American Dream: From 1988 To 2011
Earlier this year, we posed CSNY's question: American Dream: How could something so good, go bad, so fast?

It came amidst a series of questions over the years which we struggled with regarding corruption on the highest floors, bailouts not for you, and the greed of the elite 1%.
And on January 1st of this year, we wrote about Freedom in a New Year, which has been viewed -- in hindsight -- as somewhat prophetic for the events that would soon unfold.
And on Independence Day, July 4, 2011 we asked whether Freedom Is All Really Just An Illusion Now?
So here we are. Awoken. Consciousness. Rising. Occupying.
And in case you were still wondering how freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and other rights which we hold so precious were doing, here's your answer right here... for what it's worth...
There's something happening here
What it is is EXACTLY clear
From A Movement Too Big to Fail | Common Dreams by Chris Hedges:
The truth of America is understood only when you listen to voices in our impoverished rural enclaves, prisons and the urban slums, when you hear the words of our unemployed, those who have lost their homes or cannot pay their medical bills, our elderly and our children, especially the quarter of the nation’s children who depend on food stamps to eat, and all who are marginalized. There is more reality expressed about the American experience by the debt-burdened young men and women protesting in the parks than by all the chatter of the well-paid pundits and experts that pollutes the airwaves.
What kind of nation is it that spends far more to kill enemy combatants and Afghan and Iraqi civilians than it does to help its own citizens who live below the poverty line? What kind of nation is it that permits corporations to hold sick children hostage while their parents frantically bankrupt themselves to save their sons and daughters? What kind of nation is it that tosses its mentally ill onto urban heating grates? What kind of nation is it that abandons its unemployed while it loots its treasury on behalf of speculators? What kind of nation is it that ignores due process to torture and assassinate its own citizens? What kind of nation is it that refuses to halt the destruction of the ecosystem by the fossil fuel industry, dooming our children and our children’s children?
“America,” Langston Hughes wrote, “never was America to me.”

People have the power.
The American Dream is really all about luck. My friend Lady luck can pull anyone out of obscurity and make them something bigger than what they started up to be...
It's really sad to read and hear stories from people who actually believe their rise to fame had something to do with hard they worked. It's just coincidental if they worked hard at. The bottom line then when that "contact" is made, it's all about a flip of the coin. Somebody loses when somebody wins.
8 kids, no $ and an opportunity is all my dad needed. oh yeah, that and his hard work and integrity. 50 years later we're still in business, making friends and serving the needs of the local community.
The 'luck' you percieve is the land of opportunity called America. While it may tarnish, dent, and erode, it is still the ore to be mined by those willing to toil, dig, and cultivate. An education, perserverance and a belief in one's self are the tools of any trade that can be mastered and administered in our society.
Ask any farmer what he gets without sowing seed, fertilizing, weeding, watering and harvesting. Zilch.
Are there setbacks? yup. Is there corruption? yup. Can it be changed? yup. Are we the ones we've been waiting for? We'll see.
@I'm Right Here with Lady Luck - sure, luck plays a role. But that assumes somewhat even odds. When the game is rigged 99 to 1, that doesn't take luck -- it takes a miracle.
@SONY - Thanks. Seems like a fair response to the Luck comment, if we read that right. Your Dad faced a more level playing field back in the old folkie days.
btw, we updated this post to include a file photo that we posted during the Gigs For the Gulf crisis (which is still a crisis, incidentally).
If not us, who???
"somebody loses when somebody wins"
That false premise is what defines modern day hopeless thinking around the world. The notion that the economy is a zero sum game where everything occurs in a vacuum is ridiculous.
While capitalism has some very serious problems (mostly as a result of human nature I believe), it is still the best economic system in the world.
Because the end result of all other socialistic regimes is ultimately a police state. Economic "fairness" is enforced with the barrel of a gun. See Cuba & North Korea as examples.
Is there a middle ground?
But when the government controls anything, it reduces personal human freedom by definition.
I'm still waiting to hear what the actual agenda is with the 'Occupy' crowds.
'Stop greed!' - a platitude
'Economic justice' - a platitude
Very interesting times we're living in...where is it all heading?
I think I'll go listen to 'The Way' and get back to the peace where I belong...
V oicing
O ut
T o
E veryone
I want to live in a world
Where the truth is the truth
Where we don't go to court
To try the burden of proof
I want to deal with the man
Who's handshake is firm
Who's promise is held
In the strength of his word
I want a system that's fair
To both the bold and the meek
To the rich and the poor
It's this that I seek
Can we continue to abort the stand
Our fathers took to build this land
Can we turn our back on justice
Can we turn our back on faith
Can we tun our back on liberty
Lord help us for goodness sake
I want to help my neighbor
Whoever he is
Wherever he goes
As long as he lives
I want to love my family
In a world that is safe
In a world that is free
Not alone in a cave
I want to live with the law
Do what is right
Walk all the streets
In the middle of the night
Can we continue to abort the stand
Our fathers took to build this land
Can we turn our back on justice
Can we turn our back on faith
Can we tun our back on liberty
Lord help us for goodness sake
I want to cheer the parade
Around central square
Fish alone on the docks
Breath in clean air
I want a resolution
To conflict and pain
That won't come about
By the bombs from a plane
I want a compromise
Along the borders of hate
A repentance of hearts
Before its too late
Can we continue to abort the stand
Our fathers took to build this land
Can we turn our back on justice
Can we turn our back on faith
Can we tun our back on liberty
Lord help us for goodness sake
10/15/02 & 8/13/03
@Jonathan - Don't know agenda of OWS???
Well, as many a pundit has stated, anyone expressing confusion about why these protests are occurring is almost certainly someone invested in keeping things status quo.
1 in 5 of every child in US in poverty?
real unemployment/underemployment 20%+?
11% of all homes are vacant. 19 million+.
So which of Chris Hedges observations above reflect that capitalism works?
So more to the point, we do not, in fact, have a system of democratic capitalism.
What we have in place today is a plutocracy of oligopolies of corrupt, crony corporate welfare.
That's not a level playing field where all men are created equal able where an invisible hand helps achieve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.
Again, you are the 99% -- you just don't realize it. yet.
@SONY - nice. something you're recorded?
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