TODAY: "Harvest the Hope Concert" - Neil Young & Willie Nelson, Neligh, NE + TONIGHT: Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour
via Sugar Mountain - Neil Young Setlists (Thanks Tom!)
2014-09-27, Tanderup Farm, Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Harvest The Hope Concert
1. This Land Is Your Land (electric guitar; guests with Willie Nelson)
2. Comes A Time (acoustic guitar)
3. Mother Earth (pump organ)
4. Heart Of Gold (acoustic guitar)
5. Pocahontas (acoustic guitar)
6. Country Home (electric guitar; accompanied by Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real)
7. Mansion On The Hill (electric guitar; accompanied by Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real)
8. Homegrown (electric guitar; accompanied by Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real)
9. Down By The River (electric guitar; accompanied by Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real)
10. Who's Gonna Stand Up? (electric guitar; accompanied by Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real)
Neil Young - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, pump organ, harmonica, vocals
Lukas Nelson - electric guitar
Anthony LoGerfo - drums, vocals
Tato Melgar - percussion
Corey McCormick - bass
Micah Nelson - electric guitar
From (VIDEO):
Willie Nelson, Neil Young perform for over 8,000 on Neligh farm
By Kimberly Foley. CREATED Sep 27, 2014 - UPDATED: Sep 27, 2014
NELIGH, Neb.- Willie Nelson and Neil Young haven't performed together in Nebraska since the late '80s.
On Saturday, they were back.
Thousands of people took part in a musical protest with two legendary musicians in Neligh.
"We've got to take care of this planet," said Art Tanderup, who owns the farm turned music venue.
Instruments and lyrics were the weapons of choice in the ongoing fight over the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Tanderup is on the front lines of that battle.
"If we can stop this pipeline, that is like step one in saving us all," he said. "We are headed down a path that is wrong right now."
Tanderup isn't a lone solider. Willie Nelson and Neil Young are two of the thousands standing by his side.
The two put together a concert protesting the pipeline, which would be built through Nebraska. It was called 'Harvest the Hope.'
Farmers and their faithful fighters aren't giving up yet.
"For 29 years, corporations have continued to take the land away from small family farmers," said Nelson. "This is what we are here to fight against."
Young talked clean energy and climate change.
"Some choose not to see it," he said. "Like any big thing, it moves very slowly. It's easy to ignore."
Supporters of the pipeline said it's an important piece of economic development.
"Pipelines are the safest way to transport a reliable and cheap energy source that is greatly needed by low-income and middle-income families in this sputtering economy," said Matt Litt, the Nebraska Director of Americans for Prosperity.
There is no doubt the crowd was taking in the music, but pipeline protestors hoped their message would resonate too.
"I've been an educator all my life," said Tanderup. "I'm retired. I guess I've taken on a new form of education. I'm hoping that this, besides a concert, also becomes a classroom."
The proceeds of Saturday's benefit concert will go to three organizations that have dedicated themselves to fighting the pipeline.
Fighting the Keystone XL is only a small part of the bigger battle against a changing climate that is threatening the entire planet, Young said during a press conference before the concert.
“We’re really just a skirmish on the ground around a disaster that is waiting to happen," he said. "People are panicking and trying to figure out how to get out of this mess.
“We’re proud to be here with all of you, whether you agree with us or disagree with us, to have a discourse about what this is.”
Young said America must take up the challenge of reducing carbon emissions and turn to renewable energy generation.
“Stand up and be creative and have ingenuity and come up with solutions so we’re not just complaining about problems, we’re solving them," he said. "That is what America needs to do.”
WHAT: "Harvest the Hope Concert" featuring Neil Young & Willie Nelson
WHY: Benefit for Bold Nebraska, IEN and the Cowboy & Indian Alliance
WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 27 at 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: The farm of Art & Helen Tanderup, near Neligh, NE
Willie Nelson and Neil Young will headline a concert today in a Nebraska cornfield organized by opponents of a proposed pipeline that would carry oil from Canada south to the Gulf Coast.
The Tanderup farm is located 8 miles North of Neligh, NE. The main road to the farm, Highway 14, is a hilly, two-lane road with no shoulder. 857 Road from Hwy 14 to the farm is a gravel road with no shoulder and loose gravel on the sides.
Bicycle riders are encourages to take extra precaution on these roads, and drivers must be vigilant and patient with traffic to ensure a safe journey for all.
We'll have a bit more to say on tonight, Saturday, Sept 27 at 9:00 PM EST, on the Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour from
Tonight's edition will feature fresh Neil cuts, discussion and news.
Tune in details and podcast info @ Thrashers Wheat Radio Hour.

Tune in on, Saturdays @ 9P EST
Labels: neil young, willie nelson
9/27/14 Neligh,Nebraska
Harvest The Hope Concert
This Land Is Your Land
Comes A Time
Mother Earth
Heart Of Gold
Country Home
Mansion On The Hill
Down By The River
Who's Gonna Stand Up?
Wow I wish I'd been there! I wonder if there's a bootleg!
14-09-27, Tanderup Farm, Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Harvest The Hope Concert
1. This Land Is Your Land (electric guitar; guests with Willie Nelson)
2. Comes A Time (acoustic guitar)
3. Mother Earth (pump organ)
4. Heart Of Gold (acoustic guitar)
5. Pocahontas (acoustic guitar)
6. Country Home (electric guitar; accompanied by Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real)
7. Mansion On The Hill (electric guitar; accompanied by Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real)
8. Homegrown (electric guitar; accompanied by Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real)
9. Down By The River (electric guitar; accompanied by Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real)
10. Who's Gonna Stand Up? (electric guitar; accompanied by Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real)
Neil Young - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, pump organ, harmonica, vocals
Lukas Nelson - electric guitar
Anthony LoGerfo - drums, vocals
Tato Melgar - percussion
Corey McCormick - bass
Micah Nelson - electric guitar
A recording of the complete show is at
I was at the Harvest The Hope Concert. I wish you were there too. Two songs of note for me was a soulful "Comes A Time" Neil's harmonica blew me away and made me cry. The second was a 15 or 20 minute guitar grinding version of "Down By the River" People simply stood in awe and soaked it in.
I was there...first one in on the field & was front & center of the stage on the fence...!!!
I have an album on my Facebook page with 200+ photos in it & I also posted in on the Neil Young Ditch Trilogy Facebook page.
Definitely...a Most Excellent concert and day....!!!!
Yes, there is a recording. You can find it on
You just need to register for an account. (it's free)
Mike L
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