STANDBY: Major Thrasher's Wheat Announcement Coming Soon!
Folks, stand by for a major Thrasher's Wheat announcement coming tomorrow, Wednesday at Noon, EST!
Don't Be Denied.
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An unofficial news blog for Neil Young fans from Thrasher's Wheat with concert and album updates, reviews, analysis, and other Rock & Roll ramblings. Separating the wheat from the chaff since 1996.
Folks, stand by for a major Thrasher's Wheat announcement coming tomorrow, Wednesday at Noon, EST!
by thrasher@PermaLink: 8/14/2012 06:20:00 PM
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I hope your not giving up your blog. Please no bad news.
Ummmm..... tell us now. Or at least say if it is good news or bad news...
Well my guess.... we know about the tour, new album Psychedelic Pill,NY's book... could it be a release date for Archives II... but that would be good news ...well if it's bad news... I don't want to read it...
Is that 12:00pm ETZ?
Nice tease there Thrasher...just like AOL...where I refuse to click on 99% of their headlines because they are all teases designed to get you to click on a silly story about nothing important...
Your tease however, intrigues me and I will definitely be there tomorrow at high noon for the news!
My guess is that Neil decided to fund Thrashers Wheat website.
Ooooh, I'm intrigued. You better not be closing down the blog. This is like my home away from home. Hopefully it's some really amazing piece of news, like you just won the lottery, so you've decided that you're flying all of your regular readers out to follow Neil Young on tour!!
I find your ideas intriguing and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter...
Definitely good news. :)
We'd never hope to have bad news or be a tease about something very serious.
No, not the NYA Vol #2 tracklist.
Expect the unexpected... if that reminds you of anybody...
Just putting some finishing touches together.
live interview with neil who will take questions from the online audience
the new Buffalo Springfield album is finished...?
Obviously, backstage passes will be flowing freely. Actually I've always wished Neil would market the Whizzer amp volume manipulation system, but then maybe it wouldn't be so special.
Neil and the Horse will be at Farm Aid 2012, confirmed!
The CSNY 74 project release details!
Thrasher's is getting some interview time ? Some (well deserved) recognition ? A Thrasher invite only event ... "we're still good...right?" :)
Rolling Stone just announced the new album Psychedelic Pill.
Does this mean I'm hired? ...
Well, whatever it is, just glad it's not bad news...and hopefully not the "Psychedelic Pill" news. Ya' got scooped on that one, Thrasher.
See ya at noon tomorrow.
Keep on rockin'...
Some HiDef NY download programme.
TW will be the official fanblog for NY?
Thrash is going to reveal to us that he's actually a martian!! And so is Neil!!!
As long as one of them brought something for the trip...
Thrasher, is the announcement at noon Eastern or Pacific time? I need to figure out if I'm going to stay up till 12am or 3am over here in Asia...
Thanks for all the interest.
Announcement @Noon EST, about 3 hours from now.
Lots of good guesses but not right yet. Altho the suggestion that we're Martians is pretty close.
We often feel like aliens in a strange land...
You finally became part of the 1%?
Top Ten Possibilities:
10. Scientists discover new formula which allows humans to actually "Be The Rain"
09. Hurricane Neil quickly forming off Barbados, expected to reach level five
08. Dogs run free...and so can we!!!
07. Jimmy Fallon (as Neil) and Robert Pattinson sing "Oh Lonesome Me"
06. Nike offers $10 million for Long May You Run rights: "Innarestin'...but no thanks"
05. Mars Rover finds The Silver Spaceship
04. Cripple Creek Ferry converting to Bio Diesel
03. Paul Ryan photographed wearing "Wish I Never Got Old" T shirt
02. Thrasher/Thrashette 2016
01. It really is "Only A Dream"
Can't wait to hear the real one and will definitely "stay tuned"! Maybe Bob is coming to Farm Aid along with Neil and the Horse? Keep on keepin' on....
RIP Johnny Pesky
(sung loosely to the tune of Cinnamon Girl):
A picker of nits
I don't wanna fight
To be precise
The time will be Eastern Daylight
Peace and punctuality,
Neil and Dylan doing an album together. The Dylan-Young Band.
Mr. Henry, that is a great top 10!
Thanks so much SONY! A couple of those are pretty funny...laughed so hard, I almost fell off my Llama.
And I just checked your Profile and see that you're a fan of The too! They were (are?) back together last year and saw them open for The Stooges (how cool is that?!). Looked much different from 1979 (don't we all?) but sounded just great.
we'll see what happens while time fades away...
Farm Aid to focus on growing pot with the emphasis on total legalization.Neil has decided that after all the weed he's smoked over the years, that he should be more vocal and involved in legalization. With his interest in organic farming,its the perfect crop to help the economy.
Being totaly disapointed and digusted with Obama(has almost tied Bushs' record for presidential lies)....and a million miles away from the Romney platform, Neil had decided to run for president.
"But Neil can't run for President; he was born in Canada, not the USA"
Wait for it
Wait for it
Wait for it
Anon: "Neither was Obama; he was born in Kenya" (rim shot)!!!
@Mr Henry - Actually I am IN The Neighbor Hoods - a different spelling and two words. Subtle difference there. All differnt situation, sorry to mislead ya on that one. There is a page of our stuff on FB though, just in case you want to sign on....
You guys crack us up. Some pretty fun suggestions.
This has gotten a bit out of hand.
We thought we wrote somewhere (maybe Facebook | ThrashersWheatNeverSleeps? some funny ones there too, btw), just to clarify, this will be big news for TW. Not NY news per se.
So we can only imagine what folks will have to say when the cats out of the bag...
Thanks for the update SONY...I will check out your band sometime soon!
And sorry for highjacking the Comment thread a bit there, T; too much coffee and not enough sleep: "Step away from the Keurig".
1) Pepsi bought TW?
2) T and T are going to rehab for psychedelic pill addiction?
3) Neil is going to marry Poncho.
4) Time Fades Away will be released on Thrashers Wheat Records?
5) We all walked like giants?
6) Thrashers Wheat IPad edition available next week?
7) Neil will perform live on TW?
I know!!! You've received so many wonderful donations from your readers, and have, with great foresight, invested them in a particularly impressive stock. This has made you a billionaire, and as a gesture of thanks, you've decided to redistribute that money back to your readership and make us all filthy rich!!
Dear Mr. Thrasher... It appears your understanding of the clock is based on Neil's understanding of the calendar... July is nigh!!... Noon is nigh!!!...
It's 9.45am & it's Thursday the 16th august here & still no news.... Or do we have to wait till the full moon?
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