OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Psychedelic Pill Set For October Release

From Official Neil Young News Site:
August 24, 2012
Psychedelic Pill will be released in October. It was recorded right after Americana at Audio Casa Blanca. A double-CD and triple-vinyl will be released because of the lengths of many of the songs, some of which were previewed in Crazy Horse's live performances earlier this month. In the spirit of Americana's release, full length videos for each of the songs will be available and previewed. A recommended high resolution 24/192 full fidelity version of the album Psychedelic Pill will be released on Blu-ray and will include all the videos. The low resolution iTunes downloads will also be accompanied by videos. Thanks for listening.
Well, that certainly helps clear up a bit some of the earlier speculation on Psychedelic Pill: What Will The Magic Ingredients Be?.
From the thread Psychedelic Pill: What Will The Magic Ingredients Be?, BIGCHIEF said...
How ironic is it with all of the controversy that 'Americana' generated among the faithful, whether good or bad, that it came and went and now here we are already talking about the upcoming record.
The process of recording and delivering a record to the marketplace today is so different then in the past with the technology thats available which seems to work well for an artist such as Neil who can get his art out to us on a whim like a snapshot of where he's at during that moment in time. I can recall people writing how disappointed they were with Neil for releasing an album of covers. 100 year old folk songs none the less. Neil was "washed up" they said. I mean, after waiting 8 yrs for a Crazy Horse record this was the best he could offer? Now just a few months later here we are talking about the upcoming 'Psychedelic Pill' and Americana has come and gone without any of the songs even included in the set list of the concerts, except for 'Jesus Chariot' once or twice. 'Living With War' came and went as did 'Greendale', but I think when the dust settles, Americana is going to go down as a blip in Neil's catalog.
I really do believe that Neil's greatest work is yet to come but most of us won't recognize it when it arrives because were looking for a repeat of Zuma or EKTIN or RNS's, even though when those arrived they were different then anything he had done previously.
It's just a dilemma of being a reluctant to change fan of an ever evolving artist.
Thanks BC!
Labels: album, crazy horse, neil young, psychedelic pill
I think Americana and it's successor PP will, in retrospect, proof to be the markers of one of the best periods of Neil and CH, certainly not a blip. Americana most certainly is one of the better NYCH albums, more ragged dan RG, more balanced than Life, better sounding than Re-Ac-Tor. To me it's up with Zuma, Greendale, and Ragged Glory.
kick ass. hope we don't have to wait another month for the vinyl like "americana"
Americana has grown on me (I have it on vinyl) but it pales in comparison to Ragged Glory in terms of performance, passion, and sonic virtue. That's not to say I don't like it - but it's not CH's best, IMHO. Part of the reason may be that while it has Neil's arrangments, it does not have his lyrics.
I am looking forward to PP.
For some odd reason, I recently began to listen to Living With War again and I am much impressed by this album in retrospect. I started listening again when my 11-year old son asked me one day in the car to put on "Shock and Awe", saying it was one of his favorite Neil songs.
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I agree with Peter D. This is a nice, fertile period for NY & CH.
I really enjoyed Americana and I was hoping to hear some of those tunes in concert. Now that Neil moved on, I am looking forward to exploring PP.
See you in Cleveland!
When I listen to Americana, it sounds like the boys are set up in my rec-room, playing for fun for me and my friends. Kinda like a good old back yard cool.
Best news I've heard since the tour was announced. Yowzah!
My point was that if Neil were limited to one release per year as he was in years past I don't think he would have wasted that opportunity on Americana. A lot of things can happen during the course of a year in an artists life and career to influence the creative process. I'm certain that one or two of the songs may have made it onto another record. Neil now has the luxury of releasing a complete concept album on a whim rather then having to compile a collection of songs on one record of varying styles as he did on American Stars & Bars or Hawks & Doves. On Americana he was able to carry the thought process throughout and then move on. Ralph Molina stated on his Facebook site that before Americana was even mixed they were already working on the Psychedelic Pill. So I don't think it has as much to do with Neil getting a second wind in creativity as much as with todays technology allowing him the luxury of getting his art to us as his creative juices flow unrestrained by the confines of the record industries in the past. While some will say that his records today don't have the same quality of some of his earlier recordings, I disagree. Neil has always recorded at a break neck pace although the majority of his work would be shelved. Jesus Chariot and High Flying Bird may have made it on a record while the rest of Americana would have been relegated to a future Archives release. So the quality is still there but it's just not as 'condensed'. Most of his records from the past were compilations of songs recorded at various studios on different dates sometimes from different years altogether. If the songs fit a certain theme he would include them on the record. Now, it seems as if he's recording and releasing them while its relevant to him. Regardless, we all win because we can never get enough 'Neil'.
