PHOTO: Neil Young, Dolby Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, 04/02/2014 + TW Radio Podcast - 4/05/2014
Dolby Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, 04/02/2014
Photo by Jeff Allen
(Click photo to enlarge)
Thanks to Jeff Allen for the photo above of Neil Young, Dolby Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, 04/02/2014 (reviews).
Jeff Allen's photography can be seen on the cover of Neil Young FAQ by Glen Boyd – a previously unseen photo of Neil Young taken during the 1969 TV taping of ABC’s short-lived Music Scene show, with Crosby Stills Nash & Young.
As author, blogger, raconteur Glen Boyd writes: "So, obviously we were delighted when Jeff contacted us earlier this week to let us know that he had scored prime seats for Neil’s four-night run of solo acoustic shows at the prestigious Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles."
From a comment on Neil Young, Los Angeles, CA - Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - Show #3 by eddy:
I would have loved to see him play a solo show. Honestly, if watching Neil play doesn't inspire or make you feel anything anymore, why are you still going to his shows?Thanks for the perspective eddy. Well put. We're still scratching our heads about some of those comments we've read, also? So Neil plays "Thrasher" as encore and yet some are somehow dissatisfied? really?
I went to see Dylan a couple years ago for my 3rd time - the show blew me away, i was two rows from the stage. Bob was energetic, voice was sounding pretty good, the band was tight, and he brought out a couple of unexpected songs. It was one of the best shows I had ever seen. Afterwards, i went to go piss before leaving, and in the bathroom a couple of older dudes were saying how bad Dylan's voice is and that he should give up touring. I couldn't believe my ears.
All I'm trying to say is that even if it was an off night for Neil, if the listener isn't feeling if, the fault lies more with him than with the musician. It's just a matter of perception.
I used to listen to this post-hardcore band from Jersey, and they were my favorite group in the world for a long while. Anyways, they came to my city to play a show, and a week before had announced that they were breaking up. The concert was incredible and full of emotion, people were going crazy. Two weeks later me and my friend went to philly for their last show. I was expecting to hear all kinds of different songs and rarities, and to my disappointment their set was exactly the same. Not only that, but i didn't feel the same catharsis that I did during the previous show. Yet many of the people i talked to were saying that it was the best they had ever seen. I should have just enjoyed the first experience for what it was.
Also, the podcast from last night's (Sat, April 5, 2014) Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - 4/5/14 is now available for download.

Tune in on, Saturdays @ 9P EST
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Geoff Moore - Silver Moon Graphics
(How To Support Thrasher's Wheat Radio)
[To download, right click on link, save target as, pick destination folder: the podcast will download. Select your preferred MP3 audio player and play file.]
Sat, April 5, 2014 - The return of "Thrasher" after 36 years. Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - 4/5/14
Labels: neil young, photo
sheep vs briggs
@Anon 9:20 - So, people who enjoyed the show are sheep, and you are Briggs? Interesting.
If that's not what you're implying, please elucidate. I know you're scheduled to chase him and his "unattractive artistic arrogance" around the country to Dallas and Chicago.
Ok to disagree
NOT ok to NOT to think independently
NOT ok to deliberately misconstrue
I went to the Apr. 2nd show and I cried every song, those in my party all shared same experiences. Neil is what you make of him. More love in the heart greater absorption of Neil.
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