Artist Shepard Fairey Occupies HOPE

Before blowing this off as total anti-Obama propaganda, closely read the inscription on the poster and know the backstory.
Artist Shepard Fairey, who designed the Obama "HOPE" poster, the cover for Bridge School Concerts 25th Anniversary Edition , the Henry Diltz' Neil Young print and more, has a new #Occupy Wall St. poster.
In an interview with Shepard Fairey | Global Grind, he says "I’ve subverted my most well-known image which I think is a strong gesture."
This image represents my support for the Occupy movement, a grassroots movement spawned to stand up against corruption, imbalance of power, and failure of our democracy to represent and help average Americans. On the other hand, as flawed as the system is, I see Obama as a potential ally of the Occupy movement if the energy of the movement is perceived as constructive, not destructive.

Bridge School Concerts 25th Anniversary Edition

Photography by Henry Diltz
Neil Young and his White Falcon guitar at Balboa Stadium, San Diego, 1969
Neil Young Print by Shepard Fairey
This is so fucking cool I can't stand it.
Cool ?
Jezuz, this is AMERICA ...... we don't wear fkng masks !
... anyone so scared of expressing their opinion that they need to hide their identity, maybe ought not stand & express it in the 1st place.
The protesters need masks so they can't be identified when vandalising/raping/destroying, etc. It fits perfectly for them to wear this mask. They have rejected individualism and chosen collectivism. They are the nameless/faceless 99% right? Lol - collectivism steals your soul - individualism fuels it. Maybe someday...maybe someday...
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