I actually really like almost all of Americana; and that comes from someone who hasn't enjoyed any of Neil's albums since Greendale. It has some real 'spark' to it.
Just because the lyrics aren't written by Neil, doesn't mean it's a lesser quality work. I'd rate Americana a much stronger work than Prarie Wind, Chrome Dreams 2 or Le Noise, even though Neil wrote all of the songs on those albums.
I just don't think the songs on the albums between 2005 and 2009 were anything more than 'mediocre'. If they weren't 'Neil Young' songs, nobody would give most of them a second listen (I guess they had novelty value for a while, but they won't stand the test of time).
Having said that, I think some of the new songs sound great, so I'm really looking forward to Psychedelic Pill!
The Flying Scotsman.
We think you'll like this one.
An incredible analog recording and great playin' by Neil and Crazy Horse.
Buy the vinyl or the Blu-ray and hear the album as the best it can be!
-Archives Guy
Archives Guy - Nice to hear from you and all the news.
double-CD and triple-vinyl?!
Psychedelic Pill ... double & triple doses ... the long strange trip continues.
more future, more present, more past.
Thrasher- Did you say that this news bulletin helps clear up some of the speculation as to what the "Magic Ingredients" will be? I still don't think we know anything more about the ingredients (ie, what songs are on it). It just confirmed what Neil already told us whabout being a double. Personally, I can't wait to learn more and ultimately hear what this goodiebag has inside!
One thing I've always liked about Neil's guitar solos is how melodic they are. He's never been guilty of what some might call 'wankery', always showing an amazing amount of restraint when playing. I wouldn't change a single note on Cowgirl, Like a Hurricane, Shots, or any of his other longish songs. But in recent years his songs have gotten longer and longer, and frankly, his soloing is sometimes downright boring.
Maybe I'm the only one here who feels this way, but I have mixed feelings about what I've read and heard of the new double-album. I mean, the first 8 or 9 minutes of Walk Like A Giant and Ramada Inn are great, but do they really need to be 15+ minutes long? Very few songs warrant that length (maybe Ordinary People). Extended solos in live performances are one thing, but on record? That sort of "noise" rock has been done to death by the likes of Sonic Youth and others. I think maybe the moniker 'Godfather of Grunge' has gone to Neil's head, I don't know. Or maybe he wants to be taken more seriously as a guitarist.
I don't mean to upset anyone, and I really hope the new album is great, but something tells me I'm going to be using the FFWD or skip button a lot on this one. I hope I'm wrong though.
double album with long jams i'm all over it!!!
Just for the record Neil's tour has barely started just enjoy his work every step of the way. Thankfully Neil moves on and on which is what we love about him the most.
I second Flying Scotsmans comments. Every word of them. Twin!
I disagree with Rob when he sez Neil's playing is melodic--*I* think what it IS is free of any rock guitar clichés...But I DO agree that 15 minutes of soloing is a bit much...maybe I'm jealous because as a guitarist *I* prolly couldn't solo for 15 minutes...
I like the sound of this. But it looks like the Horse will not be visiting the UK on this tour so a trip across the pond is a must. Need to take in 2 gigs to make it worthwhile and Austin suits me best time-wise, although Thrasher reckons I should do a non-festival show if possible. So it will have to be Austin AND Tulsa on concecutive nights, I reckon. Anyone know how I can get a ticket for the "Sold Out" Austin City limits show without spending an arm and a leg? Anyone willing to sell a spare?
Neil's guitar playing has certainly changed. But it has only got more free. Where you used to be able to know what notes he played and maybe repeat part of that solo in you head, no you could never do that. No Hidden Path though I love it, and he should play it with the Horse this year, I could never tell you how the guitar solo went.
The instrumental are just sonic landscapes. Very heavy and very psychedelic.
Hey Scotsman if you're still around. Living with War is an incredible album in 2005. The Restless Consumer in the only NY song that has given me chills still every single time I listen to it.
I hope we get a full 6 sides of music. As for the track listing, it seems like at least 2 songs will take up a side each. The other songs we've heard would seem to only amount to about 1 side of music. That wiil leave at least one complete albums worth of music that hasn't been heard.
triple vinyl.. great - that´ll be around 150 bucks..
@LRR - good point. yeah, the "magic ingredients"/songs are still unknown altho we have a good hunch on ~75%.
What seems to be confirmed is just the packaging. When was the last time anyone picked up a triple vinyl release? Brings back memories of unwrapping Decade and not emerging for days...
ahhh, the days that used to be...
