Shock & Awe, Mission Accomplished and Still Living With War
Ah yes. So how's that "Shock & Awe", "Mission Accomplished", "Close Guantanamo" thing working out for you lately?
As Neil Young has stated: "History is a cruel judge of overconfidence."
It's now been 11 years since the days of "Shock & Awe" and "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq.
And. We're. Still. Living. With. War.
So just as Neil Young was right about the Vietnam War being wrong, so he was again by warning of the consequences of reckless war in Iraq.
So how about it doubters? Ready to admit that Neil Young has been right all along? That exactly what many of us predicted so long ago and been repeatedly vindicated as correct?
Back in the days of shock and awe
We came to liberate them all
History was the cruel judge of overconfidence
Back in the days of shock and awe
Back in the days of "mission accomplished"
Our chief was landing on the deck
The sun was setting on a golden photo op
Back in the days of "mission accomplished"
Thousands of bodies in the ground
Brought home in a boxes to a trumpet's sound
No one sees them coming home that
So I try forget them any way I can."
~~Neil Young

"There's one more kid that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool."
Photo by Chris Hondros -
More on why we're still living with war. And "question the magnificence of the war.”
Labels: neil young
I'm already against the next war!
Peace and love,
Love And Only Love
Now that's planning ahead!
Thanks Ron!
Yes, for us, LAOL. Others -- it seems -- HAOH, sadly.
Nothing has changed since I first heard this song! America is dedicated to causing havoc in the world as always, leaders are still corrupted and the people are still ignorant. No hope left but the grave!
War is being perpetrated daily on the Palestinian people by the Israel Offence Force under the auspices of Zionist extremist fanatics in the Knesset which is being funded to a large extent by the U.S tax paying public. The expansionist rogue settler State illegally occupies Palestinian land and has breached more UN Security Council Resolutions than all of the nations of the world combined. Next month Neil Young and Crazy Horse are due to perform a concert in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv. This is the contemporary Israeli equivalent of apartheid South Africa's Sun City. Neil Young, his advisers or both are badly informed of the situation in Israel/Palestine. By playing Israel, Neil is making a serious error of judgement. I have been a Neil fan since 1972.
Hello Unknown
I think what you are talking about is a form of international sanctions. International sanctions have been utilized for as long as international wars have begun. But what do they really do? Wake up the people? Maybe, I don't know. The real people in power have the means so sanctions never really effect them unless the people rise up against their own nation. I do know war continues and how long has that war been going on? Don't you think people (musicians and such) can do more by going over there? I would think Neil is being advised on this situation and has a strong opinion. This is just MHO.
Thanks folks for thoughts on Neil's Israel concert.
We'll have more to say in an upcoming post before the tour begins. In the meantime, more discussion here... Neil Young News: NEW Neil Young & Crazy Horse Tour Date: Tel-Aviv, Israel - July 17
ps - Unknown/Terri - are you replying to yourself???
Dear Thrasher, the answer to your question is "No".
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