Alchemy Tour Program 2012: Neil Young & Crazy Horse
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Thanks Tony for the images!
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by thrasher@PermaLink: 12/14/2012 05:47:00 PM
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Speak not because it is safe, but because it is right.
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) February 11, 2017
That would be the perfect cover for the movie on blue-ray! Link me to it on Amazon Thrasher and I'll be the first one to buy it!! God, I wish.
Steven James
The American Flag wilts tonight
Death of youth in the land of the free
You continue to hide behind the hippie dream , Peace , Love and good will to fellow man .
Outside your bubble the World watches and wonders ....when will this ever end ?
"Hippie Dream"
Take my advice
Don't listen to me
It ain't paradise
But it used to be
There was a time
When the river was wide
And the water
came running down
To the rising tide
But the wooden ships
Were just a hippie dream
Just a hippie dream.
Don't bat an eye
Don't waste a word
Don't mention nothin'
That could go unheard
'Cause the tie-dye sails
Are the screamin' sheets
And the dusty trail
Leads to blood
in the streets
And the wooden ships
Are a hippie dream
Capsized in excess
If you know what I mean.
Just because
it's over for you
Don't mean
it's over for me
It's a victory
for the heart
Every time
the music starts
So please
don't kill the machine
Don't kill the machine
Don't kill the machine.
Another flower child
goes to seed
In an ether-filled
room of meat-hooks
It's so ugly
So ugly.
Steven James
Hey Steve .... Thanks fer the quote
I express this with a sincere , solemn feel and respect to America , as I think this has many in disbelief.
I suppose I'm living , or expectin a wee bit of the ole hippie dream myself , when an artist , songwriter would sing a song in revolt of what is happening.
Of late , the only one willing to do so is Tom Waits .
Why is that ?
Are the " Old Rockers " to busy writing books and travelling on legacy tours , too worried about their I-tune sales ?
Rock and Roll is dead until the next generation starts writing songs relevant to the real world around them ....
I'm still waiting
So John, I guess you missed "Living With War"?! How sincere and solemn are you really? Respectful? Using this occasion to take a cheap shot at Neil Young is disturbing in itself. I came here to get away from the news for awhile and that picture of the stage took me to another place until you showed up.
But now that you bring it up, God Bless all of the children and their families everywhere. It's an incredibly sad day today. There are some sick fucks out there John. There always has been. Keep moving forward.
Peace and out,
Steven James
Thanks for posting the pics
I don't know what John is going on about, but if he thinks Neil was doing a "legacy tour" or that he cares about his iTunes sales, he is clearly not paying attention.
-Tony R.
C'mon. Let's ignore this. This is to silly to react.
I feel the need to say this has nothing to do with America, politics, religion, Rock N' Roll or Neil Young. It has to do with the senseless deaths of CHILDREN, at the hand of someone who was obviously mentally deranged. Period. This could have happened anywhere. There is senseless killing all over the world. The fact this happened in Connecticut of all places... I live about 30 miles or so from Newtown, it's a quiet place, a seemingly safe suburb. This is too sad and tragic to even put into sufficient words and ANYONE using this as an excuse to push any type of political agenda or make some point really needs to reexamine themselves and their true motives. I'd love to know how artists and musicians should react to something like this, outside of monetarily/benefit concerts, etc. Write a song? Then they are accused of profiting off of a tragedy, same with songs of war/protest. Neil has been accused of this for years with Ohio and with Living With War. My apologies for hijacking this post Thrasher, but I felt the need to speak up. This hits close to home for every way. A friend of mine knew one of the little girls killed, I just saw her picture. This is when all this news/media blitz becomes real. Seeing the faces of five year olds who were gunned down...
Anyway...the tour program is great. I try to buy one from every tour, I have a few. I actually prefer them to t-shirts. Always great photos. The Twisted Road program was excellent too. Love all the illustrations by Eric Johnson.
Here is something to share, some photos and small review (somewhat)in the CT Post, from the Bridgeport show I attended. The second picture is of me and my buddy front row. It was really cool to see this the day after the show. Check it out.
