TODAY: Rock the Vote! Or Still Looking For A Leader?
"Every American President has left an impact on his country and the World. This musical history lesson from Neil Young takes a look at the past, present and future of US leadership."
With the U.S. Presidential Election today, on Tuesday, 11/6, here is "Lookin' for a Leader" by Neil Young from Living with War and some useful information to have on election day.
Lookin' for a Leader
To bring our country home
Re-unite the red white and blue
Before it turns to stone
Lookin' for somebody
Young enough to take it on
Clean up the corruption
And make the country strong
Walkin' among our people
There's someone who's straight and strong
To lead us from desolation
And a broken world gone wrong
Someone walks among us
And I hope he hears the call
And maybe it's a woman
Or a black man after all
Yeah maybe it's Obama
But he thinks that he's too young
Maybe it's Colin Powell
To right what he's done wrong
America has a leader
But he's not in the house
He's waling here among us
And we've got to seek him out
Yeah we've got our election
But corruption has a chance
We got to have a clean win
To regain confidence
AMERICA is beautiful
But she has an ugly side
We're lookin' for a leader
In this country far and wide
We're lookin' for a leader
With the great spirit on his side
Someone walks among us
And I hope he hears the call
And maybe it's a woman
Or a black man after all.
Recall in 2004, Neil Young and Pearl Jam were a few of the seventeen musicians who took part in the Vote for Change tour - caravanning through battleground states to Get Out The Vote.
Pearl Jam & Neil Young - All Along the Watchtower - Pro Shot, from the Vote for Change Tour 2004
Check out Neil's message at conclusion.
From a Time Magazine interview with Neil Young in 2005:
"I'm a Canadian. I'd like to vote in the U.S. election because I feel like I've got just as much right to vote in them as anybody else. I've lived here for so long, paid taxes for so long and my kids have to register for selective service. I guess I could be a dual citizen, but if I ever had to give up my Canadian citizenship to become American I wouldn't do it, because I wouldn't want to hurt Canada. I love Canada."

Toledo, OH - October 2004
photo by Jayson Teig
The man who once sang he "wouldn't sing for politicians" did just so in 2004.
Neil Young, wearing a T-shirt with "Canadians for Kerry" joined the Dave Matthews Band concert at the Vote for Change Concert Tour on Oct 3, 2004 at the Palace in Auburn Hills, MI.
Dave Matthews introduced Young by saying "a good friend of ours," before launching into a 15 minute electric performance of Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower."
Young said to the audience of more than 13,000:
"Some of you may know I'm a Canadian, and I'm here representing Canadians for Kerry. The rest of the world couldn't be here, but they say hi."
Young then dedicated the next song to Spain and played "Cortez the Killer" and the anthem "Rockin' in the Free World".

Neil Young , Dixie Chicks & James Taylor
“Harvest Moon” and “Heart of Gold"
Fox Theatre - Detroit, MI - Oct. 4, 2004
Photo by Brandy Baker/The Detroit News
(A Thrasher's Wheat Poll earlier indicated that fans are evenly divided on Neil's participation in politics. More on the Vote For Change Tour - 2004.)
With the U.S. Presidential Election today, on Tuesday, 11/6, here is some useful information to have on election day:
- If you have problems at the polls, call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683). Program this # into your cell now. Also, if you have a cell camera be prepared to use. Photograph any problems at polls and call # to upload.
Identification Required at the Polls. Acceptable Forms of ID include:
- Photo ID, such as Driver's license, state ID card, student ID card or tribal ID card
- Voter Registration Card
- Utility Bill
- Bank Statement
- Paycheck Stub
- Government Check or Other Government Document
(*Note: Voter without ID may vote a provisional ballot.)
You Have the Right to Vote
Here is what you can do to safeguard your vote.
- Find Out Who is in Charge - Make a list of your county and state election officials.
- Verify Your Registration - Verify your vote and your polling station BEFORE you head to the polls. Visit to check.
- Vote Early - Beat the lines and free up your time to help others get to the polls.
- Document and Report - If you witness any problems at the polling place, call your election officials or 1-866-Our-Vote for election protection information. Make sure to keep a detailed record of the facts including location, names and the problem.
- Plan Ahead for Long Lines - Go with friends or bring phones, iPods, snacks or reading materials. Make it fun and encourage others to stay in line too.
- Verify Your Vote - If using an electronic voting machine, check your screen and make sure it produces a paper record. Check to see everything is correct.
