Waging Heavy Wheat: Thank You for Supporting Thrasher's Wheat
Fairfax, VA, 11/30/12
Photo by thrashette
With the 2012 Alchemy Tour of Neil Young & Crazy Horse now wrapped up, we just want to say a giant "Thank You" to all of our loyal, dear readers who have so generously supported our endeavors and allowed us to bring you the past, present and future Neil Young news coverage.
If you've supported us in the past, we sincerely appreciate it. And even if you haven't, we truly appreciate your just visiting, reading, and contributing. That -- after all -- is what makes this blogging all worthwhile.
We've been thrilled to give away Neil Young concert tickets, books, posters, magazines and other stuff. But the best of all is sharing what we call Neil Stories -- those which "emotionally resonate" with us all and make it such a joy to be part of the community of global rust.
But we do need you to join us in this venture: Support the blog, engage with us, make your repeated participation formal. Find a level that suits you and slip into the groove.
We need your financial support, at least at the most basic level of just $3 per year.
At less one penny a day, it’s less than your daily newspaper, cable television, subscription package or internet service. Less than a 6-pack of decent beer, even?! And you very well know the high quality of independent blogging, informed opinion, thoughtful commentary, wonderful and bizarre reader comments and warped humor you get here for that minimal contribution. Is there any other blog you read anywhere that provides you this much fun?
Donations are the only model we can see as we look ahead at the media landscape that faces us. Without a corporate sell-out (that would limit our independence) and without a mega patron (ahem... who would likely impose opinions and views while probably also staking out No-Go areas of speech) we simply cannot continue onwards toward the New Media Paradigm we’ve become. In addition to this blog, we also have Twitter and Facebook stream feeds, as well as an email list all requiring daily maintenance.
And then there's our whole new media venture of Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour which launched this summer.

We're very excited about our collaboration with the good folks at WBKM.org and are looking forward to 2013 and trying out some new concepts in bringing the joy of Neil Young's music to a global audience.
As the people-powered, irreverent blog that Thrasher's Wheat is, we can only remain this way with your help. Your support will let us continue to do what Thrasher's Wheat tries to do as well as possible. Won’t you please donate now? (securely, safely, privately)
Walk with us.
Support us now, please. It’s really easy, almost painless. Your support matters: it’s the only way we can see our way into the future.
Which we plan to continue, with your help. Today. Now. C'mon just 3 bucks. Only $3 today for a year of Neil fun. Such a deal. Thank you!

This Blog's For You!
So Why Bother To Support Neil Young News on TW?
Our goal is simple: we create the best Neil Young blog we possibly can, refrain from contaminating it with nasty, evil corporate advertising, and then ask you to donate to us what you think it's worth. So far it seems to be working out sort of. We're not likely to break even on bandwidth and storage expenses (much less donated labor) this way, but that's not our goal.
Here at TW we're not just non-commercial. We're anti-commercial. We feel that quality blogs and corporate advertising just cannot co-exist. We also choose to refrain from forcibly extracting money from you by charging subscription fees. We want to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed so generously over the past few years. We quite literally couldn't do it without you.
And, as always, we understand that contributing money is just not an option for some of you. That's fine. All posts, feeds and services at TW are open to everyone, and we will do everything in our power to keep it that way.
We’ve helped influence decisions on release formats and availability, we think, through our writing and your activism in response to it. We’ve exposed the hypocrisy of professional music critics and tried to speak out against the madness, fear and greed. All the while trying to find some hope in the future and have a little fun along the way!

But the basic underpinnings of our financial model haven’t changed: we’re often only one blog post away from pulling the plugs at any given moment.
So, here's how you can help.
Amazon.com provides a significant discount when ordering all three items together and Thrasher's Wheat will receive a small commission.

United States - Amazon.com

Canada - Amazon.ca

United Kingdom - Amazon.uk

Germany - Amazon.de

(Please note: International Amazon orders (non-U.S.A., non-Canada, non-U.K., non-Germany) do not credit to Thrasher's Wheat unfortunately. Other international readers are asked to please use PayPal account or credit card to support Thrasher's Wheat.)
You have proven that Thrasher's Wheat matters to you, and that you support our mission: to bring free Neil Young knowledge to the planet, free of charge and as free as possible of advertising. You've helped make and keep Thrasher's Wheat available for the whole world. If you find this site helpful as a reference or news source, please help us continue to help all Neil Young fans. Hopefully, this will continue to work to help defray the costs of running Thrasher's Wheat. Any excess funds generated above and beyond operating expenses will be donated to The Bridge School.