I don't understand how you can in one breath say Neil solos excessively, and then in the next breath tie that to the moniker of being called the 'Godfather of Grunge' going to his head. "Grunge" is not known for excessive solo-ing, and when you bring up Sonic Youth, they're known more for distortion/noise experiments with their music than with excessive solo-ing.
I love the solo-ing in the songs we've heard thus far, just like in most of Neil's long songs - it's very evocative, and I find the long passages in these songs really help drive home the feeling of the song. The lyrics and verse-chorus parts are obviously very important, but I find it is in the solo passages where I'm truly transported to the place that the song is carrying me - songs like Inca Queen, for example, has a lot of solo passages that are incredibly beautiful. I feel the same about Ramada Inn/Walk Like a Giant.
as for Neil's soloing... I agree completely with Syscrusher, there's a lot more freedom in it, while there already was a lot! It's one of the most unique aspects of Neils art, I cannot think of one other guitarist that is so free to express himself. Neil's really arrived at a place where Miles Davis and Coltrane would very much like what he did. Wathing and listening to No Hidden Path was a blast in Amsterdam a couple of years ago. Out in the stratosphere we went... If you look at the Rock In Rio version that just goes on and on and on, you can definitely feel that expression.
And it's further down along that road with Ramada Inn and Walk Like A Giant. A great walk!
8/25/2012 09:35:00 AM When was the last time anyone picked up a triple vinyl release?
For me that was Greendale.
But hey, this trip, trip, triple Psychedelic vinyl release is awesome news!!! Can't wait.
Thrasher's Wheat. 75%. Substantially you think that there aren't many other songs on PP, although so far information provided about is really scant.I don't know if you have "inside" sources, but I keep on wondering about the number of the songs on this double cd.There is a third long song according to Neil still unplayed live.During the Horseback video we can read a Love + Wall or something of this title, if I remember well. I don't know if he can also have re-recorded Leia, You Never Call or other Le Noise outtakes.
So Tired.
Leia and You Never Call will be on the Journeys Blu-Ray
@Growl - I've been to every ACL Fest and USUALLY there are tons of people selling tickets as you walk up to the park for around face value. Maybe 20% marked up, but it's obviously a crapshoot. This year, you might luck out on the internet (Craigslist or something) though because that Saturday is the UT-OU football game in Dallas -- which means a large chunk of folks are going to be heading out of Austin for the weekend and unloading their tickets now that they can't attend the festival.
Speaking of Austin: Just found an unopened copy of Eldorado on vinyl for $20 at Waterloo Records. Went to actually buy Americana on vinyl, saw Eldorado sitting behind it, and put Americana back on the rack.
No clue how the hell there was an unopened copy.. they didn't reissue it recently, did they? The plastic wrap on it seemed like it could be from 1989 and it's obvious the vinyl has never been played before.
While I am happy for you, if that is a legit copy, then I also hate you.
Jealous. I've heard that if there is smoke coming out of both smokestacks in the image on the vinyl tracklisting then it is a bootleg.
"Neil Young Vinyl Records Are Not Just for Hipsters, They Are The Key Ingredient to Really Enjoying Music"
Nice article, although I would like to add that recent Neil Young Vinyl Records are the best sounding records in the universe.
Can't wait! Now if they will release, "Journeys" soon. Life would be perfect.
Triple Vinyl 'Decade' was the benchmark for all retospective releases with some great songs never released before (Winterlong, Old Campaignger, Love Is A Rose) - and Neils own take on each song. That is a sleeve to to read - what happened to Decade II (joke).?
The 'Decade' concept was just a forerunner to the 'Archives' series. Things have gotten quiet about the release of Vol.II of the 'Archives' with all of the excitement surrounding the Crazy Horse reunion and subsequent tour. The Archives are like Decade on steroids with hopefully much more to come. To those who purchased the Blu-Ray version with the Timeline, has anything of value ever become available to download ?
From the recent BBC Interview, I think that a good 4 sides of the 6 available vinyl sides will be devoted to one long song a piece. One will push or perhaps go past the limits of audiophile vinyl at 26 minutes long. And then there are 3 other "long" songs. Of those 3, I think two are the ones we have heard live. Beyond that, it's conceivable that the remaining songs could fit on side 5 with some engraving on side 6. But as Andrea corrently noted, we really have no idea.
@So Tired - thanks. no special inside info. just idle speculation.
@LRR - sounds like maybe some big fat deep grooves on this vinyl. yeah baby.
It's been like 2 years since the last download. April '10 I think.
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