Greendale News: Arctic Ice Death Spiral Bombshell: Sea Ice Volume Has Collapsed

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Here's our latest Greendale news...
Oh yeah, by the way, the Arctic icecaps keep melting -- which is not good.
Details at Arctic Death Spiral Bombshell: CryoSat-2 Confirms Sea Ice Volume Has Collapsed | ThinkProgress. Essentially, there has been a collapse in total sea ice volume — to one fifth of its level in 1980.
Here's where we'll be this weekend... #ForwardOnClimate Rally On 2/17.

Stop. This. Pipeline.
Bad news is coming to town!
Right on cue...
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
The real question is...assuming human beings have ANY control over the damn WEATHER...which they do "so what?"
What is ANYONE supposed to do about it?
Recycle? Ok that's nice.
Drive a Hybrid? Ok that's nice if it makes you feel all warm & fuzzy.
There are several major economic powerhouse nations who don't give a damn about so-called climate change/global warming - China & India come to mind. Therefore the notion of limiting greenhouse gas emissions is also pointless...and American Democrat politicians will undoubtedly continue to peddle this crap ad naseum until they get yet another tax or limit on freedom imposed...
Why aren't you calling for Neil to end his world touring machine which pollutes the atmosphere as he flies all over the world using...JET FUEL?
The answer is that so-called environmentalists like yourself believe in platitudes and the popular ideas of the left...but you wouldn't actually practice them in your own life.
Neil seems to be no different...otherwise he would not tour unless he gets to his gigs on a bicycle or a sail boat.
President Obama’s former green jobs adviser Van Jones: "The decision to let this pipeline come through America is the most fateful decision you’ll ever make, Mr. President. It would be like jabbing a dirty needle into this country from Canada.
It would be like lighting a fuse on a carbon bomb."
"Her engine's running and the fuel is clean
She only uses it 'cause she's a machine
She don't need it though, just to cruise around town
(Keep filling that fuel line)"
~~Neil Young
Van Jones - self described communist...enough said there...
Canada will NOT just let all of their shale oil sit in the ground...if the USA doesn't take it via Keystone, then Canada WILL build a pipeline west and Chinese carrier ships WILL pick up the oil and they WILL buy it and it WILL be used as intended by nature...
Wake up...Van Jones despises the United States as does his former boss in the White House...wake up Thrasher this is real life here...oh well still love ya despite the political nonsense you spout often...
ahh, you seemed to have been well trained.
How much do they pay you per comment?
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