.

At 5/26/2015 02:39:00 PM, Blogger The Zuma Band said...

Monsanto has patented seeds, or, more exactly, seeds whose genetics are modified to produce insecticidal/hebicidal properties. By patenting these creations they claim ownership over seeds that the crops produce, thus forcing farmers to be locked into the necessity of continuing to buy Monsanto. This becomes especially difficult if a farmer grows crops not from Monsanto seed, but from cross contamination from adjacent farming. More here:

In addition the seeds cannot be considered to be "organic", but because of Monsanto's attempts to dominate markets it may make it impossible to have any alternative. This relates to Neil Young saying that he wishes he had more options when using fuels, but the way the energy industry controls the markets, at least in this country, he is left with few options. He's tried with LincVolt and his bio diesel trucks, but other options are very limited.

At 5/26/2015 03:20:00 PM, Blogger Dan1 said...

Does anyone know if they're going to be selling CDs of Monsanto Years at Starbucks? :)

At 5/26/2015 03:21:00 PM, Blogger thrasher said...

@Carson - thanks for the link. yes, a nice preview of upcoming album.

@Old Black - a fair question on a complex matter. Neil has made a number of specific statements about GMO's in interviews and his web site. Certainly the seed patent issue Zuma cites is a big part of it.

Otherwise, maybe the new album will answer your question?!

@ The Zuma Band - thanks for info. Pretty sure we'll be hearing more about all of this in the weeks & months ahead.

At 5/27/2015 10:17:00 AM, Blogger Old Black said...

I talked about this issue at length with my wife last night. She did her PhD and post-doc research on Monsanto's bt corn about 10-15 years ago (before it was licensed by EPA). She's a research corn entomologist at a university. The issue with the patent has less to do with intellectual property than with corn rootworm resistance to bt. Corn rootworm is the billion dollar pest. When farmers use the seed from bt corn the chances of cross polination with non-bt corn increase significantly and bt's effect on the digestive system of corn rootworm is lessened. Consequently, corn rootworms develop bt resistance in their population much more quickly. This has huge consequences because bt-resistant rootworm (when they become beetles), spread across farm regions and expand the area of bt resistant rootworm. EPA requires tassle removal before polination because fo this.

bt is a naturally occuring bacteria. Monsanto shoots their seeds with bt genetics. Pioneer, which also has a bt corn that is similar to Monsanto's, developed it my selective breeding (from strains of corn with natural bt genetics). Pioneer is a seed company owned by a chemical company (Dow) whereas Monsanto is a chemical company that owns (buys) seed companies. Corn rootworm are developing resistance to bt anyway and it won't be long before bt corn will become ineffective. Farmers will have to resort to nicitanoids and/or organo phosphates to control root worm. Both are human carcinogens. Bt corn is why we have a corn ethanol industry in this country. Bt corn is why their are Neil's "fields of fuel, stretch on for mile". On this issue, Neil is an unwitting hypocrit.

At 6/06/2015 01:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say more of an hypocritical arrogant moron. Like when he thanked Howard Stern for not talking about certain things in deference to his family but he has no problems trying to ban fracking which would devastate many families.


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