- Ask for Provisional Ballots - If for any reason you are turned away at the polls, be sure to ask for a Provisional Ballot (i.e. no I.D., wrong polling location, not on the voter rolls, etc.. Your vote will be counted if you are eligible.
- Spread the Word - Make sure your friends and family know these rights and they too encourage others to get to the polls. Visit to help others make that important voting connection
- Don't Believe the Polls - Be sure to make your vote heard. Don't be persuaded by polling numbers to not cast your vote. Polls can be wrong. Every vote needs to be cast and counted.
[Voters who experience problems voting are advised to not leave your polling station but to call a hotline 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) instead to get advice. The hotline will be staffed with legal experts who can help you determine your voting rights. The Election Protection group running the hotline will also have legal experts in the field monitoring situations at the polls. If you don't have a legal question but simply want to report a problem you had, you can call a separate hotline 866-MYVOTE1 (866-698-6831) and leave a recorded message. Be sure to leave your name and phone number on the recording if you want someone to investigate your problem.]

And ROCK the VOTE!
Labels: looking for a leader, neil young, vote
Forward! Just say no to the reactionaries, racists, and plutocrats.
I want to believe that they are a minority.
I was phone banking into New Hampshire last night and the clear majority of people who answered their phones were voting for Obama, and they were enthusiastic. "I'm voting, as is my husband, my brother and sister" "I'm voting and taking my son, as he will be voting for the first time" "If I didn't need this cane I'd run to vote" etc.
I never dreamed the sea so deep,
The earth so dark; so long my sleep,
I have become another child.
I wake to see the world go wild.
―-Allen Ginsberg
Yes indeed Zuma!
Do you even know that Forward is a communist slogan?
Brain dead liberal lemmings...
One would think that as fiercely independent as Neil Young is, he would be a self-reliant conservative.
But alas, it's not cool to be a right winger.
Barry Soetoro Obama is a 100% narcissistic anti-American leftist hack...and those that follow him are either ignorant or complete idiots.
Oh, i think i'll vote for Romney now. even tho apparently that's not cool.
ps - it doesn't look like you're doing your side any favors by smearing folks with lies. makes you guys look really bad.
really bad.
Candidates squawkin' for a thousand days
'Listen Mister' - 'Hear what I say'
"I'm your speaker' and 'I'm your voice'
Come November make me your choice
You got to vote
You got the vote
Now you can tally
You're all she wrote
You got to vote
You are the vote
No time to dally
In you I got hope
It is comforting to know that characters like anon 8:46 are monitoring websites like this for suspicious activity and secret meanings. Our code has been broken! Dang! Keep up your vigilance!
BTW, yes, "Adelanate Companeros" is a Cuban song. Mao had "The Great Leap Forward." The Firesign Theater had a compilation album called "Forward Into the Past." ( The latter would make a good Romney slogan, BTW.) So, is "Forward" now a disloyal word? Perhaps you should let us all know what the political meanings of all words are, so we can be uhh, correct in our usage.
But we're speaking basic English here, and the meaning of "Forward" is also the antonym for "Backwards". Pretty simple, y'know. Get it?
Speaking of narcissistic hacks, why does Mitt feel the need to copy Barry's "Change" slogan? Not exactly original.
By proclamation of those anonymous folks who just seem to know such things, the following words shall be deemed unamerican and unpatriotic, and shall henceforth cast a hammer and sickle shaped shadow on all those who utter such words:
1. Forward
2. Liberal
3. Progress or progressive
4. Compromise
5. Unions
6. Cooperate or cooperative
7. French fries
8. All varieties of cheese except American
holy crap, all this time i've been driving a communist car! it's right there on the gear shift..forward!
Voting is a right and a privilege that Women in this country haven't even had avilable to them for 100 years.
This should mean something; it sure does to me!!!
I say to anyone who will listen to me, "Vote your conscience, but please go out and vote!"
Marian M.
Thanks Marian!
Absolutely. Hopefully everyone exercises their civic duty.
I agree with Zuma Band's post from 10:29 this morning. "Forward"--communist slogan? Talk about political correctness! I think "forward!" has been used in many other ways at many other times as well, and I think the Obama campaign is smart enough that that's not the association they were going for, and it's not the one most people would immediately think of. I'm sorry, but making that connection based upon that one word is pretty asinine to me. I'm pretty sure Hitler's platform was big on change in Germany circa 1932, but when Obama used that word in 2008, I'm sure that's not what he meant to invoke. Both words represent universal concepts. It also means that they aren't saying that much specifically about the candidate, but that's generally how politics is.