Pulling the plug on TW simply cannot happen. After all, we've been implored to "Keep on bloggin' til the power goes out."
And if shopping for stuff isn't your thing, we understand.
Just spreading the word about Thrasher's Wheat is a huge help. If you have friends that you think might enjoy TW - please take a moment to drop them a note. Postings about TW on appropriate web forums are also a great way to spread the word. As a matter of fact, we have folks using our Thrasher's Wheat logo on their blogs!
So LIKE us on Facebook , follow us on Twitter and/or subscribe to our email list. (On occasion we pick random folks on the mailing list for little Neil treats. And no spam. We promise.)
In response to our semi-irregular
Words, such as these, by the oh-so delightfully handled ShittyHorse:
Thrasher, what you provide to us Neil Fanatics is truly invaluable.
I visit other "Neil Sites", and Thrasher's Wheat is by far my favorite, not to diminish others, just my personal preference. You've created a strong community here, where Neil fans can talk everything Neil- from news and events to albums, songs, concerts, personal experiences and feelings, band members and other musicians, but most of all you give us a place to gather, to show our numbers, and be with others who truly understand why Neil's music touches us in such a profound and meaningful way.
I think it's safe to say that we all, even the most critical fans, appreciate the hard work and dedication that you and Thrashette put into this site. Times are tough, which is why your site and others like it become more and more important- it provides a much needed escape at times, entertainment, information and always puts a smile on my face. Even Neil Young himself has recognized the importance of Thrasher's Wheat.
You are part of Neil history and, in turn, Rock n' Roll History.
From here on I'd say any definitive book written on Neil's life and career would be lacking if missing a Thrasher's Wheat reference- you've been a liaison between the fans and the man himself. What you do is important and appreciated. Never loose heart.
I've made a large purchase this morning on Amazon through this site, as I always try to do, which I hope helps out. Of course it is a small thing, but if all your readers did this same, one small thing I'm sure it would help out a lot.
Again, thank you for your hard work, and devotion, not only to Neil but also his fans.
Happy Holidays to you and Thrashette!
Thanks SH! And Happy Holidays to you as well. We appreciate your kind words of support. Always and sincerely.
Again, thanks everyone for their contributions. But mostly thanks for all the reviews, photos, links, videos, and comments. And your kind and supportive words, especially. We truly enjoy sharing the Neil love around the world. We've been doing this on & off for 18 years on Rust/HH/RH and 15 years on TW and we'd really like to continue -- readers willing.
So by helping us out, you'll also help out to spread the Neil love around the world. And -- maybe in some small way -- it all helps the Bridge School, Farm Aid, Musicares, and the LincVolt project. Because we all want to light a candle, make a difference, be the rain, and be the change.
Be the wheat.
peace and love,
thrasher & thrashette
"Keep on bloggin'
`Til the power goes out
The batteries dead
Twist and shout"
- "Fork In the Road"
ps - it keeps us searchin' for a vista and a muse.

Geoff Moore - Silver Moon Graphics
Happy to support your wonderful site! Happy Holiday's to the Thrasher's !!
Done.....and Done.... Thank you Thrashers!
Done and done and done. Keep on blogging in the free world! Thanks for another fine year of Neil content, Thrasher.
Done. Thank you very much for your good work. Happy Holidays & all the best for the New Year.
Thanks everyone for your support.
We truly appreciate it.
Happy holidays.
Thank you SO MUCH, Thrasher-- You bring enlightenment and crucial NY news to my E-mail EVERY day and your tireless work is not unappreciated... I apologize that my meager $8.00 donation is so small, but I am unemployed and currently receiving public assistance i.e. "food stamps... When finances improve, I shall donate more.
Thank you again, Mr. & Mrs. Thrash
-- Eric in sunny FLA
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