


Neil Young's new release ""World Record" w/ Crazy Horse is now available for pre-order. Order here
(Please shop locally & independently. But if you can't, we appreciate your supporting Thrasher's Wheat by clicking this link or YOUR COUNTRY's FLAG. Thank you!!!)
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bryan Ferry's Roxy Music covers Neil Young's "Like A Hurricane"

For Irene, Bryan Ferry's Roxy Music covers Neil Young's "Like A Hurricane".

Definitely check out the second half of video which has massive wrap-around bands and awesome storm surge. ;)

Stay safe, there's calm in your eye....

Don't get blown away.

Hurricane Irene
Eye Landfall in North Carolina

UPDATE: Dave Matthews Band played Neil Young's "Like a Hurricane" during encore last night. Twitter / @LindsayInNYC: @NYC_lawchick

More on Neil Young & Crazy Horse's "Like A Hurricane".

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Broken Arrow Magazine: August 2011 - Win a Copy and a NYA Boxset

Neil Young & International Harvesters
New Orleans, Sept. 27, 1984
Photo by Pete Haas
(Cover scan by Ian)

The latest issue of Broken Arrow Magazine, published by the Neil Young Appreciation Society just arrived and we're now finishing up reading the issue. As always a nice read -- especially as we look back while looking ahead.

And -- thanks to the generous support of NYAS and editor Scott Sandie -- we're pleased to be able to offer a copy of the latest issue of Broken Arrow Magazine to a Thrasher's Wheat reader. Details follow below.

Issue #123 (August 2011) of Broken Arrow Magazine - as usual - has some fine articles, commentary and nice photos.

This issue concentrates on the Buffalo Springfield reunion tour, the release of ‘A Treasure’ and two fascinating insider reports on the Joel Bernstein/Henry Diltz photo exhibition ‘Two Takes on Neil Young’. It’s once again packed full of photos, and there is also the bonus of a 4-page full-colour centre section consisting of several previously unseen historic photos from the 1984/85 International Harvesters Tours. These really have to be seen.

Amongst the many other articles is a surprising Spotted! of Susan Young in the 1970s and one fan’s ongoing (and expensive!) search to re-create Neil’s guitar sound. In a busy letters section find some interesting comments on last issue’s ‘London Calling’ feature and see another picture from Joe Stevens, the photographer who took the famous ‘cream pie’ photo in 1976.

And as usual, a news section edited by Guy Haslam, with lots of innarestin' items.

Neil Young Archives Vol. 1

Want to help out the Neil Young Appreciation Society? Want to win a Neil Young Archives Vol. 1 Bluray 10 disc box set?

OK, here's how and why...

In the last issue of Broken Arrow Magazine: May 2011, in the final article 'Last Dance', NYAS editor Scott Sandie and esteemed colleague (and pint consuming connoisseur) Guy Haslam issued a call for submissions to Broken Arrow from all Society membership.

So have a look at this article list below and use it as a prompt. Why not write that article that you’ve always thought about, either on one of these topics or anything else that you have in mind? Set yourself a target to write one, or at least have a go. At worst it won’t be published. At best you’ll see yourself in print in your own magazine. And earn a NYA boxset, to boot.

Drop editor Scott "Surfer Joe" Sandie an e-mail ( to talk about it and make a proposal. They’re open to almost anything.

Act now. Seize the day. Your society needs you!

Potential article topics listed here.

The deadline for article submissions has been extended indefinitely. So you have plenty of time to do your Neil research, polish it up, and send it in.

This is the first volume of the Neil Young Archives series of box sets, produced by Neil Young himself. This series is the definitive, comprehensive, chronological survey of his entire body of work. Volume I covers the period from his earliest recordings with the Squires in Winnipeg, 1963, through to his classic 1972 album, Harvest and beyond, including studio and live tracks with the legendary Buffalo Springfield, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, and Neil Young with Crazy Horse. This Blu Ray disc edition contains 10 discs, each in its own custom sleeve. 9 of these discs hold a total of 128 tracks (12 hidden), all presented in ultra high resolution 24-bit/192 Khz stereo PCM state-of-the-art master quality sound, and featuring nearly 60 previously unreleased songs, versions, mixes, or rare tracks.

More on Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About The Neil Young Archives But Were Afraid To Ask.

Don't be denied!

So check out the Neil Young Appreciation Society page for more info on how to join.

Don't be denied!

Thanks Scott and everyone who is supporting the NYAS & BA!

Thrasher - NYAS#2476
broken-arrow logo

More on back issues of Broken Arrow magazine.