If it has nothing to do about America , and this could happen anywhere ???
Please explain why it keeps happening in the land of liberty ?
The land of Americana folk songs
Cheap shot , yer damn right , right across the bow , WAKE UP !
Join the rest of the free world EH !
Silly ya say , I suppose some looking in from the outside , may think your obsession to bare arms is quite dated and silly .
Find the Cost of Freedom.
How much freedom can people handle? How much freedom do people deserve?
I know one thing, if we lived in a more personal and respectful society, people would be less likely to do these things. The continued coarsening of the mainstream television/movie entertainment has no doubt played into the corruption of some minds that are ill and unable to deal with the violent barrage. I don't think that most people are unable to deal with this coarse entertainment stream, I think that some are not able, and their ill minds run away on them with these ideas.
I believe a free people carries an obligation to contribute positively to the society they are part of. The corrupt violent mainstream entertainment is a large chunk of the media that goes against that above obligation. I've largely disengaged from the mainstream entertainment networks and TV programming. I try to use TV, radio and computer for learning or at least positive entertainment.
The corruption of the mind is only part of the equation. There is also the distancing of our society from our neighbors. The availability of arms is right at the back end of the problem. Someone who has "gone off" can easily get access to a firearm and carry out their vengeful act. Break the chain in one of the 3 places by improving:
1) Media should feel an obligation to temper their violent productions for the good of the society. Decadent presentation of gore, murder and evil because it draws people in and increases viewership is not a moral way to make money. Stop making this crap.
2) We should focus our families on positive parts of life: improving the lives of ourselves and our neighbors. Contributing to the betterment of our communities and ourselves. In other words, stop watching this crap (the mainstream coarse entertainment).
3) Reducing the availability of arms. There is plenty of debate around the 2nd amendment and why it was created. A further study is how it should be considered and applied today. I believe we basically have 2 fronts for the 2nd amendment, hunting/target sports and citizen defense against tyrannical government. Then there's the scale of arms power. Pea shooter pistol up through assault rifles. The following are a possible path forward to reduce access to arms by those who have "gone off": 1) Manditory Registration of arms by serial number. 2) After 1 year, possession of an unregistered or un-serial numbered arm is punishable by $50,000 fine. 3) Assault and full auto arms are unregisterable, and are confiscated; much larger fine for possession of assault arms. 4) Here's the kicker: If you choose to take part in the 2nd amendment and own a firearm, you have a huge responsibility: A gun crime that takes place with a weapon registered in your name results in YOUR being charged with being an accessory to murder/attempted murder or whatever the result of the attack is. If your kids or family or neighbors get access to your weapon(s) and committ these acts, you're just as liable. Don't like it, don't own weapons.
A three part approach to reduce the frequency and victim count of these attacks and improve our society as a whole. Maybe its just a Hippie Dream, but we should try to do something more than nothing...
Find the Cost of Freedom.
Thanks to all for comments.
Going off topic is cool for the most part. Certainly when folks have a passion about getting something off their chest that really is fundamentally important to us all.
As for us?
Well, 2 things. As much as many might find this difficult, each of us is it least indirectly responsible for what happens around us.
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
~~Martin L. King Jr
The 2nd thing, we just try and live by Neil's opening song on the Alchemy tour.
Does anything else really matter when it comes right down to it at the end of the day?
Wake up.
We are all Newton, CT.
@ At 12/14/2012 10:54:00 PM, Anonymous said...
Please do not question the sincerity of my emotions , as I have not done so with you
Living with War , a great show in Ottawa , at the time I recall feeling WOW! , here's a legend singing songs and sharing his passion .
Songs of impeachment , unheard of in recent memory , songs with courage , that were genuine , heartfelt to all , including that night , a Canadian audience with many relating to the story and empathy of the soldier , as ya may know , this is not only an American sacrifice ..... EH !
Funny that 2nd Amendment folks are all too ready to point to the 1st Amendment (too much speech - movies/games) as being the problem. Funny, I thought my freedom of speech was more important that having to worry that some crackpot with an assault weapon will slaughter me, and hate me for my freedoms.
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