At any rate, I thought it was the right-wingers of today prided themselves on being anti-PC, allowing anyone to say what the hell they wanted no matter how offensive. It looks like the reality is that Joseph McCarthy's ideology is alive and well. Not that I'm very big on political correctness these days, but the point is, it's funny to see conservatives hypocritically do the same thing they like to chastise the left for. Who's really a fan of censorship and dilution here? What blows my mind is how many science-denying zealots there are, not just on our ideological map in general, but in positions of power. My octogenarian grandfather is a Republican, but I don't think today's GOP is what he originally signed up for. And even he had doubts about Bush Jr. As much as the right wing likes to cry and scream about communism, it seems to me that most of the extremists in this country today are at a completely different point on our twisted political spectrum that we try to oversimplify things into.
Even as we're "looking for a leader", it is also important for us to be our own and one another's conscientious, vigilant leaders in today's world. And as for Neil Young being independent but not conservative, maybe that just goes to show that liberalism isn't really about lack of self-reliance but about recognition that the individual is only part of the picture and that two heads are better than one.
"This is the most unheard of thing I've ever heard of."
--Joseph McCarthy
“This is, I say, the time for all good men not to go to the aid of their party, but to come to the aid of their country.”
--Eugene McCarthy
I'm not waiting
For times to change
I'm going to live
Like a free-roamin' soul
On the highway of our love
--Neil Young from Looking Forward
for the hotel queens and the magazines
test tube jeans and slot machines
even Richard Nixon has got soul...
I voted today at 4:00 edt and the crowds were big but manageable. Walked from my house down to the local High School. They're expecting close to 90% turnout from the registered voters in my town, and I have to say there was/is something very cool about the whole process. After so much time and so many arguments, everyone seemed genuinely enthused and happy to just be participating (and maybe also to get out of the cold). Saw a number of folks I know there, including my computer repair guy, a neighbor whose dad ran for President in a previous election and another neighbor I coached Kickers soccer with way back when...everyone doing the democracy dance! It sure ain't perfect but it ain't so bad either.
Thanks all!
We're still lookin' for a leader... but here's our take...
In order to keep rockin' in the free world -- one word -- vote.
D, R, or I, just v-o-t-e.
Watching Bobby's grandson Joe III giving his acceptance speech, thinking about what is and what might have been. I've always felt that was the pivotal point in '68. Nixon would have lost again to a Kennedy and America would probably be a much different place today...but life goes on within you and without you.
Aw, Electrocruiser2010, can I at least hang on to my Provolone? It isn't French!
YEAH! The world feels relieved! Thank you Neil, Bruce and Bob - you did it again!
Congratulations America!
Congratulations World!
...and they're already speculating about the Ryan 2016 campaign on Morning Joe, and how Wonderboy will never work with the President because he's planning a run for himself. Be Afraid etc. And how the hell can he run for Congress and VP in the same election?! As Thomas Jefferson would say, "That's so fucked up!" I know this has happened before (e.g. 2000 and Joe Lieberman) and I've never liked it--this isn't Youth Hockey where you can "play up" at the next level and then go back to your regular team. Oh well.... Romney's biggest mistake was choosing him for the ticket, and I'm sure he knows it. And BTW that might be the greatest concession speech I've ever heard, even better than Gore's. My dad always loved Mitt and I finally saw why during that speech--thank you.
And D. I., I can totally feel your pain and concern: leave that Prov alone! Sorry about that, couldn't help myself.
Funniest moment on Morning Joe was when Willie Geist said that "for the next election, Linda McMahon is going to just cut to the chase, dump $40 million in a dumpster in New Haven and set it on fire"...thanks for that one!
Noreaster is coming in and it's cold and windy, but weekend should have sunny days and temps in the 60's. Keep on the Sunny Side!
But in the cold morning light I see
That you don't belong to me
--Todd Rundgren
We still don't have
What you and I once had
No, it's not Love
But it's not bad
--Merle Haggard
We can work it out
16 Trillion ring a bell....ding, ding ,ding
Enjoy the moment , and the privedge to vote
Next time round
Ya'll bow to a Crazy Goat named Mao !
Yer clingin to the wreckage
Sounds a familiar historical repeat
Rome crumbled , to the same sound and beat .
It takes a worried man to sing a worried song !
from 80 miles down the road, and still echoing on my brain
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