One lucky Thrasher's Wheat supporter will win a free copy of the latest Broken Arrow Magazine. We truly appreciate being able to what we do here at TW, and we love being able to give something back in return.

All Thrasher's Wheat supporters between now and the end of the month will be automatically entered into the Broken Arrow Magazine drawing. (If you donated in the last 30 days you are automatically eligible and no further action is necessary).

Click below to send support now via Visa or Mastercard — or send support via Paypal.

If you're unable to send any support at this time, we understand. You can also enter the drawing by adding yourself to the Neil Young News mailing list.

Click here for other support options and to learn why we need your support to continue operating Thrasher's Wheat.

Thanks and Good Luck to everyone!

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

You Are Like A Hurricane, Irene

"Like a Hurricane" by Neil Young and Crazy Horse - Hammersmith Odeon, March 1976

First came the earthquake, then came the hurricane.

As hurricane Irene bears down on the U.S. east coast, a little classic video to get folks in the mood.

"Like a Hurricane" was written by Neil Young in July 1975 with friend and La Honda neighbor Taylor Phelps in the back of his car, when he was unable to sing due to an operation on his vocal cords. The song was first released on the album American Stars 'N Bars in 1977. Driven by Young's trademark fierce guitars, the song has been a concert staple over the years.

There are a number of factors which make the film extraordinary. Besides the near 10 minute length, the film/video is a single take performance filmed during a 4 night run at London's Hammersmith Odeon March 1976. This is not a lip synch performance as is now standard. Also, this was in the pre-MTV age when performance videos were virtually unheard of marketing tools.

Then, of course, there was "The Fan"...

More on "Like A Hurricane" and Neil Young at Hammersmith Odeon, March 1976.

ps - be well, stay safe. namaste

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More Details on "Neil Young Life", Demme's film of Le Noise Solo

Neil Young - Massey Hall - May 10, 2011
Photo Credit: Tom Pandi - Toronto event photography |

As we reported earlier, Jonathan Demme's third Neil Young concert film will debut at the Toronto International Film Festival in September.

Demme's final installment in his concert film trilogy was shot last May over two nights at Massey Hall in Toronto.

From TIFF 2011 Films - Neil Young Life:
This past May, Neil Young brought his solo tour to Toronto’s Massey Hall, an iconic venue in the city of his birth. Jonathan Demme was on hand to capture the two nights, which highlighted new songs from the album Le Noise, produced by Daniel Lanois, mixed with classics like “Ohio” and “I Believe in You.” At sixty-five, Young retains a youthful vitality and musical curiosity that balances his wisdom and experience. It’s no wonder he’s been an inspiration to the likes of Pearl Jam and Sonic Youth. In Neil Young Life, Demme intersperses the Massey Hall concert footage with brief scenes from a road trip through Ontario. Driving a 1956 Ford Crown Victoria, Young visits the rural town of Omemee, where he spent a key part of his formative years, and reminisces about his former neighbours and their daughters. As he drives past bulldozers transforming the landscape, he remarks, “It’s all gone… it’s still in my head.”

For Mavericks, Young and Demme will present the world premiere of Neil Young Life in the splendid Princess of Wales Theatre, followed by a live conversation. Demme previously filmed Young performing in Nashville, the year after the musician survived a brain aneurysm, for the documentary Neil Young:Heart of Gold. Their second collaboration was Neil Young Trunk Show, memorializing a Pennsylvania concert during the tour for his album Chrome Dreams II. Young’s repertoire is so vast that none of the songs in those previous films overlap the selections featured in Neil Young Life.

At Massey Hall, Young shares the stage only with a wooden statue of a Native American as he moves between two pianos, an organ and several guitars, acoustic and electric. The songs are full of intense, poetic imagery. In one haunting number, “You Never Call,” he pays homage to his late friend Larry “L.A.” Johnson, who ran Young’s film company, Shakey Pictures. And in “Love and War,” he offers a kind of summation of his whole career: “Since the backstreets of Toronto/I sang for justice and I hit a bad chord/But I still try to sing about love and war.”

Thom Powers

Thanks Carson!

More on Neil Young at Massey Hall in Toronto.

ps - Trunk Show will be released this Fall . next year . NYA Volume #7 . Nobody seems to know?

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Neil Young as an Alien?!?!

In keeping with the never ending theme that the craziness never stops, here's just one more wacky Neil Young story.

In the film “Paul,” an alien sci-fi comedy, actor Seth Rogen was cast as the alien. In this behind the scenes video (, Rogen explains that his inspiration for the alien role was actually Neil Young, “someone who was aggressively kind of laid back.”

