Neil & Poncho

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No, not that Poncho.
It seems Neil Young has taken a fancy to wearing a poncho lately. Some seem to follow Neil's fashion styles, so this will be of keen interest to those. Over on Purple Words on a Grey Background, a nice gallery of Neil wearing a poncho in various scenes.
In the meantime, here's the other Poncho fashion style we're most interested in...

Frank "Pancho" Sampedro, Bill Talbot, Ralph Molina
Musicares Honors Paul McCartney
Los Angeles, CA - 2/10/12
So how about you? Which Poncho fashion style interests you most?
Labels: crazy horse, poncho
love ya neil, but you have shown some pretty awful fashion choices. the poncho looks about as silly as that dr seuss hat you used to wear...and how about that '96 tour outfit with the horrible shorts and black socks?
So, Neil, a Canadian, releases an album called Americana, which includes the anthem of the British Commonwealth, and other songs whose origins span centuries and multiple borders, then promotes it while wearing an indigenous South American garment. Sometimes a poncho is just a poncho. In this case it is part of an artistic statement.
In either case I'll take Pancho over poncho every day.
I love this style...
As with Americana, Neil seems to have dug in the past for this "new" style. Though this one from around Farm Aid 1990 doesn´t look bad either:
In Canada we had to sing "God save the Queen" in school and at Scout meetings. Wonder if kids still do?
The look would be even cooler if he carried a lever action 30/30 lol
......... Pancho, w/o a doubt.
... i mean, really... who gives a rodent's anus about who wears what ? ... it's all just one song anyway.
Is that a Sears poncho?
At least it is not bright orange!!!
You have to give Neil credit for not giving a damn what people think.
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