UPDATE: Video seems to play only from site.

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Premiere Coming of Final Demme Concert Film In Trilogy

Neil Young & Jonathan Demme
"Heart of Gold" film premiere @ Sundance 2006

Jonathan Demme's third Neil Young concert film is expected to debut at the Toronto International Film Festival, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Demme's concert film was shot last May over two nights at Massey Hall in Toronto.

The final installment in Demme’s concert film trilogy, after Neil Young: Heart of Gold (2006) and Neil Young Trunk Show (2008), is due out in theaters later this year.

In other film news, the world premiere for Cameron Crowe’s new documentary "Pearl Jam Twenty" will also be at TIFF.

Here's PJ20: Soundtrack Tracklisting! – The Uncool - The Official Site for Everything Cameron Crowe which includes "Walk With Me" (with Neil Young) – Bridge School Benefit (10/23/10). (Thanks Matt!)

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Photo of the Moment: Neil & John @ Farm Aid 2011

Neil Young & John Mellencamp
Farm Aid Press Conference
Photo Gallery by Mary Francis Andrews | Facebook

Here's a nice photo of John Mellencamp and Neil Young at the 2011 Farm Aid Press Conference in Kansas City last week.

Maybe sharing a laugh about Willie Nelson for a Nobel Peace Prize???

Thanks Mary Francis Andrews | Facebook! Great photo gallery.

More on Farm Aid 2011 and here.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rustie Carol "Roadeyeluv" Snyder Slips Away

Carol "Roadeyeluv" Snyder (Left) & Cathy "dance,dance,dance/dx3"
Farm Aid 2010 - Milwaukee, WI

Photo by Ron S. "Love & Only Love" | Facebook

It is with great sadness that we've learned that Rustie Carol "Roadeyeluv" Snyder has just slipped away from us.

From Rustie Kathy "HippieGirlSmile" on Thursday, Aug 18, 2011 posted to rust@yahoo:
Carol passed away today at 4:30 PM.

She was in the hospital for over 4 weeks on a respirator. She had a lot of Neil music in her room. Yesterday she was "conducting" our concert. Family and Friends!!!! It was sad to see her go.

Tree Top Flyer was her friend for over 25 years. I knew her 6 years. Carol gave her heart to anyone who knew her. She loved her Rustie friends!!!

Anyone who would like to send a card to her family:
> Gayle Ross
> 8078 Crockett Dr
> Cicero, NY 13039

The Funeral Home is:
> Houghtaling & Smith
> Funeral Home, Inc.
> 20 Otsego Street
> Canajoharie, NY 13317

Thank you all for your friendship to her !! She had been a fan since 1971.

Peace, Paintin' and Smilin' from all four directions
Kathy HGS

We're so saddened by this news.

As so many have already said, Carol was a special friend to all Neil fans.

We enjoyed catching up with her at the last few Bridge concerts and she was always eager to catch up with everyone and make sure they were enjoying the fests.

In 2009, Carol won a Neil photo we had donated in the IRF Bridge raffle. In 2010, she told us that she had put the photo on a shelf by a light and when the light was just right, it shined through the photo and she could see a little heart shape on Neil's chest.

When she had the fire earlier this year, we sent her another copy. We didn't hear back whether she was able to re-create the experience but she was going to try.

Carol, your heart of gold will always be missed.

she just slipped away...
rust in peace
thrasher & thrashette

Messages of condolence posted to rust@yahoo. Also, sign the book at

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Willie for a Nobel!

Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize
for Farm Aid and his work on
alternative fuels, and world peace initiatives.

Farm Aid

Go Farmers Markets!

"In the >field< of opportunity
It's plowin' time again."

Silverline Communications

(Home of the FarmAidians)
Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
(519) 737-7979

This blog supports free speech!

Demand justice for Aaron:
Support "Aaron's Law" and inquiry into his prosecution

(... he didn't kill himself either...) #AaronDidntKillHimself

Induct Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

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The Hypocrisy of the Mainstream Media

It's Been Called The
"Missing Link" in the Ditch Trilogy


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Sugar Mountain

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Rust Radio


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Official Neil Young News Site

The Bridge School

The Bridge School Concerts
25th Anniversary Edition

**100% of Proceeds to Benefit Bridge School***

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Neil Young Songbook Project

In the fields of wheat

"Children of Destiny" will NOT be harvested
However, the chaff will be burned by unquenchable fire

Neil Young + Promise of the Real

Europe 2016 Tour Dates

2015 Rebel Content Tour

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Alchemy Concert Tour Reviews

Fall 2012 N. America Tour
Spring 2013 Australia/New Zealand Tour
Summer 2013 Europe Tour

Europe Summer 2014 Concert Tour
Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Supporters Go To Europe

Neil Young Films

2010 MusiCares Honors Neil Young

Features Elvis Costello, Crosby Stills & Nash, Sheryl Crow, Josh Groban, Ben Harper, Elton John, Norah Jones, Lady Antebellum, Dave Matthews, James Taylor, Keith Urban, and others.
Proceeds from sales go to MusiCares,
which helps musicians in need of
financial and medical assistance.


"There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye"



Neil Young FAQ:
Everything Left to Know About the Iconic and Mercurial Rocker
"an indispensable reference"

Paul McCartney and Neil Young


"You can make a difference
If you really a try"

John Lennon and Neil Young

"hailed by fans as a wonderful read"

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young:
The Supergroup of the 20th Century

Director Jonathan Demme's Exquisite film "Heart of Gold"

eddie & neil
Eddie Vedder and Neil Young

Revisiting The Significance of
The Buffalo Springfield

"The revolution will not be televised"
... it will be blogged, streamed,
tweeted, shared and liked
The Embarrassment of Mainstream Media

Turn Off Your TV & Have A Life

"Everything Is Bullshit" +
"Turn Off The News"
Turn Off the News (Build a Garden)

Neil Young 2016 Year in Review:
The Year of The Wheat

Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain and Neil Young

Neil Young's Feedback:
An Acquired Taste?

Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years
by Rustie Sharry "Keepin' Jive Alive in T.O." Wilson

"the definitive source of Neil Young's formative childhood years in Canada"

neil & joni
Joni Mitchell & Neil Young

europe 1987.jpg

Bob and Neil

So Who Really Was "The Godfather of Grunge"?

Four Dead in Ohio
kent state
So What Really Happened at Kent State?

The Four Dead in Ohio

May The FOUR Be With You #MayThe4thBeWithYou


dissent is not treason
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism

Rockin' In The Free World

Sing Truth to Power!
When Neil Young Speaks Truth To Power,
The World Listens

Emmylou Harris and Neil Young

Wilco and Neil Young


Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young


Elton John and Neil Young

Lynyrd Skynyrd and Neil Young


The Meaning of "Sweet Home Alabama" Lyrics

Neil Young Nation -
"The definitive Neil Young fan book"

What does the song mean?

Random Neil Young Link of the Moment

Bonnie Raitt and Neil Young

I'm Proud to Be A Union Man


When Neil Young is Playing,
You Shut the Fuck Up

Class War:
They Started It and We'll Finish It...

A battle raged on the open page...
No Fear, No Surrender. Courage

"What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees?"
Full Disclousre Now

"I've Got The Revolution Blues"

Willie Nelson & Neil Young
Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize

John Mellencamp:
Why Willie Deserves a Nobel



Love and Only Love

"Thinking about what a friend had said,
I was hoping it was a lie"

We're All On
A Journey Through the Past

Neil Young's Moon Songs
Tell Us The F'n TRUTH
(we can handle it... try us)

Does Anything Else Really Matter?

"Nobody's free until everybody's free."
~~ Fannie Lou Hamer

Here Comes "The Big Shift"

Maybe everything you think you know is wrong? NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS
"It's all illusion anyway."

Propaganda = Mind Control
Guess what?
"Symbols Rule the World, not Words or Laws."
... and symbolism will be their downfall...

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
Be The Rain, Be The Change

the truth will set you free
This Machine Kills Fascists

"Children of Destiny" - THE Part of THE Solution

(Frame from Official Music Video)

war is not the answer
yet we are
Still Living With War

"greed is NOT good"
Hey Big Brother!
Stop Spying On Us!
Civic Duty Is Not Terrorism

The Achilles Heel
Orwell (and Grandpa) Was Right
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.”
~~ Bob Marley

The Essence of "The Doubters"

Yes, There's Definitely A Hole in The Sky

Even Though The Music Died 50+ Years Ago
Open Up the "Tired Eyes" & Wake up!
"consciousness is near"
What's So Funny About
Peace, Love, & Understanding & Music?


Show Me A Sign

"Who is John Galt?"
To ask the question is to know the answer

"Whosoever shall give up his liberty for a temporary security
deserves neither liberty nor safety."

~~ Benjamin Franklin


(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make

~~ John & Paul

the zen of neil
the power of rust
the karma of the wheat

